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how can you stand playing ranger in general


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i mean even in pve is tedious as watching grass grow. In wvw better not to speak about as we know no commander would dare to choose a ranger over anything else to be in an squad.

The single target thing + the wonky mechanics for soulbeast (druid is not a dps thing and core ranger after the nerfs to condi isn't exactly great) actually makes this class the most anoying and tedious class in all the game,

Why can't the soulbeast have a lot of gap closer (with daggers and pets) and a competitive damage in melee while merged?

As an simple example: Soulbeast could be the ony lass which can hit up to 5 targets in melee range with the dagger mh in a 360 radius. Simple and cool for most of the content with more than one enemy. I still think dagger OH needs a full rework as gap closer and interrupt.

Pet swap while merged = synergy with existing traits, so much fun.

Merged pet families = to have a cool and more importantly 20\30 seconds CD skills which are cool and impactful instead spammy junk in 5 sec CD would be also an amazing step in the good direction.

6 months? later we still have a unfinished class which feels like a constant pain to play even in pve.

i played the last living word episode and although the narrative and general mechanics were amazing playing it with the soulbeast was like a constant agony and i wont be playing until next living world thingy for the 3 hours that lasts. I can not even imagine playing the grindy winter festival.

It is simply too much despise for the thing it could have been but it's not.

you which are still playing for years...How do you do it?

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It's the same for every profession. PvP and WvW are nearly unchanged format wise since beta. I mean there have been a TON of improvements, but it's still the same old stuff on the same old maps. Just pop in and kill some noobs every now and then.

Wintersday is awesome. Do the JP and don't worry about achievements. Toypacalypse is like taking a nice hot bubble bath... you'd have to have a crowbar stuck in your brain to fail it, and breaking toys is fun.

I enjoy the game to keep waiting for the next LS. Exploring the new maps is fun, and I mostly ignore APs these days.

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@anduriell.6280 said:As an simple example: Soulbeast could be the ony lass which can hit up to 5 targets in melee range with the dagger mh in a 360 radius. Simple and cool for most of the content with more than one enemy.

I'm not sure this is what you meant, but I think the idea that you could cleave up to 5 targets while merged on all melee weapons would be an interesting mechanic to add to Soulbeast. For ranged weapons, perhaps give axe extra ricochets. Short- and longbow should pierce by default, so not sure on those.

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I am enjoying ranger and have been since start. It is viable in all game modes I play: Fractals, Raids, Open world and PvP.

For PvE in general i play either druid or soulbeast, both condi or power. In PvP I usually play core GS/LB for the funzies.

Also, using the plethora of other characters when asked.

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Playing Condi-SB in PvE and I never enjoyed my Ranger as much as I do now since a couple of issues are fixed and Stances became cool.

I don't say everything is perfect, and I agree all those Traits affecting pet swap or Signet truly feel a bit wonky as a SB, overall SB is a very fun upgrade for me, since I hardly got any fun out of Druid (in PvE) and played the barebones trapper ranger too long.

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To answer the question how i can stand with ranger?Well... I have all professions and i play all of them quiet when i feel like it. If i feel off from some ranger mechanic i play something else until a new update comes along. Every story i do with my main, for emotional amd practical reasons.Whats drawing me always to this profession is the theme and the flexability. I am not pushed off by the bugs, just annoyed how they make the flexible potential of this profession more rigid.Most tiresome is the absolute garbage plethora if pets we have.

Porcines: Good CC nice utility, garbage F2

Moas: Nice support, nice base concept, no healing power or boon duration what so ever.

Spiders: Good condi pets, slow hitter, F2 has no real utility

Canine: Good CC/utility, Slow hits, fast misses

Devourers: Nice concept, garbage AA, CC is good but horrible for melee players, dmg is abyssmally bad

Birds: More or less usable, but do not have same level as expac pets

Etc etc. I could go on.

Thats really the only thing i want them to work for ranger atm.Fix pet dmg, CD, utility etc. Make them all good flavorful choices for the specific role and please revamp them visually a little bit to give them some appeal. Last but not least: Please let us choose the pets nature and F2 is as long as it is in the same family. Just for visuals basically but it would be a nice QoL.

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Pretty simply, there aren't any other better candidates for mobile, ranged, damage dealers in this game. Granted it's not the optimal group PvE setup, but it's effective in both PvP and WvW roaming, and open world, for what mentioning that is worth.

Besides that, I've leveled and put numerous hours into every class. The ones I have stuck with the most are Ranger, Engineer, Mesmer, and Warrior, with Rev and Necro for "loot tagging."

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i only play ranger atm. its wide range of utility and different playstile possibilities make me want to do it. multiple target burst, condi, healer, petmaster with all the pets and their possibilities to use their different skills and tools put me often in a situation to be the person who makes a difference in a party. be it pve or pvp, wvw no matter what. cant complain, it has become my main profession.

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Anduriell let's become friends in game, add me. I'm positive I can show you all good things in game and make a smile on your face for christmas this year. And maybe, just maybe, after all those years of yelling and screaming on forums how extremely awful your life as a ranger is, you might just see light at the end of the tunnel. I can show you the way!

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I play my ranger mostly in WvW when I don't feel like figuring out the new meta for my usual mains, which happens a lot these days. Fun and easy play style.. pew pew.She's not very helpful to the zerg so i generally don't join the squad and tend to roam a lot.

She's also good for quick pve runs in the open world if I feel like doing HoT events, etc. Not the best class, but she doesn't require much thinking and gets the job done. I probably wouldn't use her in raids or dungeons if I bothered with that content.

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@Grim West.3194 said:I play my ranger mostly in WvW when I don't feel like figuring out the new meta for my usual mains, which happens a lot these days. Fun and easy play style.. pew pew.She's not very helpful to the zerg so i generally don't join the squad and tend to roam a lot.

She's also good for quick pve runs in the open world if I feel like doing HoT events, etc. Not the best class, but she doesn't require much thinking and gets the job done. I probably wouldn't use her in raids or dungeons if I bothered with that content.

In other words you're a bearbow that don't know or want to play the class to its potential. Ranger is generally really strong atm.

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@Lazze.9870 said:

@Grim West.3194 said:I play my ranger mostly in WvW when I don't feel like figuring out the new meta for my usual mains, which happens a lot these days. Fun and easy play style.. pew pew.She's not very helpful to the zerg so i generally don't join the squad and tend to roam a lot.

She's also good for quick pve runs in the open world if I feel like doing HoT events, etc. Not the best class, but she doesn't require much thinking and gets the job done. I probably wouldn't use her in raids or dungeons if I bothered with that content.

In other words you're a bearbow that don't know or want to play the class to its potential. Ranger is generally really strong atm.

Yep, guilty as charged. Except the bear.

I play the game to have fun. You have a problem with that? Tough.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Ranger has issues but other classes have them too and some are even worse.

I play condi ranger, easy rotations, good dmg, good survivability. Use it for Open world stuff and for fractals. With the pet skills you have at least some condi aoe there.

In sPvP I switched to LB/GS, condi is just no longer viable for me there. Having a lot of fun though with zerk ranger in sPvP.I don't play WvW, since it's not the most amazing game mode imo and because my main is not welcome there.

But I also finally have given up trying to micromanage my petswap and pet abilities etc. I am now just staying on my dmg condi pet in fractals and my smokescale in PvP. Feels far less annoying if you just forget about that tedious mechanic.In fractals, I know when I have to expect dmg, so I can react 30seconds+ before something hits the group and I can swap to my heal pet, in PvP it's very difficult to make these assumptions, so most of the time I only use one pet, which is truly a waste of potential there.

Eidt: Ranger means Soulbeast in this comment

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LOLRanger is one of the most fun classes to play...I've been soloing champions with ranger since before champions had champion chests, just because it was fun to solo that hard mob.Ranger is still my go to class when i need to solo harsh content, and don't have to use a specific class (like helping friends do HoT hero challenges). I soloed most if not all Hero challenges in HoT with ranger (core ranger, not drood btw).

If you're playing in a group setting, druid will probably be more requested than Soulbeast or core ranger. But if you're playing for dps, Ranger is still probably the most flexible class, with a very viable power build (especially now with GS buffs) and condi build (won't be BiS for the most part, but still very decent, and with a ton of cc)The "gotta catch them all" aspect of ranger adds a new dimension of gameplay through collecting pets.And it's probably the best Underwater fighter in the game (especially if you have the shark).After you learn to use the class decently, the pet swapping becomes magic, and you know you have two reliable sources of cc in pvp, or a tank in pve, or a buff to your own stats if you're a soulbeast.

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ranger doesn't really have to work hard to be good and only those who don't know or understand what the Ranger brings still complains about it. I hear it occasionally in PvP but it just goes to show how uneducated about the profession those people are.

In PvP:-core ranger brings great damage and utility-druid is one of, if not THE, best bunkers-soulbeast also brings great damage and a changed playstyle from core rangerin Raids:-at least 1 Druid is needed, Always-condi core ranger is still extremely strong-condi soulbeast is also very strong and in the top 10 dps classes, it's also probably the only condi class that doesn't need further nerfs-I would like to see more damage modifiers added to soulbeast so that a true power dps build can be usedin WvW:-core ranger roaming-backline core ranger sniping in zergs-tanky druid support-tanky druid or soulbeast frontliner

The only thing i want added to ranger is a good power build because i, personally, got bored of playing condi ranger all the time. Outside of that ranger is in the best position it's ever been and is desired in every game mode. All of that is based on a player being willing to modify their playstyle to fit the situation.

edit: i would also like to see a good condi build for PvP. so far i haven't found a PvP condi build that works well beyond Gold2 or 3

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I can stand playing ranger because I can theorycraft builds and not get bored with the set up. The best thing about ranger is its versatility. I know that people will argue otherwise but rangers have so many options for survival that running either power, condi, or hybrid ranger really doesn't matter. And we're a pretty chill and laidback bunch, too. It's rare to meet a ranger who's salty about everything.

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@Grim West.3194 said:

@Grim West.3194 said:I play my ranger mostly in WvW when I don't feel like figuring out the new meta for my usual mains, which happens a lot these days. Fun and easy play style.. pew pew.She's not very helpful to the zerg so i generally don't join the squad and tend to roam a lot.

She's also good for quick pve runs in the open world if I feel like doing HoT events, etc. Not the best class, but she doesn't require much thinking and gets the job done. I probably wouldn't use her in raids or dungeons if I bothered with that content.

In other words you're a bearbow that don't know or want to play the class to its potential. Ranger is generally really strong atm.

Yep, guilty as charged. Except the bear.

I play the game to have fun. You have a problem with that? Tough.

Tough..? No, I just say it as I see it. You're wording it as "not the best class" when it's a staple of pve raid/fractal runs. You don't care to gear it up for that content, which is completely fine, but that isn't a class issue. OP thinks there is a class issue, though.

Point being, you can roam around open world pve with a PP deadeye thief and play in a similarly mindless fashion. Doesn't say a lot about the class.

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@Lazze.9870 said:Point being, you can roam around open world pve with a PP deadeye thief and play in a similarly mindless fashion. Doesn't say a lot about the class.

While you can play the ranger in a mindless fashion, that doesn't mean you have to or that everyone does. My twin 10 y/o daughters play spam rangers because that's all they can do given the limited amount of time they play. I enjoy using the ranger to it's fullest and it's quite fun, fun being the point of the game. :)

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@DeadTreeJig.6714 said:

@"Lazze.9870" said:Point being, you can roam around open world pve with a PP deadeye thief and play in a similarly mindless fashion. Doesn't say a lot about the class.

While you
play the ranger in a mindless fashion, that doesn't mean you have to or that everyone does. My twin 10 y/o daughters play spam rangers because that's all they can do given the limited amount of time they play. I enjoy using the ranger to it's fullest and it's quite fun, fun being the point of the game. :)

Again, "Not the best class, but she doesn't require much thinking and gets the job done. I probably wouldn't use her in raids or dungeons if I bothered with that content." is a poor choice of words for a class that is a staple in that kind of content when you can simply say "I play a mindless build in open world because it works".

It's irrelevant to OP's agenda about the class being bad.

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