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Newish player... living world seasons content?

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Hey,I purchased GW2 around the time when it came out but not played since, I was thinking about picking up either GW2 expansions or another MMO such as FF XIV. I've read somewhere that if I purchase the two GW2 expansions available I still need to buy living world seasons, is this corrent and if so how much would it cost for all the seasons?


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Yes, they need to be bought separately.
You get the episodes free if you log in while they are active (So, if you've logged in now, you should have Season 4 Episode One unlocked for free.)Season 2 and 3 cost 200 gems per episode (Season 3 has 6 episodes, not sure about Season 2), but there are usually discount packages if you buy the whole set at once. You can check in the Gem Store under Upgrades, I believe, to see what's available.

As to what the actual monetary cost would be, that depends what country you are in, and whether you plan to buy gems with real money or exchange in-game gold for part or all of the gems you need. At the moment, you get 1600 gems for $20 USD.

(Season 1 is not available because it was 'live' but there's a cinematic after you finish the core story that gives a synopsis of what happened.)

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It's better to buy the Season 2 & 3 complete packs from the Upgrades section of the gem store - you get a discount compared to buying each episode individually.

Season 2 costs 1,280 gems and Season 3 is 960 gems. So 2,240 all together. As Cragga said what that costs in real money depends on the currency you're using.

One thing to consider is you can convert gold into gems. 2,240 gems currently costs 593g so it's not cheap, but if you can't or don't want to use real money the option is there. Or you can do part gold and part real money.

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Just a tip: HoT is on sale at cdkeys.com for €11,39, which saves you almost €20 to spent on season 2 & 3. Start with that and wait for an equally excellent PoF sale.Some on the forum frown on third party sites selling keys, and some even warn against them. All I know is I've been buying from them (and others) for years without a single issue.

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NB. Couldn't find a rule disallowing commercial tips, mods have mercy :-)

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Can I advise against CD keys. They aren't an authorised retailer and it is unknown where they get their keys from (Anet themselves have stated they aren't an authorised retailer on these forums.) If something goes wrong with the serial key, you put your account at risk from any action Support decide needs to be taken.

I know a lot of ppl like to use them and generally things tend to be fine, but there is a high enough risk. Use the below link to find a retailer who has a good deal where you wont risk picking up a potentially dodgy key https://www.guildwars2.com/en-gb/retailers/#UnitedKingdom-physical

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@Goettel.4389 said:Just a tip: HoT is on sale at cdkeys.com for €11,39, which saves you almost €20 to spent on season 2 & 3. Start with that and wait for an equally excellent PoF sale.Some on the forum frown on third party sites selling keys, and some even warn against them. All I know is I've been buying from them (and others) for years without a single issue.

Join us!

NB. Couldn't find a rule disallowing commercial tips, mods have mercy :-)

This site isn't an authorized reseller, it's a key reseller. That means that the sources from where it buys it's keys are questionable. You might get a legit key and you might not, but the company isn't getting those keys from Anet. It is possible to get a key from that place and have your entire account banned. Please don't recommend sites that are not authorized sites, without mentioning this, because you're asking people to take a risk without notifying them that there is a risk.

Gold sellers often use stolen credit cards to buy accounts and sell the keys to resellers. When the account is charged back to Anet, they close the account. Even if the reseller sends you another key, your account with all your progress is closed and lost forever. In my opinion it is absolutely not worth the risk.

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@Goettel.4389 said:

..the sources from where it buys it's keys are questionable. You might get a legit key and you might notSource please.

You do know that its people just like you and me that sell the keys on cdkeys site right?So if I bought a bunch of keys sold them cheap then charged back the transaction I get all the money from selling keys and refunded the keys I bought for a nice profit.

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Always buy from trusted seller sites.CDkeys is basically a market place, you don’t know if the keys you are buying have been bought legitimately or with stolen details, it might be a small risk, but it is definitely a real risk. If there’s a risk don’t take it. It could cost your account.

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@Linken.6345 said:

..the sources from where it buys it's keys are questionable. You might get a legit key and you might notSource please.

You do know that its people just like you and me that sell the keys on cdkeys site right?So if I bought a bunch of keys sold them cheap then charged back the transaction I get all the money from selling keys and refunded the keys I bought for a nice profit.

True, you can theoretically do that. The person is asking for sources that it actually happened with this specific reseller. I have looked myself in the past and couldnt find any. Maybe they have an excellent service to help out in such situations, or keep a key in stock for a few weeks before reselling it, just to prevent issues like this.

You are correct that buying through an official reseller is much more advisable and reliable. But knowing the amount of risk someone is taking is very welcome information. Ghost stories are not.

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I think the question has been answered already.I'll just add one thing:Its worth it!If you're into the story its worth it a lot! The best parts of the story are mostly on the Living story chapters.If you're not into the story, you'll still get a lot of rewards from LS2 (like mawdrey) and access to a bunch of maps from LS3.

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You can also buy 1-2 single episodes, to try them, if you're not sure you'll like them or if you're short in gems/gold. The price of the bundle, for all the episodes, will be reduced according to the episodes you already have, but you'd lose the 20% of discount on every episode you already bought.Put it simply: every episode bought singularly costs 200 gems; the episodes you buy with the bundle (they could be 8, 7, 5, whatever) cost 160 gems each.

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