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Builds post patch


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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:You need to learn how to play the profession , you obviously aren't reading anything I've said.

You can play ANYTHING ANYWHERE, but that doesn't mean it's going to be effective.

Can I play Condi or hybrid in wvw ? Yes , is it a viable spec ?. No its not.

Thats just wrong. Condi and Hybrid is STILL viable. Do you need to make changes to your build or play style? Maybe. That doesnt change that they are STILL viable.

I now question your definition of viable. I can think of 3-4 hard counters now that no matter how you play it you can't win.

Will you kill the random zergling on his way back to the Zerg ? Sure. That's not what I'm looking for.

Example 1 is a permanent resis zerker/sbExample 2 is a dragon Hunter.Example 2 is a power Mesmer.

If any of them three are equally skilled you lose. It's just a build issue.

Pre nerf you always had the tools to adapt to these type of encounters.

What tools did we actually lose.

Idefender - badDisenchanter - badIdefender trait spawn -badChronoplasmia from godly to God aweful.Scepter is almost useless now.Losing the ability to shatter phantasms.

Anyways my point is there is absolutely less viable builds available now then before the Nerf.

Based on that, it seems like your build is shatter and do nothing until shatters are back up, although to be frank it's beyond easy to get enough illusions to shatter, in less time than to cast either utility phantasm. Sounds like you've been doing it wrong for 5 years though.

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So, "viable". Yeah, condi is viable. Axe still feels great. It just puts out less damage than before. But there's nothing okay about it when you compare condi mirage to power chrono in their current state: Better burst, better sustained damage, and better utility from power chrono. Power is taking over as the new meta in most (all?) game modes, is it not? It's not "okay", in my opinion, to leave Cry of Frustration the way it stands when you now have double ammo mind wrack. It's not okay to leave scepter skill 3 and jaunt with their pathetic condi damage either.

Condi is viable. But I think you're really reaching if you're trying to argue that it keeps up with power at this point. The confusion nerf really borked condi mirage, even if the playstyle remains intact. It just doesn't do enough damage anymore because significant portions of condi DPS still rely on broken confusion.

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@"AliamRationem.5172" said:So, "viable". Yeah, condi is viable. Axe still feels great. It just puts out less damage than before. But there's nothing okay about it when you compare condi mirage to power chrono in their current state: Better burst, better sustained damage, and better utility from power chrono. Power is taking over as the new meta in most (all?) game modes, is it not? It's not "okay", in my opinion, to leave Cry of Frustration the way it stands when you now have double ammo mind wrack. It's not okay to leave scepter skill 3 and jaunt with their pathetic condi damage either.

Condi is viable. But I think you're really reaching if you're trying to argue that it keeps up with power at this point. The confusion nerf really borked condi mirage, even if the playstyle remains intact. It just doesn't do enough damage anymore because significant portions of condi DPS still rely on broken confusion.

This guy kind of gets it. Ty

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:These two guys above me aren't even close to the truth.

The only proper weapon sets now are gs / sw/torch. Power set only.

Hybrid is dead , condition is dead across the board.

Can you play other builds and sets ? Yes. But you'll be underperforming.

Anet has narrowed all Mesmer builds into some sort of power variant.

As a hybrid mirage I agree the axe changes in particular have made a negative impact on the build.

The confusion changes are fine though - no problems wrecking power mesmers since that first patch. But the patch changing axe to all torment is painful and it's much easier for power mesmers to cleanse fewer conditions (nevermind less frequent vuln from staff as a cover condition). I'm still continuing because enjoy hybrid best, and so far am still able to hold my own most of the time, but have to repeatedly focus burst (pretty boring tbh) given it is primarily only 3 conditions (mostly torment with some bleed and a bit of burn) which are ridiculously easy to cleanse.

Power is certainly the strongest right now, but I wouldn't say hybrid is dead. I'm still alive and enjoying success with it despite the awful change to make axe all torment. Certainly not dead on mirage - give it a try. Roaming wvw is solid. pvp a little less secure but that's because hybrid suffers from the amulet stat restrictions - whereas in wvw you can customise exactly what you want. Depends on the skill of the players - many power mesmers play predictably which makes the burst very easy to counter unless they're +1/successfully gank you.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:These two guys above me aren't even close to the truth.

The only proper weapon sets now are gs / sw/torch. Power set only.

Hybrid is dead , condition is dead across the board.

Can you play other builds and sets ? Yes. But you'll be underperforming.

Anet has narrowed all Mesmer builds into some sort of power variant.

First, don't just paint with a broad brush like that, mention the game mode you're refering to. Second, congrats on derailing the thread with your irrelevant butthurtedness. We get it, you're mad your little niche got wrecked this time, sucks to be you. But PvP/PvE wise condi mirage kicks ass just about the same as it has for months now, with the welcome addition of Power Chrono to now decent DPS levels.

It's almost like, the game, like, goes through these..uh..phases, you know? Adapt.

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I can't find hide nor hair of an accepted support chrono build, so I've had to make my own.

Runes: LeadershipSigils: Concentration + Force

Illusions: Persistence of Memory, Phantasmal Haste, Phantasmal ForceInspiration: Medic's Feedback, Protected Phantasms, Illusionary InspirationChronomancer: All's Well That Ends Well, Improved Alacrity, Seize the Moment

Utilities: Signet of Inspiration, Well of Action, Well of RecallWeapons: Sword/Shield + Sword/X

It is a continuum split build. With Flow of Time and Seize the Moment, I have both quickness and alacrity every time I shatter. This means that, when I go to load up on boons with double casts of the Signet, I will always have alacrity and quickness to copy over. Once the clones build up, I can shatter them away for additional bursts of boons, meaning that I almost never lose momentum with this build.

A good secondary interaction comes from Persistence of Memory. The other traits mean that my phantasms always have quickness, might, and aegis, so every time I use a phantasms, I end up with those boons.

I don't know if this is the top-of-the-line super-efficient meta build, but it definitely succeeds at maintaining permanent quickness + alacrity for my team.

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@Eliavres.4910 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:These two guys above me aren't even close to the truth.

The only proper weapon sets now are gs / sw/torch. Power set only.

Hybrid is dead , condition is dead across the board.

Can you play other builds and sets ? Yes. But you'll be underperforming.

Anet has narrowed all Mesmer builds into some sort of power variant.

It's almost like, the game, like, goes through these..uh..phases, you know? Adapt.

It's like, almost, like really like, this ... Is the first time in 5 years the game has ever completely overhauled the profession core mechanics... Like, really hurr durr

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im running this atm


keep in mind that the editor did not update the changed traits etc, so its not exactly the same.

I know im loosing a bit burst dmg, because i run inspiration instead of domination, but its enough for most things. The extra condi clear makes it worth it.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:You need to learn how to play the profession , you obviously aren't reading anything I've said.

You can play ANYTHING ANYWHERE, but that doesn't mean it's going to be effective.

Can I play Condi or hybrid in wvw ? Yes , is it a viable spec ?. No its not.

Thats just wrong. Condi and Hybrid is STILL viable. Do you need to make changes to your build or play style? Maybe. That doesnt change that they are STILL viable.

I now question your definition of viable. I can think of 3-4 hard counters now that no matter how you play it you can't win.

Will you kill the random zergling on his way back to the Zerg ? Sure. That's not what I'm looking for.

Example 1 is a permanent resis zerker/sbExample 2 is a dragon Hunter.Example 2 is a power Mesmer.

If any of them three are equally skilled you lose. It's just a build issue.

Pre nerf you always had the tools to adapt to these type of encounters.

What tools did we actually lose.

Idefender - badDisenchanter - badIdefender trait spawn -badChronoplasmia from godly to God aweful.Scepter is almost useless now.Losing the ability to shatter phantasms.

Anyways my point is there is absolutely less viable builds available now then before the Nerf.

Here you go. This doesn't just effect 1 build. It effects everyone that chooses to use them.

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Idefender - badNo it is fairly decent aoe nuke with a nice long taunt. The Aoe will probably miss alot in PvP/WvW though but that taunt is nice.

Disenchanter - badIt might not remove conditions anymore but can strip a lot of boons and hits really hard.

Idefender trait spawn -badIt is now usable without messing up what phantasms you want to use. Aside form that its the same.

Chronoplasmia from godly to God aweful.*ChronophantasmaIt went from meh band aid phantasm generation to an amazing trait that strengthens up some of our hardest hitting attacks and has great synergy with a lot of traits.Your problem with it seems to be illusion generation for shatters. They added more clone generation and Phantasms turn into clones. As I said before, if you aren't generating enough illusions to shatter, that is on you.

Scepter is almost useless now.It always has been. They didn't change anything.

Losing the ability to shatter phantasms.They added more clone generation and Phantasms turn into clones. As I said before, if you aren't generating enough illusions to shatter, that is on you.

The real problem is , like I've stated. Many people are riding the Mirage bandwagon and could care less.Chrono is the clear winner of this patch. If anything Mirage got nerfs for PvP.

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@Levetty.1279 said:

Idefender - badNo it is fairly decent aoe nuke with a nice long taunt. The Aoe will probably miss alot in PvP/WvW though but that taunt is nice.

using hybrid or condition set there is pitiful dmg from that easy to avoid nuke , also the idefender would absorb large chunks of dmg, the cooldown on it is way to long for what it does now

Disenchanter - badIt might not remove conditions anymore but can strip a lot of boons and hits really hard.

it was extremely effective for removing conditions also stripping resistance of warriors that can keep reapplying it

Idefender trait spawn -badIt is now usable without messing up what phantasms you want to use. Aside form that its the same.

this trait was amazing if you are fighting any ranged power class , it could have been used for offensive and defensive , if you depended on your other phantasms more then you obviously would never use this trait

Chronoplasmia from godly to God aweful.*ChronophantasmaIt went from meh band aid phantasm generation to an amazing trait that strengthens up some of our hardest hitting attacks and has great synergy with a lot of traits.

here is your biggest error in judgement , with the old trait it allowed you to let your phantasms attack and shatter them , then they can attack again and you now have the choice to leave them up or shatter then again depending on the phantasms cooldown

Your problem with it seems to be illusion generation for shatters. They added more clone generation and Phantasms turn into clones. As I said before, if you aren't generating enough illusions to shatter, that is on you.

Blaming it on me without any real thought on the matter , ok lol

Scepter is almost useless now.It always has been. They didn't change anything.
Scepter was the best hybrid/condition mainhand if you know how to use it

Losing the ability to shatter phantasms.They added more clone generation and Phantasms turn into clones. As I said before, if you aren't generating enough illusions to shatter, that is on you.

The real problem is , like I've stated. Many people are riding the Mirage bandwagon and could care less.Chrono is the clear winner of this patch. If anything Mirage got nerfs for PvP.

Clear winner is Chrono in pvp and wvw?

Do you even play this game ?

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levetty sums it up nicely.All of you’re complaints stim from clone generation and how your condi/hybrid build won’t work. But to read about how great a Mesmer player you are, etc and see one of your biggest problems is clone generation to me makes it seems like1) you’re over exaggerating your skill level(yes I know you said you dueled pyro but he doesn’t remember and you’ve yet to show proof so that’s not evidence)2) you are refusing to adjust you build a littleOr 3) you got so used to spamming conditions on zerglings with little to no condi clear that now without confusion being overpowered they don’t drop immediately.

Now I could be wrong, I’m human after all, but good grief this patch helped Mesmer. And before you say I’m just another Mirage fanboi, no I hate Mirage- the spec to me feels unfinished and promotes condi usage in a similar play style to core condi which does nothing for me.

And to nip this in the bud, disenchanter is still good, for people without boons it hits like a truck. With boons it strips and still hits hard. If you’re worried about condition removal we have other options. mantra, null field, etc. if those aren’t enough for you change your build up and run inspiration, you’re guaranteed to have enough condi removal then.

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:levetty sums it up nicely.All of you’re complaints stim from clone generation and how your condi/hybrid build won’t work. But to read about how great a Mesmer player you are, etc and see one of your biggest problems is clone generation to me makes it seems like1) you’re over exaggerating your skill level(yes I know you said you dueled pyro but he doesn’t remember and you’ve yet to show proof so that’s not evidence)2) you are refusing to adjust you build a littleOr 3) you got so used to spamming conditions on zerglings with little to no condi clear that now without confusion being overpowered they don’t drop immediately.

Now I could be wrong, I’m human after all, but good grief this patch helped Mesmer. And before you say I’m just another Mirage fanboi, no I hate Mirage- the spec to me feels unfinished and promotes condi usage in a similar play style to core condi which does nothing for me.

And to nip this in the bud, disenchanter is still good, for people without boons it hits like a truck. With boons it strips and still hits hard. If you’re worried about condition removal we have other options. mantra, null field, etc. if those aren’t enough for you change your build up and run inspiration, you’re guaranteed to have enough condi removal then.

You can always just pm me for some friendly duels if you care to see just how good I am. Wvw or guildhall would be fine. I have changed my build multiple times. I just haven't found the one that's comparable the ones I was using before the Nerf.

I've outlined the exact reasons in detail. The changes they made are worse. Most that don't agree with me never used the traits/utilities I'm talking about in the first place.

They just use put together arguments that might sound good but when in game (wvw) it's a different story.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@Jace al Thor.6745 said:levetty sums it up nicely.All of you’re complaints stim from clone generation and how your condi/hybrid build won’t work. But to read about how great a Mesmer player you are, etc and see one of your biggest problems is clone generation to me makes it seems like1) you’re over exaggerating your skill level(yes I know you said you dueled pyro but he doesn’t remember and you’ve yet to show proof so that’s not evidence)2) you are refusing to adjust you build a littleOr 3) you got so used to spamming conditions on zerglings with little to no condi clear that now without confusion being overpowered they don’t drop immediately.

Now I could be wrong, I’m human after all, but good grief this patch helped Mesmer. And before you say I’m just another Mirage fanboi, no I hate Mirage- the spec to me feels unfinished and promotes condi usage in a similar play style to core condi which does nothing for me.

And to nip this in the bud, disenchanter is still good, for people without boons it hits like a truck. With boons it strips and still hits hard. If you’re worried about condition removal we have other options. mantra, null field, etc. if those aren’t enough for you change your build up and run inspiration, you’re guaranteed to have enough condi removal then.

You can always just pm me for some friendly duels if you care to see just how good I am. Wvw or guildhall would be fine. I have changed my build multiple times. I just haven't found the one that's comparable the ones I was using before the Nerf.

I've outlined the exact reasons in detail. The changes they made are worse. Most that don't agree with me never used the traits/utilities I'm talking about in the first place.

They just use put together arguments that might sound good but when in game (wvw) it's a different story.

Sure we could do that but, and I’m a little jaded, the times I have dueled or watched others duel to prove a point the loser will always stick with their opinion. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but doesn’t actually accomplish anything.

Thing is, I’ve used the skills and traits you’re talking about in WvW. Both pre and post patch. This patch actually got me to download and log back on after 3+ months of not being on. I have used disenchanter post patch, it’s a little different but it works. I think that defender has way to long of a cd for it to be usable but the effect has potential if the cd was shorter. I like the changes to chronophantasma, my only gripe is now that they are permenant the included daze needs to be removed as it takes too long to cycle through but it’s highly usable.

As far as clone production you’ve yet to actually address why you are having issues. With the changes to both GS(traited) and Staff phantasms you get two clones out of one skill. Not only that but with alacrity being a boon you can run improved alacrity and get 5 seconds of 50% recharge with one full shatter and 20% boon duration. That’s a stronger recharge than the 33% we had and with proper timing you can have a very high uptime of it. That relates to having more shatters and more clones up so clone generation isn’t a problem because you have to change your utilities around.

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@Jace al Thor.6745 said:

@Jace al Thor.6745 said:levetty sums it up nicely.All of you’re complaints stim from clone generation and how your condi/hybrid build won’t work. But to read about how great a Mesmer player you are, etc and see one of your biggest problems is clone generation to me makes it seems like1) you’re over exaggerating your skill level(yes I know you said you dueled pyro but he doesn’t remember and you’ve yet to show proof so that’s not evidence)2) you are refusing to adjust you build a littleOr 3) you got so used to spamming conditions on zerglings with little to no condi clear that now without confusion being overpowered they don’t drop immediately.

Now I could be wrong, I’m human after all, but good grief this patch helped Mesmer. And before you say I’m just another Mirage fanboi, no I hate Mirage- the spec to me feels unfinished and promotes condi usage in a similar play style to core condi which does nothing for me.

And to nip this in the bud, disenchanter is still good, for people without boons it hits like a truck. With boons it strips and still hits hard. If you’re worried about condition removal we have other options. mantra, null field, etc. if those aren’t enough for you change your build up and run inspiration, you’re guaranteed to have enough condi removal then.

You can always just pm me for some friendly duels if you care to see just how good I am. Wvw or guildhall would be fine. I have changed my build multiple times. I just haven't found the one that's comparable the ones I was using before the Nerf.

I've outlined the exact reasons in detail. The changes they made are worse. Most that don't agree with me never used the traits/utilities I'm talking about in the first place.

They just use put together arguments that might sound good but when in game (wvw) it's a different story.

Sure we could do that but, and I’m a little jaded, the times I have dueled or watched others duel to prove a point the loser will always stick with their opinion. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but doesn’t actually accomplish anything.

Thing is, I’ve used the skills and traits you’re talking about in WvW. Both pre and post patch. This patch actually got me to download and log back on after 3+ months of not being on. I have used disenchanter post patch, it’s a little different but it works. I think that defender has way to long of a cd for it to be usable but the effect has potential if the cd was shorter. I like the changes to chronophantasma, my only gripe is now that they are permenant the included daze needs to be removed as it takes too long to cycle through but it’s highly usable.

As far as clone production you’ve yet to actually address why you are having issues. With the changes to both GS(traited) and Staff phantasms you get two clones out of one skill. Not only that but with alacrity being a boon you can run improved alacrity and get 5 seconds of 50% recharge with one full shatter and 20% boon duration. That’s a stronger recharge than the 33% we had and with proper timing you can have a very high uptime of it. That relates to having more shatters and more clones up so clone generation isn’t a problem because you have to change your utilities around.

For 1 the point of the friendly duel is to show you am not exaggerating my skill and knowledge of the profession.

2 I have very good clone production, my problem and everyone else's is that if your running hybrid/condition gear on a chrono you are counting the days till the useless phantasms become clones. On top of that. Not adding a counter for phantasms in the UI makes it that much harder to keep track of them. I for one would like to see them add dots that show how many phantasms are out and maybe have them show on a timer how long before they become a clone.

That change alone would make this seems less awkward. If your trying to build 3 clone shatters that aren't spam. But solid timed targeted shatters this would go a long way towards making it seem more of a planned change rather then a hack redesign.

3 in hybrid/condition gear most all of the phantasms attacks are lack luster.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@Jace al Thor.6745 said:levetty sums it up nicely.All of you’re complaints stim from clone generation and how your condi/hybrid build won’t work. But to read about how great a Mesmer player you are, etc and see one of your biggest problems is clone generation to me makes it seems like1) you’re over exaggerating your skill level(yes I know you said you dueled pyro but he doesn’t remember and you’ve yet to show proof so that’s not evidence)2) you are refusing to adjust you build a littleOr 3) you got so used to spamming conditions on zerglings with little to no condi clear that now without confusion being overpowered they don’t drop immediately.

Now I could be wrong, I’m human after all, but good grief this patch helped Mesmer. And before you say I’m just another Mirage fanboi, no I hate Mirage- the spec to me feels unfinished and promotes condi usage in a similar play style to core condi which does nothing for me.

And to nip this in the bud, disenchanter is still good, for people without boons it hits like a truck. With boons it strips and still hits hard. If you’re worried about condition removal we have other options. mantra, null field, etc. if those aren’t enough for you change your build up and run inspiration, you’re guaranteed to have enough condi removal then.

You can always just pm me for some friendly duels if you care to see just how good I am. Wvw or guildhall would be fine. I have changed my build multiple times. I just haven't found the one that's comparable the ones I was using before the Nerf.

I've outlined the exact reasons in detail. The changes they made are worse. Most that don't agree with me never used the traits/utilities I'm talking about in the first place.

They just use put together arguments that might sound good but when in game (wvw) it's a different story.

Sure we could do that but, and I’m a little jaded, the times I have dueled or watched others duel to prove a point the loser will always stick with their opinion. Which isn’t necessarily a bad thing, but doesn’t actually accomplish anything.

Thing is, I’ve used the skills and traits you’re talking about in WvW. Both pre and post patch. This patch actually got me to download and log back on after 3+ months of not being on. I have used disenchanter post patch, it’s a little different but it works. I think that defender has way to long of a cd for it to be usable but the effect has potential if the cd was shorter. I like the changes to chronophantasma, my only gripe is now that they are permenant the included daze needs to be removed as it takes too long to cycle through but it’s highly usable.

As far as clone production you’ve yet to actually address why you are having issues. With the changes to both GS(traited) and Staff phantasms you get two clones out of one skill. Not only that but with alacrity being a boon you can run improved alacrity and get 5 seconds of 50% recharge with one full shatter and 20% boon duration. That’s a stronger recharge than the 33% we had and with proper timing you can have a very high uptime of it. That relates to having more shatters and more clones up so clone generation isn’t a problem because you have to change your utilities around.

For 1 the point of the friendly duel is to show you am not exaggerating my skill and knowledge of the profession.

2 I have very good clone production, my problem and everyone else's is that if your running hybrid/condition gear on a chrono you are counting the days till the useless phantasms become clones. On top of that. Not adding a counter for phantasms in the UI makes it that much harder to keep track of them. I for one would like to see them add dots that show how many phantasms are out and maybe have them show on a timer how long before they become a clone.

That change alone would make this seems less awkward. If your trying to build 3 clone shatters that aren't spam. But solid timed targeted shatters this would go a long way towards making it seem more of a planned change rather then a hack redesign.

3 in hybrid/condition gear most all of the phantasms attacks are lack luster.

1) I understand what you’re saying, I was speaking from what I’ve experienced in similar situations.

2) I ran full condi the last two night I’ve not had an issue with clone generation. I’ve dueled against other mesmers and they’ve not had issues with clone generation. Waiting on phantasms to summon clones was not a problem. This seems to be more and issue you and a handful of other people have, not everyone’s.Now I will agree with you it would be a nice QoL improvement to have some kind of counter to allow for phantasm numbers/time left till clone. However, how they could implement that without cluttering up the screen even more so than it is with the AoE and other crud Anet keeps introducing.

3) We’ve never had good condi phantasms.Pistol still triggers bleeds, iMage hits for some nice burning, but the change of iWarlock to not have a damage modifier does hurt hybrid builds to an extent but I’m partial to the change. Sw, GS, focus and shield never paired well with condi but never really have.

It boils down to Anet forcing out of one phase(condi) into a power phase which they do after periods of time because complaints against one or the other builds to a point were the forums are nothing but a QQ feast. The only thing different is that they introduced a fairly drastic over haul to a mechanic and they’ve never really done so.

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@ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

@"moutzaheadin.4029" said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

I quick scan of the forum would solve that.

As for me being angry lol ? Not even a little. I'm sitting at work reading the forums.

The whole point of this is simple. Without breaking down the reasons why. (Which I have over and over)

Power mirage is the best spec available to the Mesmer profession. It has no peers.

Before the Nerf/changes this was debatable.

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@ArmageddonAsh.6430 said:

@"moutzaheadin.4029" said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

No you see his very specific hybrid shatter chrono build doesn't work anymore with the exact weapons, traits and skills he wants to use and the whole class is ruined and everybody agrees.

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@Levetty.1279 said:

@"moutzaheadin.4029" said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

No you see his very specific hybrid shatter chrono build doesn't work anymore with the exact weapons, traits and skills he wants to use and the whole class is ruined and everybody agrees.

Your completely exaggerating. No one said the profession is completely ruined. The problem is again this didn't effect the majority bandwagon mirage group. So because it doesn't effect the shiney new expansion spec , less people care about the changes to utilities/traits/gear they they are not using.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

No you see his very specific hybrid shatter chrono build doesn't work anymore with the exact weapons, traits and skills he wants to use and the whole class is ruined and everybody agrees.

Your completely exaggerating. No one said the profession is completely ruined. The problem is again this didn't effect the majority bandwagon mirage group. So because it doesn't effect the shiney new expansion spec , less people care about the changes to utilities/traits/gear they they are not using.

No the problem is that if effected your very specific build and you don't want to adept it in anyway.

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@moutzaheadin.4029 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

No you see his very specific hybrid shatter chrono build doesn't work anymore with the exact weapons, traits and skills he wants to use and the whole class is ruined and everybody agrees.

Your completely exaggerating. No one said the profession is completely ruined. The problem is again this didn't effect the majority bandwagon mirage group. So because it doesn't effect the shiney new expansion spec , less people care about the changes to utilities/traits/gear they they are not using.

You said this, you said it was gutted about a week ago. Just because someone isn't using a gimmicky Scepter/Torch and Staff shatterspam chrono build doesn't mean they're just some bandwagoner, and if they are so what? They still play the class, their opinions are still valid and yours is not more so because you've been roaming for 5 years on some trick build.

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@Levetty.1279 said:

@moutzaheadin.4029 said:my problem and everyone else's....

Who is the "everyone else" You seem to be the only one that is hugely angry about the changes. Most of the rest of us are quite happy with them, especially now with the changes to Phantasms

No you see his very specific hybrid shatter chrono build doesn't work anymore with the exact weapons, traits and skills he wants to use and the whole class is ruined and everybody agrees.

Your completely exaggerating. No one said the profession is completely ruined. The problem is again this didn't effect the majority bandwagon mirage group. So because it doesn't effect the shiney new expansion spec , less people care about the changes to utilities/traits/gear they they are not using.

No the problem is that if effected your very specific build and you don't want to adept it in anyway.

Well not all together true as I have adapted. I'm still playing right ?. I feel like I definitely have less choices now.

The last thing I feel like doing is jumping on the mirage power bandwagon. But it's so much easier to play I might as well right ?

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