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Revenant upcoming changes civil discussion


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nice changes to rev for tpvp, like 5cleanse condi and the reduced hammer upceepcostsFE is a bit high cd but ok , theres so much projectile block ... i can deal with itOverall good direction, and a buff for my new build with REnegade traitline ,never used theese passive traits ^^ so i dont care aboutGood job Anetnow fix shortbow and Renegade skills plzty have a nice weekend ;)

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More meaningless changes to entice people to play a subpar class in PvP/WvW. Are revs the only profession with the majority of its PvP/WvW split skills STRONGER than PvE counterparts? Am I the only person that thinks that's F'd up? How about you give up on PvP/WvW balance because you suck at it and make Revs fun and rewarding to play in PvE. I hope that was civil enough.

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The renegade changes are still throwing darts randomly. So far nothing has been hitting anything.

I think Jailis changes are decent. Problem is they did not address inspiring reinforcement and rite of the great dwarf energy costs, so sadly Jalis it is still dead in the water.

Kinda same for mallyx. Both changes are nearly obsolete. They are better than nothing but far off from making condi rev viable in PvP.

Soothing bastion 60 CD. LOOOOOOOOL. This skill is garbage tier as is.

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@otto.5684 said:Kinda same for mallyx. Both changes are nearly obsolete. They are better than nothing but far off from making condi rev viable in PvP.

It is viable.

Mace/sword & staff mallyx/shiro (Cor/Invo/Ret) or mace/shield & staff bunker is perform really good.There are much more than few condi revenant in pvp. The ones I saw was really good, and did better that power ones. Tbh I was inspired by some of them, and trying to be that good too.

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@SirTomato.3627 said:

@otto.5684 said:Kinda same for mallyx. Both changes are nearly obsolete. They are better than nothing but far off from making condi rev viable in PvP.

It is viable.

Mace/sword & staff mallyx/shiro (Cor/Invo/Ret) or mace/shield & staff bunker is perform really good and keep me in 1600 rank atm. I believe i can go more high, but i don't have time to play that much.There are much more than few condi revenant in pvp. The ones I saw was really good, and did better that power ones. Tbh I was inspired by some of them, and trying to be that good too.

I play condi rev all the time, far more than power. It is not terrible, but far from competitive. I think the change to pain absorption is decent. At 30 energy it is still too expensive, especially when you need it. The other ones, are meh. Banished enchantment cost too much energy. It is only used if the target has resistance. Embrace darkness change is mote. No energy for it.

Nothing addresses any of the issues it had.

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About the changes made to Rev- I don't think they're particularly impactful. Essentially, power herald remains unchanged in both PvP and WvW roaming. Coalescence is a disappointment, I would have expected to see improvements to other hammer skills to make up for the big damage loss in zergs. Surging rune being removed in PvP, is a valid complaint but I don't think it's healthy to base an entire playstyle (or carry duels) just because you chose a specific rune. Leadership is a catch-all and it's what I use anyway, but how long before people complain that it's the best boon duration rune in the game?

But rev being essentially unchanged is GOOD- what really does matter is the changes being made to our counters. D/P and S/D thief getting shaved. Spellbreaker getting shaved. Druid getting shaved. Scourge getting lots of CD increases. Holosmith damage (and stab) getting nuked. That's not to say that Herald is going to run over these classes- it's not, and it still may not be the meta choice, but the playing field is gradually getting more level by taking other classes down to the level of rev and ele. The only thing that's really confusing is why Mesmer damage or at least the confounding suggestions/mantra of distraction oneshot from stealth hasn't gotten changed- or phantasm generation. But hey that's Anet and Mesmer, plus they just made the mes changes so I'm ok with them taking more time to evaluate this.

The one place rev really comes out ahead in PvP is the massive cooldown increases to the passive traits for every class. Power Herald runs absolutely none of these traits- no one runs retribution, soothing bastion sucks anyway. Passive traits have carried (or at least are used in meta builds in) classes like warrior (last stand, defy pain), thief (instant reflexes, upper hand, hard to catch, I would argue panic strike as well), guardian (hunter's determination), engi (self-regulating defenses, protection injection), ele (tempest defense, soothing ice, final shielding), ranger (protective ward, refined toxins, stoneform), and to a lesser extent necro (last gasp).

The only rev-specific thing that I'm disappointed to see is absolutely no increase in condi cleanse for our meta build., and the fact that Renegade is still, and will likely continue to be, complete garbage. Some things just never change.

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Forced Engagement: Reduced the energy cost from 25 to 10. Increased the cooldown from 10 seconds to 20 seconds in PvP and WvWSoothing Bastion: Increased the cooldown from 25 seconds to 60 seconds in PvP only

My sides. Maybe in about a year Forced Engagement will be changed like this a 3rd time, at which point it'll cost no energy and have a 40sec cd. People will be able to fire it off and not care when it misses instead of simply never using it.

I understand anet wants to cut down on passives, but changing Soothing Bastion like this just goes to show how much they know about Rev. In case someone from the team working on this is reading over things, I'll put the following in bold font to make sure it stands out. Soothing Bastion, even with a 25sec cd, was bad, often even leading to the user dying. No one uses this trait seriously, a grandmaster trait at that, and no one ever will until it no longer roots the user or is completely redesigned.

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@Arkaile.5604 said:Soothing Bastion, even with a 25sec cd, was bad, often even leading to the user dying. No one uses this trait seriously, a grandmaster trait at that, and no one ever will until it no longer roots the user or is completely redesigned.True. Condition damage bypass this bastion plus SB does not cleanse conditions. Foe applies condition, SB activates>> rev stands still in aoe dot + burning/bleeding to death for sure. SB killed me like this many times.I feel sorry for you WvW revenants. I have rank 12 in WvW, i don't know what builds you are running there, but CoR is amazing destructive skill. They took quickness from IO and they will take CoR dmg. /sad

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The key to the rev changes are not just the rev changes, but the changes to the entire game.

if these go through as advertised then we'll all have to wait and see once the dust settles

Besides the Hammer WvW only nerf (needed to happen years ago) Rev got nothing but buffs vs other classes nerfs

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@Jinks.2057 said:The key to the rev changes are not just the rev changes, but the changes to the entire game.

if these go through as advertised then we'll all have to wait and see once the dust settles

Besides the Hammer WvW only nerf (needed to happen years ago) Rev got nothing but buffs vs other classes nerfs

Are u fucking kidding me on hammer nerf??? Hammer rev in zerk fights Are the only think revs are even good for. If I choose to go hammer rev as a solo roamed I am already bumping myself from the start. So now nerf it even further into the ground??? Yea that sounds awesome. I am truly disheartened at the thought of them reducing the dmg to hammer....

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Power shiro could be meta again in PvP IF they nerf Mesmer and thief more. The changes and buffs to mallyx/dwarf were obviously blob focused since nobody is gonna solo roam on legends with no mobility and no invuln no matter how much they buff the condi cleanse.

Having said that the hammer nerfs were a joke because the damage would not be an issue IF they would fix the real problems, which are warrior winds of disenchantment and scourge corrupts. Hammer only came back to meta because of sheer amount of corrupts and boon removal making frontline herald no longer viable. By the same philosophy S/D thief should be nerfed into the ground but surprise surprise nothing was done about it.

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@Kenshu.3825 said:

@Jinks.2057 said:The key to the rev changes are not just the rev changes, but the changes to the entire game.

if these go through as advertised then we'll all have to wait and see once the dust settles

Besides the Hammer WvW only nerf (needed to happen years ago) Rev got nothing but buffs vs other classes nerfs

Are u kitten kidding me on hammer nerf??? Hammer rev in zerk fights Are the only think revs are even good for. If I choose to go hammer rev as a solo roamed I am already bumping myself from the start. So now nerf it even further into the ground??? Yea that sounds awesome. I am truly disheartened at the thought of them reducing the dmg to hammer....

The damage Hammer revs did in WvW was too much. It's been known for since they released HoT.

Now that Anet seems to be splitting skills between all three game modes you see hammer get deservedly nerfed.

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@Buran.3796 said:

Besides the Hammer WvW only nerf (needed to happen years ago) Rev got nothing but buffs vs other classes nerfs

That's like saying that it will be a wonderful patch for Guardians due they will buff the Spiritual Weapons. Can you figure how amazing will be? As amazing as being Rev in PvP.

You know how amazing it is ever single one of these posts get proved wrong after the player base gets a hold of a new patch?

Almost as amazing as the posters of said posts disappearing never to eat crow after being proved wrong.

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@Jinks.2057 said:

You know how amazing it is ever single one of these posts get proved wrong after the player base gets a hold of a new patch?

Almost as amazing as the posters of said posts disappearing never to eat crow after being proved wrong.

Yeah, that's why the automated monthly tournament is so full of buffed Revenants which made them unstoppable since PoF.

@Jinks.2057 said:

The damage Hammer revs did in WvW was too much. It's been known for since they released HoT.

Now that Anet seems to be splitting skills between all three game modes you see hammer get deservedly nerfed.

 CoR has an internal cooldown which prevents the same target to be busted from several Revs at the same time, and the only characters able to be killed by a single CoR  are  glass cannons designed to (oh, surprise!) burst people in a second (as some mesmer and thieve builds). I can't take seriously criticism about the hammer being "too much"  in a world in which Necro's wells and shades do melt  dozens of players at max range and can be spammed at will and no cost.
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@Buran.3796 said:

You know how amazing it is ever single one of these posts get proved wrong after the player base gets a hold of a new patch?

Almost as amazing as the posters of said posts disappearing never to eat crow after being proved wrong.

Yeah, that's why the automated monthly tournament is so full of buffed Revenants which made them unstoppable since PoF.

The damage Hammer revs did in WvW was too much. It's been known for since they released HoT.

Now that Anet seems to be splitting skills between all three game modes you see hammer get deservedly nerfed.
 CoR has an internal cooldown which prevents the same target to be busted from several Revs at the same time, and the only characters able to be killed by a single CoR  are  glass cannons designed to (oh, surprise!) burst people in a second (as some mesmer and thieve builds). I can't take seriously criticism about the hammer being "too much"  in a world in which Necro's wells and shades do melt  dozens of players at max range and can be spammed at will and no cost.

CoR does too much damage from that range vs that many people.

Your PvP statement makes zero sense since we are talking about a patch that hasn't been released yet

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@"Jinks.2057" said:

Your PvP statement makes zero sense since we are talking about a patch that hasn't been released yet

You said that all those post critizing the changes in PvP were proved wrong.Did the remotion of Equilibrium, Mutilate Defenses or the swiftness in Impossible Odds help to improve the status of core Rev, Herald or Renegade in PvP? The only sign of "proved wrong" that I saw was the massive backpedaling on ANet with the Phase Traversal change. And ANet reverted the change BECAUSE USERS IN THIS FORUM DID COMPLAIN about how unfair was to get our legs broken while other similar teleport skills in other classes as Judge's Intervention or Symbol of Blades remained the same. Tell me about zero senses.

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@Buran.3796 said:

@"Jinks.2057" said:

Your PvP statement makes zero sense since we are talking about a patch that hasn't been released yet

You said that all those post critizing the changes in PvP were proved wrong.Did the remotion of Equilibrium, Mutilate Defenses or the swiftness in Impossible Odds help to improve the status of core Rev, Herald or Renegade in PvP? The only sign of "proved wrong" that I saw was the massive backpedaling on ANet with the Phase Traversal change. And ANet reverted the change BECAUSE USERS IN THIS FORUM DID COMPLAIN about how unfair was to get our legs broken while other similar teleport skills in other classes as Judge's Intervention or Symbol of Blades remained the same. Tell me about zero senses.

You got 1 change reverted based on equality not balance


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