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New Legendary Dagger feedback

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@Lord Trejgon.2809 said:

@"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:Usually when I craft a legendary, I do it because I like the design of the weapon itself, and not just for the particle effects or auras. This dagger just feels a tad bit uninspired, mostly because it looks very similar in design to an already existing dagger, which is the Centurion's Claw.


I always thought Legendaries should feel unique in their design and stand out from the crowd, so I'm a bit disappointed that this is the first one that gives the impression that there were no unique ideas brought to the table, and so they just re-skinned another existing design and altered it slightly. Incinerator, by comparison, definitely feels more unique.

well after completing story of PoF people were demanding sohothin as craftable legendary sword...

would you call it uninspired and point out to fiery dragon sword from HoM too?

Yes, I would. Uninspired doesn't mean bad, it just means uninspired. Keep in mind these are legendary weapons, they are meant to be the most prestigious weapons in the game, so I will certainly call them uninspired when their design either looks average, or if it is just copying an already existing design in game.

point in case - the claw of khan-ur was in the lore before centurion's claw and for all we know it's not difficult to assuem centurions claw is same to the claw as fiery dragon sword is to sohothin/madgaer - a cheap copy made after legendary weapon for officers...

Lore has nothing to do with my thoughts on the design though. Taking an existing weapon, and simply changing textures to make it look more Charr-like and naming it after something famous doesn't suddenly redeem it in my eyes.

Myself I very like the design and will totally add it onto ever growing list of long term pursuits....

And that's perfectly fine, I'm sure there are plenty who will like it. I never said they couldn't and I have nothing against their tastes, I merely stated my own thoughts on the design, considering this was a feedback thread. ;)

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Thank God a legendary that won't blind me entirely because of the people that stack six auras on top of a character and think that color vomit is cute.

Actually the aura is one of the most noticable ones so far so...

Moot.Sunrise.Eternity.Bifrost.Shining Blade.Aurora. (Second worse culprit)Dreamer (Absolute worst of the bunch)

Yea, that aura is -totally- the most noticeable, mhm.

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Thank God a legendary that won't blind me entirely because of the people that stack six auras on top of a character and think that color vomit is cute.

Actually the aura is one of the most noticable ones so far so...

Moot.Sunrise.Eternity.Bifrost.Shining Blade.Aurora. (Second worse culprit)Dreamer (Absolute worst of the bunch)

Yea, that aura is -totally- the most noticeable, mhm.

Yes, yes it is. Do you even know what an aura is? Sunrise/Eternity/Twilight actually have a teeny-tiny aura effect, but the blade trail is enormous and obscures everything (which is why they are so noticable).

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Tenrai Senshi.2017" said:Keep in mind these are legendary weapons, they are meant to be the most prestigious weapons in the game

Not really. Legendary weapons are supposed to be your gold and material sink. There is 0 prestige in them from the start as all you need is money to create them. There is no challenge bound to them.

I never associated prestige with challenge to begin with. Perhaps others do, but I just see it as "these are the most high caliber/highest tier items".

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@Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:Keep in mind these are legendary weapons, they are meant to be the most prestigious weapons in the game

Not really. Legendary weapons are supposed to be your gold and material sink. There is 0 prestige in them from the start as all you need is money to create them. There is no challenge bound to them.

I never associated prestige with challenge to begin with. Perhaps others do, but I just see it as "these are the most high caliber/highest tier items".

We can call them endgame, I agree, but definitely not prestige.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Thank God a legendary that won't blind me entirely because of the people that stack six auras on top of a character and think that color vomit is cute.

Actually the aura is one of the most noticable ones so far so...

Moot.Sunrise.Eternity.Bifrost.Shining Blade.Aurora. (Second worse culprit)Dreamer (Absolute worst of the bunch)

Yea, that aura is -totally- the most noticeable, mhm.

Yes, yes it is. Do you even know what an aura is? Sunrise/Eternity/Twilight actually have a teeny-tiny aura effect, but the blade trail is enormous and obscures everything (which is why they are so noticable).

Yes I do know, and the point is, they are still obnoxious.


Whatever, they are still disgustingly bad. A mish of other either bright tones, or rich colors that just awkwardly stick out unless you conform your entire outfit around their theme.

The claw, you actually have the option to treat it as a practical part of your attire if you desire, or can utilize it as an actual legendary weapon. Those first gen weapons listed, and occasionally the ones that were sporadically released after the first gen (not all of them) were an absolute joke and a disgrace to actual armor designing.

But people eat up the sparkles, the bright wings, the carnival colors, or god atrocious spikes for their attire, so I am not surprised that, that particular crowd would be disappointed in this dagger. It's not for them, and I'm glad Anet has been giving us legendary options that is not just: 'party fun time, lookie my annoying legendary WHEEEEEE'

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@Lilyanna.9361 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Thank God a legendary that won't blind me entirely because of the people that stack six auras on top of a character and think that color vomit is cute.

Actually the aura is one of the most noticable ones so far so...

Moot.Sunrise.Eternity.Bifrost.Shining Blade.Aurora. (Second worse culprit)Dreamer (Absolute worst of the bunch)

Yea, that aura is -totally- the most noticeable, mhm.

Yes, yes it is. Do you even know what an aura is? Sunrise/Eternity/Twilight actually have a teeny-tiny aura effect, but the blade trail is enormous and obscures everything (which is why they are so noticable).

Yes I do know, and the point is, they are still obnoxious.


Whatever, they are still disgustingly bad. A mish of other either bright tones, or rich colors that just awkwardly stick out unless you conform your entire outfit around their theme.

The claw, you actually have the option to treat it as a practical part of your attire if you desire, or can utilize it as an actual legendary weapon. Those first gen weapons listed, and occasionally the ones that were sporadically released after the first gen (not all of them) were an absolute joke and a disgrace to actual armor designing.

But people eat up the sparkles, the bright wings, the carnival colors, or god atrocious spikes for their attire, so I am not surprised that, that particular crowd would be disappointed in this dagger. It's not for them, and I'm glad Anet has been giving us legendary options that is not just: 'party fun time, lookie my annoying legendary WHEEEEEE'

The majority opinion is of course that the flashiness/visibility of the Legendary is meant to be proportional to the time/resources invested in it.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that sentiment. I quite agree with it.

This dagger is wholly disappointing - especially the lack of a trail which makes it only really attractive to Thieves as they are the only ones to benefit from the projectile change while the classes that stabbity-stab with it get nothing.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@Lilyanna.9361 said:Thank God a legendary that won't blind me entirely because of the people that stack six auras on top of a character and think that color vomit is cute.

Actually the aura is one of the most noticable ones so far so...

Moot.Sunrise.Eternity.Bifrost.Shining Blade.Aurora. (Second worse culprit)Dreamer (Absolute worst of the bunch)

Yea, that aura is -totally- the most noticeable, mhm.

Yes, yes it is. Do you even know what an aura is? Sunrise/Eternity/Twilight actually have a teeny-tiny aura effect, but the blade trail is enormous and obscures everything (which is why they are so noticable).

Yes I do know, and the point is, they are still obnoxious.


Whatever, they are still disgustingly bad. A mish of other either bright tones, or rich colors that just awkwardly stick out unless you conform your entire outfit around their theme.

The claw, you actually have the option to treat it as a practical part of your attire if you desire, or can utilize it as an actual legendary weapon. Those first gen weapons listed, and occasionally the ones that were sporadically released after the first gen (not all of them) were an absolute joke and a disgrace to actual armor designing.

But people eat up the sparkles, the bright wings, the carnival colors, or god atrocious spikes for their attire, so I am not surprised that, that particular crowd would be disappointed in this dagger. It's not for them, and I'm glad Anet has been giving us legendary options that is not just: 'party fun time, lookie my annoying legendary WHEEEEEE'

The majority opinion is of course that the flashiness/visibility of the Legendary is meant to be proportional to the time/resources invested in it.

And there's absolutely nothing wrong with that sentiment. I quite agree with it. This dagger is wholly disappointing - especially the lack of a trail which makes it only really attractive to Thieves as they are the only ones to benefit from the projectile change.

Yes, what is listed above is completely and utterly my opinion. I will admit I am an overly picky fashion asshole, who won't build most of the legendaries because of their color scheme is hard to work with or because I don't feel to build a character solely around the weapon itself.

But, if I were on the other side of the fence, I would utterly agree that the dagger is very much underwhelming. Though, I am assuming Anet is testing waters with designs. ("Should we make it POP or should we mute this" etc.) Can't exactly be mad at them for switching things up.

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@"Lilyanna.9361" said:Can't exactly be mad at them for switching things up.

When "switching things up" in the eyes of most players means (in this case) change for the worse, then yes - I'd say there is a case to be made for being "mad" at them.

Which is why you see people getting fussy about the Claw, I reckon.

Seriously, at least give it a trail so I have a reason to go for it on my Warrior. >_>

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Lilyanna.9361" said:Can't exactly be mad at them for switching things up.

When "switching things up" in the eyes of most players means (in this case) change for the worse, then yes - I'd say there is a case to be made for being "mad" at them.

Which is why you see people getting fussy about the Claw, I reckon.

Seriously, at least give it a trail so I have a reason to go for it on my Warrior. >_>

Knowing them, I honestly wouldn't be surprised if they made a quick patch to put a trail in. They revamped things for the Minstrel and Predator, so it wouldn't be too far off if they made a quick fix somewhere for the trail.

Who knows at this point, knowing me I'd probably just build up to the precursor because I like the style of the daggers there without the gem look. I'm not sure yet. I'm still on the fence about it.

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@"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:Here is the new dagger.

I dunno it looks like design for the dagger itself is like a normal quality exotic with mismatched colored gems. The particle effect looks like stink trails coming off the character and the footfalls look like mud? Lol I dunno I don't like it, I was really looking forward to it.

I think this exotic from spvp has a better base design then the new legendary.


I’m generally critical about this stuff myself, and we all have our own opinions, but at least try to make some effort here...

“Stink trail”... If you can’t identify the particles as smoldering trails then idk... The entire effects theme is fire so maybe try to connect those dots.

“Foot falls like mud”... those are obviously Charr footprints... Maybe look up “Khan-Ur” on the GW1 wiki and yeah...

It’s one thing to not like them, it’s another to make silly comments just to fit the narrative that you don’t like them.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:Keep in mind these are legendary weapons, they are meant to be the most prestigious weapons in the game

Not really. Legendary weapons are supposed to be your gold and material sink. There is 0 prestige in them from the start as all you need is money to create them. There is no challenge bound to them.

I never associated prestige with challenge to begin with. Perhaps others do, but I just see it as "these are the most high caliber/highest tier items".

We can call them endgame, I agree, but definitely not prestige.

You are arguing semantics now, which is really a bit pointless, especially considering that the matter of "prestige" is subjective.

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@Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Tenrai Senshi.2017 said:Keep in mind these are legendary weapons, they are meant to be the most prestigious weapons in the game

Not really. Legendary weapons are supposed to be your gold and material sink. There is 0 prestige in them from the start as all you need is money to create them. There is no challenge bound to them.

I never associated prestige with challenge to begin with. Perhaps others do, but I just see it as "these are the most high caliber/highest tier items".

We can call them endgame, I agree, but definitely not prestige.

You are arguing semantics now, which is really a bit pointless, especially considering that the matter of "prestige" is subjective.

Prestige implies anyone stands next to you and is amazed by your weapon. In such case, indeed, it's subjective. But it's not prestige when you simply like the skin you crafted.

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@"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:Here is the new dagger.

I dunno it looks like design for the dagger itself is like a normal quality exotic with mismatched colored gems. The particle effect looks like stink trails coming off the character and the footfalls look like mud? Lol I dunno I don't like it, I was really looking forward to it.

I think this exotic from spvp has a better base design then the new legendary.


I wouldn't craft this. And, even if I had the skin unlocked, I probably wouldn't use it to be honest. Its not horrendous. It just has an unpleasing shape, and doesnt look like anything in the ballpark of a dagger. Looks like something borrowed from Halo.

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It's fine. Design is nice.

I'm not wowed by it though. I like the footfalls, but I think the aura is a bit overwhelming for just idling about. I would have rathered a small film of orange around the person who drew it, with the dagger strikes adding claw swipes in the same color they chose for the aura, on auto attack. Crit effect is nice. Draw effect is nice. A little off put by the fact that this integrates specifically with Charr Lore. It either cheapens the status of the weapon as a legendary or it cheapens the Charr lore itself, imo.

Like it, but I'm not considering acquiring it like I would Ipos or Twilight. I'd prefer legends not be connected to major race lore in the future though, if it has major significance in the present time stream. Its fine for fringe lore.

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Im not really close to crafting any legendary, still the things I dont like about this are the mis-match coloured gems (maybe if they had some meaning or visual effect to make it blend in with the overall design I might change my mind), the muddy footprint (compared to say twilight/dawn glittering sky effect edit: actually not that bad I think they are paw prints) and the sandy faces when you unsheathe the weapon (could be assassins/decoys of yourself or something better imo). Overall it has bland visuals effects although the model of the weapon is the thing I like best about it, its still far inferior to incinerator imo.

My favourite legendaries on the otherhand are shinning blade and incinerator going by looks.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

@"Jumpin Lumpix.6108" said:Here is the new dagger.

I dunno it looks like design for the dagger itself is like a normal quality exotic with mismatched colored gems. The particle effect looks like stink trails coming off the character and the footfalls look like mud? Lol I dunno I don't like it, I was really looking forward to it.

I think this exotic from spvp has a better base design then the new legendary.

I’m generally critical about this stuff myself, and we all have our own opinions, but at least try to make some effort here...

“Stink trail”... If you can’t identify the particles as smoldering trails then idk... The entire effects theme is fire so maybe try to connect those dots.

“Foot falls like mud”... those are obviously Charr footprints... Maybe look up “Khan-Ur” on the GW1 wiki and yeah...

It’s one thing to not like them, it’s another to make silly comments just to fit the narrative that you don’t like them.

It makes characters stinky lol.

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