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How tall is too tall for a Charr

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@"Svennis.3852" said:The only race I think can be “too” anything are born, which would be “too short.” Literally nothing sets them apart from humans aside from their height...

My charr is pretty muscular too though. It's his size sets him apart if he was normal human size. It wouldn't look right. Can I custom his size still later on right? Do I need pay gems for it?

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One hint when making the tallest of a race is to shrink and narrow the head. Not extremely, but enough to counteract the scale-up effect (as seen in current versions of Taimi). It takes some practice to get the balance right, but you end up with something a little more realistic. At least with humans, adult head sizes don't tend to vary all that much. So to just look taller rather than completely differently scaled, mess with the head. I believe this will translate to the other races, though possibly with a different balancing.

(I remember in beta I had Donari at max height, and met someone playing a male human at min height. It was like I was a 25mm miniature and he was 15 mm).

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@"Svennis.3852" said:The only race I think can be “too” anything are born, which would be “too short.” Literally nothing sets them apart from humans aside from their height...

My charr is pretty muscular too though. It's his size sets him apart if he was normal human size. It wouldn't look right. Can I custom his size still later on right? Do I need pay gems for it?

Unfortunately you will need to pay gems to change their height. It’s 350 for the make over kit.

That being said, the makeover kits do offer some exclusive face and hair options, as well as eye and hair color. So if you do wanna change it down the line you’ll have more options.

Both of my charr (Elem and Nec) are max height. Elem is skinny, Nec is pretty beefy. I’ve never had a problem with their height. The biggest issue with Charr is their armor textures tend to look very stretched out and awkward. :/

Still you can make some cool looking armors by mixing and matching skins. I’d post mine if I could right now.

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@"Svennis.3852" said:

@"Svennis.3852" said:The only race I think can be “too” anything are born, which would be “too short.” Literally nothing sets them apart from humans aside from their height...

My charr is pretty muscular too though. It's his size sets him apart if he was normal human size. It wouldn't look right. Can I custom his size still later on right? Do I need pay gems for it?

Unfortunately you will need to pay gems to change their height. It’s 350 for the make over kit.

That being said, the makeover kits do offer some exclusive face and hair options, as well as eye and hair color. So if you do wanna change it down the line you’ll have more options.

Both of my charr (Elem and Nec) are max height. Elem is skinny, Nec is pretty beefy. I’ve never had a problem with their height. The biggest issue with Charr is their armor textures tend to look very stretched out and awkward. :/

Still you can make some cool looking armors by mixing and matching skins. I’d post mine if I could right now.

What kind of exclusive face stuff?

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@Icemanfrost.5428 said:

@"Svennis.3852" said:

@"Svennis.3852" said:The only race I think can be “too” anything are born, which would be “too short.” Literally nothing sets them apart from humans aside from their height...

My charr is pretty muscular too though. It's his size sets him apart if he was normal human size. It wouldn't look right. Can I custom his size still later on right? Do I need pay gems for it?

Unfortunately you will need to pay gems to change their height. It’s 350 for the make over kit.

That being said, the makeover kits do offer some exclusive face and hair options, as well as eye and hair color. So if you do wanna change it down the line you’ll have more options.

Both of my charr (Elem and Nec) are max height. Elem is skinny, Nec is pretty beefy. I’ve never had a problem with their height. The biggest issue with Charr is their armor textures tend to look very stretched out and awkward. :/

Still you can make some cool looking armors by mixing and matching skins. I’d post mine if I could right now.

What kind of exclusive face stuff?

You can see a list of all the default (available at character creation) and exclusive (available from makeover kits) options here. (Though new options for charr were just released; I'm not sure if the wiki has been quite updated yet.) https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Physical_appearance

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It's not absolutely required to pay cash for Total Makeover Kits. You can exchange Gold for Gems, or you can use Black Lion Chest Keys for a random chance at a kit. BL Keys can be obtained, again with Gold exchanged for Gems, or from the Personal Story or expansion/Living World stories, or occasionally Map Completion, or rarely from drops or the Daily Log-in Rewards.

Anything offered in the Gem Store can be acquired without any real money transactions by using the Gold to Gems exchange.

Good luck.

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  • 2 years later...

@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:It's not absolutely required to pay cash for Total Makeover Kits. You can exchange Gold for Gems, or you can use Black Lion Chest Keys for a random chance at a kit. BL Keys can be obtained, again with Gold exchanged for Gems, or from the Personal Story or expansion/Living World stories, or occasionally Map Completion, or rarely from drops or the Daily Log-in Rewards.

Anything offered in the Gem Store can be acquired without any real money transactions by using the Gold to Gems exchange.

Good luck.

Black Lion Statuettes, too, if I'm not mistaken.

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@"Aurelian Omenkind.2470" said:I happen to be kind of large and so does my charr. That's a product of my ancestry

RL isn't a computer game where a tall/big person blocks your view and proper movement by stepping into your player model and completely absorbing you. :lol: Also, no one in RL is wearing huge, flashy back items. ;)

In any case, I think the best reference point for average character size in GW2 is comparing size with story NPCs (Rytlock, Logan etc). That way, you won't risk to create a character that (in many cases, re: "huge and flashy") looks like a desperate call for attention.

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Be aware when quoting someone with expectation of a reply - this thread "ended" on March 22, 2018.

That said, I usually jack my Charr and Norn all the way to maximum height, especially with Norn. I usually play a human character, so seeing a large Charr or Norn among a crowd is usually pretty awe inspiring for me. Making them small just means I'll lose them in the mass that is a group comprised of humans and sylvari models (and Asura practically go invisible due to their height.) Guild Wars 2 has a real visual clutter problem...

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