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[BUG] Daily Super Adventure - Adventuring 103 doesn't count.

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As the title says. Adventuring 103 isn't registering as complete even after going through it three times now.7NaQrNC.jpg Shows it as not complete.PeUSRAO.jpg Shows us at the end of the areahttps://i.imgur.com/niZXK60.png Shows the cut scene at the end when you get warped out.

If the daily is not intended to work on Infantile mode, please specify such in the description of the daily achievement... Because otherwise I would not have gone through it three times trying to get it to work.

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Yep. The first time I did drop down below the boss area, but I didn't die or leave zone prematurely.

The second time I stayed up top in the boss area. Waited to be teleported to the start of W2Z2

I ran it for a third time quickly in infantile mode too. Nothing - but dulfy's guide suggests that infantile doesn't count for Adventuring

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@"Halcyon.7352" said:

I ran it for a third time quickly in infantile mode too. Nothing - but dulfy's guide suggests that infantile doesn't count for Adventuring

Infantile mode hasn't ever counted for Adventuring. And sure, that sounds fair (after all, are you really adventuring if your head is feet are in the clouds?), is also seems odd to have the one daily that, by necessity, takes a lot longer than the others. On the other hand, it's entirely consistent with dailies generally: some are trivially quick, some tediously long.

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That's because sometimes of unknown reason the zone you finished is functioning as if it was done in Infantile version.Have no idea how this is happening but couple of days before I was doing World 1 Full Run (1-3) in Normal Difficulty with my wife and at her account game recognized zone 1 and 3 as infantile mode and zone 2 as normal mode. She got World 1 Warm-Up (Annual) achievement for zone 1/3 and World 1 Classic (Annual) for zone 2. Thus she didn't get Daily Adventuring 103 achi.

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  • 1 year later...

@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:This is still happening. I and another in my party didn't get the achieve for adventuring 201, in normal mode, the other 3 in the party got the achieve.

Did you wait until transported to the next zone?

I can't answer for Taygus.4571, but I always wait until I get transported to the next zone, and I had the achievement for adventuring 101 not trigger a couple of days ago. I didn't trigger an adventure/race on the way either, to the best of my knowledge. I ran the zone again directly afterwards without any excursions for digspots and chests, and it triggered then.

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@Taygus.4571 said:

@Taygus.4571 said:This is still happening. I and another in my party didn't get the achieve for adventuring 201, in normal mode, the other 3 in the party got the achieve.

Did you wait until transported to the next zone?

Of course.Good, I'm glad it wasn't the obvious. How about any of other possibilities: did you enter a room after the boss died? Did you trigger an adventure and cancel it? Did you die between the boss' death and the timer expiring?

FYI It's unfortunately not a matter of course: there have historically been many threads in which an achievement was lost because of leaving the zone too soon.

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