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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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I think Anet handled it fair. If you use cheat tools for one game you will likely also cheat in other games.If I see posts on Reddit saying they bot on Runescape in the background while playing GW2 it just makes me puke. All game devs should work together and make a central cheater database and automatically ban their hardware IDs from all online gaming, so even their hardware has zero resale value lol.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:Especially so if they contain unreasonable terms for using their application, such as what can and cannot be allowed to be installed on your computer - keep in mind that the analysis of the spyware used showed that even if you have generic hacking tools installed that's not being used for GW2, Anet still apparently count that as hacking GW2.I don't think ArenaNet cares what you have installed. They do care what you have running while playing the game though.

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except imagine the guy has been caught drunk in the parking lot of McDonald's every day for a couple months. it's not a one time thing. you honestly gonna believe he never once drove himself there while drunk? that every single time he's there "waiting for his wife"?

is it possible it's a false positive? yes. is it likely? no. is it possible people use Cheatengine totally legitimately (for their own at home offline 1 person player game session)? yes. but why leave it running in the background while playing an online game time after time after time after time. is THAT kind of usage legit? probably not.

TL;DR if you DO use Cheatengine "legitimately" on your own time... don't leave it running in the background of a multiplayer game... or expect to eventually catch a banhammer

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

A player who likes to cheat has cheating programs running alongside GW2 at the same time on several different occasions. Cheating/planning to cheat, or likes to cheat but morally dislikes cheating in GW2 and just happens to have the cheating engine running in the background in case he decides to play another game he likes to cheat in. Its pretty obvious whats going on really. Not the type of player we really want in a mmorpg really, so maybe they will learn.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Ardenwolfe.8590" said:They were cheating. And got caught. Period.

The assumption is they were cheating. What anet knows is that they had running cheat engine. There is no confirmation it was used to hack GW2.

Most of them probably are indeed cheaters, but since 50+ bans are already lifted some more false positives may be waiting in CS queues asking for mercy.

Why are you failing to read what they actually wrote.. its not just about cheat engine, there are other stuff as well, which are direct multihack tools for a specific purpose.. cheat engine has some uses aside of actually cheating.. but the again ask yourself why they had it there running to get flagged.Those account bans being revoked have been flagged and already have a history for it, but they were given a pass this time. We don't know what bit of code was found on any particular account.. you are assuming that they did nothing wrong.. you simply have nothing to base that on

Yes, but other stuff is made to hack GW2. Cheat engine has wider range of possible usability that leaves a lot of space for false positives. And if you read carefully, it was already mentioned here that cheat engine related bans are the only ones discussed here as possibility of unjustified bans. Not all of them obviously, but that would only be possible to explain if Anet didn't refuse to accept appeals from the beginning.

You were blaming anet for false positives for anything and everything before it was even known what was being detected ... no sorry there is another reason behind all this for you I believe.What makes you still think this has anything to do with false positives.. have anet said that.. not seen it on here. If its on redditt then I wouldn't of seen that as I dislike that godawful site. Are you sure its not just accounts that are associated to those flagged already and were banned by default.. that is prudent imo but of course on appeal that might be considered as they were clean.

Yes, I blamed them for ignoring possibility of false positives because their official announcement was "no appeals". That means they ignore any possibility of mistakes by default, which is disrespectful towards customers.

Anet pretty much confirmed reddit revelations in Gaile's second message.

If you come up with your tinfoil hat idea of my "hidden agenda" please share with us. I need good laugh today.

I just reread Gaile's post.. and I am failing to understand how you arrived at your false flag theory...

Yesterday we suspended 1,583 accounts for a period of 6 months. 1516 accounts were suspended because we detected that the accounts were running Guild Wars 2 at the same time as one or more of the following programs over a significant number of hours during a multi-week period earlier this year. We targeted programs that allow players to cheat and gain unfair gameplay advantages, even if those programs have other, more benign uses.

Programs Detected:•CheatEngine•Nabster•GW2MHRexe•UNF•MMOMINION

The remaining 67 accounts also received suspensions for a period of six months because they were directly associated to one of the 1516 accounts and also had one or more previous suspensions related to botting or hacking; those suspensions will be reversed.

Any program not listed above that was also in use by an account which was suspended is coincidental and had no bearing in our decision to suspend the account.

If you have questions related to the reasons for the suspension of your own account, please contact Customer Support for additional information.

We understand that your Guild Wars 2 accounts are important to you and we take that trust very seriously. Our goal is to continue to foster a safe and fair community for all. We believe that everyone deserves transparency, which is why we're providing this additional information

Now lets see how one of those hack sites are approaching this with their cheater community


A piece of advice from myself: If you got hit by the banhammer do appeal against the ban. Arena.net is currently facing a huge backlash and is already backpedaling on their stance, so there is definitely a chance they will undo some bans. Tell them you were using the software for FFXIV and unfortunately had it running while playing Guild Wars 2, or that you used MinionApp to open more than one instance of the game. Apparently they only know what programs you were running while playing, but not what you actually did with them.

Yeah false flags I guess.. especially when those affected are now using this kind of template to push their appeals through.Its not false flags we should be worrying about is false information coming the otherway.. but I guess that wont fit with this S J W crusade your on.

My only hope is rather than backpeddle, ANET enforce it even further and stronger and make it a regular thing.

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:I am absolutely disgusted by Gaile's update on banwave.

  1. She says Anet cares about transparency and respects our privacy and she claims this is why she made an update - this is false information. The only reason this update was posted is because of exposing ArenaNet's dishonesty in terms of data gathering from our PCs.
  2. They actually admitted that bans were handed by ASSUMPTION of hacking GW2, just because certain apps are running in the background. It's like locking someone in prison, because such person has knife in a kitchen, so it's POSSIBLE to use it as a crime tool.
  3. As expected, some accounts already has been unbanned. So there goes Anet's famous "careful investigation".

This whole case is being handled amateurly. You can start your investigations using process list but every single case must be checked if it's actually hacking.

As a customer, I feel now violated by the actions of the company. First of all, it's dishonest. Second, probably not safe for me as I have no control over what data Anet stole from me. Finally, how can I be sure that their inconsistent, faulty "investigation" process won't make me banned one day because I'm running an app they don't know and they ASSUME it's a hack?

I think it's time for new security lead at anet and restructuring of their internal policies.

thumbed this one up

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

A player who likes to cheat has cheating programs running alongside GW2 at the same time on several different occasions. Cheating/planning to cheat, or likes to cheat but morally dislikes cheating in GW2 and just happens to have the cheating engine running in the background in case he decides to play another game he likes to cheat in. Its pretty obvious whats going on really. Not the type of player we really want in a mmorpg really, so maybe they will learn.

Even though it was obvious that Al Capone was a mobster, they still needed to prove him guilty.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

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They couldve used a "refresh whether you read the privacy statement" check that alot of programs do. Especially when implementing or going to implement something that scans your data. Without actually saying why or when.

Ofcourse regarding privacy statements, the thing that isnt allowed the most is sharing that public data. So far they just gathered that info. The real issues start when that gets leaked or abused.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

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@"Menadena.7482" said:Plus you can not delete information from the universe anyway, you can just make it harder and harder to reconstruct.

Assuming unlimited technology and energy, what kind of process would let you reconstruct the data on a hard drive you chucked into the core of a star?

I guess just to be safe we should insist anet launch their servers into the sun. "GW2 represents the world standard for personal data protection..."

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

Yes, i see that ... so live in fear I guess ... and enjoy playing the game while you're at it.

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ANet used the Windows API to expose what processes are running. They aren't the first gaming studio to do this. So that part is not illegal or even unusual. Should they do it? Depends on your views about hacking.

  • How secure was the transfer of this data from our PCs to ANet's? Not sure. One Redditor thinks it was not very secure (and there's reason to worry that Redditor is correct).
  • How secure is that data on ANet's systems? Especially once it's combined with account-specific data? We have no way of knowing.
  • Would the be more secure if ANet deleted it now that the March investigation has ended? Probably not. We know that ANet, like many corporations, uses cloud data storage, so "deleting" is a lot more complicated then simply dragging a set of files to the trash can.

I'd certainly like ANet, along with every other company that collects data from our machines, to be more cautious. Without intense government regulation, that seems unlikely to start happening this decade.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

whoosh.. that went right over your head I guess.. maybe next time. :)

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

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@"FrizzFreston.5290" said:They couldve used a "refresh whether you read the privacy statement" check that alot of programs do. Especially when implementing or going to implement something that scans your data. Without actually saying why or when.

Ofcourse regarding privacy statements, the thing that isnt allowed the most is sharing that public data. So far they just gathered that info. The real issues start when that gets leaked or abused.

Other apps like this monitor your game, and that's okay. What Anet is is not monitoring, it's gathering data.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

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@vesica tempestas.1563 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@vesica tempestas.1563 said:if you have nothing to hide then there's nothing to worry about. Too many people watching paranoid/conspiracy theory trash tv these days.

Do you leave your home door opened for strangers when going to work?

umm k Do you walk the streets with a cowl over your head in case a public camera there to protect you records you?

Answer firts.

Cynn.165 said it all really 4 posts above

I blocked him so can't see his post. I asked you directly so plz now answer me directly. Unless you admit you're not interested in the topic.

doh lol, ah wait your playing at trap him with clever logic, ok i will answer your oh so devious rhetorical question, yes i believe 99% of people would lock their doors.

Thank you. In this analogy your home is your PC. Gw2 is your public area. So anet coming to your PC and taking stuff back to their HQ is not cool. They are allowed to monitor our data, like other game companies do. But they only send reporst when they hit a suspicious match.

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@Oglaf.1074 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Twoodi.5849" said:It raises more questions because you are basically admitting you have no evidence of people cheating but detected they have the program open at the same time which according to you is good enough reason to ban users for 6 months.

Right ... people only have the software in question OPEN on their computers while playing the game ... they don't actually use it :confounded:

cheatengine, despite the name, is not used exclusively for cheating

Maybe ... but that's the player's risk isn't it ...

uhm no, this is not like bringing a gun to a school, this is like having a bread knife, you having this tool doesn't automatically mean you used it to hack gw2

No it's not like bringing a gun to school or a bread knife. It's like breaking the terms of the agreement you have with Anet every time you log into the game. You're like the other guy ... you don't seem to understand what you pay for when you play this game.

You are defending Anet now but with such lackluster systems like they have, one day you can be rewarded with unjustified ban by them. On that day, you gonna change your stance on this subject. You should respect yourself as a customer and never trust companies.

Your continual disdain of ANET in this matter and your vehement support for those banned is beginning to make me think your are in some way affected by this otherwise why do you keep making these baseless remarks.. provide some proof of what was done and what was not done by those affected, prove what anet has or has not done breaks any kind of law and then we can all rejoice and praise joko!

ANET has already come out and said they will be lifting the ban on a small number of accounts.. but those accounts have already been caught in a botting or hacking incident previously so something has triggered a flag on them again.. but they have been let off this time.. feel good for them.

Your assumptions are wrong then. You can see me in game this afternoon if you need confirmation. I'm not defending rightfully banned. I'm defending myself as a customers from future possible mistakes from Anet's "careful investigations".

If you don't violate the EULA, you don't have to defend yourself from future possible mistakes. The risk is on the player.

You mean UA, not EULA. Anet has history of banning people wrongfully. So not breaking their rules in no way protects me from their mistakes.

I just remembered the case at release when people were speed leveling to lvl 80. Some used an exploit and then were banned, but world first level 80 didn't and they still banned him. MO himself apologised on reddit, you can still find his post there.

So please, stop convincing me about being safe when Anet is involved. They made many mistakes in the past. They are only people.

Hey, if you don't feel safe from Anet, don't play their games. Otherwise, you accept your CHOICE to be subjected to their behaviour as a corporation. I don't patronize companies that treat me poorly, and neither should you. That's YOUR choice to make.

I presented examples aka facts about anet making mistakes in the past. Therefore I have no reason to believe when they say there is no room for mistake on their part. I paid for the game multiple times and I'm not going away because they will not refund me. Also being responsible for my well being as their customer, I expect them to read all the feedback I give them. It's not for you to judge. And if your only argument is "don't like it - get out" then be warned that I am not going to continue discussing your nonsense.

What can I say then ... you keep believing you're account access is in jeopardy then ... and enjoy playing.


I believe that all the time and money I invested in the service can be in jeopardy unless Anet acts responsibly and will never announce such idiocy like "no appeals" again.

lol this made me chuckle.. act responsibly... I really think you need to revaluate who or what is at fault for not acting responsibly here.

I don't use 3rd parties altogether, including aproved hack in form of arcdps.

You've no idea what a hack is, do you?

Lol .. its just a false flag used to smash things with maybe?

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