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Account suspension discussion [merged]

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On behalf of anyone who was really mistakenly banned, I am very sorry for you and really hope it gets sorted out.

But as someone who once stuck my neck out and uselessly battled the system for two weeks on behalf of a team member accused of cheating, who finally admitted afterward that, yeah, he did sorta cheat after all: if you used a forbidden macro or third-party program, please just accept your penalty and take your lumps without dragging other people into your mess.

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@Rufo.3716 said:You know almost every person in prison claims they are innocent. Just like all these people here are claiming they are innocent. Anet won't post proof due to privacy reasons but I'm sure if they could all of you would be having your feet in your mouths.

If we're going down that road let's take real life prisoners as an example here- an estimated 5% are completely innocent and that's in the US alone. Many may claim innocence but there's likely a few who really have done nothing and it's unfair if something as simple as computer hardware causes a false positive (for macros) and Anet won't go further and address these people, but instead force them go 6 months without their game.

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@Schnuschnu.9857 said:

@"Serra.5479" said:I dont know guys, I feel pretty sad and bad now. I got the ban, and I only use arcdps and taco, both of them supported by anet. I also have a razer mouse, I dont know if the drivers can also be a problem.

Also the dont appeal statement is more depressing.Im a guild leader, more than 9k hours, 36k achievements and I spend a lot of money every month in gems. I never, never, would put my account on risk, that wont have any sense. I just want a revision, but they say they wont accept an appeal.

Arc and Taco are not supported by Anet. They tolerated them but with the "use at your own risk" warning. You have been warned. It's that easy. May not seem fair, but they did warn you and as others have stated: Only older versions (especially of Arc) have been "greenlit" by Anet. These statements are sometimes over 1 year old. And there happend updates to these addons in this year which may be banworthy.

That dont have sense, a lot of people use Taco and arcdps, if they allowed them in the past, they should warning people before suddenly ban them for use those 2.

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@Serra.5479 said:

@Serra.5479 said:I dont know guys, I feel pretty sad and bad now. I got the ban, and I only use arcdps and taco, both of them supported by anet. I also have a razer mouse, I dont know if the drivers can also be a problem.

Also the dont appeal statement is more depressing.Im a guild leader, more than 9k hours, 36k achievements and I spend a lot of money every month in gems. I never, never, would put my account on risk, that wont have any sense. I just want a revision, but they say they wont accept an appeal.

Arc and Taco are not supported by Anet. They tolerated them but with the "use at your own risk" warning. You have been warned. It's that easy. May not seem fair, but they did warn you and as others have stated: Only older versions (especially of Arc) have been "greenlit" by Anet. These statements are sometimes over 1 year old. And there happend updates to these addons in this year which may be banworthy.

That dont have sense, a lot of people use Taco and arcdps, if they allowed them in the past, they should warning people before suddenly ban them for use those 2.

Not all people using Arc and Taco use the same features. There are some additional features which you can install. Some may have installed them, others not. This can be a reason why some people with arc/taco got a ban and some not. You may not have used any features with the intention to do bad but if there exists the possibility to do so they do have the right to ban you. And with all the hacks and kitten going on in PvP/WvW in the last months I can kind of understand Anets action here.Also it is not there job to check every account which uses arc/taco/whatever and see if any of the possible additional features could conflict with their rules. People have been told to use these at their own risk. Now some got the consequences. Like I said: They have been warned.

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:We have no way of knowing what software they are discussing, but we can be more than reasonably sure it's not Arc and not TACO and not LaunchBuddy, at least not alone. We can also be sure it's not software that comes with gaming mice or even a dodge jumping macro. Why? Because far, far more than 1600 people use or have used such software and fewer than that were affected.

We can also be reasonably sure that at least some of the people posting "I dunno why I was banned" do know, despite their protests. And that some people don't remember that they have used such software in the past; there's no statute of limitations on when ANet will suspend an account. And some people might think that, gee, if Arc is okay, then so is any program that reads from the memory (without adding capabilities, e.g. to character mobility or incoming/outgoing damage or target location/details).

And sure, ANet might also have made a mistake. Still, out of fewer than 1600 accounts affected, how many mistakes do we think is likely? 800? 80? 16? or just a handful?

If your account was affected, file a support ticket, and word it as graciously as you can.a If your account wasn't affected, why borrow trouble worrying about it? If you've been using Software X for 6 months, stopping today isn't going to protect you if it's deemed a violation.

Because it's pretty insulting to be accused of cheating and very annoying to be suspended for 6 months for doing nothing wrong , then told you will not get a response for asking why.

Honestly ANET saying you will not get a response makes anet look guilty and unprofessional.

I don't expect random people to believe everyone who claims they're innocent, but i think we can all agree it's a worrying precedent from ANET to say they will not be responding to people asking why they got banned. They have banned many innocent people in the past.

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

Anet promotes TACO on their facebook page. What you gonna say about this, fam?

Even if they do still but i suspect arcdps since it gotten bad for game experiance for many now finally anet does something but the risk can be they are not ok with either anymorr

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@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@"Last Crysis.1934" said:Well the point is, if A-Net wanted us to have it they will give it to us.

Thanks for sharing your personal opinion. It's still not arcDPS.

That was year ago, Arc had multiple updates since then and deltaconnected himself admitted Anet doesn't actively check his updates for this tool.

Put your money where your mouth is. I'll bet you 1000 gold.(Edit: that nobody was banned because of ArcDPS)

I'm not saying anyone was. I'm saying this app is never safe and may cause their detection systems to trigger. Talking about mouth and money, give me statement from Anet where they say this app is 100% safe to use. You won't find one.

Yea sorry, but you're talking nonsense. This app never did anything except parse combat data (a function which Chris said was not a violation of the ToS). Any updates to the program were only aimed at allowing it to continue this function. If you think you know something that I don't, then take my bet and scoop up an easy 1000g. Otherwise, gtfo with your unfounded speculations.

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@Schnuschnu.9857 said:

@Serra.5479 said:I dont know guys, I feel pretty sad and bad now. I got the ban, and I only use arcdps and taco, both of them supported by anet. I also have a razer mouse, I dont know if the drivers can also be a problem.

Also the dont appeal statement is more depressing.Im a guild leader, more than 9k hours, 36k achievements and I spend a lot of money every month in gems. I never, never, would put my account on risk, that wont have any sense. I just want a revision, but they say they wont accept an appeal.

Arc and Taco are not supported by Anet. They tolerated them but with the "use at your own risk" warning. You have been warned. It's that easy. May not seem fair, but they did warn you and as others have stated: Only older versions (especially of Arc) have been "greenlit" by Anet. These statements are sometimes over 1 year old. And there happend updates to these addons in this year which may be banworthy.

That dont have sense, a lot of people use Taco and arcdps, if they allowed them in the past, they should warning people before suddenly ban them for use those 2.

Not all people using Arc and Taco use the same features. There are some additional features which you can install. Some may have installed them, others not. This can be a reason why some people with arc/taco got a ban and some not. You may not have used any features with the intention to do bad but if there exists the possibility to do so they do have the right to ban you. And with all the hacks and kitten going on in PvP/WvW in the last months I can kind of understand Anets action here.Also it is not there job to check every account which uses arc/taco/whatever and see if any of the possible additional features could conflict with their rules. People have been told to use these at their own risk. Now some got the consequences. Like I said: They have been warned.

I use arcdps + buildtemplates and regular TacO + Tekkits markers.Nothing more.

A 6 month ban seems more for people using hacks or a software to hack, and I dont use nothing like that.

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

Anet promotes TACO on their facebook page. What you gonna say about this, fam?

Even if they do still but i suspect arcdps since it gotten bad for game experiance for many now finally anet does something but the risk can be they are not ok with either anymorr

It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

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@Jerks.3172 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

Anet promotes TACO on their facebook page. What you gonna say about this, fam?

Even if they do still but i suspect arcdps since it gotten bad for game experiance for many now finally anet does something but the risk can be they are not ok with either anymorr

It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

Maybe as Illconceived noted above, there were add ons that were there on his programs.

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@Jerks.3172 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

Anet promotes TACO on their facebook page. What you gonna say about this, fam?

Even if they do still but i suspect arcdps since it gotten bad for game experiance for many now finally anet does something but the risk can be they are not ok with either anymorr

It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

Then its maybe Taco many got banned using both

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@"Laila Lightness.8742" said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

It's truly astounding to me how many people don't seem to get it TacO especially is just an overlay that uses the APIs that ArenaNet themselves developed and provided in order to let people CREATE programs like TacO!

They WANT people to create programs like TacO, if they didn't want people to write programs like TacO they just have to turn off the servers and disable the APIs that they provide for programs like TacO.

Hell, they even ran a competition to get people to write overlay programs like TacO in association with Overwolf: https://www.guildwars2.com/en/news/introducing-the-overwolf-guild-wars-2-app-challenge/

For further reading:https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:Mainhttps://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/API:List_of_applications

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I doubt it's because of using arcdps, since a lot of people who are using it are not banned. Also, arcdps seemed to be ok in the past, and there haven't been any warnings. On the other hand, I got banned though I haven't used any other programs, macros or other stuff like that.

I'm just shocked now, and I don't understand why appeals are not accepted. I'm absolutely sure there was no reason at all to suspend my account.

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@Jerks.3172 said:It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

How do you know the only two programs your friend uses are TACO and ArcDPS? I don't have confidence that the sort of person who uses a cheat program is likely to admit to even their closest friends. (I don't know if it is the case here; I'm just saying: it's hard to tell.)

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@Linken.6345 said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:Banned too, I sometimes used gw2taco, augtyria (similar to gw2taco but for map completion), music macros and 2 other macros for dodge jump (g11 and g12 on my keyboard) as i thought it was fine to use macros if its 1 macro for 1 action.

Kinda funny i am getting more harshly punished for some unkown reason than people who real life money traded PVP wins and only got a 3 month pvp suspension and can still play the game.

dodge jump is not one action its 1 key 2 actions dodge and jump.

I know. I don't think i made it very clear, but it was still two keys to dodge jump. I just reprogrammed g11 and g12 on my keyboard to be jump and dodge (e.g g11 is space and g12 is v) as it's easier to press the smaller macro keys on my keyboard at the same time with one finger

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Jerks.3172 said:It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

How do you know the only two programs your friend uses are TACO and ArcDPS? I don't have confidence that the sort of person who uses a cheat program is likely to admit to even their closest friends. (I don't know if it is the case here; I'm just saying: it's hard to tell.)

I know him personally and all he does is Fractals and and some tradepost flipping. there is NO purpose for him to hack in this game if that's all he does.

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@"Twoodi.5849" said:I don't expect random people to believe everyone who claims they're innocent, but i think we can all agree it's a worrying precedent from ANET to say they will not be responding to people asking why they got banned.

It's not new with this wave of suspensions; they have used the same line in the past.(I don't agree with the policy. I think it would be better to assign a couple of people to re-review appeals. But I don't really know why they've chosen to say, "no appeals" no or in the past.

They have banned many innocent people in the past.Not that many. As a fraction of all suspensions, even the number of people publicly claiming a wrongful suspension is tiny and most of those turn out to be legit. Of course it can and does happen. But it's exceptional, not common.

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@Illconceived Was Na.9781 said:

@Jerks.3172 said:It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

How do you know the only two programs your friend uses are TACO and ArcDPS? I don't have confidence that the sort of person who uses a cheat program is likely to admit to even their closest friends. (I don't know if it is the case here; I'm just saying: it's hard to tell.)

I only use those 2 and Im banned man, there must be an error here, and they must check it.

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@Strider Pj.2193 said:

@"Kheldorn.5123" said:

@Laila Lightness.8742 said:There is no innocents if you got suspended you broke the rules probly for using arc dps and TACO if anet approved these they would be built in game in first place sorry you got banned but its the truth

Anet promotes TACO on their facebook page. What you gonna say about this, fam?

Even if they do still but i suspect arcdps since it gotten bad for game experiance for many now finally anet does something but the risk can be they are not ok with either anymorr

It's funny, because my friend got banned as the only 2 programs he used for GW2 was Taco and ArcDPS, me on the other hand use only ArcDPS yet he was the only one that got banned.

Maybe as Illconceived noted above, there were add ons that were there on his programs.

But it probably is TACO though, but this should be reviewed not just ban and forget for 6 months.

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@Serra.5479 said:

@Serra.5479 said:I dont know guys, I feel pretty sad and bad now. I got the ban, and I only use arcdps and taco, both of them supported by anet. I also have a razer mouse, I dont know if the drivers can also be a problem.

Also the dont appeal statement is more depressing.Im a guild leader, more than 9k hours, 36k achievements and I spend a lot of money every month in gems. I never, never, would put my account on risk, that wont have any sense. I just want a revision, but they say they wont accept an appeal.

Arc and Taco are not supported by Anet. They tolerated them but with the "use at your own risk" warning. You have been warned. It's that easy. May not seem fair, but they did warn you and as others have stated: Only older versions (especially of Arc) have been "greenlit" by Anet. These statements are sometimes over 1 year old. And there happend updates to these addons in this year which may be banworthy.

That dont have sense, a lot of people use Taco and arcdps, if they allowed them in the past, they should warning people before suddenly ban them for use those 2.

Not all people using Arc and Taco use the same features. There are some additional features which you can install. Some may have installed them, others not. This can be a reason why some people with arc/taco got a ban and some not. You may not have used any features with the intention to do bad but if there exists the possibility to do so they do have the right to ban you. And with all the hacks and kitten going on in PvP/WvW in the last months I can kind of understand Anets action here.Also it is not there job to check every account which uses arc/taco/whatever and see if any of the possible additional features could conflict with their rules. People have been told to use these at their own risk. Now some got the consequences. Like I said: They have been warned.

I use arcdps + buildtemplates and regular TacO + Tekkits markers.Nothing more.

A 6 month ban seems more for people using hacks or a software to hack, and I dont use nothing like that.

The following may be false but consider this: Build templates as far as I understand change your gear and traits by 1 click. Like clicking on the build/playstyle you want to switch to. Correct me here if I'm wrong, I'm not using any addon. This alone would be a violation of the "1 click - 1 action" rule as switching gear and equipment is more than 1 click.Also some say arc reads memory and operates deeper in the files (don't know if that is true): There may be an issue with this.Also: All current versions could be okay, but versions before could have had a feature/interaction which may be banworthy. So it may be the case that you where on a banlist for a long time now and as they baned poeple today, many may have been, and were baned for something in the past as I don't think there was a problem like yesterday with 1,3k+ accounts and so they baned them today. They have collected the ban reasons for a ban wave.All of this are just speculations, but something you should think about.

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@Kururu.8140 said:

@Twoodi.5849 said:Banned too, I sometimes used gw2taco, augtyria (similar to gw2taco but for map completion), music macros and 2 other macros for dodge jump (g11 and g12 on my keyboard) as i thought it was fine to use macros if its 1 macro for 1 action.

Kinda funny i am getting more harshly punished for some unkown reason than people who real life money traded PVP wins and only got a 3 month pvp suspension and can still play the game.

The second you mentioned macro I knew why you got banned. I think there was a time not too long ago where Anet said they were going to do something about things like music macros. You didn't get banned for an 'unknown' reason at all.

Music macros are explicitly exempt; you won’t get banned for using stuff like AutoHotkey to play music (no doubt they are able to tell what “ability” is being clicked and if it is a music note you’re fine).

Anet have said so and I’ve personally both used others’ scripts, and written my own, to play various songs/instruments and my account is still alive and kicking.

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@FrizzFreston.5290 said:Still though, It would be handy to say what actions not to do without saying any program names that do this. Like a reminder of the rules.

@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@"Last Crysis.1934" said:This is a joyous day! I don't think we should have tac0, if A-Net wanted us to have a tactical overlay they would give us one. This will help get rid of those elitist raid players too. I am tired of seeing casual players getting kicked from raids because they meet the dps meter on tac0. Th A-net you made my day!!!☺

Taco doesn't even have a DPS meter, as far as I know. It's just an overlay to help out with achievements and similar things.

Using Taco to navigate you through SAB Trib mode is surely against the rules even it is just an overlay.. that is providing a clear advantage surely.. harsh but it wouldn't surprise me if that's been frowned upon.As for ArcDPS, "IF" that is one of the third party triggers then the rules have been put out several times already.. its useable at your own risk. Thye don't support it and if there is any change in the 3rd party coding and it crosses the grey line then .. that's the risk you took.Personally if ArcDPS is a culprit.. I wont shed a single tear, but until we get some clarity from ANET (if we get any) it's just heresay.

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