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[Merged] Customer Support Ticket Response Times

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@Vasoka.3460 said:Sort of disappointing with such long response times. Ah well, thank you regardless.

Its not normal, they are inundated right now. The problem is exasperated by those waiting a while put a new ticket in, reset their queue time and wait even longer. Until they clear a whopping backlog of tickets 1-2 weeks is the minimum. Is it acceptable? No, it is extremely poor service, but there isnt really much to do about it either

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@Randulf.7614 said:

@Vasoka.3460 said:Sort of disappointing with such long response times. Ah well, thank you regardless.

Its not normal, they are inundated right now. The problem is exasperated by those waiting a while put a new ticket in, reset their queue time and wait even longer. Until they clear a whopping backlog of tickets 1-2 weeks is the minimum. Is it acceptable? No, it is extremely poor service, but there isnt really much to do about it either

Is there any way I can contact them other than a written ticket in order to expedite this?

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@Vasoka.3460 said:

@Vasoka.3460 said:Sort of disappointing with such long response times. Ah well, thank you regardless.

Its not normal, they are inundated right now. The problem is exasperated by those waiting a while put a new ticket in, reset their queue time and wait even longer. Until they clear a whopping backlog of tickets 1-2 weeks is the minimum. Is it acceptable? No, it is extremely poor service, but there isnt really much to do about it either

Is there any way I can contact them other than a written ticket in order to expedite this?

No. If you could, everyone would do it. They operate support issues in order they are received

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there is a big official topic like 6 post below this one about this exact same thing, i dont think a new one was needed, its probably going to get merged to that one.that being said 11 days waiting here so good luck getting support soon xD

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@a midnight swim.4803 said:

@"kalebmartens.8403" said:Good afternoon. I would like to know the status of one ticket I submitted 5 days ago. I can put in the ticket ID here. I hope a Anet customer support rep will see this and look into it. Thank you.

pfff 5 days, come back in 10 more days, they are taking really long to respond to tickets, mine is already 10 days old and not a single responce from support, some ppl have been waiting for 15 days already, its sad to see CS taking so long to respond to tickets, they need to do something about this.

If you'd read the post made by Gaile you'd know they are doing all that they can- but you can't just add 100's more CS staff and expect all the tickets to go away within a day or so. You just need to wait it out until they get to your ticket. That's exactly what I'm doing.

thats not entirely true, i have work with CS, and there are a lot of ways to shorten responces times, the "i cant do anything" aproach is not real, there are things support can do, and not asking them to do it is part of the problem, waiting times for tickets are not within aceptable responce times imo.i had a similar problem once, we hired more ppl with a script, so they filtered the tickets for support, worked like a charm, they solved the really easy ones, while trained staff could focus on harder, less obvious cases.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

I see some continuing confusion about a few things, so I'd like to expand on my comments in the update post:

  • Tickets are indeed handled in the order received, but we always have an agent scoping out the new, incoming tickets to watch for emerging trends or issues that require immediate resolution. For instance, if someone reports a crashing issue, but that ticket waits in the normal queue, several other people might also experience the same issue. On the other hand, if by noting an early ticket on the matter we can work with the first or the first few people reporting the issue to enable us to replicate the problem, we then can nail it down and resolve it, which will prevent others from running into that bug.
  • As I posted previously, this thread is not a means of obtaining an update about your ticket. I totally understand your desire for an update, but that is not something that we can offer through this medium, with my regrets.
  • When you write that you have not received a single response from CS, you should be clear: Did you never get any response of any kind? If that's the case, then the ticket may not have gone through and you should follow the steps I outlined in the update post to make sure your ticket was received by our CS Team. Did you not hear anything after the initial confirmation that we received your ticket? If the latter is the case -- if you got a confirmation that your ticket was received -- then please don't say "I haven't heard a word" or "I never got a single reply." While the automated notification that we received your ticket is just that -- an automated notification -- it is an essential part of the process, and it would help enormously if people post accurately. (This will prevent us from wasting agent time looking into whether the response system is broken.)
  • Service team training does take time, and we're going through that process as quickly as possible.

Thank you.

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@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:

  • When you write that you have not received a single response from CS, you should be clear: Did you never get any response of any kind? If that's the case, then the ticket may not have gone through and you should follow the steps I outlined in the update post to make sure your ticket was received by our CS Team.

Hello, I do not believe my ticket was received by the CS team. I am having trouble finding this "Update Post" you mentioned. If you could point me in the right direction so I can follow the proper steps in making sure my ticket goes through that would be great. Thanks again!

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@kalebmartens.8403 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:
  • When you write that you have not received a single response from CS, you should be clear: Did you never get any response of any kind? If that's the case, then the ticket may not have gone through and you should follow the steps I outlined in the update post to make sure your ticket was received by our CS Team.

Hello, I do not believe my ticket was received by the CS team. I am having trouble finding this "Update Post" you mentioned. If you could point me in the right direction so I can follow the proper steps in making sure my ticket goes through that would be great. Thanks again!

Probably this post/thread: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/42967/customer-support-update-6-8-2018

Good luck.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@kalebmartens.8403 said:

@"Gaile Gray.6029" said:
  • When you write that you have not received a single response from CS, you should be clear: Did you never get any response of any kind? If that's the case, then the ticket may not have gone through and you should follow the steps I outlined in the update post to make sure your ticket was received by our CS Team.

Hello, I do not believe my ticket was received by the CS team. I am having trouble finding this "Update Post" you mentioned. If you could point me in the right direction so I can follow the proper steps in making sure my ticket goes through that would be great. Thanks again!

It is live-linked in my comments. Linked again
but in case you're not seeing the links, or are not able to interact with them, here's the full link:

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I woke this AM to the long time login issue I faced to be rectified & resolved. I wanna thank GM Ultra Viper for handling this for me and if I seemed pushy or impatient my deepest apologies, this game is my yoga, place of relaxation, down time from work and the hassles of life, so when its gone, stress is reborn, LOL. Thank you guys for what you do and the masses you take on everyday. Kind regards, Tim aka Nvy

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Heya, I've tried to contact Arenanet Support almost 10 days ago, haven't even received a "We're looking into it" or anything like that. I don't know your work policies but it seems like someone working for Arenanet doesnt give the slightest dam about their job, Ticket ID 6935574 hopefully I'll receive an answer before i die :P

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  • ArenaNet Staff

@"edj.9620" said:Put a ticket in back in May, still haven't received anything and even did a 'bump' post on it last friday. These wait times are a bit ridiculous

According to your ticket, you essentially are requesting a "favor," a service that is outside our normal set of activities.

I'm sure you'll agree that your issue is not urgent when weighed against someone who is unable to access their account or a player who is experiencing technical issues. Rest assured that the team will get back to you as soon as possible and thank you again for your patience.

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  • ArenaNet Staff

For the many of you opening threads on the subject of Customer Support and response times -- some with the exact title of this merged thread -- please read the update that I posted yesterday about our response times, and know we're doing our best to reduce the turn-around time and handle all issues and requests as swiftly as possible.

If you have questions, post in this very thread here, please, and do not create another thread on the same subject.

Thanks for your patience and understanding.

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I really don't know how you guys expect your customers to not feel alienated. I cannot see any other company functioning with these response times and not being reviewed by the BBB. No way would you wait a week or longer for customer support from Amazon, Blizzard, EA, UPS, etc. Also treating one player's case as less important is basically saying "Oh well, this person's value is less." Everyone should be expected to the same treatment regardless of issue. If man power is an issue you really need to hire more because as of right now it reflects badly on your company's image.

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@"circuitnerd.5863" said:I really don't know how you guys expect your customers to not feel alienated. I cannot see any other company functioning with these response times and not being reviewed by the BBB. No way would you wait a week or longer for customer support from Amazon, Blizzard, EA, UPS, etc. Also treating one player's case as less important is basically saying "Oh well, this person's value is less." Everyone should be expected to the same treatment regardless of issue. If man power is an issue you really need to hire more because as of right now it reflects badly on your company's image.

You can't just throw new hires in and expect things to get done lol

And the case importance is normal. You can't tell me that you don't see why they would do that. Openly saying it doesn't make it bad practice suddenly. There are more pressing issues than somebody idk, accidentally deleting one of their important items and asking to get it back over people who patch their game and suddenly nothing works for them anymore as an example.

Throw in a thousand new tickets every day on a huge backlog, throw in people continuing to bump their tickets, making new ones.. the list goes on and on.

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