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5/8/18 Ranger Notes


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@Sandzibar.5134 said:

@Ephemiel.5694 said:I'm more annoyed that there was no Longbow change to actually make it good again.

I doubt we're going to see any changes to Longbow for a very long time, if ever.

Ranged weapons are supposed to be weaker in pve and people in pvp get their panties in a bunch whenever longbow is even simply adequate.

yet they spent time working on how to make rifle deadeye even better with this patch....


To say they had a double standard would be false because it implies they have only 2.

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Soilder.3607 said:Guys, overall changes to druid allow for more NET healing. No single druid skill was reduced by 50% healing or greater, while we were given a trait that increases outgoing healing by 50%. That is an overall buff in terms of healing to allies, the cost being the loss of might stacks of course.

It's a massive nerf to PvP and WvW that pushes Druid even further out of the meta though.

Firebrand is just straight up better for team composition roles as a healer because of its massive utility in both mides, and Druid was already pushed out of the PvP sidenode meta by tanky sidenoders with big damage like Chrono/Holo/Spellbreaker.

The patch is a massive disappointment for anyone who was hoping it would renew their interest in the game.

Agreed, although tbh heal druid was pretty bad in WvW anyway. These changes are just going to make it less likely to use Druid for anything but a Raid Healer. The buffs could potentially push Power Soulbeast into the raid meta with condi Soulbeast. Soulbeast does well as a roaming killer in WvW and Druid will still make for a good sustain build. With only 5 men in PvP the changes are going to hurt but i've stayed out of there for a while.

Edit: Also, in regards to PvE raids a lot of raid groups where bringing alternative healers because the pure healing of druid was dwarfed by Firebrand and/or Revenant. This will hopefully bring the pure healing of a Magi Druid above the other professions and with the might nerf make it so that 2 Druids are required per raid instead of just 1.

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Question: Including scaling, does the new trait (+50% outgoing healing) increase our healing output compared to before the patch? I know that you need to take scaling into account but afaik, if you nerf something by 30-40% and then increase it by 50%, you end up with what you had (give or take a few percentage points).

If that is the case, then I don't quite see a point in a druid using that trait, might as well use a real healer (rev, ele, fb) unless you need sth specific for mechanics, e.g. pushing or entangle.

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@jokobet.6081 said:Question: Including scaling, does the new trait (+50% outgoing healing) increase our healing output compared to before the patch? I know that you need to take scaling into account but afaik, if you nerf something by 30-40% and then increase it by 50%, you end up with what you had (give or take a few percentage points).

If that is the case, then I don't quite see a point in a druid using that trait, might as well use a real healer (rev, ele, fb) unless you need sth specific for mechanics, e.g. pushing or entangle.

It's a small to medium buff to the over all output of healing but you can't give out might anymore with it and the buff doesn't apply to self healing.

It's ultimately probably not much of a buff at all when put into the context of the game as a whole.

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Wow why did they jump on druid like that?

Hey I'm glad my build got some solid buffs (quixkness, sic embuild) but it was already fine, like why are they so set on ignoring dagger come on reowrks for good classes and still nothing for daggerbut hey buff on frost trap? wut. It's does crappy power damage on a Condi dps skill line and gives no utility, what are they thinking?

I paid them because I thought ranger with daggers was cool but nooooooooo they say Fu and leave it in garbage land for looks to be at least a year (thinking next balance pass we get will be pretty close)

Man killing the build diversity by makeing already strong traitlines stronger and the weak ones even weaker.

Before this patch druid was actually pretty balanced for the first time ever

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@jcbroe.4329 said:

@Soilder.3607 said:Guys, overall changes to druid allow for more NET healing. No single druid skill was reduced by 50% healing or greater, while we were given a trait that increases outgoing healing by 50%. That is an overall buff in terms of healing to allies, the cost being the loss of might stacks of course.

It's a massive nerf to PvP and WvW that pushes Druid even further out of the meta though.

Firebrand is just straight up better for team composition roles as a healer because of its massive utility in both modes, and Druid was already pushed out of the PvP sidenode meta by tanky sidenoders with big damage like Chrono/Holo/Spellbreaker.

The patch is a massive disappointment for anyone who was hoping it would renew their interest in the game.

The patch is indeed harmful to druids in WvW and sPvP, and I did not say otherwise.

In terms of the general health of the game, however, this patch is quite good, and will allow for other healers to compete with the Druid in a raid comp.

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Frost Spirit: The chance that the Spirit of Frost effect will increase strike damage dealt to a target has been increased from 75% to 100%. The damage increase has been reduced from 10% to 5%.Spotter: Reduced the precision granted by this trait from 150 to 100 at level 80.Grace of the Land: Increased the duration of might granted by this trait from 8 seconds to 12 seconds, and decreased the stacks of might granted from 3 to 2.

for PvE these are probably the biggest changes in the patch and it sucks. at the least they could have made the spirit effects stackable so it would benefit the group to bring two rangers. It was the additional buffs that Druid brought that made it worthwhile, even more than the healing. Anet just nerfed everything that made a ranger important in group content and now i'm sad....

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@Soilder.3607 said:

@Soilder.3607 said:Guys, overall changes to druid allow for more NET healing. No single druid skill was reduced by 50% healing or greater, while we were given a trait that increases outgoing healing by 50%. That is an overall buff in terms of healing to allies, the cost being the loss of might stacks of course.

It's a massive nerf to PvP and WvW that pushes Druid even further out of the meta though.

Firebrand is just straight up better for team composition roles as a healer because of its massive utility in both modes, and Druid was already pushed out of the PvP sidenode meta by tanky sidenoders with big damage like Chrono/Holo/Spellbreaker.

The patch is a massive disappointment for anyone who was hoping it would renew their interest in the game.

The patch is indeed harmful to druids in WvW and sPvP, and I did not say otherwise.

In terms of the general health of the game, however, this patch is quite good, and will allow for other healers to compete with the Druid in a raid comp.

That'd be great if the Druid did anything other than be a healbot.

Not even worth gearing for if you're more likely to get a spot as a viper SB.

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@Prophet.1584 said:for PvE these are probably the biggest changes in the patch and it sucks. at the least they could have made the spirit effects stackable so it would benefit the group to bring two rangers. It was the additional buffs that Druid brought that made it worthwhile, even more than the healing. Anet just nerfed everything that made a ranger important in group content and now i'm sad....

Stacking Frost Spirit would be hilarious, it would increase power SB dps by more than 40% to sth like 40k or so.

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@jokobet.6081 said:

@Prophet.1584 said:for PvE these are probably the biggest changes in the patch and it sucks. at the least they could have made the spirit effects stackable so it would benefit the group to bring two rangers. It was the additional buffs that Druid brought that made it worthwhile, even more than the healing. Anet just nerfed everything that made a ranger important in group content and now i'm sad....

Stacking Frost Spirit would be hilarious, it would increase power SB dps by more than 40% to sth like 40k or so.

That would be amazing! it's not like we have a ton of cleave or high hitting attacks anyway but Maul numbers would be fun.

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@"Wondrouswall.7169" said:Ah, shucks. "Guard!" and Druid Glyphs still cannot be used underwater. :disappointed: Was really hoping those would happen in this underwater update.

Some would be neat to use, even if they didnt make all usable UW. And guard needs this, its a remnant if the past that it cant be used.Atleast they fixed the BM trait and gave souobeast the buff when merged.And aome dmg modifiers on sword and dagger are nice.Dagger OH is still garbage for PvE and splitblade is still unsplitted from PvP.Well sword got some dmg boost which is nice.

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@Soilder.3607 said:

@Soilder.3607 said:Guys, overall changes to druid allow for more NET healing. No single druid skill was reduced by 50% healing or greater, while we were given a trait that increases outgoing healing by 50%. That is an overall buff in terms of healing to allies, the cost being the loss of might stacks of course.

It's a massive nerf to PvP and WvW that pushes Druid even further out of the meta though.

Firebrand is just straight up better for team composition roles as a healer because of its massive utility in both modes, and Druid was already pushed out of the PvP sidenode meta by tanky sidenoders with big damage like Chrono/Holo/Spellbreaker.

The patch is a massive disappointment for anyone who was hoping it would renew their interest in the game.

The patch is indeed harmful to druids in WvW and sPvP, and I did not say otherwise.

In terms of the general health of the game, however, this patch is quite good, and will allow for other healers to compete with the Druid in a raid comp.

I'll remember to tell my PvP and WvW groups that when they tell me I need to reroll and main a new class for the foreseeable future.-.-

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@HeadCrowned.6834 said:The frost trap ''buff'' is so hilarious. It just showcases the ignorance of the balance team, they really don't play this game. This is one of the most disappointing patches I've seen since launch. Not exaggerating here.

They want us to play spirit ranger, have u seen the balance notes? Spirit Ranger nothing else.You are completely right. The balance team once more proved that they don't play this game and have no fucking idea. Tbh they should hire ppl with experience in balancing games, otherwise this clownfiesta will continue and the gamemodes wvw and pvp will stay trashtier like they are now. Nerfs to druid - no nerfs to mirage, scourge, firebrand -> says enough. /saltoff

clown balance teami needed to add this

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@"DerHagen.5602" said:The Druid changes are annoying af...now the healing and the might stack are even less. It isnt hard enough yet to keep the bloody pugs alive, nooooooo pls make it harder.

So they honestly expect us to switch back to Magi Druids? Why put the GotL changes into the game in the first place then?

Most pug groups: "We don't get enough heal -> Vote to kick - Insert druid's name - "Incoming...

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@InsaneQR.7412 said:Some would be neat to use, even if they didnt make all usable UW. And guard needs this, its a remnant if the past that it cant be used.Atleast they fixed the BM trait and gave souobeast the buff when merged.And aome dmg modifiers on sword and dagger are nice.Dagger OH is still garbage for PvE and splitblade is still unsplitted from PvP.Well sword got some dmg boost which is nice.

Glyphs need it just as much. CAF has been working underwater since HoT, so why doesn't the utilities? I don't know, this seems like an odd exclusion or maybe it just couldn't make it this patch like Necro's Flesh Golem for underwater.

As for sword, the 2 things Rangers have been asking for weren't implemented: 1) Faster activation on Hornet's Sting and 2) 2nd hit in the auto chain to cleave. But a 12% and 14% damage increases for Hornet's Sting and Monarch's Leap...? :neutral:

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@Wondrouswall.7169 said:As for sword, the 2 things Rangers have been asking for weren't implemented: 1) Faster activation on Hornet's Sting and 2) 2nd hit in the auto chain to cleave. But a 12% and 14% damage increases for Hornet's Sting and Monarch's Leap...? :neutral:

Yeah, because rangers used Hornet's Sting and Monarch's Leap for the damage, /s.

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Well ranger is my favorite class and I plan on continuing to play it despite the obstacles of this strange patch. A couple of the changes are welcomed like the Lightening Reflexes buff and the water updates that improve all water play across the board for all classes, but I scratch my head to wear I'm bald at the healing nerfs of druid, the class they designed to be a healer and that as stated b4 has been nerfed quite a bit over time already.

So it must be the trend nerfing healing for this patch and like last patch's nerf of Supportive Pets, but wait engineer's Med Kit and Warrior's Mending? http://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Game_updates So....even core engineer can replace druid, the elite specialization designed for healing. Pure salt on my part here ...Core warrior a heavy armor clad profession that can connect and 3 shot most professions if traited/geared gets a buff to a healing skill that untraited is now a 15 second cd that heals for the same as our We Heal as One (20 sec. 16 traited pvp 25 sec. 20 traited) and removes 3 conditions. Whaaa? I thought they were nerfing self heals and pushing for outgoing heals?

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@michelada.2947 said:i'm totally agreed with the changes, now anet has room to improve druid's damage too , old druid wass doing too much, at least on the spvp side ,

Why would you go to a spec that's meant as a healer+ some offensive support for damage when Soulbeast offers it in spades by comparison?Is this sarcasm? I cant even tell anymore these days. :/

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@Soilder.3607 said:

@Soilder.3607 said:Guys, overall changes to druid allow for more NET healing. No single druid skill was reduced by 50% healing or greater, while we were given a trait that increases outgoing healing by 50%. That is an overall buff in terms of healing to allies, the cost being the loss of might stacks of course.

It's a massive nerf to PvP and WvW that pushes Druid even further out of the meta though.

Firebrand is just straight up better for team composition roles as a healer because of its massive utility in both modes, and Druid was already pushed out of the PvP sidenode meta by tanky sidenoders with big damage like Chrono/Holo/Spellbreaker.

The patch is a massive disappointment for anyone who was hoping it would renew their interest in the game.

The patch is indeed harmful to druids in WvW and sPvP, and I did not say otherwise.

In terms of the general health of the game, however, this patch is quite good, and will allow for other healers to compete with the Druid in a raid comp.

Fair enough but I think it is time for an alternative tank class more than another heal class.

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