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Nerco's old Human Axe animation


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Still hoping someday we will have something similar Axe attack animation as the old one, it was the reason why I made frost-fang for my human female nerco back then but sadly it seems its all has been forgotten and stuck with the fairy wand like animation.

Example, see video below that was made 5 years ago by someone. -

Are people now happy with the replaced animation now?

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Indeed it did, made the axe quite fun to use due to the animation (even tho the axe was a lot weaker back then).

They were supposed to be looking into the animation awhile ago when people complained back then but it all went quiet and forgotten.

The current animation we have still feels lame (Run power reaper in WvW, fun build until I switch to axe for range......)

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Human female nerco one is the most lamest one of them all.

  • Old Female Human > New Female human99999% better then the current one, there is no feeling in the new replacement.
  • Old Male Human > New Male humanStill, the new male is a lot better then the current female one.
  • Old Asura > New Asura
    Trail weapons would look awesome on old Asura.
  • Old Char - New Char
    .......both got good points and bad (char's head on old is quite silly)
  • Old Norn < New NornOld Norn seems drunk lol
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@"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:If we can’t get back the old animation—which should definitely should return—I’d suggest, to use the animation from warrior’s Cyclone Axe instead, since it’s also a double attack and looks neat, too.

There's that or they could make it into a 3-chain auto attack. They can use Warrior's 1st and 2nd axe auto animations (Chop & Double Chop), with the 3rd chain being a shorter Ghastly Claws.

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@"Jasonbdj.4021" said:

Are people now happy with the replaced animation now?

Short answer "not really."

I miss the old animation but sadly people found ways to abuse it through a bug of animation canceling.Rather than fix it anet fixed it by completely working 2 hits into 1 single animation which looks sloppy. Most of the time i can ignore it but yes if you watch it closely for a series of 2-3 swings its very unimpressive.

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There was a "hack" in which you could activate the first strike of the auto and then sheath your weapon before activating it again. It was hard to do but if successful, you could hit a foe far quicker than normal. Possibly the reason they changed it.

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@"Lahmia.2193" said:There was a "hack" in which you could activate the first strike of the auto and then sheath your weapon before activating it again. It was hard to do but if successful, you could hit a foe far quicker than normal. Possibly the reason they changed it.

That was the reason why they changed it.

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  • 4 years later...

Wait a minute! They changed ele’s Flamestrike (fire, scepter 1) animation towards the 2nd animation of the axe chain. It’s the exact animation, necro’s once had on axe. Therefore, I guess the holster bug has been fixed, but necromancers are still not allowed to use the original animation?

If ANet can change Flamestrike, they can also change Rending Claws.

Edited by AllNightPlayer.1286
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17 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

Wait a minute! They changed ele’s Flamestrike (scepter 1) animation towards the 2nd animation of the axe chain. It’s the exact animation, necro’s once had on axe. Therefore, I guess the holster bug has been fixed, but necromancer are still not allowed to use the original animation?

If ANet can change Flamestrike, they can also change Rending Claws.

Ahhh, I knew it looked familiar. Couldn't quite put my finger on it though.

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18 hours ago, AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

Wait a minute! They changed ele’s Flamestrike (scepter 1) animation towards the 2nd animation of the axe chain. It’s the exact animation, necro’s once had on axe. Therefore, I guess the holster bug has been fixed, but necromancer are still not allowed to use the original animation?

If ANet can change Flamestrike, they can also change Rending Claws.

I think it's not exactly the same, it's the same for like 99.9%.
There should be a longer movement to the left between one hit and the next one, some fremes were cut and this results in a weirder animation on the offhand arm which was already kinda static back them but now it moves even less harmoniously with the rest of the body. 😕
That said I'm sorry necro did lose it, it was cooler than the current one, yet I have to say I barely notice it since I play an asura necromancer x|

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