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Please reduce the Nerf to Druid


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I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

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@Brosef.7852 said:I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

Have you tried it yet? Because it's actually just fine. Trait lingering light for heals and there's your actual BUFF to healing. Yes you can't take GotL for might stacking, but what might you do pump out is now at a longer duration. Of course I'm a full harrier druid so boon duration is at 95%. Also frost spirit got a nice buff and no other class has ranger spirits. And in raids, so many other classes can also pump out might to assist the group that there really is no need to worry. So no, druid is not destroyed. And the sky isn't falling.

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@artemis.6781 said:

@Brosef.7852 said:I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

Have you tried it yet? Because it's actually just fine. Trait lingering light for heals and there's your actual BUFF to healing. Yes you can't take GotL for might stacking, but what might you do pump out is now at a longer duration. Of course I'm a full harrier druid so boon duration is at 95%. Also frost spirit got a nice buff and no other class has ranger spirits. And in raids, so many other classes can also pump out might to assist the group that there really is no need to worry. So no, druid is not destroyed. And the sky isn't falling.

I have tried it. Its horrible. Also no I don't want other classes sacrificing DPS for might stacking. That is a bad idea for dps check bosses like Gorseval. Secondly If your telling me your not noticing the 40% loss to your Rejuvenating Tides and 20% to lunar impact. Then your either not really taking any damage or your not healing. The might stacking duration on your war horn has been decreased by a third. Also you receive 5 less stacks of might from your rejuvenating tides because grace of the land gives one less per pulse. So yeah it has been nerfed into the ground.

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Druid was never the top healer, tempest was, and still is, the one capable of outputting the most green numbers per sec. What did not change. and probably won't change anytime soon, is that Druid has the best offensive support to offer, and is the true thing it has to offer. Not only it has Spotter (absolutely necessary to DHs, very important to Holos, and now also invaluable to Weavers that can't count on Meteor Shower to gap into 30k+ DPS region), it also has spirits and a very high might generation throughput. As far as I could think about it, both Chaos Chronos and the new Deadeye can keep up might nearly as well as Druid is able to, but they still can't bring in the added bonus of spirits and spotter. I guess now people can use a single druid on their raids, if Deadeye and Chronos can truly stack 25 might for all players, but specially in fractals, Druids are still indispensable.

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Even before this patch it's good to run with 1 necro heal .. I will look into that actually but I don't feel druid is a major nerf at all.. just a bit tidying up with the excess healingI somehow feel the change is needed. I play druid mainly in raids and fractal.But I agree that u don't destroy a class to make other better.. buff boss buff other class

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@Hindenburg.3415 said:

@"ArchGenie.1063" said:Druid needs more nerfs, its a fixed slot

Yep. They should nerf spirits , not buff . Until spirits is there - druid will "fixed slot". In any role - support , dps or hybrid.

Spirits got nerfed. They just removed the random chance and they act more like a buff with an internal cooldown. Frostspirit is down from 7.5% damage increase to 5%.Why is druid a problem and warrior and chrono not? You run two chronos but need only 1 druid. PUGs run 2 because reasons but it was never necessary since the GoTL and spirit change to 10 people.

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@artemis.6781 said:

@Brosef.7852 said:I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

Have you tried it yet? Because it's actually just fine. Trait lingering light for heals and there's your actual BUFF to healing.After that buff druid is still worse than competition at healing, and to be at that point it has to sacrifice part of the reason why it was picked over those better-healing classes.Remember, that heal change was accompanied by GotL nerf, spotter nerf and frost spirit nerf.

Also frost spirit got a nice buffYeah, from 10% damage increase down to 5%. Even if we factor in the 75->100% chance of it activating, it's still a net loss.

and no other class has ranger spirits.Condi rangers do.

And in raids, so many other classes can also pump out might to assist the group that there really is no need to worry.

Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

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@Brosef.7852 said:

@Brosef.7852 said:I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

Have you tried it yet? Because it's actually just fine. Trait lingering light for heals and there's your actual BUFF to healing. Yes you can't take GotL for might stacking, but what might you do pump out is now at a longer duration. Of course I'm a full harrier druid so boon duration is at 95%. Also frost spirit got a nice buff and no other class has ranger spirits. And in raids, so many other classes can also pump out might to assist the group that there really is no need to worry. So no, druid is not destroyed. And the sky isn't falling.

I have tried it. Its horrible. Also no I don't want other classes sacrificing DPS for might stacking. That is a bad idea for dps check bosses like Gorseval. Secondly If your telling me your not noticing the 40% loss to your Rejuvenating Tides and 20% to lunar impact. Then your either not really taking any damage or your not healing. The might stacking duration on your war horn has been decreased by a third. Also you receive 5 less stacks of might from your rejuvenating tides because grace of the land gives one less per pulse. So yeah it has been nerfed into the ground.

Groups where fine with only one druid for most bosses before the patch...i would rather say your group cant dodge/have bad positioning if your healing is not enough. And he dont means other DPS-players. You have automaticly a mightuptime from soi from the chronos, and if you play chaos-buff-chrono then the chrono alone can keep 25 stacks of might...just saying.

We played yesterday too and we where fine. only for desmina we had to play with a heal temp in addition.

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@Hindenburg.3415 said:@Astralporing.1957 said:

Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

I doubt it. But i hope i am wrong. Why druid must be only 1 option for raids ? I wanna play supp engi or revenant or tempest.

Rangers dont belong in raids (anet knows it) this thread should be named nerf druid so we can kick them from raids and have the fb and ventari and tempest . Soulbeast nah no we cant have them in raids.

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@Laila Lightness.8742 said:

Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

I doubt it. But i hope i am wrong. Why druid must be only 1 option for raids ? I wanna play supp engi or revenant or tempest.

Rangers dont belong in raids (anet knows it)

With that logic, Anet should just delete raids.

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@artemis.6781 said:

@Hindenburg.3415 said:@"Astralporing.1957" said:

Yep, druid can now be replaced both in healing and might generation. Wonder what's next?

I doubt it. But i hope i am wrong. Why druid must be only 1 option for raids ? I wanna play supp engi or revenant or tempest.

Rangers dont belong in raids (anet knows it)

With that logic, Anet should just delete raids.

Agreed, let's rename this thread "The sky is falling! Stop the sky falling ArenaNet!"

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@Brosef.7852 said:

@Brosef.7852 said:I can understand the nerfs in WvW and PvP. The game wasn't designed with a healer in mind and it can be overpowered. That said. Why are the nerfs effecting pve content as well. With some of them reducing the healing up to 40%. While at the same time not effecting any other healers. Tempest healers could already out heal a druid. Now druids might not be used at all anymore in raids because the significant loss in healing and might stacking. What the heck? It just seems a bit excessive. While this is going on. You buff engi healing. You don't need to destroy a class to make the other one viable.

Have you tried it yet? Because it's actually just fine. Trait lingering light for heals and there's your actual BUFF to healing. Yes you can't take GotL for might stacking, but what might you do pump out is now at a longer duration. Of course I'm a full harrier druid so boon duration is at 95%. Also frost spirit got a nice buff and no other class has ranger spirits. And in raids, so many other classes can also pump out might to assist the group that there really is no need to worry. So no, druid is not destroyed. And the sky isn't falling.

I have tried it. Its horrible. Also no I don't want other classes sacrificing DPS for might stacking. That is a bad idea for dps check bosses like Gorseval. Secondly If your telling me your not noticing the 40% loss to your Rejuvenating Tides and 20% to lunar impact. Then your either not really taking any damage or your not healing. The might stacking duration on your war horn has been decreased by a third. Also you receive 5 less stacks of might from your rejuvenating tides because grace of the land gives one less per pulse. So yeah it has been nerfed into the ground.

We are not taking damage. If we wanted to facetank everything we wouldnt brink druid as a healer. And might generation is nerfed only for power/condi druid, you know, tjose that dont heal. Heal druid provide SAME might. You just have to stay longer in CA (and heal druid was doing it anyway if i am correct) but you dont need to go in that often -> this is a buff because now you can delay your ca for when it is needed.

To me it looks like you play druid because it is meta but dont understand why it is meta. Druid was never best healer in the game but still it was only healer played. Ultility >>>>> heals

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If you check this trait change: Lingering Light: This trait no longer grants its effects when healing an ally. It now grants its effects when entering celestial avatar form. While in celestial avatar form, outgoing healing to allies is increased by 50%.

The nerfs to Druid Celestial Avatar skills are less than 50%Cosmic Ray: Reduced the healing of this skill by 30%.Seed of Life.png Seed of Life: Reduced the healing of this skill by 35%.Lunar Impact.png Lunar Impact: The heal scaling of this skill is no longer split between game modes and will now use the lower 20% reduced heal scaling in all modes.Rejuvenating Tides.png Rejuvenating Tides: Reduced the healing of this skill by 40%.

In the end they decided to force Druids to pick between two grandmaster traits, you either use Grace of the Land to buff might or you pick Lingering Light to be a healer. That way a Druid can't be both at the same time and Grace of the Land has a huge drawback. Healing with LL should be higher than pre-patch.

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Druid has maintained the monopoly over healing "slots" in PvE hard content for a long, long time. They are just making space for other professions and builds. Even Engie could have an opportunity to take the healing place now with the new kit. IMO, keep nerfing Druid and buffing other healers until there is real variety. Honestly, I hope the same happens with the current might bots, and with the current precious top tank too...

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