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I almost bought the new “Elonian Elementalist” outfit …

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I bought the outfit for one of my female charr specifically.The bra WOULD look ridiculous on female charr. Saying it looks fine on female asura is a silly argument, because female asura look DRASTICALLY different from female charr. Female asura have a more "humanlike" physique, thus, even with a flat chest, outfits designed for human women will look okay on them. By contrast, female charr are huge hairy cat-demons--even the most traditionally feminine-looking ones are muscular claw-and-tooth machines.

My female charr in the outfit:https://albaine.deviantart.com/art/Charr-Outfit-Ex-746371890?ga_submit_new=10%3A1527131498&ga_type=edit&ga_changes=1&ga_recent=1

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The male version is just weird to me. Females can get away with it because everyone in Tyria is beautiful but on a guy (and yes the guys can be aesthetic, I'm not judging anyone) complete frontal exposure is... off-putting. Dude needs some pants or shorts or something.

GW has traditionally been really good about that. Ironically I think charr are the only ones who can pull off that outfit. JMHO. I guess after the awesomeness that was the primeval dervish outfit, they had to release something to cater to other tastes.

I was expecting Vabbian Armor I guess.270px-Elementalist_Vabbian_armor_m.jpg

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@STIHL.2489 said:

@"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:Why is it okay for Asura women to expose their gray, leathery skin, but not for Charr women to show their wonderful fur patterns? :'(

Asura have gender neutral armor, IE: There is no pattern or design variance between the males and females.This outfit is not “
gender neutral
” on
. And don’t call it that way. It’s “
male only
”!There are some outfits, where
also got the female versions, but
  • Daydreamer’s Finery
  • Monk
  • Verdant Executor
  • Winter Solstice

And I’m still mad, that ANet was too lazy to implement them for Charr, too.I don’t like exposed chests on my female Charr, which can happen a lot with “male only” variants. This is also the reason, why I was happy, that Braham’s Wolfblood has a female version for Charr.I rather have a skimpy breast-plate on my Charr women, than nothing at all.

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@AllNightPlayer.1286 said:

@AllNightPlayer.1286 said:Why is it okay for Asura women to expose their gray, leathery skin, but not for Charr women to show their wonderful fur patterns? :'(

Asura have gender neutral armor, IE: There is no pattern or design variance between the males and females.This outfit is not “
gender neutral
” on
. And don’t call it that way. It’s “
male only

I never said anything about Outfits, I said Armor.

And if they make a "Male only" Outfit why is anyone surprised that is only has a skin for a male toon? As long as they make some Female Only Outfits... it's all good in my book.

Also, I'd love to see some Charr Only outfits, maybe some Asura Only as well.

What is with the need for an Outfit (or Armor) to fit everyone, personally I think that is where the problem is in this game, and adds way to much work to make a single piece of armor or gear, it might be better if did more Cultural Specific, and Gender Specific Armors and Outfits, just to allow them to put out more stuff.

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@"STIHL.2489" said:And if they make a "Male only" Outfit why is anyone surprised that is only has a skin for a male toon? As long as they make some Female Only Outfits... it's all good in my book.

They don't ever make outfits that are "male only". They make both a female and a male version. Humans, Norn, and Sylvari all get both male and female versions every time, with the male version going to male characters and the female version going to female characters. Charr and Asura, however, sometimes only get the male version and sometimes get both the male and female versions. It's quite inconsistent.

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@RoseofGilead.8907 said:

@"STIHL.2489" said:And if they make a "Male only" Outfit why is anyone surprised that is only has a skin for a male toon? As long as they make some Female Only Outfits... it's all good in my book.

They don't ever make outfits that are "male only". They make both a female and a male version. Humans, Norn, and Sylvari all get both male and female versions every time, with the male version going to male characters and the female version going to female characters. Charr and Asura, however, sometimes only get the male version and sometimes get both the male and female versions. It's quite inconsistent.

If, both genders wear it the same, it is Asexual not Male, and this is very prevalent among Asura, that often do not have gender specific clothing.

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I was dissapointed myself seeing another loveless port for charr (and partly asura) with that one.And while i can understand all the hate for boobcups on charr, it could've been as simple as to make that part a flat, solid one piece panel in the same design, like a chest wrap. because the rest would've definetly looked awesome on a Female Charr.

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@SlippyCheeze.5483 said:

@"Just a flesh wound.3589" said:Personally I’m not ready to see a Charr wearing a bra. ? But maybe that just me.

...Charr don't really
a bra. Cat kitten don't come with an externally visible breast, really, they just kinda ... attach to the surface. More like a human dude, only a bit flatter.

Bonus points for achieving "cat kitten". :)

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@"Exusia.4258" said:Since it wouldn't leave me, i played around a bit, and i stay with my Statement before, it would've looked rather nice on a female Charr as female version with just a few changes to the chest Part: http://imagizer.imageshack.us/a/img924/1600/1Ohd3M.pngBut yeah.. instead we got another tent-skirt~

True, but there is a lore basis for charr females wearing the "male" set. In their culture there is no such thing as "female" and "male" clothing--only unisex clothing. A charr woman could adapt either the male or female variant to her frame as she pleases--based on her personal tastes. In such a case, you'd probably see an equal number of female charr wearing the female version verses the male version.

However, from an in-game perspective, it's the Black Lion Trading Company who is mass producing Elonian outfits--not individual charr. And if the "head designer", if you will, is a human, norn, or asura--they would probably decide to mass-produce only the male outfit in charr-size--because to an outsider looking into charr culture, that's the route of least resistance. Charr are used to unisex clothing within their own culture, so they won't question it; and it doesn't create a headache for some asuran designer who only has a basic understanding of charr culture. Even if--maybe especially if--the "head designer" is a charr, he or she isn't going to waste time trying to cater gendered clothing to charr culture because he or she knows charr would just be like "Why?". And that would probably be bad for marketing.

When you consider that, in-game-wise, all these outfits are made by a mass producer (the Black Lion Company), it's logical that charr get the "male" version of things for the most part. It's a very "big company" thing to do, and Evon Gnashblade is all about getting quick profit. You could even infer that, in cases where gendered clothing is available to charr, the Black Lion person who OK'd that was a little eccentric, rushed, or just clueless.

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@AllNightPlayer.1286 said:… but then I realised it’s male only for Charr and Charr only (again). :/Why is it okay for Asura women to expose their gray, leathery skin, but not for Charr women to show their wonderful fur patterns? :'(

Charr will always get the short end of the stick when it comes to outfit design, which is why I won't buy any outfits unless it looks equally as good on humans as it does charr

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@"Weindrasi.3805" said:True, but there is a lore basis for charr females wearing the "male" set. In their culture there is no such thing as "female" and "male" clothing--only unisex clothing. A charr woman could adapt either the male or female variant to her frame as she pleases--based on her personal tastes. In such a case, you'd probably see an equal number of female charr wearing the female version verses the male version.

I know about the Lore aspect of it, and what is behind it and the 'neutral' clothing with Charr. But you also said there what i and several others say for a while now: Give the option to choose either with the 'unisex' Races. And while Charr equal gender, and don't 'Sexualize' things humans do (big breast, firm butt etc.) , they do it with other things, one of wich is strenght. What i did in that sketch was mimicing the design of the light vigil top, which more or less does that by it's tight design, and thus shows off the muscle features of the chest/belly, and, at least in my eyes, would've worked in that aspect then.

Same goes for the legendary Armor, which is a mix of male top and the rest being female parts, where that full body shirt isn't fitting in at all with the rest of the style, but so wouldn't the 'legendary BH' it is for all other females. But Anet choose the lazy path here and simply slapped the male shirt on them, yet, given it's the most endgame and unique armor behind quite quite the challange to get it, they could (and should) have put far more wok into it, could've gone for a design using a 'X' strap approach for example, to keep the basic design of it, yet making it work on Charr without looking stupid. On my opinion, i still say Legendary armor should've had a unique Design for every race, but yeah~

I mean, they can do good Charr Clothing, the Cultural Armor and the Mistward Armor (mainly also because choosing Rythlock as the defining Revenant kinda forced them to do a proper Charr armor again) shows that, but i think since Humans dominate the Statistics they won't bother much adapting things properly, let alone fix all those clipping issues still present, some being very, very old by now (Charr light T3 pants cough )

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Well thanks to Gaheron Baelfire, who burnt off most of his fur, we know how many breast warts (papilla mammae) a charr has. The answer is two.However, they are nomally buried under a layer of fur. Which is why Gaheron is unintentionally relevant for the science of anatomy.

! Image one: Former Imperator of Flame Legion: Gaheron Baelfire.! Image two: Gaheron still alive.! After trying in vain to display images, I learned that some skritt disallowed thumbnails. I'm sorry for the inconvenience.

@"AllNightPlayer.1286" said:I don’t like exposed chests on my female Charr, which can happen a lot with “male only” variants. This is also the reason, why I was happy, that Braham’s Wolfblood has a female version for Charr.I rather have a skimpy breast-plate on my Charr women, than nothing at all.

That's odd. Of all the races on Tyria, charr look nothing like humans and the little degree of sexual dimorphism doesn't add any radical differences between a male and a female charr.The main differences are:

  • Different faces: Males tend to have a more sqaure jaw, while female faces tend to be more streamlined.
  • Different Tails: Males have a tail tuft, while females have a long and soft fur on the entire length of their tail.
  • Different body mass: Males tend to be heavier, ranging from 170 - 250 kg, while females weigh in at 150 - 230 kg.

Other than that, female charr tend to be rather similar to the males. Both are stubborn, intelligent cat people, who eat meat to survive and like to hunt. I'd say that female and male charr are both just as likely to run around barechested. Case in point: This outfit.

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@Exusia.4258 said:

@"Weindrasi.3805" said:True, but there is a lore basis for charr females wearing the "male" set. In their culture there is no such thing as "female" and "male" clothing--only unisex clothing. A charr woman could adapt either the male or female variant to her frame as she pleases--based on her personal tastes. In such a case, you'd probably see an equal number of female charr wearing the female version verses the male version.

I know about the Lore aspect of it, and what is behind it and the 'neutral' clothing with Charr. But you also said there what i and several others say for a while now: Give the option to choose either with the 'unisex' Races. And while Charr equal gender, and don't 'Sexualize' things humans do (big breast, firm butt etc.) , they do it with other things, one of wich is strenght. What i did in that sketch was mimicing the design of the light vigil top, which more or less does that by it's tight design, and thus shows off the muscle features of the chest/belly, and, at least in my eyes, would've worked in that aspect then.

Same goes for the legendary Armor, which is a mix of male top and the rest being female parts, where that full body shirt isn't fitting in at all with the rest of the style, but so wouldn't the 'legendary BH' it is for all other females. But Anet choose the lazy path here and simply slapped the male shirt on them, yet, given it's the most endgame and unique armor behind quite quite the challange to get it, they could (and should) have put far more wok into it, could've gone for a design using a 'X' strap approach for example, to keep the basic design of it, yet making it work on Charr without looking stupid. On my opinion, i still say Legendary armor should've had a unique Design for every race, but yeah~

I mean, they can do good Charr Clothing, the Cultural Armor and the Mistward Armor (mainly also because choosing Rythlock as the defining Revenant kinda forced them to do a proper Charr armor again) shows that, but i think since Humans dominate the Statistics they won't bother much adapting things properly, let alone fix all those clipping issues still present, some being very, very old by now (Charr light T3 pants

Well, I do agree that legendary armor is very "meh". I've never had any interest in it--it doesn't look great on charr, which is primarily what I play, and it seems pretty mediocre on the other races too. I do think they should have made it unique to each race.

My point is, Arenanet has an in-game lore reason to keep going the route they are going. The Black Lion Trading Company produces these outfits, and they're a big company that takes the easiest route to profit. Almost an in-game representation of Arenanet, if you want to think of it that way.If enough people ask for a gendered outfit option that is appropriate to female charr, such as your design, Arenanet may do it. But, they have plenty of things to pull from if they decide to not do it. And honestly, I am fine with that. I've got plenty of options if I want to make a distinctively feminine female charr; and plenty of options if I want to make a very gender-neutral charr.Don't get me wrong, I'm fine if there are gendered charr outfits, as long as the female variant is appropriate for a charr's physique and culture... but I don't think it's a big deal.

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@Hyper Cutter.9376 said:I wish they were more consistent with that.

By which, I mean they should use the male versions of outfits on asura and charr at all times because the female versions always look ridiculous (at best) on them.

Ugh no. I am sick and tired of my asura always looking like a dude. Trying to make my asura actually look feminine has been a pain since I made her.

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  • 11 months later...

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:

@Just a flesh wound.3589 said:Personally I’m not ready to see a Charr wearing a bra. ? But maybe that just me.

...Charr don't really
a bra. Cat kitten don't come with an externally visible breast, really, they just kinda ... attach to the surface. More like a human dude, only a bit flatter.

The female outfit comes with a bra regardless of whether or not there is externally visible breast. A Charr wearing a bra would look ridiculous.

It'd look fine, It'd even look fine on males. Asura has flat chest and is wearing it and it's fine. People want options. We don't get options.In reality everyone could wear whatever the hell they wanted no-matter what. GW2 isn't realistic with clothing though unfortunately.

Envoy armor, female Charr, first iteration


Female Charr don’t have human style breasts and putting a bra on them (which adds breasts) looks ridiculous.

I like makes her look cute and that's my point of view.

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  • 1 year later...

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