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It’s time to buff revenent


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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Revenant is incredibly strong against power builds. All they lack is condition cleanse. As soon as Mesmer ain't meta anymore, Revenant will become a good pick again.

there will still be thievers bullying there even if mirage isn't meta anymore. Revenant issue is a problem of design Imo. It doesn't work as intended. (but i still enjoy the class tho ... I climb last 2 spvp seasons by revenant only)

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@Nath Forge Tempete.1645 said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Revenant is incredibly strong against power builds. All they lack is condition cleanse. As soon as Mesmer ain't meta anymore, Revenant will become a good pick again.

there will still be thievers bullying there even if mirage isn't meta anymore. Revenant issue is a problem of design Imo. It doesn't work as intended. (but i still enjoy the class tho ... I climb last 2 spvp seasons by revenant only)

Counterplay is a good thing, not a bad thing. The game needs more natural counters, not less. Much like how Necro always beat engineer. Guardian beat thief, thief mesmer and so forth. Revenant has always been strong vs guards and to some extent, warriors.

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@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:

@"AngelLovesFredrik.6741" said:Revenant is incredibly strong against power builds. All they lack is condition cleanse. As soon as Mesmer ain't meta anymore, Revenant will become a good pick again.

there will still be thievers bullying there even if mirage isn't meta anymore. Revenant issue is a problem of design Imo. It doesn't work as intended. (but i still enjoy the class tho ... I climb last 2 spvp seasons by revenant only)

Counterplay is a good thing, not a bad thing. The game needs more natural counters, not less. Much like how Necro always beat engineer. Guardian beat thief, thief mesmer and so forth. Revenant has always been strong vs guards and to some extent, warriors.

the game needs soft counters not hard counters. hard counters only work if you can switch classes easily

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Like others said it would be better to nerf others instead of just buffing Rev.However, if some buffs needed to take place, Devs would have to be extremely careful with them, because even though Rev is difficult profession to play, it isn't exactly "totally unviable" and so buffing could be danger close to OP again.

PS:Someone mentioned Thieves counter Mes; that's true only with certain Power builds, but since totally everybody is running insane spam condi A/x Mirage then it's not even true anymore.

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Nah don’t buff Rev. Myself and a few others are going to completely farm everybody again if you put it on equal footing. Gotten too used to the self imposed handicap.

There are not enough people playing the better specs anymore at a reasonable skill level (assuming they quit due to being bored by how easy it was) for rev extreme weaknesses to be felt. POF balance has turned away some of the games best players...

Buff renegade though. It is 100% unusable and is still aggravating it is so bad.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@Crab Fear.1624 said:buff renegade, not revenant

Renegade is a worthless developement time sink. Only an overhaul can fix this mess, not buffs. They should either do that or forget about the spec.

oh yeah. not buff...completely rework and transform.

would be better if they focused on something else tbh like more game modes

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I love my Revenant but TBH I'd rather nerf everything else instead, no buffs (except Renegade)It's incredibly well balanced right now...Probably the most balanced class atmHigh Risk/High Reward

Please no reworks either, complete waste of time and just for what? To pander those people who don't want to learn something different.(Except maybe Renegade) Like someone else said, they are better off working on something else.The class is not bad at all right now, it just needs little numerical tweaks here and there.

So please do not mess with Revenant by making it overtuned once again, the truth is that everything else is just an unbalanced mess so Revenant in comparison looks bad.

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