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Ranger pet crits you for 10683 damage


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@ZhouX.8742 said:

@ChartFish.1308 said:Why are rangers not allowed nice things.

How about the somehow 6k LB AAs?Still no idea how they do that, but I saw it quite often.

By going heavily glass cannon with sic 'em and mms & BM as well as opressive superiority, shooting at max distance. You will have to trade off a lot of survivability. You'll find most builds get 3k AA crits, 4k if using sic 'em

Definitely not max distance, got those hits while standing on point with the Ranger, also they were never as squishy as glass cannon suggests.

Then you're making kitten up... It's hard to even achieve those numbers in PvP alone due to limitations with the amulet... In WvW that is a more realistic number to see.

Even with all of the defensives you take away by going near that level of damage, it's a meme build at most and not taken seriously at all. You'll see it in ranked of course because it's actually fun to try and setup the burst with it , but it's just that, a fun meme build and no where close to the meta builds/classes.

Search the forums, there are several Screenshots in other Threads that are exactly about this...

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@ChartFish.1308 said:

@Bigbosos.2063 said:Got hit by 12,756 damage by rock gazelle's charge yesterday. Also I was in stealth, but for some reason the gazelle had the attack already locked onto me so it followed regardless. K.

Just like almost any other channeled movement skill. Warrior rush, bulls charge, reaper 2, mirage ambush sword, etc etc

Yeah I know, it's rather annoying. I had made a post about this a couple weeks ago, that channelled abilities should break on stealth / target break, but it got pretty much ignored by ANet. I guess it's considerable a feature D:.

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@ChartFish.1308 said:Why are rangers not allowed nice things.

Is a passive bot dealing an RNG 10k damage a nice thing for anybody? It's not even the ranger doing anything directly. It's not even technically a nice thing for the player to which that bot is tied.

@Dante.1763 said:

@ChartFish.1308 said:Why are rangers not allowed nice things.

To be honest my greatest fear for this game is that ranger gets completely ruined again and isnt wanted for any content :(

Ranger was worthless at launch precisely because it was never worth anything from the get go. It's a shallow, clunky and trashy design from the perspective of any MMORPG and it's only made remotely relevant due to powercrept numbers and a slap-on button which, in PvP, is almost exclusively just used as another self-healing skill on a 15s cooldown. Shame that the class is just a broken shell with no substance. Numbers won't save it from that; they'll only either reveal it for what it is or make everyone around it frustrated. Basically the same story as every other class to a certain extent.

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@Swagg.9236 said:

@ChartFish.1308 said:Why are rangers not allowed nice things.

Is a passive bot dealing an RNG 10k damage a nice thing for anybody? It's not even the ranger doing anything directly. It's not even technically a nice thing for the player to which that bot is tied.

See, the issue is, ANET refuses to give the pets damage back to the ranger, and the pet regardless of if players use it actively or not is a portion of the rangers damage...

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@Dante.1763 said:

@"ChartFish.1308" said:Why are rangers not allowed nice things.

Is a passive bot dealing an RNG 10k damage a nice thing for anybody? It's not even the ranger doing anything directly. It's not even technically a nice thing for the player to which that bot is tied.

See, the issue is, ANET refuses to give the pets damage back to the ranger, and the pet regardless of if players use it actively or not is a portion of the rangers damage...

It's not like, even if the damage went back to the ranger, that it would generate any fun or dynamic gameplay. "Scripted charge deals near-lethal damage in one strike" is pretty pathetic in a game that aims and moves for you in most cases.

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@Poelala.2830 said:“Eles have nothing to complain about”“...Meteor Shower” LOL. You’re saying staff ele is as viable as an AI pet that’s overturned to hell. You’re so blind if you think this is the case.

... overtune? I hope you only mean the gazelle and it's once in a blue moon high crit (i play with it and i have yet to see a 10k crit from it).

You do know the rotation you execute for these skills to land right? Especially with your easy access to quickness, “just walking out of it” isn’t probable at all.

I mean... you'd be surprised? If all you want to do is hit a single maul/wordly impact then sure enough. Still, it's the range of a melee attack. Impact roots you, maul is a cone. Without stunning or zephyr it's just easy to walk out of it. You can cast it on point and the enemy can avoid it by going on the edges :/Don't get me wrong, it hits hard when it hits & crits, i know, but it sounds like youre getting hit by it far too much if you think it isnt possible to avoid it. I've had scrouges dodge it by only backpedaling lol

You can’t dodge maul by backpedaling it you’re less than max distance from said player. Secondarily, you’re in dire need of practice if you can’t reliably hit maul without the player just walking out of it. I suggest you learn some combos, like quickness smokescale f1-maul-f3. That should be like 13k in crits if you land it all. I’m welcome to teach you soulbeast if you need it.

Yeah listen to this guy hes got this stuff down. I played you a few times and all i see is you doing ninja gymnastics as i burn my evades and im dead and never sure what exactly killed me.

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@Bigbosos.2063 said:

@Bigbosos.2063 said:Got hit by 12,756 damage by rock gazelle's charge yesterday. Also I was in stealth, but for some reason the gazelle had the attack already locked onto me so it followed regardless. K.

Just like almost any other channeled movement skill. Warrior rush, bulls charge, reaper 2, mirage ambush sword, etc etc

Yeah I know, it's rather annoying. I had made a post about this a couple weeks ago, that channelled abilities should break on stealth / target break, but it got pretty much ignored by ANet. I guess it's considerable a feature D:.

Stealth would be extremely overpowered if this was the case.

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@Swagg.9236 said:Ranger was worthless at launch precisely because it was never worth anything from the get go. It's a shallow, clunky and trashy design from the perspective of any MMORPG and it's only made remotely relevant due to powercrept numbers and a slap-on button which, in PvP, is almost exclusively just used as another self-healing skill on a 15s cooldown. Shame that the class is just a broken shell with no substance. Numbers won't save it from that; they'll only either reveal it for what it is or make everyone around it frustrated. Basically the same story as every other class to a certain extent.

Jesus, who hurt you? What is this burning resentment against ranger? I can understand not liking a class, but saying there's no flavor or that it's shallow? What. You just sound really, really angry fam and idk why.

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Yeah, there are a lot of other issues in pvp, but OP's complaint is still valid. I feel like most people's complaints across the board about damage being excessive is valid. Anet need to implement a new stat that reduces damage from other players and player's minions.

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@Substance E.4852 said:Other classes can dish out 30k damage in 2-3 seconds and no one bats an eye.

Ranger does something other than turtling and everyone loses their mind.

6 years of this kitten...

This is just incorrect. Try again.

If another class does 30kdmg to a single target in 2 seconds, this forum would certainly go bonkers over it, as some members here are rightfully grumpy that ranger is able to 1200+ range massive damage. Granted, when you get in their face at that point, they die, but if they build slightly more balanced, they're a nightmare to face.

My 2C, but don't just spew nonsense.

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@Mbelch.9028 said:

@Substance E.4852 said:Other classes can dish out 30k damage in 2-3 seconds and no one bats an eye.

Ranger does something other than turtling and everyone loses their mind.

6 years of this kitten...

This is just incorrect. Try again.

If another class does 30kdmg to a single target in 2 seconds, this forum would certainly go bonkers over it, as some members here are rightfully grumpy that ranger is able to 1200+ range massive damage. Granted, when you get in their face at that point, they die, but if they build slightly more balanced, they're a nightmare to face.

My 2C, but don't just spew nonsense.

Ya it's almost as if said damage requires full glass on a meme build that blows all it's skills on a single target.

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@Poelala.2830 said:

@Dawdler.8521 said:DIdnt someone calculate that the max theoretical autoattack damage for longbow is like 12k damage?

Also elementalists got nothing to complain about. Meteor showers can hit for up to 10k and sometimes insta-kill people with 20k+ hp because the stupid stones hit at the same time.

“Eles have nothing to complain about”“...Meteor Shower” LOL. You’re saying staff ele is as viable as an AI pet that’s overturned to hell. You’re so blind if you think this is the case.

Ranger Pet AI Overtuned? LOL

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