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Would it be reasonable to acquire all legendaries for my profession? (in your opinion)

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TL;DR To get all weapon/armor legendaries for a profession (warrior in this case) is it worth the time investment? Is stat switching on ascended just a better route or just have several different sets of ascended gear?

The time sink seems down right gut wrenching. A full set of armor, 2 sets of weapons (warrior, so say GS + Axe/Sheild) at a minimum. Let alone if I want to get a legendary for all my weapons, not to mention OH, AND if they release new weapons with expansions. Doesn't seem possible really unless I quit my job, divorced my wife, and went full basement goblin for the next 2-3 years. I don't really give two skritt about the skins, there are others I like better. I just don't want to carry around a marching bands weight in my inventory/bank incase I want to switch builds. I'm not saying it shouldn't be hard, or shouldn't take a long time, but it seems out of reach for someone who even plays the game 20-25 hours a week like me. I could be responsible and get a second job and buy a nice car (probably 2) in the amount of time it would take me to get full legendaries for my profession at the rate I play. Not to mention if I EVER WANT TO PLAY ANOTHER ARMOR CLASS PROFESSION LATER.

Anyways, moving past my initial shock; The actual qustions.

  1. Would this even be worth it?
  2. How much aprox. gold/time would it run me to just switch stats on ascended?
  3. Should I just carry around a bunch of ascended sets?

All I want to do is to be able to go "Hey, I'm tired of playing power Gs+A/Sh, lets switch it up and go condi beserker or run something tankier for front-line wvw." and not have to take up precious bank/inventory space with 6 different sets of gear and weapons.

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It's probably only worthwhile if you really want the skins. It's cheaper by vast amounts to just stat-swap ascended or keep two sets if you commonly switch between two specific stat groups. You'd want upgrade extractors in either case, since runes and sigils can't be freely swapped, so there's no savings there. If you find yourself carrying around more than one extra set and really wanting that inventory space, that might be a good time to invest in some legendary gear, but from what you post here, it doesn't look like you have enough interest in the legendary gear for its own sake to enjoy what it would take to get there.

You can always look at adding legendary pieces more passively, as you find you've accumulated most of what you need for another piece.

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@Taelac.7036 said:It's probably only worthwhile if you really want the skins. It's cheaper by vast amounts to just stat-swap ascended or keep two sets if you commonly switch between two specific stat groups. You'd want upgrade extractors in either case, since runes and sigils can't be freely swapped, so there's no savings there. If you find yourself carrying around more than one extra set and really wanting that inventory space, that might be a good time to invest in some legendary gear, but from what you post here, it doesn't look like you have enough interest in the legendary gear for its own sake to enjoy what it would take to get there.

You can always look at adding legendary pieces more passively, as you find you've accumulated most of what you need for another piece.

That's what I'll probably do, though acquiring them 'passively' doesn't seem to be reasonable really since there are time gated things you need and specific achievements and not just mats.

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I recommend that you should only go after legendaries if you like the aesthetic, want an involved & expensive project to keep you motivated, or both. If convenience is your goal, I'd say it's cheaper and more efficient to set up multiple toons of the same prof with different ascended gear.

@Zexanima.7851 said:TL;DR To get all weapon/armor legendaries for a profession (warrior in this case) is it worth the time investment? Is stat switching on ascended just a better route or just have several different sets of ascended gear?

A typical ascended item is 50-80 gold, give or take. A typical legendary is 1500-2500 gold. A stat swap costs 3-10 gold (usually). It's far, far, far, far, far more cost efficient to stat swap ascended.

On the other hand, some people have a lot of fun making legendaries (or farming the gold and purchasing them or having a partner make them for 400 gold plus the cost of the mats, which applies just to Gen 1 weapons).

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Meh? More or less did that already but it would make more sense to make all the ones you like rather than by profession. Spending all that resource on something you don't even like would not make any sense. The stat swapping hardly matters when you can make more than 2 dozen ascended for the same price.

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Legy armor and trinkets may be worth it from a quality of life view. Legendary weapons definitely aren't anything than a more shiny skin. Due to the lack of sigil switching, they are effectively locked into one role. The only thing you can do with them is some variation within the role, e.g. switching berserker weapons to marauder ones to be a bit more durable.

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It's not impossible to have all legendary weapons... In fact there's somebody out there with 60! Legendary weapons, and somone (maybe same guy) with 49 Legendary armour pieces... So, as you can see it's not unreasonable to have one of each, relatively to that guy...

Is it cost effective, compared to just stat swapping Ascended? Not really, unless you're going to stat swap daily... @Illconceived Was Na.9781 already kinda answered this. I just wanted to point out that some people do have outrageous amounts of Legendary stuff...

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How often do you want to swap your stats? If you only do it when there's a balance update or you discover a better build then it's definitely not worth making legendaries, you'd probably never break even on the cost of making them compared to the cost of changing the stats on ascended.

If you change stats a lot, like you have different ones for WvW, open-world PvE, Fractals, raids etc. and you play multiple modes daily then it might be worth making a set of legendary armour so you can swap the stats. That way you only have to carry multiples of the weapons.

Although another option, if you have spare character slots (or you're willing to buy more) is to make additional characters. You could make extra warriors and have different equipment and skills on each, so you don't have to find space to store all the different equipment sets. Or you could make a mule to hold items from your bank you don't use often to free up space for equipment. (Or a bit of both, make an extra warrior and put some stuff from the bank in their inventory, leaving enough space for 1 raid/WvW session/etc. worth of drops.)

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have a guild member that has 7 of them I believe and would of done more if this patch coming had brought a longbow, so if you want a challenge I would say go for it, I currently have 4 on the 'boil' although I'm up to a factual drop on 2 of them so I may be sometime ;/

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Legendaries are never worth their cost. They just offer more flashy skins and are a sign of prestige and that is exactly what you're paying for. The bit of convenience on top of them is just the icing on the cake.

If you really like your class, sure. Go for it. I've made heavy legendary armor for my warrior while I absolutely hate guardian and rev, so I will never even switch it off of that character. Weapons are a bit nicer in that regard because more characters can use them + stat swapping is nice if you're going from a power to a condi build or whatever.

Look at it as an investment that you won't get any returns on.

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@Zexanima.7851 said:

@"Taelac.7036" said:You can always look at adding legendary pieces more passively, as you find you've accumulated most of what you need for another piece.

That's what I'll probably do, though acquiring them 'passively' doesn't seem to be reasonable really since there are time gated things you need and specific achievements and not just mats.

Well, by "more passively" I meant that there are materials that you need in large quantities that will just accumulate as you play various content. So, if you find, for example, that you have built up most of the T6 trophies and Mystic Coins you'd need to craft a legendary weapon, you might then find it worthwhile to see what else you already have on hand and whether what's left to do seems like a manageable amount.

That's basically how I've built my two legendary pieces so far, which makes them feel much less grindy than they look when starting from an empty collection storage.

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@CptAurellian.9537 said:Legy armor and trinkets may be worth it from a quality of life view. Legendary weapons definitely aren't anything than a more shiny skin. Due to the lack of sigil switching, they are effectively locked into one role. The only thing you can do with them is some variation within the role, e.g. switching berserker weapons to marauder ones to be a bit more durable.


Legendary armor is probably cost wise the most benefit you can get and the rune exchange is very handy. With current cost of ascended armor a full legendary set will cost you about 3 ascended sets worth.

Legendary trinkets are sort of okayish but honestly, you can just as well get 3-4 trinkets with different stats and use those. Let's remember that trinkets are very easy to come by if you have living world season 3. Something you can easily purchase from the gold you save from not making a legendary trinket.

Legendary weapons are worth only for the skin and as long term goal. At current cost, you can easily get 8-12 ascended weapons for 1 legendary (at 100g per weapon and 1200 for tier 1 legendaries). You can get 3-4 weapons with different stats and worst case stat swap one of those when new stats come around. The fact that sigils are currently use and lose multiplies this a lot since different builds (switching from power to condi for example) require completely different sigils.

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It is obtainable, you just..have to be willing to put out the time and effort to do so. Its going to be expensive, and if you arent concerned with that like im not then yes it can be done, im currently working on pretty much the same goal, but im spreading the weapons out among three characters.

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You'd probably be better off just making two sets of Ascended. You aim for a full zerker set first, then see if you're really keen on a condi set as well. most warriors get by just fine with zerker only. Then as your bank fills up with materials you can take a stab at a legendary you really fancy.

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