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In my honest opinion, Zerk Rev is easier to survive with than most other classes in Zerk gear. You have a huge arsenal of evades on hand with Utilities and weapon skills, not to mention some of the most available elites in the game.

On my zerk power Shiro/Kalla, i can have lifesteal from Kalla or Jade winds whenever I require it should the kitten ever hit the fan.

On my Soldier geared Jalis/Glint, I can’t die in open world PvE. At all. Unless AFK. I (and my party) can be in stoneform 50% of the time if i wanted too.

I really want to help but what info do you require specifically?

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I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

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@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

I should mention i have still use default binds because using anything else is nearly impossible and ill just get frustrated and not want to play. i cannot play without wasda moving with my mouse is too inconsistent for me when trying to strafe or dodge

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@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

That's fine. The classes have varying complexities by design to accommodate different tastes and levels of play. Try ranger too.

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@Justine.6351 said:

@Justine.6351 said:The reason he is dying is because he is getting hit. Jalis doesn't stop that, shiro does.

He'd be still playing his thief in that case. Jalis mitigate damage pretty well for open world and lets you take some hits.

I really do not get what people mean about evading constantly you get two dodges and even with the increased stam regen trait you do not get it back fast enough for it to help. the shiro dodge and the sword dodge also cost a ton of energy. so which is it am i supposed to do. Use my upkeeps and rely on regular dodges or not use an upkeep at all and use every dodge i have. either way it does not mitigate the damage i take. just a single scarab outside amnoon jumping into an event because it got trained can destroy me because of the blind nonsense so there goes my healing from attacking. the healing from glint's regen is so weak i dont even notice it same for the heal from consuming the facet. Jali's heal is the only forgiving heal the class seems to have and at that the only ability he has that is good is the hammers which are pretty annoying to recast constantly just to switch to glint use all my facets get close to dying then switch to jalis to heal. I even logged into my boosted warrior as well as the ranger I had and both of their heals are leagues better and they do not take nearly as much damage meanwhile they have litterally nothing but the gear they got for being boosted.I am not interested in playing those classes at the moment as they are too easy to pick up but things just do not seem to add up with Revenant and Thief.my problem with my thief was not only that i couldn't keep myself from being hit but also i hated its weapons. the only good weapons to use were two pistols and spam unload. Rifle completely defeats the purpose of dodging because it does more damage stationary than it does moving. also the blind skills the class were really not that good. overall the only way i got anything done as a thief was using cc and spamming unload or building a character around stealth that couldn't fight more than one enemy because of cool downsI understand this is a matter of skill based problems but i really do not understand what people mean when they tell me to not get hit because I have never had a dodge available when i REALLY needed one and if I did it didn't mitigate much.

I use riposting Shadows to kite away and hammer to attack. BTW phase traversal gives +25 endurance on use. If you want I can post a short vid of me playing a little solo pve in pof to show you how I do it?

kk I couldn't seem to find scarabs but eventually I did find and take on 3 veteron and 2 regular scarabs at once and it was actually kind of boring as they died too fast and did no pressure to me. So instead I found a hydra and again even with vet/sandsharks added in it still was weak. Tried some Forged and same. So I went back to Hydras and decided that if one was meek, 3 would be entertaining.

even eating cc, it just doesn't matter with all the stun breaks. If you are trying to do double melee with sword/sword & X that is on you to figure that out but imo you are going to enjoy open world pve far more playing hammer/x, glint/shiro.

Jesus all that fire .... it's like Sodom and Gromoria.

@Temper.2190 said:When I started with revenant, I found Jalis and Glint to be the most forgiving setup. Together with the life steal grandmaster trait in devastation, Jalis's hammers provide a lot of sustain. For example, sword 3 with Jalis hammers going gives you a nice evade as well as good life steal. This setup (Glint / Jalis) really helped me get the feel of revenant. The rhythm of switching legends, the use of the amazing Glint heal, energy management, etc, were all easier for me to pick up using Jalis rather than Shiro. I now use Shiro with Glint a lot, and have used Justine's build above with some success. It really is a build that can be used anywhere, even for someone like me who is pretty casual.

One of the things I love about rev is the weapon skills on swords, staff, and hammer. They all have nice evade frames and solid damage, and all have their uses. Get used to using sword 3, staff 3, and hammer 3 as additional dodges to avoid damage, instead of using them primarily to do damage. Save them for when you need to evade or need a breather while waiting for infuser light to come off cool down.

I've tried swapping Glint for Kalla, and it is a lot of fun in open world, but it doesn't have the survivability of Glint.

So I'd recommend trying a Glint/Jalis devastation life steal setup (there is a good build to start with on metabattle), but as you progress, the extra power and evade of Shiro will be worth trying.

In my opinion, Kalla is really a support Legend. I tend to use Kalla when I'm in Dungeons and I can hang back with my short bow and pepper things with arrows and support the up close dps folks with heals, boons, and interrupts from my loveable Warband (seriously Kalla and an entire Warband was like one of the best flavor things to do like ...ever). I do switch to Glint for some meta events though, such as Jormag when I'm in a huge mob of people and they can benefit from my constant boon spam.

@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

Sounds good. But do remember, Revenant isn't for everyone. It's more a playstyle issue. The lack of changing your utilities really does mean you have to be in tune with what you want from them at any given moment, more so than say Thief or Warrior. I do find, however, that Warrior is a good profession to learn the game with as it just a beast and Spellbreaker is really good at damage mitigation. I've done PvP matches with my Spellbreaker where I've taken a beating and kept on ticking. You may also want to consider Guardian as Guardian is good support (again in my opinion) and learning the support aspects of the game may help you adjust to something like Kalla. Also, consider Necromancer for learning the basics. Minions go a long way to providing back up while you fine tune the basics. You'll want to move onto a profession that doesn't rely on them as you progress but I do find Necromancer to be a forgiving profession for learning mistakes. Also, Scourge is still pretty op in WvW.

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@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

You should try staff daredevil on your thief before giving up on it or swapping to warrior. Use a standard power build with signet of malice and invigorating precision.

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@evold.9627 said:

Okay so leveling 30-80 wasnt so bad (had a birthday booster) and was actually quite easy and I felt like I was pretty powerful. I did some reading around on what to use to level and while i did try a ton of different weapons i settled for two swords with a hammer or sword/axe with a hammer with Shiro/Jalis (Shiro more so because I am a classic GW fan). things died quite easy and I never really had that much of a problem fighting stuff as I could just deal damage to heal through Assassin's Annihilation. Well things started to go flat on its kitten when i hit 80. I purchased some exotic gear for a power build and some respective runes for a build i found that uses Jalis/shiro till i have the elite skill lines fully unlocked.

Honestly dont play Shiro for PvE solo. Elite + Demo, even if Power, since you will get Might for Condition damage. Shiro is a burden there.Renegade and Glint imo are better since they both have some what of a better heal, and can dish out good damage /boons.

Demon is best for side because the Stun Break is right there for you with some Resistance. Also Unyeilding is good for getting out of AoE while also throwing down some good AoE chill. Works perfectly with Sword Mainhand. Also Embrace is just damn rape for NPCs, since you get a Physical Damage boost from the stat upgrade and you get AoE Torment on a upkeep skill. Thats grabbing that kitty!!Dont use Axe. Sword Sword, or Mace/Sword.Or if you want to change things up a bit, Sword/Sword + Hammer(or) BoworMace/Sword + Hammer(or)Bow.

Glint if between solo you want to play some good passive support for Metas without changing your build.Renegade if you just want to Solo DPS survival, with a more active support aspect for Metas.

help this helps.

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@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

add me in the game. I will help. Its not the best class but can be fun to play solo. I can show you the simple way.

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@nezroy.8492 said:

@evold.9627 said:I appreciate all the help and suggestions im getting but i think i am going to play a warrior till i learn how to play this game better. I will come back to the rev when i feel like i have learned enough to not have so much trouble

You should try staff daredevil on your thief before giving up on it or swapping to warrior. Use a standard power build with signet of malice and invigorating precision.

Staff Daredevil is more fun, in my opinion than Deadeye. You're all over the place!!! > @Knighthonor.4061 said:

Okay so leveling 30-80 wasnt so bad (had a birthday booster) and was actually quite easy and I felt like I was pretty powerful. I did some reading around on what to use to level and while i did try a ton of different weapons i settled for two swords with a hammer or sword/axe with a hammer with Shiro/Jalis (Shiro more so because I am a classic GW fan). things died quite easy and I never really had that much of a problem fighting stuff as I could just deal damage to heal through Assassin's Annihilation. Well things started to go flat on its kitten when i hit 80. I purchased some exotic gear for a power build and some respective runes for a build i found that uses Jalis/shiro till i have the elite skill lines fully unlocked.

Honestly dont play Shiro for PvE solo. Elite + Demo, even if Power, since you will get Might for Condition damage. Shiro is a burden there.Renegade and Glint imo are better since they both have some what of a better heal, and can dish out good damage /boons.

Demon is best for side because the Stun Break is right there for you with some Resistance. Also Unyeilding is good for getting out of AoE while also throwing down some good AoE chill. Works perfectly with Sword Mainhand. Also Embrace is just kitten kitten for NPCs, since you get a Physical Damage boost from the stat upgrade and you get AoE Torment on a upkeep skill. Thats grabbing that kitty!!Dont use Axe. Sword Sword, or Mace/Sword.Or if you want to change things up a bit, Sword/Sword + Hammer(or) BoworMace/Sword + Hammer(or)Bow.

Glint if between solo you want to play some good passive support for Metas without changing your build.Renegade if you just want to Solo DPS survival, with a more active support aspect for Metas.

help this helps.

I find Sword/Sword and Staff to be useful.

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  • 8 months later...

This is a great thread, glad I found it. I leveled up a Revenant in Core Tyria with the goal of another World Completion, and it was a breeze: all I needed was Jalis Hammers and I felt like an AoE power house all the way to level 80. So then I went to the Metabuilds website, made a Renegade that was supposed to have both Sustain and Good DPS in Open world and took off to Desert Oasis to try my awesome new Renegade(full berserkers) on a Hydra + Veteran Sand Shark or two: groups of mobs that I can simply wade into with my Scourge or Condi Ranger and hardly get a scratch.

Well.... lol. Ran back from Amnoon like 6 more times to try it again, and then decided to google "gw2 revenant keep dying" which got me here.

Anyway, feeling a lot better now, but I think I will park my Revenant in Core Tyria and pretend I am a powerhouse there. :)

NB: It wasn't so much the lack of damage as it was trying to keep my healthpool up. Also tried different weapons. I will admit that I am kind off a lazy player that tries to stay away from stuff like: "make sure to keep circling the mob to proc such and such, immediately swap weapons when such and such, and make sure to use such and such immediately after such and such comes off cooldown". Dodgerolling is about it for me. :)

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@evold.9627 It might be helpful for us to know more about what you're struggling with. I don't play my Rev much in PvE anymore, but in my mind the major weakness a typical Glint/x build has is condition removal, and condi damage is a major pain in both HoT and PoF content.

Healing skills on Rev is pretty sucky imo, but they have quite a few active defenses built into their weapon skills:

Sword 2 applies ChillSword 3 are evade frames.Sword 5 applies Chill and Slow

Hammer 3 is an evade frameHammer 4 blocks projectiles

Staff 1 (3rd chain) spits out healing orbsStaff 2 inflicts weakness and if you time it right, allows for a 2nd strike which dazesStaff 3 blocks incoming attacks and spits out blindnessStaff 4 is condi removalStaff 5 is a charge + knockback + evade frame

So even if you choose to not use Shiro, you still have many defenses tied to your weapons. With practice you'll get to know when to time Hammer 3 so you'll not only pound your target, but you'll evade their attack as well, etc.

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