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Is Griffon mount going to kill gliding

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@Sindariel.2354 said:The griffon can neither use updrafts nor ley-lines and it also doesn't need to, because it can fly upwards on its own and can boost to such insane speeds you'll never see with gliding mastery:

This mount not only makes gliding pointless, it also makes all other mounts pointless.Why take a raptor to jump over a cliff or a manta to glide over a see, when you can simply fly over it with your griffon?

Someone at Anet deserves the "Head->Desk"-Award.

Actually, no. The Griffon can never gain altitude above where it started from, so updrafts and ley-lines still allow players with gliders to reach higher places that the griffon couldn't get to without already being that high up to begin with.

The Griffon is slower than the raptor by a lot on the ground, so the raptor is still useful for getting around on the ground.The Griffon can't jump as high as the springer, so the springer is still useful for getting to high places... in fact, the springer is great for getting to those high perches to use your griffon.The Griffon can't traverse the brandstorm, quicksand, or deep water nearly as effectively as the skimmer, so the skimmer is still useful for bypassing these ground hazards... unless you want to take the time to get to a high place every time you want to get around these hazards.The Griffon can't go through sand portals, the Sand Jackal can.

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@LucianDK.8615 said:Anet intentionally disabled midair dismounting. Though while you cannot mount the gryphon while in combat, you can jump out of a cliff and glider, then you can trigger the gryphon once you are clear of combat.

It's too bad - Springer/Jackal > glider would be cool :)

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I see enough differentiation that I don't think gliding is obsolete, nor do I think the griffon makes other mounts obsolete, which IMO was WoW's biggest problem. Being able to glide in combat is a huge advantage, and it will still see use just for that reason. Mounting up also requires some room and requires a click and sometimes isn't worth it even when out of combat - especially if you're doing a lot of precision falling or jumping from ledge to ledge hopping. Also, because of the masteries tied to gliding like the updraft and ley line gliding, it will always see plenty of use in HoT maps at the very least.

I think they did the griffon right, and I'm kind of excited to get it. I'll still buy glider skins I like :) I'll also buy griffon skins I like when they inevitably start releasing them.

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@etsubmariner.4690 said:I can't imagine how a 250 gold item could kill gliding for 95% of the players who won't commit that sort of ludicrous money grab. And make no mistake, 250 gold is all about the gem store to gold program.

95%? Um You are severely underestimating the ambition of the players. The griffin is the no 1 most desired item in the game right now.

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@John.8507 said:Need to make sure they don't kill off exploring and people skipping over events with the flying

This 100%, even in the new PoF maps already, no one is around in the first maps, everyone just get a mount and goes right to where they want to be. i think mounts will be the slow death of GW2. only helps Farmers get to where they want faster.

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Sorry but, when it's about climbing, griffon is not that great, especially where the lvl 3 bunny is nearly enough.When it comes to horizontal speed, raptor is still the best (if you can't fly high and use the griffon speed, like in the middle of the desert where there is nowhere to climb), and when you need to use a sand portal you need the jackal (but when it comes to speed it's a bit slower than the raptor)You need to climb high with the griffon is you want to have great speed, HoT maps are pretty neat if you want to travel freely with it.But in some places in the crystal desert, griffon is not better than a raptor or a bunny.I'm sad that the jackal is just a "good for portal" mount. But that puppy is still great.

Overall, I think the most usefull one is the bunny, then the griffon, the raptor and the jackal.Let's be honest here, bunny-chan is the one you need 80% of the time.

It's tricky when it comes to gliding, cause that griffon can't use updraft (for exemple if you fall during last DS event, you're pretty much done)I feel like it would be cool to have a mastery which allow you to use the updraft. Griffon is already breaking maps so... a bit more or less won't kill gw2 but it would kill gliders. Since you're free to use one or an other, why nut ? D:

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If any mount is gonna kill gliding it's gonna be Springer. At least in HoT zones. I find that you can bypass a massive amount of shroom and updraft routes when you get a bit creative with that Rabbit. In VB you will still use glider a lot but in TD and AB I just run Raptor or Springer and have no trouble getting almost anywhere without touching a single updraft or shroom.

So no, Griffon won't kill gliding. I'm starting to think that any ability to go up significant distance outside of selected areas is broken in GW2. And neither glider not Griffon can do that.

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@Zoltar MacRoth.7146 said:You hear that Anet? Gliding is dead. Time to remove it from the game. Oh, better remove running as well. Apparently nobody wants to do either of those anymore and we don't want options just lying around for anybody to use when they feel like it. Who needs options, right?

What are you basing this statement upon? It's a bit extreme.

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@Ice Blue Eyes.6420 said:I am a player who bought lots of gliding skins, and do you guys think Griffon mount is going to kill gliding?

In order to use griffon succesfully u need some really high altitude. So in essence there are limited areas where a griffon will get u somewhere gliding cant. It definitely impacts value on gliding but not to the point of killing it, that's just hyperbole.

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O ye, of little faith...It is possible to "unmount" griffon midair (at least for now). But for it to work I belive you need at least second mastery connected to griffon. After flapping wing use "swoop", then press space to "dive", but anicancel it with "swoop" (so: space, skill_1, space and skill_1 on very short delay). Then you can use glider and after cooldown mount griffon mid air again :)There's also one thing some of you are mistaken about griffon, but I won't tell about it (still probalby not so long as week and big part of community would know about it).And going back to topic of discussion, glider would still have some place in gw2 - as mentioned earlier - combat, stealth and part of precision movement (griffon can descend straight down, so it's more precise than glider in this category). But I belive overall griffon would be main for air movement (as it can glide over longer distances) and glider for support and places locked by HoT masteries like ley lines.PRAISE THE GRIFFON!

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@Ice Blue Eyes.6420 said:I am a player who bought lots of gliding skins, and do you guys think Griffon mount is going to kill gliding?

How? Are you now somehow unable to glide because you have a mount? I hear that if you press spacebar after jumping that you will glide.

The one thing WoW did right was adding flying mounts. The one thing WoW did wrong was removing flying from current content in the post Cataclysm expansions which is why I stopped playing WoW. If you aren't going to let me play and have fun the way I want then you don't deserve my money.

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@Sindariel.2354 said:The griffon can neither use updrafts nor ley-lines and it also doesn't need to, because it can fly upwards on its own and can boost to such insane speeds you'll never see with gliding mastery:

This mount not only makes gliding pointless, it also makes all other mounts pointless.Why take a raptor to jump over a cliff or a manta to glide over a see, when you can simply fly over it with your griffon?

Someone at Anet deserves the "Head->Desk"-Award.

The griffon cannot fly higher than the point you jumped off from. Yes, it can fly stupid fast, as long as you start from a point high enough off the ground to dive and then gain the speed boost. Why take a raptor? Because you zoned in to a ground level waypoint and need to catch an event that's kind of far away, and the raptor runs faster than the griffon does. If the griffon could start at ground level, and fly anywhere in the map, ala typical MMO flying mount, then it would make gliding, and all other mounts obsolete. Also, the skimmer traited with the final sand jackal mastery, is the best mount for running through densely packed enemies, due to the stupidly long evade you get by hovering.

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@Silverstone.4539 said:

@John.8507 said:Need to make sure they don't kill off exploring and people skipping over events with the flying

This 100%, even in the new PoF maps already, no one is around in the first maps, everyone just get a mount and goes right to where they want to be. i think mounts will be the slow death of GW2. only helps Farmers get to where they want faster.

We had years of maps with waypoints everywhere, where people just disappeared and appeared where they wanted.Now we have like 3 waypoints on 2-3 times bigger maps and people have to ride on their mounts to where they want to go.

Yes, many people port to a waypoint, get on their griffon, hop on top of the nearest mountain with that thing and glide to their destination. But remember where we came from.We went from an open world that felt like an ingame lobby, where you just selected your next destination and got there after one loading screen, to a game that involves at least some type of "journey" experience, even if it's a short one and even if it only includes flying above the beautiful new landscapes in some cases.

The new maps are often empty but it's because of the lack of good rewards and map wide metas and because of how large they are with still the same player cap per map.

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The griffon is still a huge mount, so it can be hard to use it in JPs with cramped areas where mounts and gliding are enabled. Also gliding has this short-time cloak.I really wish you couldn't just mount the griffon in mid air, but also dismount. I guess that could be used for some funny stunts with updrafts.

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No it won't. Mounts won't ever replace gliding since mount abilities require heavily on your stamina and the regen rate. With gliding, it also relies on recharging stamina, but at a quicker rate. And each one's use is completely situational.

You can be in combat, fall off a cliff, and still glide safely down.

When using a mount, if you're in combat, fall off a cliff, you free fall till you OOC but if you hit the ground before then... rip.

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