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Mirage/mesmer is OP?


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Anyway I’m not a mes player and not trying to troll a posting in the mes section nor am I trying to upset anyone, was just putting my worthless two cents and if done that so. Keep in mind admitting ur class is over performing and offering up genuine solutions to help shave ur class down in ways that don’t ruin builds seeing as u guys play the class may be the best way to not get gutted when the hard nurfing actually makes it way to U guys

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of kitten!

There was a video couple of years ago of sanic doing precisely that with nomad staff dd. If anyone knows the link care to share it here.

Powercreep is on a different level from 2 yrs ago and DD has ate nurfs since,2 yr vid is irrelevant when comparing to today’s iteration of the game. Yea and that spell breaker was op at that time to,what does that change? Druids sustain was hit by nurfs due to constant op complaints so? Pointing out when other classes were over performing doesn’t mean mes isnt.

Yes but you mentioned that you never saw anything like 5vs1 in 3 years, gave you an example not of 5vs1 but like 15vs1

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anyway I’m not a mes player and not trying to troll a posting in the mes section nor am I trying to upset anyone, was just putting my worthless two cents and if done that so. Keep in mind admitting ur class is over performing and offering up genuine solutions to help shave ur class down in ways that don’t ruin builds seeing as u guys play the class may be the best way to not get gutted when the hard nurfing actually makes it way to U guys


Most regular mesmer mains on this forum have been doing this for years. For all the difference it makes...

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@Lincolnbeard.1735 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of kitten!

There was a video couple of years ago of sanic doing precisely that with nomad staff dd. If anyone knows the link care to share it here.

Powercreep is on a different level from 2 yrs ago and DD has ate nurfs since,2 yr vid is irrelevant when comparing to today’s iteration of the game. Yea and that spell breaker was op at that time to,what does that change? Druids sustain was hit by nurfs due to constant op complaints so? Pointing out when other classes were over performing doesn’t mean mes isnt.

Yes but you mentioned that you never saw anything like 5vs1 in 3 years, gave you an example not of 5vs1 but like 15vs1No u didn’t u typed ax example that’s not relevant. Does the 15 focus on the dd at once,do the all back off to reset while their cd reset? Than all jumping on him for a sec try than third etc, all while he stands in group waiting for the first attack again? A dd vaulting and bounding in a group using evade frames than getting out to reset to repeat is vastly diff scenario. I can tele into Zerg with guards ji than use Avis and blocks to sustain while I do a quick burst than ID not the group would have to get out to reset.far different scenarios
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More recently regarding sustain I have watched various rangers, eles, warriors, engis do similar. Some firebrands require a proper raid party to bring down. Nevermind certain thieves built to troll groups.

Chronos built for that are pretty much wasting their time - or I can't imagine it being much fun not being able to kill anyone decent aside from weak players.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of kitten!

There was a video couple of years ago of sanic doing precisely that with nomad staff dd. If anyone knows the link care to share it here.

Powercreep is on a different level from 2 yrs ago and DD has ate nurfs since,2 yr vid is irrelevant when comparing to today’s iteration of the game. Yea and that spell breaker was op at that time to,what does that change? Druids sustain was hit by nurfs due to constant op complaints so? Pointing out when other classes were over performing doesn’t mean mes isnt.

Yes but you mentioned that you never saw anything like 5vs1 in 3 years, gave you an example not of 5vs1 but like 15vs1No u didn’t u typed ax example that’s not relevant. Does the 15 focus on the dd at once,do the all back off to reset while their cd reset? Than all jumping on him for a sec try than third etc, all while he stands in group waiting for the first attack again? A dd vaulting and bounding in a group using evade frames than getting out to reset to repeat is vastly diff scenario. I can tele into Zerg with guards ji than use Avis and blocks to sustain while I do a quick burst than ID not the group would have to get out to reset.far different scenarios

The 15 focusing on dd yes, the dd trolling them non stop, not engaging and resetting.

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@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:I can say I can do 1vs20 with no gear and level 2 weapons, doesn’t make it true,show us in video superstar.ud be the only DD to be able to out sustain 5 opponents focusing u multiple attempts,sry but ur full of kitten!


This has footage of a guy trolling 3 people and several guards with the build. The thread also discusses the build with MUDse knowing someone who's used the build to troll entire zergs and he plays thief almost exclusively. It's hard to find footage again after 2-3 years if there hasn't been a forum post and since the forums changed it's all been archived which presents challenges.

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Again different time period and a dd trolling a group is far different than it dueling the group which is the scenario With regards to my post. A dd would not successfully duel 5 people Focus without having to reset and definitely wouldn’t force the 5 others to reset and stick around while they do so, just don’t see it sry. And definitely not gonna go well dueling 15.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Anyway I’m not a mes player and not trying to troll a posting in the mes section nor am I trying to upset anyone, was just putting my worthless two cents and if done that so. Keep in mind admitting ur class is over performing and offering up genuine solutions to help shave ur class down in ways that don’t ruin builds seeing as u guys play the class may be the best way to not get gutted when the hard nurfing actually makes it way to U guysNo I'm pretty sure you are a thief player claiming it's the worst 1v1 class and that they suck at fighting players, so yeah...

You're probably right.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Again different time period and a dd trolling a group is far different than it dueling the group which is the scenario With regards to my post. A dd would not successfully duel 5 people Focus without having to reset and definitely wouldn’t force the 5 others to reset and stick around while they do so, just don’t see it sry. And definitely not gonna go well dueling 15.

The one I was talking about, even worked on pvp, as soon as the dd caped the point the point was his until the end of the match even 5vs1.I think the dude still plays, it's a matter of asking him, I won't tho, dude's toxic trash but feel free to ask me for his contact if you need proof (I have him on my block list B) )

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Pls forgive my noobish question, but why everyone keeps talking about "retargetting/reTABing" mesmer after loosing target when they spawn clones? I play in battle camera mode since my first days in the game, and never target anything (have autotargetting, snap to target and re-targetting options enabled). Does this still apply to my case?

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@"MoriMoriMori.5349" said:Pls forgive my noobish question, but why everyone keeps talking about "retargetting/reTABing" mesmer after loosing target when they spawn clones? I play in battle camera mode since my first days in the game, and never target anything (have autotargetting, snap to target and re-targetting options enabled). Does this still apply to my case?Well you visually retarget the enemy, which autotarget whatever in front, dont you? Or are you still hitting a clone after you've clearly seen that it's a clone? It's the same thing. Tunnelvision while fighting a mesmer and you're that much more likely to die.

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@"Dawdler.8521" said:Well you visually retarget the enemy, which autotarget whatever in front, dont you? Or are you still hitting a clone after you've clearly seen that it's a clone? It's the same thing.

Well, sort of. I point the "crosshair" at the enemy I want to hit, and autotargetting directs my hits to this one enemy. What I meant is that I don't use TAB button in my fights at all, I just aim with my mouse, like in a shooter game. I haven't tried PvP yet, so never have fought mesmer, thus I'm not sure whether this all still applies to my case. From the other hand, I thought that everyone switches to using battle camera mode, at some point, as it's so much better than the default control mode, so all these talks about re-TABing confused me.

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@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Well you visually retarget the enemy, which autotarget whatever in front, dont you? Or are you still hitting a clone after you've clearly seen that it's a clone? It's the same thing.

Well, sort of. I point the "crosshair" at the enemy I want to hit, and autotargetting directs my hits to this one enemy. What I meant is that I don't use TAB button in my fights at all, I just aim with my mouse, like in a shooter game. I haven't tried PvP yet, so never have fought mesmer, thus I'm not sure whether this all still applies to my case. From the other hand, I thought that everyone switches to using battle camera mode, at some point, as it's so much better than the default control mode, so all these talks about re-TABing confused me.The action cam was introduced long after release - we had already gotten used to the normal camera :p

Of course it still apply, fighting a slippery mesmer involves finding the correct one. Even if you use heavy AoE you still want to focus.

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@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

@"Dawdler.8521" said:Well you visually retarget the enemy, which autotarget whatever in front, dont you? Or are you still hitting a clone after you've clearly seen that it's a clone? It's the same thing.

Well, sort of. I point the "crosshair" at the enemy I want to hit, and autotargetting directs my hits to this one enemy. What I meant is that I don't use TAB button in my fights at all, I just aim with my mouse, like in a shooter game. I haven't tried PvP yet, so never have fought mesmer, thus I'm not sure whether this all still applies to my case. From the other hand, I thought that everyone switches to using battle camera mode, at some point, as it's so much better than the default control mode, so all these talks about re-TABing confused me.

I have used the autohotkey combat mode since at least 5 years, more recently stripped down and streamlined for only the things I need and have a system for targeting etc that successfully works for me in terms of fighting other players - yes good players and good play when I used to do more spvp in solo and team queue, and also now more in wvw.

Before anyone says it - yes it is all 1:1 very simple stuff to allow me to use things like left and right click for attacks, and toggle a crosshair, so all perfectly fine - as the old combat mode script was.

I am sharing this because it has similarities to how Action Camera could be used with other targeting options - though personally Action Camera is still not fully featured enough for me to drop this autohotkey setup for it - mainly because while crosshair is on I am able to use left click for auto attack and right click for skill 2 (eg phase retreat, axe 2, blurred frenzy, mirror blade, etc). Been doing this for so long it feels fluent and natural.

One important thing is I have very specific settings and keybinds to allow this to work smoothly when it comes to ground targeting skills, player targeting and so on. It does not work well with excessive ground targeting builds at long/medium range - hence my aversion to playing something like necro. But I have used it well with things like ranger and thief although requires a lot of keybind changes. Chrono with wells is doable but kind of inefficient if using a whole set of ground targeted utilities and casting at range (though a lot are medium or using at close range anyway so no need to even toggle off crosshair to do this - can just pan camera a bit).

Anyway will try to share a little of how this works for me, hopefully offers some help with you and Action camera.

I have three keybinds to toggle crosshair - F and two additional mouse buttons - for the record I used to use the Steelseries Ikari and used the back thumb button for crosshair toggle in addition to F but shortly after PoF purchased a mouse with many more buttons because I needed things like Jaunt also on the mouse (not really want to share on here as it's kind of excessive for gw2 but I bought it to use with things like star citizen - but if you want to know I'll say - I just wanted more mouse buttons and there's a lot of choice out there for your hand).

The reason for duplicate keybinds is combos and comfort - to execute toggling crosshair for target selection or accurate ground targeting it must be extremely smooth and depends on where other keybinds are located.

For example Blink - I have this on one of the thumb mouse buttons. I can hit F->Blink->F or one of the other mouse buttons to retoggle the crosshair back on depending on how I've moved the mouse and which is faster/more efficient. Given the number of years this is extremely smooth process. Alternatively I also use the max range option in the options menu - so I have the option to just pan the camera with crosshair on and blink or jaunt in a direction for max range travel - depends on the situation.Chaos Storm I have on a key and also another thumb mouse button - so similar process - though I have the crosshair height positioned in such a way that it is very easy to cast at my feet without toggling off, and can even pan the camera a little to cast at range depending on terrain.

Regarding targeting - I still use nearest, next and previous to rapid tap through targets (my keybind is x for nearest, shift+x for next shift+z) for previous, but I also have this dupilcated on another auxilliary mouse button under my index finger (click or shift+click for next/previous) which I can rapid tap to cycle. This duplicated setup allows smoother use depending on previous skill combinations so where the fingers are and helps make it more efficient/faster. Aside from that I have c as lock target which with crosshair and promote target on somehow becomes a drop target - so I can deselect a target by hitting c while aiming at open space. Kind of a weird one but it has worked for me to drop target for any reason (eg deslect in order to reverse phase retreat or just clear target so as to be ready to select a new nearest one, etc).

If a target is clear on the screen and too many bodies around I can toggle crosshair off and select manually with the cursor then toggle crosshair on - all in a fraction of a second. I cannot remember if this is possible with action camera or if there is a delay in toggling on/off the crosshair - if not it might also be one of the reasons I didn't like it.Bear in mind I both love and have no problem fighting any mesmer - selecting targets etc - so for me next/previous/nearest works perfectly fine and quickly in addition to manual select if necessary. What I'm trying to say is it works - it has worked for me fighting against many excellent and notable players over the years so I wouldn't be sharing if it didn't work well - at least with my setup.I pretty much never use the crosshair to aim and select targets - it's too inaccurate and much faster to hit nearest/next or manual with cursor.

Another important thing to note is Free Camera - I have three keybinds for this, LShift, LCtrl and LAlt - depending on my hand comfort and where I want to stretch. I cannot stress enough the benefit of duplicate keybinds for gameplay. I can hold shift with crosshair on and pan the camera to freelook while running in a different direction - releasing shift etc will snap movement to the new direction. I also do have about face bound to V which can be used with crosshair on to perform things like reverse phase retreat.

Overall the point is do not rely on action camera for targeting - you are much better off using other standard targeting and camera orienting options in addition to having a "right click" camera toggle for pvp related situations. I honestly couldn't imaging using crosshair to aim and target against an enemy mesmer - way too unpredictable, especially if you don't have line of sight. I do not know the more recent state of Action Camera but I'm sure it can be adapted for good use in fighting other players - I think there's one youtube mesmer who uses it - you'll have to have a look.Hope that helps a bit. :)

EDIT - oh also another thing - I play with camera zoomed right out and max fov, even with crosshair because you want that in pvp game modes - need to be able to see as much as possible (especially in wvw) but all the camera panning tricks still work fine.

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(Mesmer is like an innocent child whose identity was taken from them-it's not Mesmer fault at all)--Sympathy for Mesmer

" If my toxic creation and design will return me to my innocent being, so be it... I'm lost ', Mesmer


Someone asked me if i don't like mesmer profession? I answered, that i do. In fact, i have a confession to make: Mesmer after Necromancer are my heart professions; Ranger comes third. I fell in love with Mesmer beginning in Guild Wars; Gwen Thackeray, Gwen is the main reason why i fell in love with Mesmers.

In fact: Gwen is the main hero-star of Guild Wars--without her, there would not be Guild Wars. Mesmer than-Guild Wars 2 was not too popular as many would say. I always felt that Mesmer deserves a place among the most Favorite professions in Guild Wars.

Mesmer were not Anet favorite profession and they received many nerfs because of their powerful skills,, especially with cross of secondary profession with them.

Honestly, i really feel bad for the state of Mesmer right now because of the direction of Anet took them. If Gwen was still alive: even she would not agree with Anet toxic design of her profession.

I pledge to Anet to return Mesmer to who they were in Guild Wars and to bring back Honor to Gwen who sacrificed herself, the people and the world of Guild Wars to its glory,

To finally put an end of hatred and shaming Gwen Thackeray name and Guild Wars including the people who died in Guild Wars-Ascalon

She has become a true champion of Ascalon.'Mesmers are masters of illusion and control, subverting the enemy’s Energy for their own use, and that of their allies. Combined with any other profession, their skills provide excellent support, turning enemies’ powers against them and changing the very fabric of reality to hinder foes and help allies. Mesmers have the ability to cast spells quickly, which can make all the difference in the heat of battle. Their powers of domination allow them to take control of enemy skills and Energy. Their unique illusionary talents can slow or even halt enemy movement and skill casting, or cause imaginary illnesses that drain Health and Energy from foes while healing and energizing allies. While Mesmers are not known for brute strength, their ability to confuse, distract, and drain the enemy’s resources more than compensates'

'A master of illusion, misdirection, and control, the Mesmer subverts the damage-dealing capabilities of others, manipulating their perceptions to achieve personal goals'

' Gwen joined the Ebon Vanguard and served them well. Years of forced labor and punishments turned this innocent girl into a ruthless woman, her hands guided by rage and a deep fear of her captors. Over time she learned to cope with her emotions. She learned when to strike and when to hold back. In her short life, Gwen has known hatred as well as mercy, and knows when to choose between the two '

' She has become a true champion of Ascalon '


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@"Burnfall.9573" said:(Mesmer is like an innocent child whose identity was taken from them-it's not Mesmer fault at all)--Sympathy for Mesmer

" If my toxic creation and design will return me to my innocent being, so be it... I'm lost ', Mesmer


Someone asked me if i don't like mesmer profession? I answered, that i do. In fact, i have a confession to make: Mesmer after Necromancer are my heart professions; Ranger comes third. I fell in love with Mesmer beginning in Guild Wars; Gwen Thackeray, Gwen is the main reason why i fell in love with Mesmers.

In fact: Gwen is the main hero-star of Guild Wars--without her, there would not be Guild Wars. Mesmer than-Guild Wars 2 was not too popular as many would say. I always felt that Mesmer deserves a place among the most Favorite professions in Guild Wars.

Mesmer were not Anet favorite profession and they received many nerfs because of their powerful skills,, especially with cross of secondary profession with them.

Honestly, i really feel bad for the state of Mesmer right now because of the direction of Anet took them. If Gwen was still alive: even she would not agree with Anet toxic design of her profession.

I pledge to Anet to return Mesmer to who they were in Guild Wars and to bring back Honor to Gwen who sacrificed herself, the people and the world of Guild Wars to its glory,

To finally put an end of hatred and shaming Gwen Thackeray name and Guild Wars including the people who died in Guild Wars-Ascalon

She has become a true champion of Ascalon.'Mesmers are masters of illusion and control, subverting the enemy’s Energy for their own use, and that of their allies. Combined with any other profession, their skills provide excellent support, turning enemies’ powers against them and changing the very fabric of reality to hinder foes and help allies. Mesmers have the ability to cast spells quickly, which can make all the difference in the heat of battle. Their powers of domination allow them to take control of enemy skills and Energy. Their unique illusionary talents can slow or even halt enemy movement and skill casting, or cause imaginary illnesses that drain Health and Energy from foes while healing and energizing allies. While Mesmers are not known for brute strength, their ability to confuse, distract, and drain the enemy’s resources more than compensates'

'A master of illusion, misdirection, and control, the Mesmer subverts the damage-dealing capabilities of others, manipulating their perceptions to achieve personal goals'

' Gwen joined the Ebon Vanguard and served them well. Years of forced labor and punishments turned this innocent girl into a ruthless woman, her hands guided by rage and a deep fear of her captors. Over time she learned to cope with her emotions. She learned when to strike and when to hold back. In her short life, Gwen has known hatred as well as mercy, and knows when to choose between the two '

' She has become a true champion of Ascalon '


Could you elaborate on the toxicity you mean please?

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@EpicTurtle.8571 said:

@"Burnfall.9573" said:(Mesmer is like an innocent child whose identity was taken from them-it's not Mesmer fault at all)--Sympathy for Mesmer

If my toxic creation and design will return me to my innocent being, so be it... I'm lost
', Mesmer


Someone asked me if i don't like mesmer profession? I answered, that i do. In fact, i have a confession to make: Mesmer after Necromancer are my heart professions; Ranger comes third. I fell in love with Mesmer beginning in Guild Wars; Gwen Thackeray, Gwen is the main reason why i fell in love with Mesmers.

In fact: Gwen is the main hero-star of Guild Wars--without her, there would not be Guild Wars. Mesmer than-Guild Wars 2 was not too popular as many would say. I always felt that Mesmer deserves a place among the most Favorite professions in Guild Wars.

Mesmer were not Anet favorite profession and they received many nerfs because of their powerful skills,, especially with cross of secondary profession with them.

Honestly, i really feel bad for the state of Mesmer right now because of the direction of Anet took them. If Gwen was still alive: even she would not agree with Anet toxic design of her profession.

I pledge to Anet to return Mesmer to who they were in Guild Wars and to bring back Honor to Gwen who sacrificed herself, the people and the world of Guild Wars to its glory,

To finally put an end of hatred and shaming Gwen Thackeray name and Guild Wars including the people who died in Guild Wars-Ascalon

She has become a true champion of Ascalon.'Mesmers are masters of illusion and control, subverting the enemy’s Energy for their own use, and that of their allies. Combined with any other profession, their skills provide excellent support, turning enemies’ powers against them and changing the very fabric of reality to hinder foes and help allies. Mesmers have the ability to cast spells quickly, which can make all the difference in the heat of battle. Their powers of domination allow them to take control of enemy skills and Energy. Their unique illusionary talents can slow or even halt enemy movement and skill casting, or cause imaginary illnesses that drain Health and Energy from foes while healing and energizing allies. While Mesmers are not known for brute strength, their ability to confuse, distract, and drain the enemy’s resources more than compensates'

'A master of illusion, misdirection, and control, the Mesmer subverts the damage-dealing capabilities of others, manipulating their perceptions to achieve personal goals'

Gwen joined the Ebon Vanguard and served them well. Years of forced labor and punishments turned this innocent girl into a ruthless woman, her hands guided by rage and a deep fear of her captors. Over time she learned to cope with her emotions. She learned when to strike and when to hold back. In her short life, Gwen has known hatred as well as mercy, and knows when to choose between the two

She has become a true champion of Ascalon

Could you elaborate on the toxicity you mean please?

You want to argue with me and i will not give it to you. All evidences are here in the forum).


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@Burnfall.9573 said:

@Burnfall.9573 said:(Mesmer is like an innocent child whose identity was taken from them-it's not Mesmer fault at all)--Sympathy for Mesmer

If my toxic creation and design will return me to my innocent being, so be it... I'm lost
', Mesmer


Someone asked me if i don't like mesmer profession? I answered, that i do. In fact, i have a confession to make: Mesmer after Necromancer are my heart professions; Ranger comes third. I fell in love with Mesmer beginning in Guild Wars; Gwen Thackeray, Gwen is the main reason why i fell in love with Mesmers.

In fact: Gwen is the main hero-star of Guild Wars--without her, there would not be Guild Wars. Mesmer than-Guild Wars 2 was not too popular as many would say. I always felt that Mesmer deserves a place among the most Favorite professions in Guild Wars.

Mesmer were not Anet favorite profession and they received many nerfs because of their powerful skills,, especially with cross of secondary profession with them.

Honestly, i really feel bad for the state of Mesmer right now because of the direction of Anet took them. If Gwen was still alive: even she would not agree with Anet toxic design of her profession.

I pledge to Anet to return Mesmer to who they were in Guild Wars and to bring back Honor to Gwen who sacrificed herself, the people and the world of Guild Wars to its glory,

To finally put an end of hatred and shaming Gwen Thackeray name and Guild Wars including the people who died in Guild Wars-Ascalon

She has become a true champion of Ascalon.'Mesmers are masters of illusion and control, subverting the enemy’s Energy for their own use, and that of their allies. Combined with any other profession, their skills provide excellent support, turning enemies’ powers against them and changing the very fabric of reality to hinder foes and help allies. Mesmers have the ability to cast spells quickly, which can make all the difference in the heat of battle. Their powers of domination allow them to take control of enemy skills and Energy. Their unique illusionary talents can slow or even halt enemy movement and skill casting, or cause imaginary illnesses that drain Health and Energy from foes while healing and energizing allies. While Mesmers are not known for brute strength, their ability to confuse, distract, and drain the enemy’s resources more than compensates'

'A master of illusion, misdirection, and control, the Mesmer subverts the damage-dealing capabilities of others, manipulating their perceptions to achieve personal goals'

Gwen joined the Ebon Vanguard and served them well. Years of forced labor and punishments turned this innocent girl into a ruthless woman, her hands guided by rage and a deep fear of her captors. Over time she learned to cope with her emotions. She learned when to strike and when to hold back. In her short life, Gwen has known hatred as well as mercy, and knows when to choose between the two

She has become a true champion of Ascalon

Could you elaborate on the toxicity you mean please?

You want to argue with me and i will not give it to you. All evidences are here in the forum).


It's not about an argument it's about actually trying to discuss what it is you find is toxic.

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@"Burnfall.9573" Everyone that played gw1 prefers gw1 type of mesmer, mesmer players included.In fact there are all least three elite specs created by players to get the feeling of gw1 mesmers, I'll put the links here when I get the chance (too much effort to do it on phone).But both you and me know that if mesmer was a gw1 type of mesmer, the cries would be unbearable. Gw1 mesmer was a pvp oriented destruction machine.

Edit: Mort's Psychomancer - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/58284/the-psychomancer-mesmer-elite-specialization-suggestionIthilwen's Jade Kirin - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/65723/new-spec-suggestion-jade-kirinBod's Mind Mage - https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/12966/full-elite-spec-suggestion-mind-mage-gw1-throwback-spec

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Another few weeks atleast! Lol than there’s a small chance a part of mesmer will get nurfed that confuses all players including mesmers mains due to changing very little and not effecting the build causes all the out cries.same can be said for soulbeast. Hopefully the next nurf they do the take into account the nurfs sugestions mesmer mains have made, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like playing them much lol

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Another few weeks atleast! Lol than there’s a small chance a part of mesmer will get nurfed that confuses all players including mesmers mains due to changing very little and not effecting the build causes all the out cries.same can be said for soulbeast. Hopefully the next nurf they do the take into account the nurfs sugestions mesmer mains have made, and that’s coming from someone who doesn’t like playing them much lol

They almost always never take considerations on how to balance from the customers and rightfully so.

I think Mirage and core traits will see significant nerfs (hi Evasive Mirror) but will still maintain a top duelist. Just by the nature of how the class is designed, people will always complain even if it's gutted.

For now, I think most Mesmers are hiding in their room hearing their dad coming up stairs about to give them a paddlin'. But we're not alone, our brother (Soulbeast) is next to us too.

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