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Crafting is a mess


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It's been said before, but after seeing it for myself I'm going to say it again. I was going to start crafting ascended gear, but going through the sheer amount of chancy, and difficult to get junk - it's just making my head spin. I don't know if having dyslexia is part of the issue, but it doesn't help with how many steps is needed. After awhile it all runs together, and turns into gibberish.I've given up on trying to do raids. And as for fractals, after my last experience I'm staying away from those. I'm not sure what to do now.

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It's not dyslexia, it's just very convoluted. You want an item? You need a recipe. Then you need all the sub recipes, and all their children. Then you need all the mats, and at NO POINT the game tells you where and how to get all that crap. Not a single time I had a pop-up telling me in a collection "hey, there's a NPC selling recipes for this cool item there, check it out!". No. Instead you're left on your own, struggling with a wiki and alt tabbing constnatly because you forgot half of the stuff when you're done with the first part already. Fun and engaging, crafting as a wiki reading adventure by ArenaNet. Painkillers for headaches are not provided with the package.

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I'd advise you to go to gw2efficiency.com, there's a crafting tab there where you can type in what you want to make and it gives you a step by step guide to make it.

It gives you a shopping list for the materials you'll need, with links to the wiki, so you can buy them on the Trading Post or from in game NPCs (there's an option to "use own materials" so it takes into account materials in you bank while creating the shopping list, you need to add an API key for that though).

It's a brilliant feature on an excellent site!

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@Pifil.5193 said:I'd advise you to go to gw2efficiency.com, there's a crafting tab there where you can type in what you want to make and it gives you a step by step guide to make it.

Here's the link:https://gw2efficiency.com/crafting/calculatorThis resource was instrumental in my decision to craft my first legendary item; it just made everything so clear in a handy to-do list.That whole site is brilliant, by the way.If you've never come across it before, I'd really recommend setting up an account with your API and having an explore. They even host a monthly lottery.~TG

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I'm on the fence here.

On the one hand, I agree that sometimes trying to get the mats, the sub sub sub recipe, the sub sub recipe, the sun recipe and finally find you need the top level recipe as well... Or, everything in reverse... is somewhat frustrating.

On the other hand, I like to make my own discoveries and get that "Aha! THAT'S where I get it!" feeling.

I have no solution other than a completely different approach. Maybe look to EQ2? I dunno.

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of crafting a Morda> @Flatley.1620 said:

I'm on the fence here.

On the one hand, I agree that sometimes trying to get the mats, the sub sub sub recipe, the sub sub recipe, the sun recipe and finally find you need the top level recipe as well... Or, everything in reverse... is somewhat frustrating.

On the other hand, I like to make my own discoveries and get that "Aha! THAT'S where I get it!" feeling.

I have no solution other than a completely different approach. Maybe look to EQ2? I dunno.

Crafting by drilling down sub-recipes, that's only if you're lucky. I crafted a Mordant Sickle yesterday, and needed to switch to another craft to make me some Pulsing Brandsparks. Luckily I have weaponsmith and armorsmith on the same character.

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@Game of Bones.8975 said:The worst part of crafting is the lack of understanding why items require certain mats in their numbers (other than to jack the prices).I would rather have items be gated to quests/mini-stories to prove worthiness to make such pieces of artwork.

In all honesty, I'm against gating - of ANY kind. I may be in tge minority but this would make me give ip crafting altogether. ;). Just a personal viewpoint mind.

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@Flatley.1620 said:

@Game of Bones.8975 said:The worst part of crafting is the lack of understanding why items require certain mats in their numbers (other than to jack the prices).I would rather have items be gated to quests/mini-stories to prove worthiness to make such pieces of artwork.

In all honesty, I'm against gating - of ANY kind. I may be in tge minority but this would make me give ip crafting altogether. ;). Just a personal viewpoint mind.

OK, what if I said they were linked to quests/mini-stories?I know gating has a bad connotation with time-gating and only being able to craft one item per time period.I hope you weren't complaining about the language used, but because you didn't add any constructive criticism I have no reason to believe otherwise. Generally speaking quests and story content isn't limited to once per day per account.

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crafting was complex at first, but now after leveling armorsmith, weaponsmith, leatherworking, huntsman, and artficer to 500, i think its pretty great and one the more interesting aspects of this game. once you understand how discoveries work its pretty easy

i wish they would do more with the whole crafting component of the game, because there are alot of recipes i have access to that in all likelihood will never get used.

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