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Anet needs to monetize WvW with more Skins going forward.


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@"Zephyra.4709" said:WvW always has content that arrives way too late to the party (or not at all). Many years in, the damage is done. Siege skins as an example should've been available the moment it were possible to implement them. Btw, I only recall the lunar new year skin many years ago.. did they really have other siege skins?

If the same problems that echo throughout the WvW community still exist, no amount of wvw skins is gonna cover up those problems and magically make the game mode popular again.

game balance > selling skins






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@phs.6089 said:

@Inoki.6048 said:The simplest solution is a subscription. If not a mandatory one, then an optional one (looks at ESO). I bet they are considering that.

ESO's subscriptions are to access to expansions without buying them. Lets say one buys a sub for POF and get full content for a period of time paid.

For me ESO subscription was about material storage.

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@"XenesisII.1540" said:Hm I coulda swore I thought there were stuff like pumpkin catapults. Maybe it was just the decorations in citadel, don't think they bother to run those every year either.

There were present ? projectiles from catas for winters day for people without mastery in cata. And I think some other skin type animations per the following old reddit article:


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But tbh, i would definetly buy those, for sieges but also for capped structures, like camps, towers, keeps and SM. C'mon ANet, you wanna earn money and we want any useful updates (yes, more diversity in same 7-years old structures might be actually useful, more than random Mount that might burn your already burning servers).

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@"Widmo.3186" said:OH711Ji.jpg

But tbh, i would definetly buy those, for sieges but also for capped structures, like camps, towers, keeps and SM. C'mon ANet, you wanna earn money and we want any useful updates (yes, more diversity in same 7-years old structures might be actually useful, more than random Mount that might burn your already burning servers).

Id be down if you can like build guildcolors on wallbanners when you claimLike the Giant trapestry on the outside walls of lord smc

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Players are not ATMs. I repeat, player are not ATMs. Make content that I will want to pay for that is worth the price and i will pay that. I will not pay for cosmetic items that cost almost as much as the full game though. That's ridiculous and is the crux of the problem with the gaming industry on the whole right now. Stop feeding into this practice.

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@"XenesisII.1540" I don't think it's a bad idea really to be honest. Under certain conditions. I mean, if they are offering a variety of things (perhaps like you mentioned) that speak strictly to WvW itself. Though, not necessarily to anyone 1 community (PvE, PvP, WvW). Even though WvW is the focus. I think that could be fantastic.

For instance, take PvE Raid Weapon Skins and so forth. While they aren't really requiring Gems or IRL payment to obtain. The Fact that certain "skins" are offered there and ONLY there. Might just make A WvW Player want to obtain, said raid skins, that interest them. Therefore, through the realization that they can only obtain those skins there. They may just go do that; if it's worth their effort. (Despite these being skin friendly no matter the mode, after obtaining them)

So what I'm trying to get at is... If anyone, no matter their community, wishes to make use of any of these suggested WvW Skins. They WILL have to go into WvW to make use out of them. Also, if they find it's worth paying money for (through gems). That will be entirely up to them to decide of course. I Just ask for fair prices @Anet... Please.

  • As long as the Skin's can be used in WvW and ONLY WvW. I will see that as a general benefit to WvW and it's players.

And almost any portion of the profit that may go right back into PvE (Like most of us fear). Will be far less of an issue than normal, because WvW will be getting it's "fair share" so to speak.

  • So, as long as the integrity of WvW stays goal behind these skins. I'm all for it.
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Skins just aren't my thing so I wouldn't buy them but I do like the idea, esp the ones that would allow guilds to have a more visual identity with claims/npcs/siege. I think the reason they don't do it is since wvw is enjoyed by such a small slice of the gw2 population they would be limiting their potential revenue if they chose to spend their development time skins specifically for wvw vs. skins that can be used anywhere . . .

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@Inoki.6048 said:The simplest solution is a subscription. If not a mandatory one, then an optional one (looks at ESO). I bet they are considering that.

One of the reasons I love this game is that I don't have to buy subscriptions to play a game I already paid for plus it's expansions.I prefer the micro-transactions for skins and QOL and account upgrades much better because my purchases fund the game, I still get something out of it and some don't take anything from some of the design team.I would likely stop playing Guild Wars 2 if they introduced a subscription, simple as that. It would break my heart, but I would leave.

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@Gop.8713 said:Skins just aren't my thing so I wouldn't buy them but I do like the idea, esp the ones that would allow guilds to have a more visual identity with claims/npcs/siege. I think the reason they don't do it is since wvw is enjoyed by such a small slice of the gw2 population they would be limiting their potential revenue if they chose to spend their development time skins specifically for wvw vs. skins that can be used anywhere . . .

I mean, finishers are something that is limited to certain game modes. Having stuff dedicated to a certain mode isn't a bad thing, especially if it allows more room to pour resources into that thing.

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