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The real issue with conquest is most people don’t know how to play their chosen class.

The majority of the community does not play the class they pick to even 75% maximum performance.

It’s really day and night the difference between somebody that knows what they are doing with a class and somebody that doesn’t.

It’s all this complaining about this and that on the forums but I see you same people in game and it’s clown fiesta.

MMR sucks and games result in blowouts etc because you lot win majority of the time based on luck not because you did anything purposely or skillful. The win was not earned it was given.

MMR is working as good as it can and the game is actually somewhat reasonably balanced now that a lot of this POF crap has been nerfed.

What I’m getting at is stop complaining because I can say with almost certainty you are not playing as good as you think and MMR is working as good as anything in its place can realistically.

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Also most people (myself included) only know how to play their main class(es). Knowing the inns and outs of your opponents class is almost as important as knowing your own class.

But very few people are going to invest the kind of time thats required to effectively learn all the classes and those who do know them (well enough) got there by playing this game consistently for several years.

MMR / Matchmaking is a very simple concept and the only problem is that it only works well if the player population is high enough, which it isn't.

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@Sampson.2403 said:Also most people (myself included) only know how to play their main class(es). Knowing the inns and outs of your opponents class is almost as important as knowing your own class.

But very few people are going to invest the kind of time thats required to effectively learn all the classes and those who do know them (well enough) got there by playing this game consistently for several years.

MMR / Matchmaking is a very simple concept and the only problem is that it only works well if the player population is high enough, which it isn't.

It’s not just player population, The game has plenty of players, it’s the health and population of a competitive scene. There’s no arena net support ( Swiss tournaments were promised two years ago? ), Classes become over power and unfun to play against, lengthy intervals between balanced patches, lack of moderation for win traders, botters and hackers, etc..Plus, players recieve the same rewards regardless of skill, even ATs require minimal participation for 15 min for 5 gold.All of this drives players away from PvP in pariculatar, why stick around when everything is sick, unsupported and downright toxic? There are games that are 15 years years old like Warcraft III for example, that have a healthier and more competitive scene than Gw2 because even that game is given more updates and balances and update patches and like I said, is 15 years fucking old game.

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No, this is a symptom of the real issue. The real issue is the faceroll meta that has driven off nearly ALL of the skilled players who used to enjoy PvP.

So now you're left with the players who somehow enjoy rolling their faces on their keyboards to win, and of course people like that are going to be complete garbage at the game. The fact that you think the game is "balanced" probably puts you in that category.

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But we're all meant to play Condi Mirage or scrapper. Have to learn somewhere and ranked is an excellent place to learn.Also, we must engage in off point fights as they are fun. Who needs to cap points. Might as well let enemy triple cap while I get the side beast. After all, it's 30 points.Oh, and when I finish 2v1, I must stop before heading to mid. Teammate need to cap and watch me stomp.

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Give us one reason to stop complaining about a Condi Mirage that kills enemies passively and can evade, reflect and stealth endlessly in a vicious loop. OP might not like complaining but the fact is previously only Mirage was broken and now Scrapper has joined in too. One can avoid it all and the other can sustain it all. The fact that we see so many Mirages and scrappers in game does mean that many players are just trying these to rank up. Sure they are not good and can fail, but why can't we have a more engaging combat experience as opposed to cheesy gimmicks that are plaguing this game.

Look at thief and compare the effort required to these cheese builds. It is an absolute joke!

Stop justifying imbalance. We are not asking for the perfect balance. But make it fair play for all classes at least!

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I don't play PvP because of 2 simple reasons:

1- Never learnt the map, no tutorials for that. Watching GW2 was never helpful as the game isn't like LoL, the pace is quite fast that I can barely understand what the hell is going on. Now this should be something that comes by experiencing it, but after 8 years of LoL, I can barely care of understanding map of any other game without a push. WvW does it for me, simple map, just need awareness, and no score is counting on me. The score type of game is also, not quite... engaging, barely any objectives.

2- Stale meta, meta has been the same for god knows how long. The main issue in any game is stale meta, no fluctuation across all classes, I stopped playing LoL because of how last 2 seasons were completely unfair for my role, making it boring how can someone roll any other role and still play the same lane, and win.

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@JayAction.9056 said:The real issue with conquest is most people don’t know how to play their chosen class.

The majority of the community does not play the class they pick to even 75% maximum performance.

oh well, Im pretty sure thats not the case in high plat matches, I still think what decides most matches is decision making and knowledge about the map mechanics rather than personal skill with a single class.

It’s really day and night the difference between somebody that knows what they are doing with a class and somebody that doesn’t.

It’s all this complaining about this and that on the forums but I see you same people in game and it’s clown fiesta.

MMR sucks and games result in blowouts etc because you lot win majority of the time based on luck not because you did anything purposely or skillful. The win was not earned it was given.

MMR is working as good as it can and the game is actually somewhat reasonably balanced now that a lot of this POF kitten has been nerfed.

What I’m getting at is stop complaining because I can say with almost certainty you are not playing as good as you think and MMR is working as good as anything in its place can realistically.

DuoQ ia hurting the Match making balance more than anything else, with cases with 2 duos in a team vs full random team. I totally disagree on wins being solely based on lucky tho. If I can keep my winrate at 65ish% just soloQing I must be doing something right. That's till I reach 1400 rating and my winrate slowly drops to 50%. At this pnt I there's an increase of duoQs and ppl from plat on lose streaks, thia plat ppl are really better than me and can solo carry the game, which proves your pnt about luck wins wrong again.

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The real issue with Conquest mode is that it was designed for organized teams who are using voice communication. Conquest should be reserved for tournament play only, randoms should of gotten a entirely different game mode that didn't require too much team communication and coordination to be successful. But too little too late.

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@"Aza.2105" said:The real issue with Conquest mode is that it was designed for organized teams who are using voice communication. Conquest should be reserved for tournament play only, randoms should of gotten a entirely different game mode that didn't require too much team communication and coordination to be successful. But too little too late.

This guy gets it. Randos should have gotten 15v15 zerg maps like WoW BGs. Conquest was never made for solo-q "ranking" garbage.

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