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Macro users in PvP

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

@zengara.8301 said:Never understood the idea of cheating in Gw2 with macros. I basically click a skill 3-4 times before it actually gets used. In games like League or starcraft it is understandable.....But in Gw2 the cast time rarely is instant,thooooooough, maybe beside 1 shot builds. But you basically keep an eye on them, dodge once and they are done for the rest of the game.

Macro's is not cheating.. It's just lazy & made for plebs & scrubs that pretend there pros but realize how there not when they get owned by real players that took time to get some real skillz. & cries about it on the forum. No! cheating is using third party software breaking the game. Speed hack's, infinite teleport..infinite life & so on....

Yeaaah idk, I dont think the only way you can "cheat" is by being indestructible to be honest. Anything that puts you in a better position compared the opposing player, that isn't hardwired in the game, seems like a cheat to me >.< For example food and oils can't be seen as cheating in WvW, but having an alt to use all tactivators is, or being in opponents Team Speak. Even to a degree where you are able to see opponents build, so you can directly counter it

Obviously hacking the game in such extreme measures, counts as cheating and above that as hacking, as well.

You say anything that puts you in a better position compared to opposition. Well i'm using a G-13 game pad & a MMO G-600 mouse with 12 buttons on the side. & i can assure you, that puts me in a better position then most of my opposition.

Am i cheating?Should i be banned for it?

Of course not.

Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

~Anything that puts you in a better position compared the opposing player, that isn't hardwired in the game.

Putting your skills wherever you want on the buttons, is hardwired in the game dude o.o You can put all the buttons on the right side of the keyboard or around the mouse all you want, since it is hardwired in the game to do that. But macros is in simple terms, adding so you no longer actually press the buttons to cast spells

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@DigiQWill.6378 said:

@zengara.8301 said:Never understood the idea of cheating in Gw2 with macros. I basically click a skill 3-4 times before it actually gets used. In games like League or starcraft it is understandable.....But in Gw2 the cast time rarely is instant,thooooooough, maybe beside 1 shot builds. But you basically keep an eye on them, dodge once and they are done for the rest of the game.

Macro's is not cheating.. It's just lazy & made for plebs & scrubs that pretend there pros but realize how there not when they get owned by real players that took time to get some real skillz. & cries about it on the forum. No! cheating is using third party software breaking the game. Speed hack's, infinite teleport..infinite life & so on....

Yeaaah idk, I dont think the only way you can "cheat" is by being indestructible to be honest. Anything that puts you in a better position compared the opposing player, that isn't hardwired in the game, seems like a cheat to me >.< For example food and oils can't be seen as cheating in WvW, but having an alt to use all tactivators is, or being in opponents Team Speak. Even to a degree where you are able to see opponents build, so you can directly counter it

Obviously hacking the game in such extreme measures, counts as cheating and above that as hacking, as well.

You say anything that puts you in a better position compared to opposition. Well i'm using a G-13 game pad & a MMO G-600 mouse with 12 buttons on the side. & i can assure you, that puts me in a better position then most of my opposition.

Am i cheating?Should i be banned for it?

Of course not.

Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

You have a faulty way of explaining your point of view. 12 buttons on a mouse is not making you a better play in any means, it just makes it easier to put skills in quick successions. I know for a fact that even with your 12 buttons you can't evade one of the most common, telegraphed bursts just because you don't have the muscle memory for that.Cheats are what is not accepted by the game and is still used. As said above,> @Cyninja.2954 said:

@DragonFury.6243@"Burnfall.9573"Simply because some people fail at reading or at understanding what they read:

Attended macro use is permitted as long as it is not exploitative, and as long as it does not provide the user with an unfair advantage over other players. Unattended macro use is prohibited under any circumstances.

Now on the issue of if these things get sanctioned, that's a different issue, but if you are using macros in spvp you are at risk of receiving sanctions.

So please, in case of people who decide to link to Policy posts, make sure you ACTUALLY understand what is written in them.

(To Vieux P) When I say your explanation is faulty it's because you omit parts of discussive exchanges by simply saying it isn't because look, I do something that isn't cheating and I'm still at an advantage over other players when it clearly is acceptable under general gameplay guidelines. Keybinds make someone at a better position than a skill clicker, but that's how to learn to play, and should not be put in a cheats-by-macros as an argument to say macroing is not cheating when it clearly is by Arena Net's policies and standards (look at quote above). And they said (zengara) that if it is hardwired in the game it's not cheating, while you blatantly omitted that part of what they said.

TL&DR: Macro usage is cheating because it is against general Arena Net gaming policy. And Vieux, don't say you're good. You play Chaos Condition Mirage because you don't know how to actually rotate and play intelligently, abusing mechanics that are broken while being salty and oppressively mad and insulting to players that beat you as roamers in 1v1s. But that's purely subjective so I'll leave it to that. PArdon my flaming, it's just too tempting to post that XD

I omitted the not allowed aspects related to other areas of the game to keep t short quoting only the relevant parts which are in no way altered or affected by the removed passages.

Maybe reread the Policy on macro use. Macros of ANY kind are not allowed in competitive play. That is specifically stated. Not sure how one can misunderstand that passage.

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As others have said, people can use macros without being spotted but only some combos work.

Most macros are unreliable and situational at best due to things like blocks/dazes and quickness/alacrity messing the timing of the macro up.

People that use macros are usually people who lack the mechanical skill or timing to execute them manually so should not be a problem in the long run.

Ultimately, by using macros in GW2, you are gimping yourself and will never learn to play the profession properly.

I have nothing against macros personally as i know top players do not use them, and if they do they are used for QoL reasons rather than a gameplay advantage.

Sure, some specific macro bursts could work. But not many. For example:

a LB Soulbeast who wants to land his burst within the 4second unblockable trait window 'could' pop one wolf pack and make a macro to pop sic-em>quickenining zephyr>beast mode in 1 click before bursing with rapid fire and GS Maul > W impact.

In reality however, this can easily be learned with practice and would be programmed to muscle memory which is far more reliable and avoids the issues mentioned above.

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

No, it's not at all the same.Even if you have a mouse with 500 buttons you still need to press multiple buttons in quick succession. It will be NEVER even come close to a macro.

Example: you could play power mirage, and macro shatter F1 with dual mantra (MoP and MoD) and Mind Stab. That's 4 skills tied to one click. If you consider that you still have to use gs2 and Blink for the burst, it's an obviously HUGE advantage over manual hotkeys.

But yeah it's been explained by others that it's definitely and clearly against the rules.

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@dronte.3416 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

No, it's not at all the same.Even if you have a mouse with 500 buttons you still need to press multiple buttons in quick succession. It will be NEVER even come close to a macro.

Example: you could play power mirage, and macro shatter F1 with dual mantra (MoP and MoD) and Mind Stab. That's 4 skills tied to one click. If you consider that you still have to use gs2 and Blink for the burst, it's an obviously HUGE advantage over manual hotkeys.

But yeah it's been explained by others that it's definitely and clearly against the rules.

As mentioned above by bbop.9706 , most macros are unreliable. Especially when it comes to power mirage, Chrono or any mesmer build where it relies on multiple keystrokes to combo burst. just because of the casting time. I've actually tried it a long time ago & skill casting time get's always interrupted by other keystrokes. Other problem comes when you can't time the distance between you & your target when it hit's. & the other skill's are casted cuz there 1 button macroed. It just doesn't work. You lose all your cooldowns on that initial attack cuz that macro cast them all hit or not. It's easier to macro on other classes where there skill's has 0 casting time.

& on the other point it was stipulated that the definition of cheating was anything that give that player an advantage over his opponent. Read up...

& i simply made the point that having a game pad & mmo mouse with out 1 button combo macroing still is more advantageous then my opponent that has a regular keyboard & mouse. So by that definition, it makes me a cheater as well. That was the whole point. ... !!! ...

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@crepuscular.9047 said:

@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:When you make assertions like these, it helps to show the combat log so we can have a better idea of what erased your HP. even with macros a Spellbreaker still has relatively slow animations unless frenzied.

Just claiming that something was a macro because it was too fast for you to consider it legit doesn't really account for much. We have several mesmer bursts that can wipe HP bars as well and you dont need a macro to pull them off.

my guess was Frenzy with Rampage, Berserker(me) vs Spell Breaker, i was Bull Charging him, but dead at his feet when i arrived in front of him, didn't even see what hit me cos no animation at all, looked at my combat log it was chain 4500+ dmg from Rampage's skills one after anotherdespite it was mid fight into his group, there was not a single hit from his team mate between his hits; it was faster than any mesmer burst i've seen

i tried it on golems afterwards, couldn't reproduce his speed

stability gs 5, f1 and gs 3 could do it without a macro, or even bullrush instead of gs5

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

No, it's not at all the same.Even if you have a mouse with 500 buttons you still need to press multiple buttons in quick succession. It will be NEVER even come close to a macro.

Example: you could play power mirage, and macro shatter F1 with dual mantra (MoP and MoD) and Mind Stab. That's 4 skills tied to one click. If you consider that you still have to use gs2 and Blink for the burst, it's an obviously HUGE advantage over manual hotkeys.

But yeah it's been explained by others that it's definitely and clearly against the rules.

As mentioned above by bbop.9706 , most macros are unreliable. Especially when it comes to power mirage, Chrono or any mesmer build where it relies on multiple keystrokes to combo burst. just because of the casting time.I just literally wrote you the exact example how you could use a macro perfectly on a mesmer.. As long as you only have one skill WITH casting time macroed, you are fine - in my example, it's Mind Stab - MoP MoD and F1 shatter - these are instant casts, so a macro is perfectly legit for them
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@dronte.3416 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

No, it's not at all the same.Even if you have a mouse with 500 buttons you still need to press multiple buttons in quick succession. It will be NEVER even come close to a macro.

Example: you could play power mirage, and macro shatter F1 with dual mantra (MoP and MoD) and Mind Stab. That's 4 skills tied to one click. If you consider that you still have to use gs2 and Blink for the burst, it's an obviously HUGE advantage over manual hotkeys.

But yeah it's been explained by others that it's definitely and clearly against the rules.

As mentioned above by bbop.9706 , most macros are unreliable. Especially when it comes to power mirage, Chrono or any mesmer build where it relies on multiple keystrokes to combo burst. just because of the casting time.I just literally wrote you the exact example how you could use a macro perfectly on a mesmer.. As long as you only have one skill WITH casting time macroed, you are fine - in my example, it's Mind Stab - MoP MoD and F1 shatter - these are instant casts, so a macro is perfectly legit for them

Yes & for a second time you still din't take to account the time it takes to LAND mirror Blade (main course for your burst). If your target is at a long distance, Mirror blade lands way after your macro finished casting everything else including f1. Since your a mesmer specialist, can you tell me what is the result of your combo burst when mirror blade lands after everything else been cast? Can someone explain it to him?

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@Vieux P.1238 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Macros are the same. It's just a 1 button preset on your keyboard. & it can't work with all classes or combos becuz of casting time of some skills. As i said before, it don't work well with mesmers for example. It will work well with the no high tier classes like warrior or thief. But it's still not cheating.

No, it's not at all the same.Even if you have a mouse with 500 buttons you still need to press multiple buttons in quick succession. It will be NEVER even come close to a macro.

Example: you could play power mirage, and macro shatter F1 with dual mantra (MoP and MoD) and Mind Stab. That's 4 skills tied to one click. If you consider that you still have to use gs2 and Blink for the burst, it's an obviously HUGE advantage over manual hotkeys.

But yeah it's been explained by others that it's definitely and clearly against the rules.

As mentioned above by bbop.9706 , most macros are unreliable. Especially when it comes to power mirage, Chrono or any mesmer build where it relies on multiple keystrokes to combo burst. just because of the casting time.I just literally wrote you the exact example how you could use a macro perfectly on a mesmer.. As long as you only have one skill WITH casting time macroed, you are fine - in my example, it's Mind Stab - MoP MoD and F1 shatter - these are instant casts, so a macro is perfectly legit for them

Yes & for a second time you still din't take to account the time it takes to LAND mirror Blade (main course for your burst). If your target is at a long distance, Mirror blade lands way after your macro finished casting everything else including f1. Since your a mesmer specialist, can you tell me what is the result of your combo burst when mirror blade lands after everything else been cast? Can someone explain it to him?

For once I kind of agree with you on that specific point. In the case of one shot Mesmer, it really is just getting to press buttons incredibly fast, macroing them is really useless because the main combo is really ridiculously easy once you have experience in the class. Something like FA Weaver would have a better advantage over other players because of the shear amount of instant cast abilities it can abuse. I have no idea if a macro can be setted with a timer, and I'm not trying to get to know that information. If the latter was to be true though, that's where the problem lies. If you press all your burst skills really god damn at the same time then that's ridiculous because the game can't register that amount of damage.

You got a point here ^^

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@Vieux P.1238 said:Yes & for a second time you still din't take to account the time it takes to LAND mirror Blade (main course for your burst). If your target is at a long distance, Mirror blade lands way after your macro finished casting everything else including f1. Since your a mesmer specialist, can you tell me what is the result of your combo burst when mirror blade lands after everything else been cast? Can someone explain it to him?Mirror Blade is not part of the macro. What is so hard to understand about this?

You cast Mirror Blade (non macro) -> Blink to target at the right time (non macro) -> cast the aforementioned macro -> dead.

You obviously CAN'T macro the full burst into one, but you can macro 4 skills of 6, in this particular case.

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@dronte.3416 said:

@Vieux P.1238 said:Yes & for a second time you still din't take to account the time it takes to LAND mirror Blade (main course for your burst). If your target is at a long distance, Mirror blade lands way after your macro finished casting everything else including f1. Since your a mesmer specialist, can you tell me what is the result of your combo burst when mirror blade lands after everything else been cast? Can someone explain it to him?Mirror Blade is not part of the macro. What is so hard to understand about this?

You cast Mirror Blade (non macro) -> Blink to target at the right time (non macro) -> cast the aforementioned macro -> dead.

You obviously CAN'T macro the full burst into one, but you can macro 4 skills of 6, in this particular case.

I'm talking about macroing the one shot GS combo burst & you went this far to quote me on it. So what are you talking about?

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@crepuscular.9047 said:Does Anet have something on the server end to detect players using macros?

Last night in a match against a spell breaker it was just a *bam* less than a sec, not a single animation and i'm on the floor, checking the combat log i see 4 skills with 4.6k-4.9k dmg within that micro seconds, he then runs off chill off a bit and goes for the next target in sight with the exact same combo...

How in the world would a macro speed up his animations? As of my understanding a macro just presses a number of buttons in a set combination, when you press one button to trigger it. Rampage has pretty long and slow animations, how would a macro speed those up for every individual skill?

Either he had quickness from some source (which still isnt that incredible fast) or you had a rubberband right there, causing to show all actions in a matter of a split second after the rubberband ended (those are caused mostly by package loss, while communicating with the game server)

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I think a lot of this comes from a combination of quickness and desync lag.

These days, you can get hit with a burst of skills that were cast over 3/4 second. But, the desync means you don’t see them doing the animations until later. But the animation will still be playing after the last hit.

I was hit by two out of three Arc Divider strikes. I thought I had teleported away (Shadowstep) before the last hit. I saw the animation cast 1200 range away and still hit me. In reality, the early hits had already hit me when the animation started on my end.

I think desync and “macros” are often the same things. A combination of well timed skills and ill timed ping.

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@saerni.2584 said:I think a lot of this comes from a combination of quickness and desync lag.

These days, you can get hit with a burst of skills that were cast over 3/4 second. But, the desync means you don’t see them doing the animations until later. But the animation will still be playing after the last hit.

I was hit by two out of three Arc Divider strikes. I thought I had teleported away (Shadowstep) before the last hit. I saw the animation cast 1200 range away and still hit me. In reality, the early hits had already hit me when the animation started on my end.

I think desync and “macros” are often the same things. A combination of well timed skills and ill timed ping.

Well that as well can be true, the game netcode isn't that good on keeps thing on real time alot of stuff wont even be rendered.... if one know how to read/decrypt data client is receiving alot of stuff can be changed.

wich imo is another reason why winsokected stuff cant be detected as well... this if they really are checkign those stuff wich i doubt 99%.

On pve it's the same thing, people using mount skill from the dodge bar like a machine gun.

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