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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@Durzlla.6295 said:Honestly I think it’s fine, sure no time game would be fine too, but imo not everything needs to be an instant grab the day of or after the patch comes out.

It also helps with keeping the map be lively longer as people continually do things for the skyscale as the game goes on (new players, people who didn’t care about rushing the skyscale etc).

However, I do think it should have been said ahead of time that it would take a few days to get the skyscale, just so people would be prepared for that.

Just because the collections are locked doesn’t mean people will stay on the map and do other things. Many might just go and do fractals, pvp, or wvw until the next day. And while they’re in the map, they’re probably only going to be focusing on the mount collections if that’s what they’re after. So, a higher population map but a majority of that population could be ignoring the meta and other events.

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@RizelStar.3724 said:

@Magnus Godrik.5841 said:Omg i have to wait. Burn anet burn. How dare you dictate how i should play. Idc that you made it. Idc about the time it took to make. I want my mount now. And what happened to my premium skyscale mount skin. This money isnt going to spend itself.

It’s cool to be sarcastic and etc, but the “How dare you dictate how I should play.” Line is actually what ANET is against. And again For. F.S. why are people constantly pretending that the people who are up in arms want the mount [now] it’s not the point.

The point is and please correct me if I’m wrong that the inclusion of the time gate did Jack kitten and has no actual purpose.

@Obtena.7952 And no it does not benefit people who have less time playing the game, who have other obligations irl. You’re simply disagreeing just to do that, because again if it wasn’t there you wouldn’t have said “You know what would of made this mount much more fulfilling?” What? “A darn time gate, it would really bring in a fun aspect to acquiring the mount.”

Here is a perspective, since we going to go the route of it keeping people playing, peep this, you ahead by a day right, those who are behind aren’t going to stop and play the metas(after they got 30), they going to be too busy collecting around the map. People who are rushing now got to rush even more especially if the reset is close.

Just like that billybadass above tried to be sarcastic he actually proved how dumb a timegate like this is. Who in the hell wants to be dictated into how they should play?
Looks around
Thought so.

You know what else is dumb, collections. Can we get a paragraph or two on this.

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@Rukario.1695 said:

@"Klowdy.3126" said:TLDR: it's a problem because people have no patience.

Maybe you should read the email that anet sent out saying that you should come play and get your "SKYSCALE TODAY"its a problem because people dont like bing lied too and bamboozled

LOL ... yeah OMG ... they are FOOLING people into playing a game they have been playing for years to come experience new content. tragic.

i guess you missed the whole part where you cant do the following statement lol

No, i didn't miss it ... I'm just realistic because I play GW2 for more than one day ... therefore it's not a big deal that it takes more than a day to get it. I'm not offended by some minor oversight because I play the game anyways and eventually I will get the mount /shrug

That's great for you that apparently has nothing to do all day but play GW2, some of us have jobs and families and RL so we are unable to sit and play for hours on end, which means I MIGHT be able to get it by Christmas but I'm not holding my breath.

I have a job and family, etc ... that's why time gating doesn't bother me ... because I know I will be playing over a series of days. Time gating doesn't bother people like us.

So do I and I completely disagree with you. Please do not try to speak for everyone with your opinion. Your experience does not equate to my experience.

It's not an opinion. Time gating content benefits players with less time to play because it forces the whole population to spread out their time on the content resulting in everyone playing more like the people with less time to play. That means people with less time to play will be ensured a more populated map.

Oh right it spread it out so the map stays populated longer.... ok fair point but what happens after 5 days map population drops ....

History of the game suggests this isn't a problem. People are still getting griffons. Are those maps dead? The threat of there not being people around in a particular map in months from it's release to get something time gated over 4 days is ridiculous.

Just as ridiculous as saying the map is going to be empty if people are allowed to complete the Skyscale Collections at their own pace.

OK ... maybe someone else said that ... but I didn't. I don't get what that has to do with what I'm saying. Any argument where someone uses map population as a reason to hate on time gated content just doesn't make sense. Sounds like you're agreeing with that.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"Klowdy.3126" said:TLDR: it's a problem because people have no patience.

Maybe you should read the email that anet sent out saying that you should come play and get your "SKYSCALE TODAY"its a problem because people dont like bing lied too and bamboozled

LOL ... yeah OMG ... they are FOOLING people into playing a game they have been playing for years to come experience new content. tragic.

i guess you missed the whole part where you cant do the following statement lol

No, i didn't miss it ... I'm just realistic because I play GW2 for more than one day ... therefore it's not a big deal that it takes more than a day to get it. I'm not offended by some minor oversight because I play the game anyways and eventually I will get the mount /shrug

That's great for you that apparently has nothing to do all day but play GW2, some of us have jobs and families and RL so we are unable to sit and play for hours on end, which means I MIGHT be able to get it by Christmas but I'm not holding my breath.

I have a job and family, etc ... that's why time gating doesn't bother me ... because I know I will be playing over a series of days. Time gating doesn't bother people like us.

So do I and I completely disagree with you. Please do not try to speak for everyone with your opinion. Your experience does not equate to my experience.

It's not an opinion. Time gating content benefits players with less time to play because it forces the whole population to spread out their time on the content resulting in everyone playing more like the people with less time to play. That means people with less time to play will be ensured a more populated map.

Oh right it spread it out so the map stays populated longer.... ok fair point but what happens after 5 days map population drops ....

History of the game suggests this isn't a problem. People are still getting griffons. Are those maps dead? The threat of there not being people around in a particular map in months from it's release to get something time gated over 4 days is ridiculous.

Just as ridiculous as saying the map is going to be empty if people are allowed to complete the Skyscale Collections at their own pace.

OK ... maybe someone else said that ... but I didn't. I don't get what that has to do with what I'm saying. Any argument where someone uses map population as a reason to hate on time gated content just doesn't make sense. Sounds like you're agreeing with that.

Sorry, seems the lack of custom avatars and your wording has gotten the better of me.

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The reason why is to secure most people can get. Lets face it, when many acquire this they will probably not go back to this map again making it even harder for thier core audience, the casual player. I dont see the justification of the complaints as this game is made for the many not the "me." Here's a thought what if they released it a week later with no gatedness, would you rage then?

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I also, time gating aside, wonder why they thought this collection was even worth the development time as opposed to another method like obtaining through the story. At least the first three, I get looking for the eggs and trying medicine on the sick Skyscale, but three different collections requiring you to go back to the same spots over and over again? What value does that add? Was there not a way to wrap these up into one round trip? I don’t know. I could understand doing this for a unique skin, but requiring all of this and the time gate for just base functionality mount and locking all of the mastery gain behind this timegate is ridiculous.

I mean, we need the story for the Skyscale rentals, and we have access to those during this 5 days. You mean my character isn’t going to be able to master a rental mount of the exact same kind, but can master their own?

The whole design is just disappointing. A greatpatch tarnished by this mess of a mount. And I would almost understand this grind if the mount itself was better or a full flight mount but it’s just clunky, awkward, and mostly inefficient. I still want it, but I don’t think this build up or timegate is really going to be worth it to a lot of people that already have a griffin or don’t like doing tedious timegated collections.

And acquisition aside, even if it isn’t a full fledged mount, I really don’t understand why they did the clinging aspect with no flight bar or adrenaline regen instead of just making it able to climb with the same restrictions. Or leaving the cling and taking away the restrictions. It’s just poor design and if I wasn’t a completionist and didn’t want it for the inevitable skins and because it’s a dragon, I’d say why bother?

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@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:

@Gop.8713 said:It's like they want us to play the game or something . . .

well theyre gonna get a lot less gameplay by forcing people to wait for something. some people are like "im just gonna do the daily for this then go play something else" when they COULD just have the skyscale already and start working on gaining its masteries and learning how to use it. there are already so many daily things in game. dont make major new content time gated on top of the new content already having time gated events

Perhaps I don't understand the problem. What advantage is gained through delay . . ?

You kind of went against “No” with that question.

Because that is why this timegate is a problem, there is nothing positive with the timegate. Timegates forcing people to play the game achieve nothing [positive] because it’s not people playing because they want to, it’s people now logging in ignoring map chat unless it pertains to collections if we are talking about the people who don’t want to play that is.

It also adds annoyances to people who have a lot going on in rl(such as myself). Because it’s artificial progression and life to the game. Nothing really organic about it, and options are limited.

People who are saying no, let’s be honest do you even care for timegate? Be honest don’t bull jive me. Do you really like timegated stuff now keep I mind I know you feel like it doesn’t affect you, so the question is why do you legitimately believe they should keep it, if it doesn’t matter to you(maybe it’s one of your desires which would be shocking)?

x-post. If my above reply doesn't answer your questions pls do ask again . . .

Alright bet...Reads your reply

So I'm going to ask you...again, be honest with me, do you even care about the inclusion of this timegate?

If you want to piggyback on your response, I'll give you this question does this improve the game or not?

For fun here is a 3rd question if you want to again piggyback on your response, if it wasn't there in the first place, would you have cared?

Also let me chime in on what you said to the people you quoted you said you see no negatives. The timegate is what keeps you doing other things as you say, right? That's probably one the reasons it exist, right? Now I tend to ask a lot of questions because I like to learn, so is the timegate making you do that or you're doing that yourself? If it wasn't there would you play that way?

To be honest I don't believe that gamers like to be [forced] into doing something if they don't want to do it. You said a lot of people would have the mount next week right, which keeps begging the point of there being a 5 day(if lucky) timegate. The negative is that it has no purpose other than to have people wait. It lacks sense, so people who like to play how they play can't, for me I wasn't expecting the mount at all on day one, funny enough I expected depending on the collection it'd take a few days(now longer because of daily reset). The difference is I'd have control over it, I wouldn't be so focused on making sure I get the achievement done before reset. If at this points you don't see a negative, then well ha ah that's fine by me. Oh almost forgot it's not the fact it's hindering you, it's the fact that it hinders others. "So why should you care?" Well Shrugs

Last thing, if still dead set on saying "No" it's cool, there is nothing I or anybody else can do to show why a Timegate like this is pointless, that comes down to you at this point. I type this to provide insight and learn, but I know this is the forums, this is the internet, not much can be done, if it helps, I'm wrong and you're right. So cheers!

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No, but the XP lock should be removed.

I'm pretty relaxed about a time gate. If anything it's quite amusing. I accept it's going to take me a pretty long while to unlock. Even if it takes you two days to complete a collection rather than one, does it really bother you that much that it will take two weeks rather than one to unlock the mount? Really?!

If the XP lock is retained, the time cap should be removed. It's just bizarre and somewhat incongruous to have both.

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They should for future players, imo a whole day of not being able to work on the collection because they decided to block out content without no reasonable warning has pretty much drained all the excitement about it, I really couldn't care less about the mount anymore, it's just another boring grindy fetch quest fest,.

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@Katastroff.1045 said:I see no point trying to hammer down the time gate thing. In 1 week, when most will have done the collection, these post will get burried by those '' brilliant idea for the trade shop'' or the eternals ''quality of life'' demands.

I hope they will see how this was received and not time gate the next item/mount for a month.

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I think the big thing here is that if they're going to time gate something it should have been the armor. If they feel that they have to time gate something to keep people around time gating cosmetics makes way more sense than time gating something that has function, especially in the new map.

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There's no foreseeable benefit to having a time gate on this and if it becomes the norm for new content I'll just outright stop playing the game after these long 6 years.

This isn't a damn clicker game on your iPhone that requires "Energy" to play.

I have a job. I do not have a lot of time to play the game. If I complete a collection and only have 30 minutes left to keep going, I would like to keep going instead of being told I have to wait for the server reset in 20 hours which only happens before I get off work--before I settle down to sleep.

I took today off of work to enjoy this but I havent done Jack because the reset doesn't happen for another 2 and a half hours. I'll probably get half of it done and have to sleep, then reset will hit tomorrow and I'll still be stuck on the same collection.

Needless to say I will have to wait another 24 hours just to begin the 3rd collection.

Why was this allowed past quality control? How is this fair to anyone besides those who honestly don't care about the mount? Why did you tell everyone the mount was coming with the episode on the 14th when in reality you were secretly locking it behind an artificial time limit?

For the love of God.

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@"Magnus Godrik.5841" said:The reason why is to secure most people can get. Lets face it, when many acquire this they will probably not go back to this map again making it even harder for thier core audience, the casual player. I dont see the justification of the complaints as this game is made for the many not the "me." Here's a thought what if they released it a week later with no gatedness, would you rage then?

People still do all sorts of content years after it was released, even Vabbi meta. Do you think this new map is so bad it wont last ? Imo everything was great about the release, they just completely screwed up with how we get the mount, we should get it during the story while we are in the momentum of fighting against kralk, this insane collection should be to unlock an exclusive skin for it, that way everyone would be happy and we would get something new, a way to get mount skin without spending gems, it could even make people become interested enough to buy more skins for the other mounts.

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Working towards cool stuff is very much how things should be, but people should just as well be able to make steady progress according how much time they have to play, instead of having to wait unnecessary gaps of time inbetween of progress just because.

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

I'll be honest. To me a gold sink is even worse than a timegate. Gold sink means brainless farming or credit card. One is a waste of time, the other a waste of money. A timegate, while also being annoying, isn't not a waste of time, more like a delay. But I can still do other stuff in the meantime.

Firstly, hile I can agree the 250g gold sink was a bit steep for the Griffon, don't forget that it was split up between 10 seperate 25g purchases. People could either get 250g before hand and rush through, or others [like me] could spread the purchases out to whenever I had the gold for it. There were options there that aren't there with a time-gate. And, on the topic of "brainless farming": while I get that farming isn't everyone's cup of tea [it's hardly one of mine], in a way its also a time-gate, but one that the player can control. Secondly,

@Deihnyx.6318 said:

To me the best way is through -actually playing the kitten game-...

People want to play. The time-gate is specifically stopping us from doing that. Like I said before;

@"CJtheBigBear.6910" said:

One of the problems with the time-gate is that it essentially dictates when we're supposed to put in our effort. I'd very much like to be in-game right now putting in the effort to get the mount, but because I didn't finish my first collection by 8pm yesterday, I have to wait another 3h 15m today before I can even begin.

The time-gate is doing the opposite of what some people claim it to be. If anything, I think a gold sink would've been a better solution, mostly because of how people would be getting this gold; The new map meta events. By throwing on a gold sink instead of a time-gate, it would encourage people to do the map meta for the final rewards, thereby drawing players to the map. The meta is really fun in my opinion, I'd have no problem doing it multiple times for some bonus gold. One run through the meta got me about 20g in raw material sales, meaning that, if they decided to throw on a cap of say... 200g, I'd only need to play the meta 10 times to work up enough gold, provided I had no gold to begin with.

Inevitably, this probably would be more effort that just waiting, of course, but it's not just a matter of time, it's a matter of effort vs. time. Even though a gold sink would increase the amount of raw effort required to get the mount, it would also increase the amount of time I'd be spending in game. On the time-gate, people can only put so much effort into a single day, meaning that even though the time might stay the same, they can only put in so much effort. In this way, people are being encouraged not to play, rather than the other way around.

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@Daniel Handler.4816 said:It's not the end of the world but it is pretty disappointing. I think this was a major oversight and I hope you will consider a player's real world schedule before implementing something like this in the future.

I hope they do consider that in the future or have a timegate that makes sense and adds something positive to the game.

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@Katastroff.1045 saidSeriously, That much crib shaking for a 4-5 days time gate???

@Katastroff.1045 said:Found you guys a theme song for this topic. :p

Way to subvert people's feelings as baseless whining and being pointlessly antagonistic towards legitimate criticisms. No one wants the mount right this second, we want to be allowed to work for it.

Your comments basically prove that you've pretty much ignored everyone's actual criticisms just so you could stir up anger. Congrats.

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@RizelStar.3724 said:

@Daniel Handler.4816 said:It's not the end of the world but it is pretty disappointing. I think this was a major oversight and I hope you will consider a player's real world schedule before implementing something like this in the future.

I hope they do consider that in the future or have a timegate that makes sense and adds something positive to the game.

The problem I see here is that the future of gw2 may be this. Basic a mobile game that you play on pc. Don't forget that NCsoft has decided to focus on mobile platforms.

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@tekhiun.8653 said:

@Daniel Handler.4816 said:It's not the end of the world but it is pretty disappointing. I think this was a major oversight and I hope you will consider a player's real world schedule before implementing something like this in the future.

I hope they do consider that in the future or have a timegate that makes sense and adds something positive to the game.

The problem I see here is that the future of gw2 may be this. Basic a mobile game that you play on pc. Don't forget that NCsoft has decided to focus on mobile platforms.

No--it is my understanding they got rid of that project for GW. One of the reasons for the layoffs--resources being wasted by M O'B

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I think the time gate is unnecessary, but I don't think it's really a big deal either.

I feel like there's a narrative that you're not allowed to "complain" about something that takes "work" because you're supposed to earn things, but I feel like the context really matters.

I spent a whole bunch of time doing the scavenger hunt yesterday. I did the first part without any guides, and I enjoyed it well enough. By the end, I was using guides and was sick of it, but the NPC told me to come back and I thought I'd have the mount when the day came around. Then I read more and discover that there are several more steps that involve a whole ton of other things that are a lot less reliable to do on my own.

Is that really necessary?

I don't mind these things in general. This sort of optional horizontal progression is one of the things Guild Wars 2 does really well and makes other MMOs a joke to me nowadays. That said, I feel like they can go too far.

First off, I hate how Collections tend to be locked. Nothing is more frustrating than finding out that you pulled off something difficult or rare, only to discover you'll have to do it all over again because you hadn't talked to some NPC first to unlock the Collection. You should be able to earn progress on Collections from the beginning, or they should retroactively recognize things you've done when you unlock them. This is a massive, demoralizing waste of time. To some extent, this does help to give reasons for people to repeat certain events to keep players at them, but there's a certain point where it just ruins the game for me.

In this case in particular though, one of my biggest issues is that I feel that this mount isn't truly optional. None of the movement Masteries are. Until I really got used to it (and even then there were a few times), this new map was extremely frustrating to traverse. I appreciate what was done with it, but if I didn't have most of the Heart of Thorns Masteries and all of the PvE Mounts so far maxed out, I can't imagine getting around in it. I can't imagine that the Skyscale won't be something that future maps kinda sorta assume you have, even if they're built to work fully without it.

I'll put it another way. Exploring the map was something I absolutely hated in Guild Wars 2 at launch. Trying to figure out how to get to certain Vistas or PoIs was utterly unintuitive and it made me never bother unless I had to. The glider was an awesome addition that made exploring a lot less frustrating. The mounts just blew it wide open. I enjoy exploring now. That's probably the reason I did the first part of the scavenger hunt on my own. I found that hidden cave with the Sick Skyscale well before I needed to find them, and it was the coolest little place.

Having that ease is a major quality of life element for me, especially when maps like this seem to expect you to have caught up. I expect I will regret not having the Skyscale in the future if I don't earn it.

At the moment, I'm not sure what I'm going to do. I want to stop playing, but I might still finish earning it. That's not really a good thing for me though, I just can't help it. This is more or less the reason I quit World of Warcraft. It stopped being fun and started being work, because you spend all your time re-earning things you already earned. They stopped giving you time to enjoy the things you earned.

I'm starting to feel that in Guild Wars 2. Every update means a new thing I have to grind out to keep up for next time. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying there shouldn't be new things to do or new things to earn. What bugs me is when those things are major features, and when the way to earn them is so many steps and requires so much waiting on events and uncertain things. The scavenger hunt was enough.

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