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[merged] About the Skyscale Timegate...

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@RizelStar.3724 said:

@"The Dreamwalker.7014" said:You're kitten with me, right?

I was hyped for the skyscale. However I am glad I didn't start acquiring it because I wanted to wait until all the secrets of the collections and what not were revealed. When I heard there was collections nested in collections I was feeling a little more dead inside, but still willing to do it. I thought that was excessive, but I was willing.

. And then the biggest FU was having to drop 250 of each map currency for the kitten saddle. At that point I was like "yeah, kitten this, I'm going back on my birdcat."

This is excessive.

This is stupid.

All for a mount that is slow as molasses and about as useless as a pet rock with a USB cable.

Oh, yeah, and it only has one dye channel so if you want to fashion wars it you'll have to buy a skin anyway :D :D

My suggestion? Heckin get rid of the kitten saddle bs or if you really must have to decrease the required currency to 50 a pop.

I figured it would’ve been neat if you got the skyscale once it grows up and then a unique skin for completing the entire collection.

That skyscale hatchling could’ve been a reward too, backpack or something. I can have a huge oversight with this idea but felt it’d be a positive as people suggested

That is actually something I mentioned in my post before I edited it. I would be more than willing to do all the excess bells and whistles if we had gotten a reward for it. (AND MAKE IT OPTIONAL, ANET!!!) A title, a hatchling backpack/glider skin, a skin for the actual mount.. there is so much that could be done.

If I had the option to do the bare minimum and not get "bonus rewards" and just the basic mount, that'd be just fine! But the fact you have to do ALL of this and only get a mount with one dye slot it's like.. why?

The way they handled the roller beetle acquisition was spot on, IMO. Little to no gold sink, simple collections that don't feel grindy, and an engaging story.

What we got here was an engaging story that was covered with excessive grind, a pointless timegate, collections that require going over the same map a gazillion times (an exaggeration, but seriously, who thought the scales + eggs + sick skyscales + et cetera which were all placed in the same general area yet you had to keep going back and forth was a good idea???)

Like, I was down for the whole "raising your hatchling skyscale" experience, and in that case I felt the timegate was justified. And imo the timegate itself between collections wasn't that big of a deal? like I said, I was willing to do everything (I'd complain about it sure, but I would've done it) up until I heard about the saddle.

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@Oogo.4083 said:

@"TwilightSoul.9048" said:I'll add my opinion into this pile for good measure.

I understand that the time gates and material costs are meant to provide some feeling of accomplishment once you finish the collection, so that the time and materials/gold feel like an investment. That beeing said, I don't think that it actually fulfills that purpose since the timegate isn't a time period spent doing something for the Mount instead its basically just waiting time. Material Costs are fine as long as they're reasonable but I dislike raw Gold costs.Rather than artificial time gates which cause nothing but boredom and insane material/Gold costs which just stops some players in their tracks (it's more expensive than the griffon...), I'd prefer a time investment which is spent actually doing something that is neccessary for the mount, maybe some challenge that requires a little bit of finesse. Although I understand that challenges may not be the best choice either since we have a incredibly wide variety of skill levels across our player base here so challenges may be very frustrating for some players.

Oh and for me, 2h
waiting time
between collections is exactly the same as an entire day, I'm not gonna log in again 2h later. That waiting time serves no purpose other than to create an artificial time gate which adds absolutely nothing to the game, on the contrary, it actually takes away the excitement to achieve something new because you just sit there waiting or getting invested into something else which doesn't make you wait for no obvious reason. And don't tell me we have to wait because gorrik has to do some research or whatever, we can traver through all of tyria within seconds and kill Zhaitan, Mordremoth, Balthazaar and Kralkatorrik within a day, there is no way gorrik needs 2 Hours for some research or whatever ;)

I hope my opinion offers a new perspektive to this thread.

Have a nice day o/

Did anet actually confirmed this 2 hour time.gate?? If yes can yoingive.me the link. Cause i do.not.find it.anywhere. when is this change coming??

You didnt look deeply enough in Dev posts.https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/77191/an-update-about-the-skyscale-acquisition/p1#Item_0

Next patchday the 28th.

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I just told my alt account egg the story of the fight with Balthazaar, the problem is, I didn't finish the POF Story on that account.

I also told the egg how I fought Mordremoth and as you guessed, I didn't complete the HOT story on that account either, although I did do the DS meta, so I guess that story is sort of true.

Core story I was was unable to test as I actually did fight Zhaitan and the story I told the egg was 100% true.

But I can't explain Balthazaar, as I can't remember an instance (Meta or LS) outside of POF story where you actually fight the man.

So, I just wanted to throw that out there for all the people saying what you have to do for this collection. Just stop and think about what you don't have to do for a second.

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From what I've heard even the maxed skyscale is lackluster which, from the collections I've seen and the ones I've done(I still have 3 days of feeding because of these damn crystals before I can even touch the rest of the collection), is incredibly disappointing. A big downside to the mount being the loss of altitude during flight and the small wall jump while clinging. Both could have been changed to make the mounts mobility more satisfying by either cutting the loss in altitude while flying (it can already hover indefinitely, what is the thematic explanation for a loss of altitude?) or by giving it a slow climb upward while clinging to a wall(no bonus to flight stamina, just a gain in height if terrain allows i.e. smooth walls). I don't think either of these would be game breaking. You could argue that it would nullify the other mounts but with the nerf the scale already has the change would be slight but worth it when you consider this is supposed to be our equivalent of a legendary mount.I feel they did roller beetle perfectly in terms of balance. It's the fastest mount but it has a substantial recharge on it's top speed, takes skill to control perfectly, and bond of vigor buffed it in the best way. It didn't make the other mounts obsolete, each still has their own strengths and weaknesses. Bond of vigor even made the others more interesting to play. What skyscale has is far too many weaknesses for its strengths to shine through and the strengths are there which is why this whole fiasco is just killing me. My only hope is that Anet has some secret mastery planned that buffs the scales in the end and we just have to hang in there to see it.

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@Ayrilana.1396 said:I’ve found it beneficial as the spinger relies on ledges to scale up cliffs while the skyscale doesn’t. I can also fine-tune when the mount goes which is something you couldn’t easily do with the other mounts.

Yes, the Skyscale is a fine -situational- mount. But yeah, I think players had expectations set far too high due to the sheer scale of the collectaton compared to the beetle.

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Yeaaah....Honestly anything that is time-gated really makes 0 sense. If they want me to do a triple run throughout the whole Tyria or doing all events to extend time would be fine....would be weird and extremely grindy, but still better than a forced time gate. No contend vs content

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:From what I've heard even the maxed skyscale is lackluster which, from the collections I've seen and the ones I've done(I still have 3 days of feeding because of these kitten crystals before I can even touch the rest of the collection), is incredibly disappointing. A big downside to the mount being the loss of altitude during flight and the small wall jump while clinging. Both could have been changed to make the mounts mobility more satisfying by either cutting the loss in altitude while flying (it can already hover indefinitely, what is the thematic explanation for a loss of altitude?) or by giving it a slow climb upward while clinging to a wall(no bonus to flight stamina, just a gain in height if terrain allows i.e. smooth walls). I don't think either of these would be game breaking. You could argue that it would nullify the other mounts but with the nerf the scale already has the change would be slight but worth it when you consider this is supposed to be our equivalent of a legendary mount.I feel they did roller beetle perfectly in terms of balance. It's the fastest mount but it has a substantial recharge on it's top speed, takes skill to control perfectly, and bond of vigor buffed it in the best way. It didn't make the other mounts obsolete, each still has their own strengths and weaknesses. Bond of vigor even made the others more interesting to play. What skyscale has is far too many weaknesses for its strengths to shine through and the strengths are there which is why this whole fiasco is just killing me. My only hope is that Anet has some secret mastery planned that buffs the scales in the end and we just have to hang in there to see it.

You can buy the food for skyscale for around 3g in TP. Just so you dont waste any days

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My main issue isn't necessarily the time gates. But since the many other forum threads that are not apart of this one regarding the skyscale are being closed. I'll post it here.

The issue is the long achievement grind. Anet MMO Manifesto video that is still on their Youtube page today states that they "don't want players to grind in Guildwars 2". The very definition of a Manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims. After playing other MMO's before this it was one of the major selling points to me for this game.

My prospective regarding the skyscale grind. While exciting at first. After a few days of grinding & waiting. Then learning what would become to even more days of grinding & waiting. Well its disheartening & leaves me disappointment in Anet for forgetting their promises to the players.

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@"FONGORE.7410" said:My main issue isn't necessarily the time gates. But since the many other forum threads that are not apart of this one regarding the skyscale are being closed. I'll post it here.

The issue is the long achievement grind. Anet MMO Manifesto video that is still on their Youtube page today states that they "don't want players to grind in Guildwars 2". The very definition of a Manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims. After playing other MMO's before this it was one of the major selling points to me for this game.

My prospective regarding the skyscale grind. While exciting at first. After a few days of grinding & waiting. Then learning what would become to even more days of grinding & waiting. Well its disheartening & leaves me disappointment in Anet for forgetting their promises to the players.

This may be worth a read for you as you’re not using ‘grind’ in the way the we’re intending it.


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I just hit the first time-gate. Finally finished collecting all the eggs and now I have to wait for Gorrik to decide where we're going to put them.

I don't know if it's because I knew it was coming (although I couldn't remember which collection was gated) or because it was 10:30pm so I was pretty much done for the day anyway, but it didn't bother me. It was more of an "Oh ok, so what shall I do now?" moment. (And apparently the answer was come to the forum to review how I feel about the time-gate.)

But as I've said before my real life is a much more effective time-gate than anything Anet could introduce. Biggest barrier to me finishing this collection now is that tomorrow Total War: Three Kingdoms is released, my husband is a massive fan of both Total War and ancient China and we only have 1 PC.

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So I got my skyskale at 2 am CST this morning and wanted to share a few ups and downs on this process. So on launch day I was super pumped and I knew there would be steps to get the skyskale and maybe I could get it by the weekend. Started the new story and loved it! Landed in dragonfalls and loved the new map/metas and was just having a blast. Then turned toward the skyskale. The first collection was fine and the 2nd was ok but it seems I'm running around the exact stops I just went to. The third starting to get a little old. So once complete that's when I realized it was on a daily reset and was irritated because I just finished the first day 1 hr after, so that meant I was waiting another day to continue. When the day rolled around I was excited but was hit with the realization that I had not finished all of lws4 and unlocked the Sun's Refuge. So I scrambled knowing there was a time gate to get to the next step. Once I finally finished I was able to get in and start the next step which was Saving Skyskales. Luckily others already had a guide to follow so was able to complete before the daily reset. This step was actually fun. Seeing all my fellow players running around helping each other get the required achievements was awesome. Loved the fact folks were willing to jumping off the wall in Divinity's Reach to allow others to get the life achievement and I even stopped for 10 mins and did it myself for the new folks coming to the map. So next day I see we need to craft some treats for the skyskale care. No problem. Uses bloodstone dust which is awesome because I'm tripping over this stuff and nowhere to put it an Ecto was a given. Red meat was not an issue and charged quartz was new to me. Looked in my bank and have a big fat zero! Charged up my 1st quartz and then realized that this was time-gated at 1 per day per acct. WTF!!! Are you Fing kidding me. Looked thru reddit I saw where you could buy the treats on TP. So knowing there was another time gate I rushed to the TP and bought 12 of them for a crazy inflated amount but was set for this part. When I went back to feed it there is the notification that feeding is locked at 3 per day. WTF! once again. Frustration was building. This was not fun like I experienced on day 2. So off to do the skyskale treats and toys. The toys and treats were easy enough so just ran around and got those without issue. Day 4 rolls around and I just feed it 3 times and I'm thinking is that all? Nothing else. This seems to lessen the excitement I had so I just go back and play the metas in Jahai Bluffs because I was looking at getting the collection there as I'm a newer player and this would be my first. Day 5 rolls around and same old boring run in throw some food, clean up the pen and play the flute to get his happiness high. I will say on the first day the small guy in the egg was cute and all but on day 5 I was over it so went back to play some metas. Day 6 same old stuff and hoping day 7 would get here. Seeing through reddit that you need more food and charged quartz. Seriously ANET what the hell are you thinking. So looks like I can buy it on the TP for 50 gold each at the time so that's not going to happen. So we finally get word that it's using the treat to bypass the jp or location so that a relief since I have no charged quartz or an eternity to make it. So once Day 7 rolls around I'm able to get all the achievements thanks to mesmers and fellow players all helping each other. This part was another great time. Loved seeing everyone at these events helping each other and generally having some fun. Went back and did the hide and seek and catch with the skyskale and was actually pretty fun. I was feeling quite happy just being able to be out there with others having fun. After having a blast on day 7 I start looking up what others were saying for day 8 that were ahead of me. My heart sank! I turned off the PC and walked away as I was outright irritated. 250 stack of each currency from all lws4 maps. I had some from playing dragonfall and some from Jahai Bluffs but had no idea on the others as I just unlocked Thunderhead. So after an hour of cooling off, I went back and looked and I had 120 others about 70 but on Thunderhead Peaks a whopping 3. Now comes if I knew this requirement I could have been spending the time after feeding to be rolling thru the meta and getting some of these knocked out. So begins my frustrating grind across all my alts to try and get 250 on as many maps as I could before reset and then finish out what's left on the last day. I want to thank all the Commanders and Mentors that are running around helping everyone on these metas. I really want to acknowledge you guys that without your help this would have been the most frustrating grind ever. I was able to get 4 of the 6 maps complete before the day 8 reset. So on day 8, I roll thru the metas with my fellow players and actually get a few missing achievs that I was missing. I actually had fun with this and it's all because we are all out there working on a common goal and seeing live maps is just awesome. It's was about midnight and I finally get my last saddle piece at sandswept isle. So now on to skyskale flight. Here I'm debating whether to finish it or wait till tomorrow. I decided to move on and get this knocked out. So skyskale flight was actually a pretty fun time running around Tyria looking for the rifts. So here it is 2am and I have the skyskale unlocked. Played around for a little bit and took it to lion's arch where others had just unlocked theirs as well. It was a nice sight. So at this point, I need to look back and say that if there had been some clear communication on some of these items it would not have been a roller coaster of emotions. But the best part was being able to have some fun out there with my fellow players. Wish it was that way all of the time!

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I should be done tomorrow. I'm kind of glad for the feeding time gate at this point. It gave me a few days to take a break from the collection. I spent the last two days farming hearts for the mats and just finished that up as well as the Skyscale Lost achievement. The mini game of hide and seek and catch was kind of fun and only took about 20 minutes. Hint for others mark the Skyscale as target during hide and seek. It makes it a bit easier.

So tomorrow I'll just have to buy the saddle and do Skyscale Flight. Most of the collection was interesting. I didn't enjoy repeating hearts over and over on alts for the currencies and blew through almost 200k karma doing it. I just figured that was faster than chasing nodes and events all day. But I put myself in that position because I had done almost nothing on any of the maps since they were released. Overall it wasn't too bad and the 250 of each mat thing gives people just starting the collection some time to farm them. 50 a day would not take very long at all if you have several L80s.

Overall, I guess the most I got from it was exploring a bunch of places I never spent time in.

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@"FONGORE.7410" said:My main issue isn't necessarily the time gates. But since the many other forum threads that are not apart of this one regarding the skyscale are being closed. I'll post it here.

The issue is the long achievement grind. Anet MMO Manifesto video that is still on their Youtube page today states that they "don't want players to grind in Guildwars 2". The very definition of a Manifesto is a public declaration of policy and aims. After playing other MMO's before this it was one of the major selling points to me for this game.

My prospective regarding the skyscale grind. While exciting at first. After a few days of grinding & waiting. Then learning what would become to even more days of grinding & waiting. Well its disheartening & leaves me disappointment in Anet for forgetting their promises to the players.

Grinding would be repeating the same task over and over again, aka gold farming. -That- is pure grinding.And the funny part... it is what some people here want.

Unique collections is not grinding. It's offering a journey towards a goal.

It was what... 4 years ago? That we got our first "true" collection that was Mawdrey.Mawdrey is arguably less "appealing" than this mount, and yet... It had a high cost at the time, it had timegate (had to wait episodes for progress) and yet... you had so many people do it, be happy of doing it, and so much less complains about unique ways to progress in the game that doesn't revolve around story, dungeons or fractals.

2018... what the heck has this community become? Since PoF every single effort in game is met with an insane backslash. Literally no matter what they try. If you can't get it "easily" "quickly", you'll have a thread about it.To all the people earlier who kept saying "the only problem is the timegate", you got your answer: It's not. You got satisfaction for one thing, now look at people trying to tackle the next.It started with Eater of Souls, with the chef adventure, all the way to where we are now. It's a MMO, for god's sake. A lot of its mechanics will have some form of repeated activities by design, it will have grind activities too, just like all the other MMOs. It is -impossible- to make content as fast as people consume it. IMPOSSIBLE. If you can't accept that, you shouldn't play a MMO.

New content must rewards -ALL- sorts of activities, and not just what you like. There are MANY people who prefer "hard" content or pvp or whatnot and would hate what you like, and vice versa. Players' "valuable time" does not mean everything should be adapted to please them and only them, as it would now impact other people's pleasure.It also doesn't mean "let's give the choice" to everything, as it would completely ruin any sense of accomplishment. If someone has a chakk skin, it's because they've played through HoT content and did that specific activity, not because they grinded gold for it.

The -only question- that should ever matter for any piece of content: Does this content have an audience. If the answer is yes, let them have it. It's not for you. If you want it anyway, meet the requirements. Many people here loved the "raising your own mini dragon" aspect of the collection which could not happen if everything could be over in a few clicks, just like GoT would never have been so good if all the first seasons had been rushed like that last one was :)

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@Deihnyx.6318 said:

@"FONGORE.7410" said:My main issue isn't necessarily the time gates. But since the many other forum threads that are not apart of this one regarding the skyscale are being closed. I'll post it here.

The issue is the long achievement grind. Anet MMO Manifesto video that is still on their Youtube page today states that they "don't want players to grind in Guildwars 2". The very definition of a
a public declaration of policy and aims
. After playing other MMO's before this it was one of the major selling points to me for this game.

My prospective regarding the skyscale grind. While exciting at first. After a few days of grinding & waiting. Then learning what would become to even more days of grinding & waiting. Well its disheartening & leaves me disappointment in Anet for forgetting their promises to the players.

Grinding would be repeating the same task over and over again, aka gold farming. -That- is pure grinding.And the funny part... it is what some people here want.

Unique collections is not grinding. It's offering a journey towards a goal.

It was what... 4 years ago? That we got our first "true" collection that was Mawdrey.Mawdrey is arguably less "appealing" than this mount, and yet... It had a high cost at the time, it had timegate (had to wait episodes for progress) and yet... you had so many people do it, be happy of doing it, and so much less complains about unique ways to progress in the game that doesn't revolve around story, dungeons or fractals.

2018... what the heck has this community become? Since PoF every single effort in game is met with an insane backslash. Literally no matter what they try. If you can't get it "easily" "quickly", you'll have a thread about it.To all the people earlier who kept saying "the only problem is the timegate", you got your answer: It's not. You got satisfaction for one thing, now look at people trying to tackle the next.It started with Eater of Souls, with the chef adventure, all the way to where we are now. It's a MMO, for god's sake. A lot of its mechanics will have some form of repeated activities by design, it will have grind activities too, just like all the other MMOs. It is -impossible- to make content as fast as people consume it. IMPOSSIBLE. If you can't accept that, you shouldn't play a MMO.

New content must rewards -ALL- sorts of activities, and not just what you like. There are MANY people who prefer "hard" content or pvp or whatnot and would hate what you like, and vice versa. Players' "valuable time" does not mean everything should be adapted to please them and only them, as it would now impact other people's pleasure.It also doesn't mean "let's give the choice" to everything, as it would completely ruin any sense of accomplishment. If someone has a chakk skin, it's because they've played through HoT content and did that specific activity, not because they grinded gold for it.

The -only question- that should ever matter for any piece of content: Does this content have an audience. If the answer is yes, let them have it. It's not for you. If you want it anyway, meet the requirements. Many people here loved the "raising your own mini dragon" aspect of the collection which could not happen if everything could be over in a few clicks, just like GoT would never have been so good if all the first seasons had been rushed like that last one was :)

Definition of grind also includes not only to repetitive task, but also includes unpleasant laborious tasks (or other unmentionable things). Even that said how is collecting 20x of this or 250x of that not repetitive? Saying "Unique collections is not grinding" is absurd when each of those "Unique collections" is exactly your own very definition of what grinding is.

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@FONGORE.7410 said:

@FONGORE.7410 said:My main issue isn't necessarily the time gates. But since the many other forum threads that are not apart of this one regarding the skyscale are being closed. I'll post it here.

The issue is the long achievement grind. Anet MMO Manifesto video that is still on their Youtube page today states that they "don't want players to grind in Guildwars 2". The very definition of a
a public declaration of policy and aims
. After playing other MMO's before this it was one of the major selling points to me for this game.

My prospective regarding the skyscale grind. While exciting at first. After a few days of grinding & waiting. Then learning what would become to even more days of grinding & waiting. Well its disheartening & leaves me disappointment in Anet for forgetting their promises to the players.

Grinding would be repeating the same task over and over again, aka gold farming. -That- is pure grinding.And the funny part... it is what some people here want.

Unique collections is not grinding. It's offering a journey towards a goal.

It was what... 4 years ago? That we got our first "true" collection that was Mawdrey.Mawdrey is arguably less "appealing" than this mount, and yet... It had a high cost at the time, it had timegate (had to wait episodes for progress) and yet... you had so many people do it, be happy of doing it, and so much less complains about unique ways to progress in the game that doesn't revolve around story, dungeons or fractals.

2018... what the heck has this community become? Since PoF every single effort in game is met with an insane backslash. Literally no matter what they try. If you can't get it "easily" "quickly", you'll have a thread about it.To all the people earlier who kept saying "the only problem is the timegate", you got your answer: It's not. You got satisfaction for one thing, now look at people trying to tackle the next.It started with Eater of Souls, with the chef adventure, all the way to where we are now. It's a MMO, for god's sake. A lot of its mechanics will have some form of repeated activities by design, it will have grind activities too, just like all the other MMOs. It is -impossible- to make content as fast as people consume it. IMPOSSIBLE. If you can't accept that, you shouldn't play a MMO.

New content must rewards -ALL- sorts of activities, and not just what you like. There are MANY people who prefer "hard" content or pvp or whatnot and would hate what you like, and vice versa. Players' "valuable time" does not mean everything should be adapted to please them and only them, as it would now impact other people's pleasure.It also doesn't mean "let's give the choice" to everything, as it would completely ruin any sense of accomplishment. If someone has a chakk skin, it's because they've played through HoT content and did that specific activity, not because they grinded gold for it.

The -only question- that should ever matter for any piece of content: Does this content have an audience. If the answer is yes, let them have it. It's not for you. If you want it anyway, meet the requirements. Many people here loved the "raising your own mini dragon" aspect of the collection which could not happen if everything could be over in a few clicks, just like GoT would never have been so good if all the first seasons had been rushed like that last one was :)

Definition of grind also includes not only to repetitive task, but also includes unpleasant laborious tasks (or other unmentionable things). Even that said how is collecting 20x of this or 250x of that not repetitive? Saying "Unique collections is not grinding" is absurd when each of those "Unique collections" is exactly your own very definition of what grinding is.

5 of these 6 collections tasks should have been done "naturally" over the past year by just playing the game.So do you have to play the game and season 4 content for season 4 end game content? sure.Is it grinding? Only if you're coming back after not giving much care to the season or its content.

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Done, and done with the saddle. :) Went a lot faster once I felt more motivated.

Tip: The Rift events in Jahai Bluffs also provide currency (5) per char per day, should you run into any (I did on several occasions).

I hope that going back to consuming the LWS4 currencies that I don't need for magic won't bite me in the behind again at some point. :s

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@"hostileskeleton.7364" said:no one has told me you can simply buy it.

In the "Skyscale Care" progress window, the very first box is the Piece of Skyscale Food. Hovering your mouse over it says:

"Crafted in the Mystic Forge by combining a Charged Quartz Crystal with Globs of Ectoplasm, Bloodstone Dust, and Red Meat. Can also be purchased from the trading post."

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@Akame.8736 said:

@"hostileskeleton.7364" said:no one has told me you can simply buy it.

In the "Skyscale Care" progress window, the very first box is the Piece of Skyscale Food. Hovering your mouse over it says:

"Crafted in the Mystic Forge by combining a Charged Quartz Crystal with Globs of Ectoplasm, Bloodstone Dust, and Red Meat.
Can also be purchased from the trading post.

You're missing the part where I say "should've checked but I'm a dummy"

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I think what frustrates people the most is that they expected collections similiar to the ones for acquiring the roller beetle; and why wouldn't they? Both were added in a Living World update and both are PvE mounts. The beetle was the only precedent we had for a PvE mount being added to the game with an LW update and ArenaNet should've seen the backlash coming.

Personally I didn't mind the timegates that much; at first I was a bit confused after having finished the first collections and then having nothing happen ... no hint whatsoever as to what I had to do next - the timegate for the Wayfarer's Henge collection was pretty clear as hearts can only be completed once a day and everyone knew that - so better communication there would've been nice. Sure, having to wait for daily reset is a bit annoying but that's all it is. 22 charged quartz crystals on top were a bit of an overkill, but since the food and grow lamp can be bought on the trading post, I don't have an issue with them.

I just finished the JP collection and I really did enjoy those as it gave me a reason to revisit old JPs; wish ArenaNet would implement more of them.I honestly can't sympathize with people being upset about this part of the collection, as most of the required JPs aren't even 'real' jumping puzzles (Fawcett's Bounty, Buried Archives, Rebel's Seclusion - I'm looking at you!) and can be done in a matter of 2-5 minutes tops, not requiring any difficult jumps at all. Not to forget one can simply take a mesmer portal or use a teleport to a friend (lame!).

What really does upset me though is the saddle collection. On top of everything we had to do to get there, we're expected to grind our brains out for a stack of each LW season 4 map item. To quote Dessa:"Now that's just excessive."

These requirements really dampened my excitement for the new map and I haven't been back since I finished the collections there, which is sad because at first I really really liked it. The implementation of all the 'old' mastery systems, the different biomes, the shadow army, the improved Dragon's Stand-style meta event, the dialogues between Rytlock, Logan and Gwen ...Dragonfall is an awesome map - I'd argue the best Living World map so far! - and it's all tarnished by this stupid grindy collection ...

I'll very likely end up doing the saddle collection anyway as I've already come this far but I probably won't enjoy it as I absolutely loathe repetitive tasks. If your goal is to get more people into older maps, put more fun, interesting and rewarding content in there. Having us grind that much will populate the maps for a short time, but people will be fed up quickly and in the long run they'll actively shun those maps.

If it were up to me, I'd keep the timegates as they are, improve the communication in game and cut down on the required items for the saddle collection.


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Can't post in the other thread because it closed but...

There are no mesmers porting the JPs for Troublesome Skyscales. None. Every map I've gone too, no ports. Nada. They're all off grinding the S4 currency we had sprung on us. So I'm glad I have the gold but irritated I have to waste it this way.

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@hostileskeleton.7364 said:

@zengara.8301 said:You can buy the food for skyscale for around 3g in TP. Just so you dont waste any days

You're my best friend now dude cuz that has been my largest complaint so far but no one has told me you can simply buy it. (should've checked but I'm a dummy)

Yeah, nobody told me either. People made it sound like I had to wait forever to get 12 quarts

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