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Revenant Aura(s)


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For now we only have an aura ,the "Assassins Presence". Many say its the best aura in the game, but looking at 150ferocity isnt really that much at all. For power-bases classes (like berserker-stats) its only an around 2% dmg bonus.I was thinking about a little change in Rev auras.

How about we "remove" the assassince presence and add auras for every traitline.

So we would have:Devastation - +60 PowerInvocation - +60 PrecisionCorruption - +60 Condi-dmg.Salvation - +60 HealpowerRetribution - +60 ToughnessGlint: +60 Vitalityand Renegade - +60Ferocity (ferocity because of Kallas Fervor-buff)

So we would have an aura of what we use to play as rev. Devas.&Invoc. for power or Retrib.&Salvation as a healer/tank class.

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i am saying no because i do not like idea of adding 7 traits. i would make suggestion of removing that one trait changing it with something like this :).

This is how i would do it since this in power line for rev. everything i suggested is for just power.

All these effect would scale at 1 stack pre pulse every second stack up to max of 10 stacks.

Glint 1% damage pre boon (glint has boons Mora dmg ! 1% mite be to high maybe .5%)

Shino 1 stack of might pre shino stack (shino cant have any more dmg mod added to it this give shion perma 25 stack of might i think that more then fair)

Mallyx: 1% con dmg (mally always need just a little more con dmg feel good)

Dwarf 1% chance to summon minor vengeful hammer (be with out vengeful hammer - 20% incoming dmg an incoming con dmg effect) (dwarf alway lack damage this give a chance to summon tons of damage people who mindlessly attack)

Ventari Healing allie give a player haste. (giving a support role more uses in offence is helpful )

renegade 1% chance to gain kalla fervor on hit. (this one i ran out of idea maybe someone has better suggestion)

that my take on it :)

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Players that play other classes don’t want rev mechanics has most believe rev is broken and op more than holos and beasts.

Basically this would work like spear or trident underwater that changes the effect depending the legends u use.

The ideia is quite nice actually, 60 to 120 stats would not be that strong.

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  • 3 weeks later...

Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

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@alain.1659 said:Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

Yes because clearly chronomancer and the other specs had nothing to do with “HoT power creep” and it was all just Revenant that brought the “boon spam” and “ruined the game.” ?

This is probably one of the worst interpretations of HoT balance I’ve seen

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@alain.1659 said:Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

Yes because clearly chronomancer and the other specs had nothing to do with “HoT power creep” and it was all just Revenant that brought the “boon spam” and “ruined the game.” ?

This is probably one of the worst interpretations of HoT balance I’ve seen

Sadly I remember the first release of herald with horrible boon spam. And yes, the biggest culprit is herald, and chrono herald combo was one of the worst I have ever seen. Passive boon spamming with this magnitude was introduced with herald. Thanks for your non aggressive post :)

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@alain.1659 said:

@alain.1659 said:Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

Yes because clearly chronomancer and the other specs had nothing to do with “HoT power creep” and it was all just Revenant that brought the “boon spam” and “ruined the game.” ?

This is probably one of the worst interpretations of HoT balance I’ve seen

Sadly I remember the first release of herald with horrible boon spam. And yes, the biggest culprit is herald, and chrono herald combo was one of the worst I have ever seen. Passive boon spamming with this magnitude was introduced with herald. Thanks for your non aggressive post :)

I’ve been playing Rev since HoT beta, so I remember “the first release of Herald” as well. Herald only brought slightly more consistent access to a bunch of boons that were already accessible to many/most classes, especially in a group setting whether it was Raids/Fractals or WvW. The best thing we brought was good damage + great boon duration, but neither of those were really the problem (note here that in raids for example we were only brought for the boon duration and to a much lesser extent fury). The main issue was and almost always has been (since HoT) Mesmer and Signet of Inspiration.

Signet of Inspiration was the main culprit and also broken OP back then. SoI copied every boon and every stack the Mesmer had on them onto allies. Coupled with Chaos traitline and Bountiful Disillusionment and mesmer by itself was able to pump out huge amounts of Stability, Fury, Might, Regen, Protection, Vigor, Alacrity (alacrity was also 66% and 33% back then, don’t forget) Quickness, Resistance. Of course, Raids/Fractals and WvW don’t exist in a vacuum with only one class, so naturally the already busted OP Signet of Inspiration + Boon Chrono only gets even better when you give it other classes’s boons and buffs. Let’s not forget it was coupled with not only Rev, but also Guardian in WvW, which also brings a ton of defensive and helpful boons.

In the end of course they super nerfed SoI down to one stack of each boon instead of all stacks and hit Facet of Nature bringing it from 50% to 33% boon duration. This immediately dropped Rev entirely from the raid meta (because literally everything else was already supplied and done better by other classes) and the two Chrono meta comp became popular. In WvW the boon spam was reduced, but obviously still present, but not due to Rev alone. Condi Rev started becoming a popular choice in Zerg/guild fights due to its boon rip, resistance, damage and utility/support.

My point to all this is that yes, Herald assisted supportive comps by bringing boon duration and easier access Resistance (if you needed it), but that even if Herald had Facet of Nature with 0% boon duration and its allied boon generation gutted, Chaos Chrono + SoI still would have caused nearly all of the same issues on its own, even without the boons of 4 other classes in its party. So to blame all of this on “Herald boon spam” is to misunderstand exactly how powerful Mesmer has been over the years since the introduction of Chrono. Lastly it’s not as if Herald was released by itself; you can’t say “Herald’s introduction caused all of these issues” without also looking at the other 8 elite specs that came out simultaneously and also all the interactions of the already existent core specs, hence the reason I bring up the fact Chrono was a much bigger issue.

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@LucianTheAngelic.7054 said:

@alain.1659 said:Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

Yes because clearly chronomancer and the other specs had nothing to do with “HoT power creep” and it was all just Revenant that brought the “boon spam” and “ruined the game.” ?

This is probably one of the worst interpretations of HoT balance I’ve seen

Sadly I remember the first release of herald with horrible boon spam. And yes, the biggest culprit is herald, and chrono herald combo was one of the worst I have ever seen. Passive boon spamming with this magnitude was introduced with herald. Thanks for your non aggressive post :)

I’ve been playing Rev since HoT beta, so I remember “the first release of Herald” as well. Herald only brought slightly more consistent access to a bunch of boons that were already accessible to many/most classes, especially in a group setting whether it was Raids/Fractals or WvW. The best thing we brought was good damage + great boon duration, but neither of those were
the problem (note here that in raids for example we were
brought for the boon duration and to a much lesser extent fury). The main issue was and almost always has been (since HoT) Mesmer and Signet of Inspiration.

Signet of Inspiration was the main culprit and also broken OP back then.
SoI copied every boon and every stack the Mesmer had on them onto allies.
Coupled with Chaos traitline and Bountiful Disillusionment and
mesmer by itself
was able to pump out huge amounts of Stability, Fury, Might, Regen, Protection, Vigor, Alacrity (alacrity was also 66% and 33% back then, don’t forget) Quickness, Resistance. Of course, Raids/Fractals and WvW don’t exist in a vacuum with only one class, so
naturally the already busted OP Signet of Inspiration + Boon Chrono only gets even better when you give it other classes’s boons and buffs.
Let’s not forget it was coupled with not only Rev, but also Guardian in WvW, which also brings a ton of defensive and helpful boons.

In the end of course they super nerfed SoI down to one stack of each boon instead of all stacks and hit Facet of Nature bringing it from 50% to 33% boon duration. This immediately dropped Rev entirely from the raid meta (because literally everything else was already supplied and done better by other classes) and the two Chrono meta comp became popular. In WvW the boon spam was reduced, but obviously still present, but not due to Rev alone. Condi Rev started becoming a popular choice in Zerg/guild fights due to its boon rip, resistance, damage and utility/support.

My point to all this is that yes, Herald assisted supportive comps by bringing boon duration and easier access Resistance (if you needed it), but that even if Herald had Facet of Nature with 0% boon duration and its allied boon generation gutted, Chaos Chrono + SoI still would have caused nearly all of the same issues on its own, even without the boons of 4 other classes in its party.
So to blame all of this on “Herald boon spam” is to misunderstand exactly how powerful Mesmer has been over the years since the introduction of Chrono.
Lastly it’s not as if Herald was released by itself; you can’t say “Herald’s introduction caused all of these issues” without also looking at the other 8 elite specs that came out simultaneously and also all the interactions of the already existent core specs, hence the reason I bring up the fact Chrono was a much bigger issue.

Now I really like and appreciate your answer. You say that SoI was the main reason. I agree. But I also think that revs newly introduced boon spam abilities caused SoI and mesmer-rev combo to be that OP. You are right SoI was the problem but in my experience rev was the fuel behind that. Although my opinion, based on my experience, did not change, I can see what you mean and why. I really appreciate your detailed response.

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@alain.1659 said:

@alain.1659 said:Revenant is the culprit that made the game what it is now. I love the profession but it is because of the idiotic boon spam design that made HoT powercreep so bad. All balances were made around it, and although (ironically) rev got the short stick for a while, the boon spam continued its reign. Adding more power would only cause another bad balance, as the history of this game shows. Do not get me wrong, i liked your idea. But I think it would do way more harm in the long run.

Yes because clearly chronomancer and the other specs had nothing to do with “HoT power creep” and it was all just Revenant that brought the “boon spam” and “ruined the game.” ?

This is probably one of the worst interpretations of HoT balance I’ve seen

Sadly I remember the first release of herald with horrible boon spam. And yes, the biggest culprit is herald, and chrono herald combo was one of the worst I have ever seen. Passive boon spamming with this magnitude was introduced with herald. Thanks for your non aggressive post :)

I’ve been playing Rev since HoT beta, so I remember “the first release of Herald” as well. Herald only brought slightly more consistent access to a bunch of boons that were already accessible to many/most classes, especially in a group setting whether it was Raids/Fractals or WvW. The best thing we brought was good damage + great boon duration, but neither of those were
the problem (note here that in raids for example we were
brought for the boon duration and to a much lesser extent fury). The main issue was and almost always has been (since HoT) Mesmer and Signet of Inspiration.

Signet of Inspiration was the main culprit and also broken OP back then.
SoI copied every boon and every stack the Mesmer had on them onto allies.
Coupled with Chaos traitline and Bountiful Disillusionment and
mesmer by itself
was able to pump out huge amounts of Stability, Fury, Might, Regen, Protection, Vigor, Alacrity (alacrity was also 66% and 33% back then, don’t forget) Quickness, Resistance. Of course, Raids/Fractals and WvW don’t exist in a vacuum with only one class, so
naturally the already busted OP Signet of Inspiration + Boon Chrono only gets even better when you give it other classes’s boons and buffs.
Let’s not forget it was coupled with not only Rev, but also Guardian in WvW, which also brings a ton of defensive and helpful boons.

In the end of course they super nerfed SoI down to one stack of each boon instead of all stacks and hit Facet of Nature bringing it from 50% to 33% boon duration. This immediately dropped Rev entirely from the raid meta (because literally everything else was already supplied and done better by other classes) and the two Chrono meta comp became popular. In WvW the boon spam was reduced, but obviously still present, but not due to Rev alone. Condi Rev started becoming a popular choice in Zerg/guild fights due to its boon rip, resistance, damage and utility/support.

My point to all this is that yes, Herald assisted supportive comps by bringing boon duration and easier access Resistance (if you needed it), but that even if Herald had Facet of Nature with 0% boon duration and its allied boon generation gutted, Chaos Chrono + SoI still would have caused nearly all of the same issues on its own, even without the boons of 4 other classes in its party.
So to blame all of this on “Herald boon spam” is to misunderstand exactly how powerful Mesmer has been over the years since the introduction of Chrono.
Lastly it’s not as if Herald was released by itself; you can’t say “Herald’s introduction caused all of these issues” without also looking at the other 8 elite specs that came out simultaneously and also all the interactions of the already existent core specs, hence the reason I bring up the fact Chrono was a much bigger issue.

Now I really like and appreciate your answer. You say that SoI was the main reason. I agree. But I also think that revs newly introduced boon spam abilities caused SoI and mesmer-rev combo to be that OP. You are right SoI was the problem but in my experience rev was the fuel behind that. Although my opinion, based on my experience, did not change, I can see what you mean and why. I really appreciate your detailed response.

Hate to say it, but your opinion based on your experience might not be reflective of what actually happened. I played during the HoT betas and during the early days of raiding and was told to bring a revenant and never lose my F2 because the boon duration was too good to pass up, but that still doesn't change the fact that it was mesmer pumping out the majority of the boons and mesmer copying them onto everyone over and over, especially with their shiny new alacrity. Revenant didn't bring significant might over warrior, didn't have the flat damage buff Druid had, or the ability to pump out nearly as many and valuable boons and effects like mesmer. Herald had a very passive boon playstyle and it did help mesmer with boon spamming, but when they nerfed revenant, what replaced them? Another mesmer. So revenant wasn't the fuel behind it because mesmers could function perfectly fine by just bringing another mesmer.

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