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a random guide invite - a lesson well learnt

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i have to write about the most strangest guild experience i ever had in 10 years of my mmo player life. i was helping players killing npcs for the quest heart. i received a random guild invite. i rejected it 3 times. on the fourth time, i got stupidly curious and stupidly accepted the random guild invite. the guild had 10 members that were inactive months even years and 3 active. the guild message displayed "we are a new guild.". the guild level was 1 with a half guild experience bar filled. i tried whispering or chatting the guild master who invited me to find out more about the guild. i even send him/her suggestions for improving the guild. no answer. the weirdness get worse. every time i am on, the guild master goes into invisible or offline mode. i asked a guildie that came on. she said the guild master does not talk and respond to anyone and his recent behavior is going invisible. after 2 days, i quit. the guild master does not to talk anyone, does not engage in any guild activity including maintenance, avoids the guildies and yet invites players. the guild felt like a ghost town, haunted and creepy. my point is if you receive a random guild invite and the recruiter does not answer your whisper and/or cannot answer your questions, decline and run away to avoid any guild strangeness.

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To be fair i think this sitauion is more of a 1% of the time thing. I've never recieved random invites to the same guild more than once O.o

I've sent out multiple random guild invites to people unintentionally because the "join [player] in map" option is right next to the guild invite option :/ i assume little of random guild invites because it's so easy to misclick that if in a party/squad, and then there's typos in sending guild invites too.

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@"Lexi.1398" said:To be fair i think this sitauion is more of a 1% of the time thing. I've never recieved random invites to the same guild more than once O.o

I've sent out multiple random guild invites to people unintentionally because the "join [player] in map" option is right next to the guild invite option :/ i assume little of random guild invites because it's so easy to misclick that if in a party/squad, and then there's typos in sending guild invites too.

this is second time this happened to me. the first one i block the recruiter. i am skeptic to any random invites. i was stupid this time. in other mmos, invites display in the middle of the screen interfering with playing that peaked my skeptism. luckily in gw2, the invite dialog does not do that.

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I never join guilds that send me a random invite or guilds that spam map chat. The best guilds are the ones you find via actual game play or through friends made in game. Guilds that are participating in the same type of content as a player that is looking for a guild usually have more shared interest. I also tend to look for guilds that are a bit more selective in who they take in.

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@Dami.5046 said:My 2nd account got a random request so i had a nose - all offline for weeks/months at a time and the guild message wasn't ina language I understood so I didn;t join, ofc :P

That reminds me of why I have a blanket policy of always declining unsolicited guild invites in any MMORPG.

Background: I'm English. I live in France. (To complete the geographic confusion: I married a Texan in Massachusetts.) Many moons ago, I did German lessons at school, but not since then.

I was tooling around in Allods Online, thinking it was time to join a guild, and an invite arrived out of the blue. OK, accept. Not only was the guild membership usually off-line, but the ones who were on-line were mostly silent. And of course it was a German-language guild. I have no idea why they thought it was a good idea to recruit a character named in English.

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the silent, invisible or offline status mode, haunting, creepy, and now stalking guild master is back. he/she was spamming me guild invites. i blocked and reported him/her and the invites stopped.

btw - since i use language translation tools, i have no language barriers with reading and writing.

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Weird. I wonder what the motivation could be for that behavior? It seems inappropriate behavior, but at least no real harm was done and you didn’t lose anything. I definitely would have blocked them too.

I wonder, is GW2 in the minority or majority in having your online presence and guild membership linked to account rather than character? SWTOR does it the other way, and I could tell you all kinds of crazy stories and soap operas from my experience there! :lol:

I actually found my first (and still main) guild on the forums here before I even started GW2 both because I thought it would determine which server I should join and a good group of people make the game even more fun. :)

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@VDAC.2137 said:Weird. I wonder what the motivation could be for that behavior? It seems inappropriate behavior, but at least no real harm was done and you didn’t lose anything. I definitely would have blocked them too.

I wonder, is GW2 in the minority or majority in having your online presence and guild membership linked to account rather than character? SWTOR does it the other way, and I could tell you all kinds of crazy stories and soap operas from my experience there! :lol:

I actually found my first (and still main) guild on the forums here before I even started GW2 both because I thought it would determine which server I should join and a good group of people make the game even more fun. :)

My character is almost role playing without the script. i don't act out. i talk regularly or commonly. nothing special. i am a wandering necro without a guild helping players in any event, meta, world boss and mentoring then i exit quietly when everything is done. my toon's name is from an original story bookish, Gothic cursed but cool or goodly interesting genre. maybe, a little mischievous. ;D my gear or outfit is Gothic and/or necrotic like ghostly line eyes, black hooded or grenth or bone looking. my weapons are Godskull bone weapon skinned and the scythes. maybe, weirdos like that. lol

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