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Am i the only person who doesnt care about tengu as a new race?


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Rather than new playable races I'd like to see them create story paths that give players an option to play characters that aren't the Commander. As it is every player character in the game is the Commander which limits the scope of the game. Plus it would make it easier for new players to jump into things.

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I couldn't care less about them, in fact, I hardly play anything else than humans.

Tengu would be nice as NPC race in a Cantha expansion, but I would not choose to see much of the limited development resources go to any new playable race. Give us player housing, give us Cantha, give us a Hall of Monuments. But not a new playable race or another mount.

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If & when we do see a new playable race or races, I believe it would be released along with any new expansions (as this would make a great selling point from a marketing perspective). Many other MMO's have already incorporated new races & I do feel GW2 has fallen behind in this regard. Part of the end game for GW2 is selling armor/weapon skins (and outfits of course).

Bringing in a couple new races I believe would only benefit the company as a whole in both the short term & long term. People that wouldn't necessarily buy a certain skin for one race may very well buy it for another (because each race carries that final look a little differently). If other MMO's can do it.... then why not GW2? Personally I'd love to play through the game again from the beginning with a new race & there take/perspective/interaction on world events (and not just on one class either). =)

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@CJH.2879 said:If & when we do see a new playable race or races, I believe it would be released along with any new expansions (as this would make a great selling point from a marketing perspective). Many other MMO's have already incorporated new races & I do feel GW2 has fallen behind in this regard. Part of the end game for GW2 is selling armor/weapon skins (and outfits of course).

Bringing in a couple new races I believe would only benefit the company as a whole in both the short term & long term. People that wouldn't necessarily buy a certain skin for one race may very well buy it for another (because each race carries that final look a little differently). If other MMO's can do it.... then why not GW2? Personally I'd love to play through the game again from the beginning with a new race & there take/perspective/interaction on world events (and not just on one class either). =)

they would have to spend more resources in future voice acting and armor development for what will just be a cosmetic change unlike other mmos where different races tend to have different stats (meaning a new race increases the amount of builds you can make) and also just are recolors 99% of the time

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@derd.6413 said:

@Warlord.9082 said:Nope. I'm not interested either. On the subject of why people want it: no idea. Rather see an entirely new creation.

  • tengu were planned to be playable at some point before launch
  • tengu's story is in a state where adding them as a playable is basically flipping a switch
  • tengu played an interesting part of factions
  • weebs

That pretty much explains why there are some people that wants them so much, and myself included to be honest.

Also, I largely prefer tengus over charrs. I always prefered non-human races, but in this game, charrs, I just don't like the design XD

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@derd.6413 said:they would have to spend more resources in future voice acting and armor development for what will just be a cosmetic change unlike other mmos where different races tend to have different stats (meaning a new race increases the amount of builds you can make) and also just are recolors 99% of the time

The resources available are more then sufficient to invest in this endeavor (both short term & long term). This particular investment would provide ongoing returns to the company & not just current/future ongoing costs as they would be able to make more cosmetics which for which they could then sell (ongoing into the future). The pro's (in my opinion) would more then outweigh the cons.

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Tengu really... don't send me as a playable race any more than the quaggan do, but each person has their own tastes. That being said, I'd prefer the Tengu over insert recolored human race here. I don't care if they have aquatic manta wings growing from their backs, I still want something more 'interesting' than just another humanoid. Norn are big humans, Asura are near-human midgets, Sylvari are plant humans, and humans are human humans. The charr are the only true outliers. I've seen some people who want Kodan as a playable race, but I suspect if Anet goes through the extensive resource requirement of introducing a new race and fitting all of the current armor skins to it, they'll do so with something that either recycles a current skeleton, or they'll go all out and do something completely new.

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@CJH.2879 said:

@derd.6413 said:they would have to spend more resources in future voice acting and armor development for what will just be a cosmetic change unlike other mmos where different races tend to have different stats (meaning a new race increases the amount of builds you can make) and also just are recolors 99% of the time

The resources available are more then sufficient to invest in this endeavor (both short term & long term). This particular investment would provide ongoing returns to the company & not just current/future ongoing costs as they would be able to make more cosmetics which for which they could then sell (ongoing into the future). The pro's (in my opinion) would more then outweigh the cons.

i'm sorry, i didn't know you were anet's resource manager

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Don't care about Tengu. I care about some different playable race. Five races is really not enough...you can have 69 characters... after you get 5 males and 5 females, you are left with 59 characters... To fill all of them you need around 7 males and 7 females from the same race. Getting another race makes the repeating of the same character less annoying. The perfect situation will be to have +2 extra races so you can get something like 10 humans, 10 norns, 10 asuras, 10 sylvaries, 10 charrs, 10 tengus, 10 undead/awakened/risen? If I'm not mistaken in WoW you can create 50 characters per account and they have 13 races + 8 familiar races... In WoW if you fill all 50 character slots equally, you'll have to repeat the same race 2,3 times. In GW2 if you want to fill all 69 character slots equally, you'll have to repeat the same race 13,14 times.

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@CJH.2879 said:

@"derd.6413" said:

i'm sorry, i didn't know you were anet's resource manager

Funny I didn't know your were too.

every time anet responded to the new race discussion their answer was always "too much effort for to little reward". so unless you've got new insider information.

But seriously the facts are the company relies on sales of cosmetics in order to help stay afloat, you don't need to be a resource manager to figure that out.

corrrect and a new race means they have to spend more time making those cosmetic skins (meaning they sell less). glad you agree that a new race isn't a good idea

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@derd.6413 said:

every time anet responded to the new race discussion their answer was always "too much effort for to little reward". so unless you've got new insider information.

And yes actually I do (and that information is public knowledge, I wouldn't call it insider information at all), if you payed attention to recent events at the company you'd know that they actually had too many resources working on multiple projects at the same time. Its actually because they were working on too many things that they ended up having to re-structure & down size to focus more on what makes money & what doesn't.

@derd.6413 said:

corrrect and a new race means they have to spend more time making those cosmetic skins (meaning they sell less). glad you agree that a new race isn't a good idea

Ever heard of putting words into someones mouth when they never said those words to begin with??? I never said >>> that I was glad that a new race isn't a good idea <<< To quote someone is one thing, to put words in there mouth that they never said or inferred is another thing altogether. I don't twist things, put words into other peoples mouths or manipulate conversations, I'm very blunt, direct and to the point thank you very much & I deal with the FACTS.

The point I was trying to make with my last quote (and previous quotes if you were actually paying attention) was the more races you have, the more cosmetics you'll have to make which can give players more COSMETIC OPTIONS which equals more profits for the company. As I also said before, outfits look different on each race, as does armor skins & a person may be more enticed to spend $$ on one race more so then another because they like the overall cosmetic look of it more. I'm not sure why you feel they would sell less & not more to the public especially if players had more options rather then less to choose from. I honestly don't understand your point or argument at all. And further, I will not be responding to any further comments you make because your obviously trying to start something out of nothing. When people have to result to twisting words, putting words into other peoples mouths or making inferred comments then your obviously not mature enough to have a proper discussion with respect & dignity towards the other communicating party. Good day to you. Peace to all.

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@CJH.2879 said:

every time anet responded to the new race discussion their answer was always "too much effort for to little reward". so unless you've got new insider information.

And yes actually I do (and that information is public knowledge, I wouldn't call it insider information at all), if you payed attention to recent events at the company you'd know that they actually had too many resources working on multiple projects at the same time. Its actually because they were working on too many things that they ended up having to re-structure & down size to focus more on what makes money & what doesn't.

the issue isn't that they don't have the resources to make a new race (they do ) but that making a new race would require way more resources then it'd be worth and those resources are better spent on other things

corrrect and a new race means they have to spend more time making those cosmetic skins (meaning they sell less). glad you agree that a new race isn't a good idea

Ever heard of putting words into someones mouth when they never said those words to begin with??? I never said >>> that I was glad that a new race isn't a good idea <<< To quote someone is one thing, to put words in there mouth that they never said or inferred is another thing altogether. I don't twist things, put words into other peoples mouths or manipulate conversations, I'm very blunt, direct and to the point thank you very much & I deal with the FACTS.

i did put those words in your mouth, in fact i was so blatantly doing that that nobody with an IQ higher then -5 would not realize that, however i didn't do that because i am a dumb dumb but to make a point

that point being there wouldn't be more cosmetic options for anet to sell because they have to spend more time making those cosmetic options meaning they release less cosmetics and if they release less cosmetics, they'll sell less.

that's not speculation that's what anet themselves have said every time they respond to this topic

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Funny how people simply don't want to understand that tastes differ.Just because you don't like them/don't care about them, doesn't mean that people who want them are weird or with 'strange taste'.

To put it simply: Different flavors.Praise that we are all different, otherwise world would be one heck of a boring place xD

In any case, I like birds, so I wouldn't mind Tengu at all...I'd definitely make one to honor my parakeet who has spent over 9 years with me and who was my best friend.

Comparing current Tengu model to 'playable' one is also silly, as we all know ANet would make one heck of an amazing job for them when it comes to customization. They definitely wouldn't be using the obvious Charr model either.Concept art for Tengu is also amazing, it shows different bird types too :)

So yeah, for us bird lovers, Tengu are 10/10.

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