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Will guardian get's a buff on the sword?


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The scepter is the most DPSI think the sword needs some love? Don't get me wrong I love the scepter just because of it's 2, It attacks 12 times but the sword 2 is really nothing special, Crits and blindness is cool but I think the sword needs some love, The scepter is range and it does even more damage than a sword, should the scepter be a little towards more to be a support weapon than a DPS weapon? The sword is useless on guardian because it really doesn't do a lot.The swords 3 skill isn't that powerful if you think about it if you compare it to the scepter.

What I think is, Getting close up to your enemies should be high risk and high reward but the scepter is not high risk and high reward because all its abilities are ranged.I would love it if the sword 2 or 3 skill do 12 hits like what the scepter does, But idm if Anet doesn't want to change it.Doesn't make sense to me but it is what it is.

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AA is pretty good

Sw2 is great

Sw3 is slow with poor damage and a root. It doesn't make sense mechanically. You gap close with Sw2 and then root yourself with sw3 so they can open a gap again? It blocks projectiles so you're supposed to use it if you're getting ranged by someone closer than 600? When are those ever scenarios in any game mode

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:AA is pretty good

Sw2 is great

Sw3 is slow with poor damage and a root. It doesn't make sense mechanically. You gap close with Sw2 and then root yourself with sw3 so they can open a gap again? It blocks projectiles so you're supposed to use it if you're getting ranged by someone closer than 600? When are those ever scenarios in any game mode

I like the sw2 but sw3 need's to be changed, It would be so awesome if it does an aoe and so many swords strike down from the sky.

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Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

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Isn't sword actually better/more dps for a couple of the more bursty fights, and if you really want to try hard, you should be using it instead of scepter on things like 100cm's first boss..? Although then again I've heard a big con is that if the mob dies at an inopportune time, you can kill yourself with sword 2, so most people don't think it's worth the risk of meme'ing off the edge, or losing dps to mispositioning.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

Because their ability to assess the game is superficial ... or they have an agenda.

Sword is definitely not a weapon that needs any attention.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

Because their ability to assess the game is superficial ... or they have an agenda.

Sword is definitely not a weapon that needs any attention.

Maybe you can enlighten everyone as to what role it fills and in what game mode?

Sw3 needs some love man. I think the best solution is remove the block and root to give it something useful like 5s vuln per hit. That makes it competitive with scepter and improves mobility without making it bis

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@RisenHowl.2419 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

Because their ability to assess the game is superficial ... or they have an agenda.

Sword is definitely not a weapon that needs any attention.

Maybe you can enlighten everyone as to what role it fills and in what game mode?

Sw3 needs some love man. I think the best solution is remove the block and root to give it something useful like 5s vuln per hit. That makes it competitive with scepter and improves mobility without making it bis

Easy ... it's an option people can use and whatever game mode they want. That's all it needs to be. Are you trying to imply it's terribad and no one uses it? That would be a hard claim to support. The idea that there is a 'role' it fills doesn't make sense in the first place. If players decide it's good for something, they can use it.

Let's try this ... OP wants to know when Sword will get a buff ... what do you think? Think about how Anet has developed the game for the last 7 years, apply that to Guardian Sword skills and answer that question. I did ... and I came to the conclusion that there isn't anything but a few minor tweaks to be made.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

Because their ability to assess the game is superficial ... or they have an agenda.

Sword is definitely not a weapon that needs any attention.

Maybe you can enlighten everyone as to what role it fills and in what game mode?

Sw3 needs some love man. I think the best solution is remove the block and root to give it something useful like 5s vuln per hit. That makes it competitive with scepter and improves mobility without making it bis

Easy ... it's an option people can use and whatever game mode they want. That's all it needs to be. Are you trying to imply it's terribad and no one uses it? That would be a hard claim to support. The idea that there is a 'role' it fills doesn't make sense in the first place. If players decide it's good for something, they can use it.

Let's try this ... OP wants to know when Sword will get a buff ... what do you think? Think about how Anet has developed the game for the last 7 years, apply that to Guardian Sword skills and answer that question. I did ... and I came to the conclusion that there isn't anything but a few minor tweaks to be made.

Sure, you can use any weapon any way you want. There's nothing wrong with that. But when would you ever want to use it? When you want mobility and an offhand but can't use a gs? Purely for cosmetic reasons maybe?

Would either of those situations be negatively impacted by making sw3 better, adding it to the effective weapons available for people who want to do the best they can? I'm not sure what makes you think sword shouldn't get buffed or reworked

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That depends on the player. I use it all the time in OW to get from one group to the next, maintaining my Aegis and using +20% DPS trait.

Again, you're not asking the right questions if you are trying to pigeonhole sword or any other weapon into a 'role' or 'situation'. That's not how weapons are designed in this game and it's not how we see Anet changing weapons. When was the last time you saw Anet say something like "Oh this your DPS weapon, so we upped the DPS on it". It's simply not how they think.

It's not up to me to justify the idea that sword stay as is ... because that's already the status quo. Just making something better isn't a reason to do it. I don't see a reason to change sword because it isn't deficient and it has use and people use it. Has nothing to do with some scenario where sword would be optimal or better if it just did something better.

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@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

If we look at it overall, sword is much better than scepter except in raid scenarios, particularly on static large fights. Having said that, sword 3 needs buff in both PvP and PvE.

It is okay to deduct some damage if the weapon offers CC or utility. But the amount has to be reasonable and correlate to what else the weapon offers. But that is not remotely the case. There is why no one every uses mace, LB or hammer in PvE (for hammer anywhere). Also, there does not seem to be any balance around utility or CC either. Axe has the highest CC and does the highest condi damage as well. Utility wise, sword is the highest, and out dpses mace, hammer and LB by a huge margin. Staff is the only weapon that is balanced with lower damage.

This also is not guardian exclusive issue. This is why diversity in builds across the game is dead.

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@otto.5684 said:

@Dadnir.5038 said:Why do people always judge whether a weapon need a buff or not based on DPS? Let's be honnest, ANet can always make a weapon DPS worse than it already is and make it look like it's a buff. The best example being necromancer's focus and warhorn.

Guardian's sword is fine. It does have an AA with decent hit rate, a gap closer that leave a symbol granting fury on top of dealing damage and blinding the opponent and a mid range multi-hit skill that block projectiles. Scepter also have it's cons, it's DPS being dependant on the target mobility.

From my point of view the 2 weapons are pretty even.

If we look at it overall, sword is much better than scepter except in raid scenarios, particularly on static large fights. Having said that, sword 3 needs buff in both PvP and PvE.

Except in situations where you need a ranged weapon. LB is jank, and if you play Core or Power FB, Scepter is all you got. Most of these situations only occur in OW (metas, bounties, story), but there are several situations in Fractals (and dungeons for that matter) where attacking at range is safer, or at least having access to ranged DPS means less DPS downtime (eg. The Voice, Thaumanova Anomoly - both where a shadowstep would be problematic)

It's why I've stayed with Scepter this whole time. DPS wise it's comparable to sword, but if I need to attack from range I have that option already equipped.

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