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Underlying issues : Easy 25 might and excessive access to quickness

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Nerfs that affect negatively the gameplay of a class/spec are never fine but..what about the the real issues behind the symptoms? . A different approach at this point may prove to be more beneficial to the overall quality of the game, that's my modest thought . I suspect that Anet is having similar thoughts seen as they nerfed the herald might generation ability with the last balance patch so...I pray they continue along that road instead than return to the old smash & burn type of balance , with that said I'm praying right now that ideally the next balance patch or possibly the following one , will finally address "other" toxic balance elements :

1) Holosmith/Scrapper2) Core warrior/berseker/spellbreaker

No class should be able to go around with 20 might on average semi permanently and all done almost passively ; at the same time no class should have vast access to a boon originally supposed to be quite scarce : quickness .

Too much damage applied too quickly , this leave little room (if any at all ) for counterplay ...now if I remember correctly you devs nerfed this trait years ago : https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Burning_Fire stating that no class should have access to easy might generation and at that time ele had to fire all cantrips to reach 25 might on top of precice combo field executions.

If this is not an example of personal bias..I don't know what it is , now I hope the mods won't close this thread as I am not attacking the devs with my remarks...I am simply making an observation based on actual facts..I can only hope for the future because things like damage right now are quite outrageous and this comes from somebody who previously stated that dmg should always be > defense but there must be a limit...right now the damage is simply stupid and for the most part this is caused by excessive access to might and quickness

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It feels a little like they think it's acceptable because of the boon removal/corruption introduced by e-specs is supposed to better counter it, but in practice that's not the case. The same goes for condition application as evident by weapon skills and traits, aswell as utility/profession mechanic extra power dps which is why core has a hard time competing.

Atleast rev has to work a little for it compared to warrior, but I agree that no profession should be able to maintain 25 might without sacrificing both sigils, their rune and atleast 1 trait choice. Makes it less of a faceroll and would force balance team to actually take a look at damage/defense of the meta instead of with might going "it's fiiiiiine".

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Glad to see more and more people catching onto this.Now we just have to w8 for the balance team to have this epiphany as well.

Im even willing to throw reaper under the bus for this as well.No matter how (un)viable the spec is, the amount of steroids this class has is also quite stupid.Nothing like getting "outskilled" by a spec that deletes 80% of your health with 1 keystroke.

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While might is the main source of damage buffing for some builds like spellbreaker, some classes like rev, soulbeast, power mes have large numbers of other damage modifiers that all stack in addition to might, allowing for some ridiculous burst if you add them all up. Using rev as an example, they get a passive 9% damage from using swords, an extra 0.5% for each stack of vuln on their target, 15% from burst of strength, 10% from phase traversal, 3-13% from having an upkeep skill active, 7% from having fury, and 33% more power from might. Then on top of that they have passive siphon damage, high passive might generation, and high passive vulnerability application.

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Boons worth deleting on principal: quickness, slow, resistance (even if conditions have always been a cancerous mechanic), alacrityBoons which are braindead strong and hamper role specialization because they don't utilize the stacking feature: protection, furyBoons which could easily be replaced by skill changes and/or mechanics which are already present in the game: vigor, regeneration, swiftnessBoons which are too easy for anyone to access and dilute any sort of class role due to their sheer overabundance: every single one of them

Real good game you got there.

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Yeah lol, Guardian and Elementalist were originally meant to be the boon spammers, hence the low HP pool. Now? Everyone and their moms do better boon upkeep than them.

On a more serious note, however; the factors that kill the balance of PvP (power-creep, boon madness) are the exact same factors that pump blood into high-end PvE. Anet would have to completely separate every single skill, trait and boon functionality between the respective game modes in order to keep the whole of the population happy - but as we've seen so far, they simply don't have the resources to pull that off.

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@Adamixos.6785 said:On a more serious note, however; the factors that kill the balance of PvP (power-creep, boon madness) are the exact same factors that pump blood into high-end PvE. Anet would have to completely separate every single skill, trait and boon functionality between the respective game modes in order to keep the whole of the population happy - but as we've seen so far, they simply don't have the resources to pull that off.

Lmao, just lower the HP values of end-game content to compensate, and give high boon stack maintenance to classes on a 1-to-1 basis (one class gets high/max fury stacks if they devote a build to it, etc). If they can't do this, then anet is objectively less competent that the Tree of Savior team which sports a far more dead game than even the crippled Guild Wars franchise and still managed at one point to do a sweeping restructuring of mob HP values and player damage.

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@Bort.8647 said:While might is the main source of damage buffing for some builds like spellbreaker, some classes like rev, soulbeast, power mes have large numbers of other damage modifiers that all stack in addition to might, allowing for some ridiculous burst if you add them all up. Using rev as an example, they get a passive 9% damage from using swords, an extra 0.5% for each stack of vuln on their target, 15% from burst of strength, 10% from phase traversal, 3-13% from having an upkeep skill active, 7% from having fury, and 33% more power from might. Then on top of that they have passive siphon damage, high passive might generation, and high passive vulnerability application.

^ This

No matter what, damage multipliers will always be worse than stacking might. Might only increases base power, which is additive. Straight up damage multipliers are multiplicative.

Like, not only can a herald easily stack 25 stacks of might, but they can easily have upwards of 40% overall damage on top of that. Same goes for Holo, having a pretty permanent access to 25% overall damage, or Spellbreaker getting reduced CD and a very unnecessary 10% extra damage on Rampage. Soulbeast too, having the highest at at an easy access 82% damage multiplier on their unblockable openers, usually out of stealth.

If I had to guess why there was a clear bias; why this was nerfed on ele, and not these 4 classes, then i'd say it's because might-stacking has become a total nobrainer. Little to none of these multipliers existed back when, and might stacking was the only real way to boost your damage. It was so important, that there were entire roles dedicated just to stacking it.(IE Shoutbow lul) Of course, I could be wrong, 'cause Gw2 balancing.

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