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Good idea: Give thief more control over traps!Bad idea: Persist in giving Deadeye no control over Malice attacks. :|It's getting very tiresome that I need to stealth just to use them when the tiniest bip of damage knocks me out of stealth before I can get the attack off. >_<Just give it an F3 already.

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@Auburner.6945 said:

@Vissarion.6509 said:Yeah let's nerf Eles even more, great changes!!!

Useless in PvP ✓Useless in WvW ✓Useless in PvE ✓

I don't like where this is going really...

Weaver useless in pve? what it has one ofthe highest benchmarks in pve lmao and will still be taken in raids

PvP it's actually good but people sleep on it

wvw is dead and a farm mode for keep rotation, nobody takes this seriously, for that matter nobody even takes pvp seriously

the one game mode that is relevant in this game weaver has one of the highest benchmarks

plus you got buffs lol i can't

i mean youre complaining about diversity, every class has this problem not just ele.... this is kind of a common theme now with every class.

We got a 10% bonus damage completely removed off of Fire line replaced by a Condi trait when there is already a Condi trait within the same tier. This will affect Power Weaver's burst potential, the reason why it was taken, the long burst, now this is removed. 3% more damage from Swiftness + 90 Ferocity are at least 5% damage less, and 5% damage less is around 2k DPS loss power-wise. Condi Weaver is even tankier than the tank and loathes boons; the buffs mean nothing to Condi Weaver because the problem wasn't its damage. It's a huge nerf to DPS ele. Why a 30k+ Herald out of meta, because it lacks the burst even though it gives out tons of buffs. This will be Weaver, but it's a so selfish e-spec to even have things balanced out by dealing less burst.

The buff only improves Duelist Weaver, but let's be real, would you take a SpB/Holo for a node or a fight, or a Weaver even after this buff?

Staff Weaver got annihilated and this just makes it less powerful to Herald that can keep up perma Swiftness and Fury while dealing high damage with higher HP. Just because we had a thesis worth of buffs doesn't mean that they aren't summed up in DPS Ele is less viable... and only Jack of all trades Ele got buffed, but no one wants a master of none when high effeciency is required.

Hmm I see your points, I understand. Doesn't look like there was any decent trade offs on top of it either except to the duelist variant you mentioned. Just more build diversity shut down.

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@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:


  • Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.

You want to know this decision is poorly thought out? This entire trait (Photonic Blasting Module): https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Photonic_Blasting_Module - Depends on overheating, and now half of a holosmith's options are cut off. This is really disappointing.

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@memausz.7264 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

  • Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.

You want to know this decision is poorly thought out? This entire trait (Photonic Blasting Module):
- Depends on overheating, and now half of a holosmith's options are cut off. This is really disappointing.

Is this referring to overheating, what is overloading on holo?

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Hmm, after a lot of reflexion, the Holo Overheat change definitely sounds like a massive nerf, on a rather little played class to begin with. Toolbelt is a quintessential part of the class, how sensical is it for an elite specialization supposed to Benefit the class, actually impeding it so much ? Add a cooldown to Toolbelt when overheat is triggered if you want, but locking them down for the full Overheat ? That's too brutal. You're locking down a Massive amount of potential utility and DPS on a piano class. It's already hard to play, now that makes it Hard and Punishing. I implore you to look at your notes again. No class has been punished to a similar degree before. The toolbelt skills would be -locked- for 15 seconds after a Normal overheat. And around 20 second for a 150 heat gauge. That is Massive. Consider please, that during this time period, the Holo does no longer have access to his Holo forge either. He is stuck with a non switchable weapon set, and utility skills that are not as strong as other classes, because they have part of their damage/utility in Toolbelt skills. Consider please that we already have to trade off f5 for Photon Forge, we explode at Overheat, and take significant damage on a Medium class that is not build for taking a lot of hits on anything but Scrapper.

You're going at it far too hard. Use cooldowns instead, dont lock it behind Overheat. You'll leave Holo more vulnerable after overheat than they already are. Abort please.

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I see anet is working on normalizing the ele class dmg. I give it till the next balance patch when they nerf the dmg buffs in water air and weaver line (anet likes to buff nerf effects they want to normalize to make it seem not as bad at first and eases ppl into the new ideal of what they want from the class).

The tempest buffs seems nice we may even see freash air tempest come back.

It just seems over all they do not want the ele class to be a "top of any thing" class. Its a very 2ed class in gw2 and i cant see at any point of the game now where you will want an ele for something but you will be able to tolerate an ele.

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@Crab Fear.1624 said:

@"Irenio CalmonHuang.2048" said:

  • Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.

You want to know this decision is poorly thought out? This entire trait (Photonic Blasting Module):
- Depends on overheating, and now half of a holosmith's options are cut off. This is really disappointing.

Is this referring to overheating, what is overloading on holo?

There is no "overloading", just overheating.https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Heat#Overheating

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Well, RIP Reapers for PvE then I guess. Shroud was essentially a HoT for Reapers. Now it's just the warrior's Vengeance. If you use Shroud to keep yourself alive in PvE now it's just a death awaiting at the end of it. Not to mention in PvP and WvW it's often the only way to survive a burst damage build. Ah geeee golly whiz a net thanks

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How can you HONESTLY say "These changes aim to refocus the scrapper as a tank-like character" and "making the scrapper a durable combatant as long as they can keep dishing out damage" when you

A.) Reduce their HP by 3000B.) Remove their high damage output traitsC.) Remove Recovery Matrix trait (large source of barrier for Scrappers)D.) Remove ALL ELITE TOOLBELT SKILLS

This is the most backwards patch note explanation I've ever seen. All of these things reduce damage output AND reduce survivability at the same time. It's entirely contradictory.

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@"PotsNPans.9752" said:How can you HONESTLY say "These changes aim to refocus the scrapper as a tank-like character" and "making the scrapper a durable combatant as long as they can keep dishing out damage" when you

A.) Reduce their HP by 3000B.) Remove their high damage output traitsC.) Remove Recovery Matrix trait (large source of barrier for Scrappers)D.) Remove ALL ELITE TOOLBELT SKILLS

This is the most backwards patch note explanation I've ever seen. All of these things reduce damage output AND reduce survivability at the same time. It's entirely contradictory.Yeah its kind of hard to reconcile this with the new trait that gives barrier - which replaces both removed hp regen and barrier - being 100% reliant on a FULL OFFENSIVE POWER build.

This is purity of purpose 2.0

Sometimes I think Anet just keeps trolling us. WvW scrappers are dead in the water because of this so I guess more meta fb/rev/sc cause thats never gonna change.

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Okay we seriously, seriously, seriously, NEED an Emergency Chaotic Interruption nerf this coming balance patch. Please at the very least reduce the Immobilization down to 1s baseline instead of 2s baseline. And just adding 5s to the cooldown of both Mantra of Distraction's ammo recharge and the cooldown on the full mantra.

Otherwise this next patch is going to be Holosmiths vs. Mirages: The Game: The Movie: The Game.

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@Irenio CalmonHuang.2048 said:

Chronomancer shatters require at least 1 clone to activate, [...]

Is there a reason as to why this was changed? This removes quite a bit fun gameplay around continuum split in the open world now that you have to have an enemy nearby to spawn a clone at. I'm quite sad this was changed. I can see no reason this improves gameplay other than making players annoyed. :(

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Removal of distortion and requiring a clone to CS is going to ruin chrono-manders in WvW completely so nice oneStill no nerfs to stealth gyros but now there's less options to reveal so the stealth game is even more intense in WvW, residentsleeper. seems they went from little to no fcks given about wvw.

Still no signs of scourge reworks which are dominating wvw and have been meta in pvp since PoF release xdStill no signs of reworking mirage properly; confusion and torment spam is the issue with this class that makes it so OP in both pve raids and against average players in pvp being a low risk high reward class.

On the bright sideGood to see them tone down PvP rev at least, and warrior rampage. Tempest and Core ele reworks look promising.

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I wish i understood GW2's balance philosophy.. I remember the days necro was struggling to be effective in pvp and being desired for group content, then came HoT and everything changed for them. Pvp and WvW, theyre destroy groups of ppl and never receivce the nerfs Ele has. now its ele who is on bottom and it has been this way since HoT... thats been how many years?? all classes seem to excel over Ele who should be a big damage dealer itself, but its not... it takes forever to ramp up our damage compared to other classes. thats if we stay alive long enough, or im pigeon hold into the one and only newer specialization sepcs cause the older ones arent effective. But might I remind the lovely arenanet team that ive purchased the game to play those classes as well, which by chance... ARE NOT VIABLE... im not understanding. Original Warrior and Guardian are more effective than tempest.. they hit harder, bring better utlitiy, can stay alive longer, have much more hp, and dont have to work twice as hard to do what I have to on Ele. There for I cant and have not been enjoying the game. Like who is this game for anymore?? The players? or the Devs? im curious to know.

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