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Upcoming Engineer Balance Changes


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Scrappers are seeing a comprehensive rework in this update, targeted at improving the Function Gyro to be more of a core mechanic and unifying some of the disparate themes present in the trait line. These changes aim to refocus the scrapper as a tank-like character that utilizes personal barrier applications to stay in a fight. The reworked Impact Savant trait links barrier with dealing damage, making the scrapper a durable combatant as long as they can keep dishing out damage. The refocus on barrier led us to the removal of the Rapid Regeneration trait, which was offering too much health recovery while remaining protected by barrier. Players will still want to have swiftness and superspeed, though, to help dish out that damage with one of the new traits: Object in Motion. Beyond focusing scrappers more clearly around their personal barrier application, their unique Function Gyro mechanic becomes a ground-targeted skill in the F5 slot, which can be enhanced based on trait selection and acts as a general-use ability rather than a niche option for sometimes reviving an ally or finishing a downed enemy. In addition to reworking the scrapper traits, we're also slightly increasing the penalty for holosmiths overheating, as it wasn't commensurate with the level of power granted by holoforge mode.

  • Overload: Overloading now disables all toolbelt skills for its duration.
  • Blowtorch: This skill now applies 4 stacks of burning that scales dynamically between 3 and 6 seconds based on distance from the target. This skill now scales damage dynamically based on distance rather than using distance thresholds.
  • Blunderbuss: This skill now respects line of sight.
  • Bulwark Gyro: This skill now scales the initial personal barrier it grants with the number of allies you are redirecting damage from. The base barrier granted has been reduced to account for the higher potential initial gain. Barrier amount is no longer split by game mode as a result. Fixed a bug with an incorrect skill fact for barrier amount.
  • Elixir X: The cooldown is now 105 seconds in all game modes.
  • Hip Shot: Fixed a bug that could cause this skill's projectiles to follow their target.
  • Net Shot: Fixed a bug that could allow this skill to be fired backward.
  • Invisible Analysis: This trait now applies 5 seconds of fury when it activates.
  • Laser's Edge: The bonus damage from this trait is now calculated dynamically based on the amount of heat you have rather than activating after passing a specific heat threshold. Because of this change, the effect icon will no longer be displayed. Bonus damage is now multiplicative instead of additive.
  • Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit: This trait now increases the bonus damage maximum from Laser's Edge by 50% in addition to its previous effects.
  • Scrapper—Function Gyro: While scrapper specialization is equipped, this skill now occupies the F5 slot. Recharge has been increased to 30 seconds. This skill trait is now ground targeted at a range of 600 and creates a lightning field at the target point with a radius of 180. Within this radius, it spawns up to 6 function gyros targeting up to 3 enemies and/or 3 allies. Enemies are finished while allies are revived. This skill's recharge is increased by 50% for each function gyro spawned beyond the first.
  • Scrapper traits have been reworked and repositioned. The specialization line has changed as follows:
    • Minor
      • Function Gyro: The Function Gyro skill has been reworked. See previous note for details.
      • Speed of Synergy: This new trait causes all leap finishers to give superspeed to the scrapper, and all blast finishers give superspeed in an area around you.
      • Impact Savant: This trait no longer increases damage while you have barrier. Instead it converts 15% of all outgoing strike damage into barrier and reduces vitality by 300.
    • Adept
      • Gyroscopic Acceleration: This new trait causes wells to give superspeed when they end and increases well radius. Additionally, it causes your function gyro skill to give superspeed in an area when cast.
      • System Shocker: This new trait causes your function gyro to inflict daze in an area for 0.5 seconds when cast. Improves effectiveness of all lightning field finishers by 50%.
      • Mass Momentum: This trait has been moved to the adept tier. It no longer grants power based on toughness. Instead it causes your function gyro to grant stability in an area when cast in addition to causing stability to pulse might.
    • Master
      • Damage Dampener: This new trait causes 20% of all damage dealt to you to be dealt after a 2-second delay from the initial strike. In PvE only, the damage delay is increased to 33%.
      • Expert Examination: This trait has received no changes.
      • Object in Motion: This new trait increases outgoing damage by 5% if you have swiftness, superspeed, or stability. Each boon increases the bonus damage by 5%, up to a maximum of 15% if you have all three.
    • Grandmaster
      • Adaptive Armor: This trait no longer gives barrier when struck. Instead, it increases the barrier received by 15%, in addition to reducing condition damage by 20% while you have a barrier.
      • Kinetic Stabilizers: This trait is no longer triggered by Function Gyro. Instead it increases the duration of stuns and daze effects by 25%. It also grants stability and superspeed when disabling a foe.
      • Applied Force: In addition to its previous effects, this trait now also grants +200 power while you have quickness. It now grants quickness when at or above 10 stacks of might rather than only when above 10 stacks. Fixed various bugs that could cause inconsistent trigger behavior.

My thoughts on the matter:

Toolbelt skills

  • Say bye bye to detection pulse (Gyro F5 skill)! Our only reveal will now be our Lock On trait. Analysis from Utility goggles won't be used.
  • Also say goodbye to F5 toolbelt skills in general - now core is the only one that can access them, making them less relevant than before.
  • Disabling toolbelt skills on overheat will hurt PvE DPS builds that rely on Photonic Blasting Module

Rifle Changes

  • Blunderbuss is now respecting LOS? It's been 7 years, and it's a problem now? Consider my mind boggled.
  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.
  • Net shot nerf is reverting something they added not that long ago. Don't label it as a bug when you specifically introduced the ability to fire it behind us.
  • Many engineer MH weapons are weak as-is. They're making one of our more important ones even weaker.

Holo Changes

  • Laser's Edge/ECSU change seems theoretically interesting. Here's a protip though ANet: Make ECSU affect Exceed skills.

Scrapper Changes

  • Bulwark gyro change is what I wanted. Good.
  • Function gyro improvements are appreciated. It will be more useful in WvW and PvE now.
  • Changes to scrapper traits seem to leave healing scrapper intact, although the toolbelt change hurts healing scrappers.
  • Impact Savant Change is interesting. We'll need to experiment with it to see what happens now.
  • I'm not sure how Damage Dampener will fit into any build besides healer, but maybe my thinking is limited.
  • Object in Motion seems too conditional.
  • Applied Force buff makes quickness scrappers look real dangerous. We might see gimmick builds like the drunk scrapper reappear.

Other Changes

  • Elixir X change is fine. The world needs less Rampage.

What Didn't Change

  • Throw Elixir S is the same
  • Healing Turret is the same
  • Photon Forge is mostly unaffected -- Rifle got nerfs instead.
  • No real improvements to core besides blowtorch
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Wait wtf, this deletes the elite toolbelt skill on the scrapper?

Fankittentastic in that case, Anet just killed a major tactical use for the WvW scrapper.

The new function gyro field wont do crap to outweigh it - it could stomp 50 people at once, the gyros still instantly explode when a zerg glance at them if they work like before.

The removal of rapid regen and on hit barrier is also a massive hit to sustain.

Guess it was good while it lasted :/

This "refocus" on barrier thing seems bogus as well, it only seems to favor dps build and literally makes them glassier by force.

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Those rifle nerfs make no sense. Core engineer hasn't been overpowered in any game mode and there hasn't been complaints about core only. Tone down damage of holo and versatility of scrapper if you want to tone down engineers.

6+ years of nerf to core engi and we are still in the situation that condition engineer is simply not viable. There is no meta build, which uses core only.

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I am glad with changes on Scrapper.Didn't use F5 anyway since I was only using mortar but it will definitly hurt tactical on WVW.

With changes on Holo, we might consider Sword Shield - Enhanced Capacity Storage Unit - Laser's Edge on PVE.It changes nothing on PvP and WVW since overloading always was a malus.

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The removal of elite toolbelt skills, as well as general removal of diverse damaging traits, is effectively killing a unique way to play Scrapper in PvP. I am entirely not looking forward to these changes.

Function Gyro was a fine skill on its own. There was NO reason to change it. It was not part of any of the problems Scrapper had.

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now I'm no game dev, and I'd like some clarification from the devs, but wouldn't damage dampener only cause the enemies on hit sigils to have a second chance to proc? because that sounds like it only makes it a hindrance to the player, also really don't like them moving mass momentum to adept, it would have given support scrapper good access to stab but now it has to compete with their main source of super speed

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@"Vagrant.7206" said:

  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have auto attack fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

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I agree with the weird nerfs to rifle, the no LoS effect was one of the very few skills we had to play against enemies hiding behind objects or walls without looking like a fool chasing the enemy hopelessly.

Welp, at least it still ignores projectile hate.

Net shot nerf is meh, i used it mainly for Open moa combos, so my guess is that it won't affect me that hard this nerf.

Drunk engi is back? I'll have to test it how it goes, no moa access and the hip shot nerf (drunk engi's main damaging skill) could possibly hold it back from being an actual good buff.

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Do we really need -3000 HP on scrapper via the -300 VIT forced on us in Impact Savant? Yes, you want to force scrappers into an active damage role, but that would require offensive stats to cause damage which then translates into barriers which support builds don't have. So we'll have to suck it up, eh?The loss of F5 is also very painful and deprives us of interesting tactical options in WvW.

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@Turk.5460 said:

@"Vagrant.7206" said:
  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have
auto attack
fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

  1. It wasn't a bug.
  2. It was an autoattack. None of our 2-5 skills had tracking.
  3. It has significantly less range and doesn't travel as fast as longbow arrows. The damage isn't out of this world -- it's plinking damage.

@MLinni.6109 said:Do we really need -3000 HP on scrapper via the -300 VIT forced on us in Impact Savant? Yes, you want to force scrappers into an active damage role, but that would require offensive stats to cause damage which then translates into barriers which support builds don't have. So we'll have to suck it up, eh?The loss of F5 is also very painful and deprives us of interesting tactical options in WvW.

The thing that bugs me is that scrapper hammer puts you in a relatively fragile position. It doesn't deal well with ranged AT ALL, and such a nerf leaves scrappers even more vulnerable to deadeyes, rangers, and scourges. These were enemies that scrapper already had a hard time dealing with. If you need to do damage to get barrier, then you need to be in range. Hammer has not proven itself to be very good at range.

@Ivantreil.3092 said:I agree with the weird nerfs to rifle, the no LoS effect was one of the very few skills we had to play against enemies hiding behind objects or walls without looking like a fool chasing the enemy hopelessly.

Welp, at least it still ignores projectile hate.

Net shot nerf is meh, i used it mainly for Open moa combos, so my guess is that it won't affect me that hard this nerf.

Drunk engi is back? I'll have to test it how it goes, no moa access and the hip shot nerf (drunk engi's main damaging skill) could possibly hold it back from being an actual good buff.

I think the barrier on hit, plus +200 power with quickness, plus all the added stability potentially make drunk scrapper very dangerous again.

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have
auto attack
fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

  1. It wasn't a bug.
  2. It was an autoattack. None of our 2-5 skills had tracking.
  3. It has significantly less range and doesn't travel as fast as longbow arrows. The damage isn't out of this world -- it's plinking damage.

Yes, it was an autoattack, which is why I specifically mentioned auto attack in my reply. Are you aware that almost zero (if not actually zero) other professions have 1-5 projectile skills that track?

It certainly says it was a bug in the patch notes, and I'm far more inclined to believe the game developers over a typical player in that regard. You can have the bug back as soon as they give the same bug to Warriors and Deadeyes, okay?

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I think the barrier on hit, plus +200 power with quickness, plus all the added stability potentially make drunk scrapper very dangerous again.The +200 Power is a joke considering what was lost. The 10% loss from Perfectly Weighted, the conversion from Mass momentum and the 5% damage lost from Impact Savant (And if you read Kinetic Stabilizers also losing 10%) is equal to about 600~ or so Power if you have about 2k Power on average. Now you can argue that scrapper shouldn't be a damage focus spec but considering we now have a trait that focuses us on dealing damage to sustain ourselves, it seems redundant to reduce the over all damage.

The -3k hp from the new Impact Savant also discourages from going too hard into offensive picks such as AED (As dealing damage grants barrier, therefore it stops you from popping it), offensive stat lines such as Demolishers or Crusaders also became a lesser option (And more worse without the 10% Toughness to Power) as Vitality now becomes a scarce stat that's needed against Condition Damage. This reduced amount of HP also makes it worse against any Power Spike specs such as Mantra Mes or any warrior running strength.

The new F5 alone is just a joke compared to Moa, Supply drop and Detection Pulse (Orbital Strike is okay). From being a skill slot that gives Team-fight starting / Turnaround options to an absolute team-fight finisher is horrible design. When in a fight where there are no downs, all you have is a Toss Elixir size lighting field AoE that either dazes or grants might on a 30 second Cooldown. If any unfortunate soul where to be hit by this skill, the cooldown would increase by 50% per target hit due to gyros being generated. These Gyros can also be killed and rendered useless in World vs World and High-Pressure situations.

Overall these changes are rather half-baked and definitely need more thought and care in some of the numbers and designs. I really wish Anet would talk actually players that use scrapper instead of taking guesses of what the Class should do.

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@Turk.5460 said:

  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have
auto attack
fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

  1. It wasn't a bug.
  2. It was an autoattack. None of our 2-5 skills had tracking.
  3. It has significantly less range and doesn't travel as fast as longbow arrows. The damage isn't out of this world -- it's plinking damage.

Yes, it was an autoattack, which is why I specifically mentioned auto attack in my reply. Are you aware that almost zero (if not actually zero) other professions have 1-5 projectile skills that track?

It certainly says it was a bug in the patch notes, and I'm far more inclined to believe the game developers over a typical player in that regard. You can have the bug back as soon as they give the same bug to Warriors and Deadeyes, okay?
  1. Actually, they do. The difference is in how they track. I was bored so I messed around with some golems in the PvP lobby. Longbow arrows fly farther and faster than rifle projectiles do, and they can be way off-target and still count as a hit. Rifle projectiles don't get that luxury, but it seemed like engineer rifle had less forgiveness compared to warrior rifle. I didn't bother with deadeye rifle, so I leave that decision to you.
  2. Yes, but they also called the net shot firing backwards a bug. Not long ago they said it was supposed to fire backwards. I'm not sure I trust their track record on "bugs"
  3. So your method of balance is "If I can't have it, nobody can?" Strange policy, but you do you.
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@Ben Phongluangtham.1065 as a scrapper main I whole heartedly agree with @""Cuilan.7091" points about the scrapper changes. The excerpt does little to explain the end result of the changes posted in the patch notes. I’m curious how it feels with these changes, and would love to hear any possible insight to the changes. For example:Does the balance team feel scrapper was doing too much damage?

Does the balance team feel scrapper will improved post patch? Or was this does as a way to manage scrappers tank potential?

Does the balance team think the function gyro changes improve scrapper in any way?

Again, would love some insight if possible.

The loss of damage multipliers means object in motion and applied force are huge for damage modifiers, but does it at all make up for what was lost? Were the changes to damage mods an attempt to bring scrapper in line with the changes to its tanking capabilities?

The way scrapper worked before was pretty reasonable imo, a bunker scrapper did virtually zero damage but could hold a node, a power scrapper was super vulnerable to high burst, and had utilites like MOA to navigate high burst classes and team fights.


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@Cuilan.7091 said:

I think the barrier on hit, plus +200 power with quickness, plus all the added stability potentially make drunk scrapper very dangerous again.The +200 Power is a joke considering what was lost. The 10% loss from Perfectly Weighted, the conversion from Mass momentum and the 5% damage lost from Impact Savant (And if you read Kinetic Stabilizers also losing 10%) is equal to about 600~ or so Power if you have about 2k Power on average. Now you can argue that scrapper shouldn't be a damage focus spec but considering we now have a trait that focuses us on dealing damage to sustain ourselves, it seems redundant to reduce the over all damage.

The -3k hp from the new Impact Savant also discourages from going too hard into offensive picks such as AED (As dealing damage grants barrier, therefore it stops you from popping it), offensive stat lines such as Demolishers or Crusaders also became a lesser option (And more worse without the 10% Toughness to Power) as Vitality now becomes a scarce stat that's needed against Condition Damage. This reduced amount of HP also makes it worse against any Power Spike specs such as Mantra Mes or any warrior running strength.

The new F5 alone is just a joke compared to Moa, Supply drop and Detection Pulse (Orbital Strike is okay). From being a skill slot that gives Team-fight starting / Turnaround options to an absolute team-fight finisher is horrible design. When in a fight where there are no downs, all you have is a Toss Elixir size lighting field AoE that either dazes or grants might on a 30 second Cooldown. If any unfortunate soul where to be hit by this skill, the cooldown would increase by 50% per target hit due to gyros being generated. These Gyros can also be killed and rendered useless in World vs World and High-Pressure situations.

Overall these changes are rather half-baked and definitely need more thought and care in some of the numbers and designs. I really wish Anet would talk actually players that use scrapper instead of taking guesses of what the Class should do.

Although the point he was making was for the drunk Scrapper build, which it doesn't care about hammer related traits, and can handle the mass momentum changes with the already absurd might spam elixirs produce.

That said, you still made some good points for Scrapper on general, only way to know if Scrapper kept ap prouder will nee until testing it next Tuesday.

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Lmfao! What nutjob came up with the idea to put -300vit on a minor trait? I mean i get the idea of forcing barrier as a science experiment onto an already complete fail of an e-spec but this is some next level ideas right there. While you're at it why don't you add a minor trait for chronos that increases all their CDs by 50% and give Daredevils a minor that reduces their endurance gain by 50% aswell?

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@Vagrant.7206 said:

  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have
auto attack
fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

  1. It wasn't a bug.
  2. It was an autoattack. None of our 2-5 skills had tracking.
  3. It has significantly less range and doesn't travel as fast as longbow arrows. The damage isn't out of this world -- it's plinking damage.

Yes, it was an autoattack, which is why I specifically mentioned auto attack in my reply. Are you aware that almost zero (if not actually zero) other professions have 1-5 projectile skills that track?

It certainly says it was a bug in the patch notes, and I'm far more inclined to believe the game developers over a typical player in that regard. You can have the bug back as soon as they give the same bug to Warriors and Deadeyes, okay?
  1. Actually, they do. The difference is in how they track. I was bored so I messed around with some golems in the PvP lobby. Longbow arrows fly farther and faster than rifle projectiles do, and they can be way off-target and still count as a hit. Rifle projectiles don't get that luxury, but it seemed like engineer rifle had less forgiveness compared to warrior rifle. I didn't bother with deadeye rifle, so I leave that decision to you.

Completely untrue when it comes to tracking. Generally speaking rifle and rifle like projectiles have superior tracking to longbow arrows, especially when it comes to side strafing. The one exception may be Ranger LB.

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" Function Gyro mechanic becomes a ground-targeted skill in the F5 slot " meaning all Elite Toolbelt skills are gone. And what's overload? Is it overcharge? So this patch, amongst other nerfs, also

1, Replaces our F5 Toolbelt Elite Skills with Function Gyro

  1. Removes Rapid Regeneration Trait
  2. Disables all Toolbelt skills when Overcharge is active

This patch is a quite a nerf to Healing Scrapper build :/

Why remove rapid regeneration when Scrapper's regen ticks are relatively weak compared to all other professions that also give regen.

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As a main condi holo, this balance patch will be particularly bitter to swallow. I cant for the life of me understand why they'd prevent us from using Toolbelt, when it's essentially our way to bridge cooldowns on a class that cannot switch to another weapon, and has very ineffective kits. Change Grenade kit to a normal projectile skill instead of a ground target skill if you're going to ruin rotations like that... What are holos supposed to use for 20 seconds during overheat once all their weapon skills hit cooldown ?

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@Naxos.2503 said:As a main condi holo, this balance patch will be particularly bitter to swallow. I cant for the life of me understand why they'd prevent us from using Toolbelt, when it's essentially our way to bridge cooldowns on a class that cannot switch to another weapon, and has very ineffective kits. Change Grenade kit to a normal projectile skill instead of a ground target skill if you're going to ruin rotations like that... What are holos supposed to use for 20 seconds during overheat once all their weapon skills hit cooldown ?

Guess it's time to devolve to the core version? Yikes

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@Ivantreil.3092 said:

@Naxos.2503 said:As a main condi holo, this balance patch will be particularly bitter to swallow. I cant for the life of me understand why they'd prevent us from using Toolbelt, when it's essentially our way to bridge cooldowns on a class that cannot switch to another weapon, and has very ineffective kits. Change Grenade kit to a normal projectile skill instead of a ground target skill if you're going to ruin rotations like that... What are holos supposed to use for 20 seconds during overheat once all their weapon skills hit cooldown ?

Guess it's time to devolve to the core version? Yikes

Perish the thought. It would be a sad outcome, Holo has a few rather good Burn skills that supplement core condi really well. I'd hate to leave behind a spec I grew to love, but I will if it comes to that, as I'm sure many others will.

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@Derm.4932 said:

  • Hip shot nerf is beyond comprehension. It was the only skill on rifle that tracked targets, and almost all other classes get skills that track. Now, people will be able to strafe left and right and avoid rifle even more.

This bug fix is fine. What "almost all other classes" have
auto attack
fast moving projectiles that track? Also it pierces and is the highest damage Rifle auto attack out of the 3 Rifle users. Your outrage at this is beyond comprehension.

  1. It wasn't a bug.
  2. It was an autoattack. None of our 2-5 skills had tracking.
  3. It has significantly less range and doesn't travel as fast as longbow arrows. The damage isn't out of this world -- it's plinking damage.

Yes, it was an autoattack, which is why I specifically mentioned auto attack in my reply. Are you aware that almost zero (if not actually zero) other professions have 1-5 projectile skills that track?

It certainly says it was a bug in the patch notes, and I'm far more inclined to believe the game developers over a typical player in that regard. You can have the bug back as soon as they give the same bug to Warriors and Deadeyes, okay?
  1. Actually, they do. The difference is in how they track. I was bored so I messed around with some golems in the PvP lobby. Longbow arrows fly farther and faster than rifle projectiles do, and they can be way off-target and still count as a hit. Rifle projectiles don't get that luxury, but it seemed like engineer rifle had less forgiveness compared to warrior rifle. I didn't bother with deadeye rifle, so I leave that decision to you.

Completely untrue when it comes to tracking. Generally speaking rifle and rifle like projectiles have superior tracking to longbow arrows, especially when it comes to side strafing. The one exception may be Ranger LB.

Interesting. I'm curious how ranger LB compares to engi rifle then.

@"Mil.3562" said:" Function Gyro mechanic becomes a ground-targeted skill in the F5 slot " meaning all Elite Toolbelt skills are gone. And what's overload? Is it overcharge? So this patch, amongst other nerfs, also

1, Replaces our F5 Toolbelt Elite Skills with Function Gyro

  1. Removes Rapid Regeneration Trait
  2. Disables all Toolbelt skills when Overcharge is active

This patch is a quite a nerf to Healing Scrapper build :/

Why remove rapid regeneration when Scrapper's regen ticks are relatively weak compared to all other professions that also give regen.

I think they meant overheat.

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