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Does anyone feel the same?

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@fewfield.7802 said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Simply not true, everyone cant be quitting cos I am not quitting.It is summer.. all things tend to slow down during this time for a whole wealth of reasons, not least the holidays, the sun, the sea and yeah some take a break and wait for the next event rotation or S5 to land.

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@Bloodstealer.5978 said:

@fewfield.7802 said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Simply not true, everyone cant be quitting cos I am not quitting.It is summer.. all things tend to slow down during this time for a whole wealth of reasons, not least the holidays, the sun, the sea and yeah some take a break and wait for the next event rotation or S5 to land.

i hope so.

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@Zeike.7469 said:Keep in mind that people will always come and go in waves, I'm not leaving and I love WvW even with it's issues. I see players everywhere honestly not something I'd worry about, you'd know when something is dying, but GW2 is far from it.

in my point of view, I am feeling like the game is actually dying because we didnt receive any constant and proper contents for a while, only gem store and some stupid events.

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@fewfield.7802 said:

@Zeike.7469 said:Keep in mind that people will always come and go in waves, I'm not leaving and I love WvW even with it's issues. I see players everywhere honestly not something I'd worry about, you'd know when something is dying, but GW2 is far from it.

in my point of view, I am feeling like the game is actually dying because we didnt receive any constant and proper contents for a while, only gem store and some stupid events.

I understand what you mean, for long term players the wait can be a drag. Festivals are interesting, specially since we haven't seen some in years. I imagine after the Festival of Winds we'll hear about something. For me, I cant play daily like others, I'm strapped for time so when i get on I have so much to do constantly. Though coming from a WoW enviroment I'm a firm believer in that I rather they take their time working on something, and get it right, than release something thats not finished because people want it now. Didn't end well for WoW, this shouldn't be the same. I expect things to take longer because theres no subscription fee, thats already in the back of my mind.

With Anet - Usually content comes out between 3 - 4 months of one another. Thats with no Subscription feeds. in 2 years You're looking at.. 8 content releases.

Blizzard release an expansion and 3 content patches within 2 years. (Content can be anywhere from a map to a new raid).

Now, one thing I will say is the silence is my bigger concern, Anet have been very cut off from the community since the recent lay offs. Though I am sure we'll hear something relatively soon. But I can say the game is far from dying at this point you'll get waves of players in an out, thats the nature of MMO's.

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@fewfield.7802 said:

@Zeike.7469 said:Keep in mind that people will always come and go in waves, I'm not leaving and I love WvW even with it's issues. I see players everywhere honestly not something I'd worry about, you'd know when something is dying, but GW2 is far from it.

in my point of view, I am feeling like the game is actually dying because we didnt receive any constant and proper contents for a while, only gem store and some stupid events.

You mean like between every single LS release ever? It's been 2 months. There is nothing to expect yet, but we got a festival that hasn't been here for many years in the meantime.

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@NanoEliteSixSixSix.8935 said:Wait, I'm quitting? kitten, why am I just now finding out about this? Why wasn't I involved in the decision-making process behind this? I don't even have a passive-aggressive rant about my grievances prepared so people can ask if they can have my stuff. I'm totally not ready for this at all! This is so dumb...

I don't think it's dumb, I think it's merely a concern a player has. Asking the community if others feel the same way.

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@"fewfield.7802" said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:

  • Summer
  • Anet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates

lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies...

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@judgebeo.3976 said:

@"fewfield.7802" said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:
  • Summer
  • Anet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates

lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies...

Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes.

LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest.

The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch?

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@Blocki.4931 said:

@"fewfield.7802" said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:
  • Summer
  • Anet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates

lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies...

Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes.

LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest.

The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch?

Last balances were not only not needed, not for 1 class, but totally the opposite to what players were asking for. Im happy for you if you dont got that feeling, bu you should not ignore the rest of the community.

Maybe you know something about LS, but i don't, there are any news? maybe you could bring us some knowledge cause what im saying is that there is no news about this on sight, maybe you just "suppose" it will come in 1 month Ok, MAYBE you are right, or maybe not... should we talk about this in 1 month?

Im pretty sure that people that work on chairs didnt study "Game Chair design", and are able to do a lot of other things, so yes, they should stop working on "stupid" luxury items like this and start working with the rest of the devs (if they are doing so) on some new good content.

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@judgebeo.3976 said:

@"fewfield.7802" said:I am feeling like everyone around is quitting the game, esp wvw players.

Does anyone feel the same?

Don't got that feeling, maybe, there is lower population for 2 reasons:
  • Summer
  • Anet more focused on chairs and destroyingPatches than real updates

lets see if anet sees that and recovers a bit, but, with last "balancing" patches... no LW on sight, nothing about expansion, more chairs, more mount skins for our €/$ ... the feeling is that, maybe, ppl is not quitting, not too much, but game isn't growing from long ago. And if a mmo is not able to grow. usually, dies...

Balance patch was good for a majority of people. Shame your class got nerfed, but everybody goes through that sometimes.

LS release would still at the very least be 1 month away. Considering how their releases work, we won't see anything from it until 2 or 1 weeks before it drops. Unreasonable to get queasy about this just yet to be quite honest.

The people who work on chairs are not the ones developing content. Should they just stop working because we don't get a content patch yet? Should the gem store just cease function because there is no patch?

Last balances were not only not needed, not for 1 class, but totally the opposite to what players were asking for. Im happy for you if you dont got that feeling, bu you should not ignore the rest of the community.

Maybe you know something about LS, but i don't, there are any news? maybe you could bring us some knowledge cause what im saying is that there is no news about this on sight, maybe you just "suppose" it will come in 1 month Ok, MAYBE you are right, or maybe not... should we talk about this in 1 month?

Im pretty sure that people that work on chairs didnt study "Game Chair design", and are able to do a lot of other things, so yes, they should stop working on "stupid" luxury items like this and start working with the rest of the devs (if they are doing so) on some new good content.

Does the store not fund GW2 as a whole? Thats actually a genuine question. They have no Subscription fees, they have limits, how can they pull content with no income?

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