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theif can't 1v1?

Hogwarts Zebra.8597

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Basically, yeah. Outside of very specific matchups, or enemies that are either considerably worse than you are or simply dont have much experience with the matchup, you cant 1v1, hence why you try to never 1v1 if you can help it. Your main goal is to stand on points until theyre decapped (or rarely until theyre full-capped), and +1ing, i.e. turning an even fight (1v1 or sometimes 2v2) uneven. It sucks if you enjoy dueling, but that is how thief is nowadays.

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Thief can definitely 1v1. It's not a strong 1v1 compared to some other specs but if ur good on thief and u out play ur opponent u can definitely win 1v1's. Just because a class is at a disadvantage in most 1v1 situations doesn't mean it can't win. If u are a great thief player that knows other classes well playing a ok warrior for example in a 1v1 and u out play him u can definitely win the fight. Just prepare for salty whispers. If fighting opponents u know are good on their specs ur better of +1ing them and decapping points. Also if ur playing unranked and low ranked if u can full cap do it as it's common to see players that arnt decapper's run off caps before its capped as if they are unsure about the match mechanics lol.

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@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:No profession should 1v1 in PvP. Period.

That kind of mentality is what ruins this game format.

Fun fact in PvP - You get more points in killing players than capping nodes.

The Thief is more productive in a group killing players than wasting time capping node they cannot defend

Who said no profession should 1v1? I love fighting a team that ignores capping :) when a enemy team only focuses on killing and not capping we always win by landslide. Killing may give more points but time to kill ratio must not equate to holding three nodes and getting kills at same time, least not in my experience.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Sir Vincent III.1286 said:No profession should 1v1 in PvP. Period.

That kind of mentality is what ruins this game format.

Fun fact in PvP -
You get more points in killing players than capping nodes.

The Thief is more productive in a group killing players than wasting time capping node they cannot defend

Who said no profession should 1v1? I love fighting a team that ignores capping :) when a enemy team only focuses on killing and not capping we always win by landslide. Killing may give more points but time to kill ratio must not equate to holding three nodes and getting kills at same time, least not in my experience.

Killing gives you uncontested nodes. :)

The more you kill, the more available nodes to cap uncontested.

What's being overlooked most of the time is the advantage of sending players out to sit waiting for respawn timer.

How many nodes do you think you can cap while one of your opponent is waiting for respawn?

The sooner you can down 1-2 opponents, to more points you will gain throughout the game.

Time and time again, a game is decided on the result of a team fight.

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If you want to be productive in sPvP then 1v1 are rarely a luxury thief has. If you're roaming in WvW, it's another story since you have the time and space at your disposal. Still, thief isn't one of the strong 1v1 professions, meaning you should probably avoid fights against professions that are made for it. That being said and regardless of the skill level of your enemy, thief can still do well against professions or builds that aren't meant to be 1v1er, so you can find lots of those in different scenarios.

Other than that, not fighting fair is a thing you can also do since thief has tools for it... when someone is cursing thief for using cheap tricks to fight I say: blame the devs, they stripped thief of "real" fighting potential leaving them only the cheap tricks.

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  • 3 weeks later...

@rowdy.5107 said:d/d condi thief will pretty much smoke any class 1v1. s/d condi thief should do pretty good 1v1 as well.

Oh come now this is a gross exaggeration, a condi thief will not put a dent in certain builds and everyone knows that; you will never kill a firebrand, you will never kill a mender tempest, you will struggle against support scrapper, and you will have issues with power daredevils due to cleanses on evades.Thing is all except 1 of the above mentioned builds are not that popular at the moment so you can facerole with impunity as a condi thief, especially since allot of players do not know how to react to the infiltrator's strike combo which is the main damage source.

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@foste.3098 said:

@"rowdy.5107" said:d/d condi thief will pretty much smoke any class 1v1. s/d condi thief should do pretty good 1v1 as well.

Oh come now this is a gross exaggeration, a condi thief will not put a dent in certain builds and everyone knows that; you will never kill a firebrand, you will never kill a mender tempest, you will struggle against support scrapper, and you will have issues with power daredevils due to cleanses on evades.Thing is all except 1 of the above mentioned builds are not that popular at the moment so you can facerole with impunity as a condi thief, especially since allot of players do not know how to react to the infiltrator's strike combo which is the main damage source.

I guess you have never played condi thief..... you are just ASSUMING based on literally "because I said so".Things on paper don't mean anything in the field. I suggest actually playing it before you start making assumptions on what a condi thief can and can not do. There is a reason why everybody dislikes them right now. Because they are almost unstoppable and borderline OP.

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@rowdy.5107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:d/d condi thief will pretty much smoke any class 1v1. s/d condi thief should do pretty good 1v1 as well.

Oh come now this is a gross exaggeration, a condi thief will not put a dent in certain builds and everyone knows that; you will never kill a firebrand, you will never kill a mender tempest, you will struggle against support scrapper, and you will have issues with power daredevils due to cleanses on evades.Thing is all except 1 of the above mentioned builds are not that popular at the moment so you can facerole with impunity as a condi thief, especially since allot of players do not know how to react to the infiltrator's strike combo which is the main damage source.

I guess you have never played condi thief..... you are just ASSUMING based on literally "because I said so".Things on paper don't mean anything in the field. I suggest actually playing it before you start making assumptions on what a condi thief can and can not do. There is a reason why everybody dislikes them right now. Because they are almost unstoppable and borderline OP.

Their annoying yeah but unstoppable they are far from. I see them getting squished often lol. A good splb, slb,mesmer burst if caught un aware, a holo or a good guard can deal with them easy enough. Even a good fire ele that's good at using its sustain skills can give one a good run. Sure they're strong now in a cheesy way but so is at least one spec/build on every class 8f u look lol but I defenitly don't believe their unstoppable.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@rowdy.5107 said:d/d condi thief will pretty much smoke any class 1v1. s/d condi thief should do pretty good 1v1 as well.

Oh come now this is a gross exaggeration, a condi thief will not put a dent in certain builds and everyone knows that; you will never kill a firebrand, you will never kill a mender tempest, you will struggle against support scrapper, and you will have issues with power daredevils due to cleanses on evades.Thing is all except 1 of the above mentioned builds are not that popular at the moment so you can facerole with impunity as a condi thief, especially since allot of players do not know how to react to the infiltrator's strike combo which is the main damage source.

I guess you have never played condi thief..... you are just ASSUMING based on literally "because I said so".Things on paper don't mean anything in the field. I suggest actually playing it before you start making assumptions on what a condi thief can and can not do. There is a reason why everybody dislikes them right now. Because they are almost unstoppable and borderline OP.

Their annoying yeah but unstoppable they are far from. I see them getting squished often lol. A good splb, slb,mesmer burst if caught un aware, a holo or a good guard can deal with them easy enough. Even a good fire ele that's good at using its sustain skills can give one a good run.

burst mes can be an issue if you are caught off guard. and with my experience, a good ele can cause some issues. condi thief is a hard counter to a holo so you wont have any issues aginst them. Guards can be an issue if you are not in their face the whole fight.

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What makes condi thief so dangerous right now isn't just the poison. You can dish out non-stop poison, confusion, torment and bleeding plus physical damage through out a fight. Yes, if you have a class that specializes in cleansing. You can cleanse to a certain extent. But you are going to get overwhelmed if the thief keeps stacking them on with dodges and auto-melee attacks.

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@"rowdy.5107" said:What makes condi thief so dangerous right now isn't just the poison. You can dish out non-stop poison, confusion, torment and bleeding plus physical damage through out a fight. Yes, if you have a class that specializes in cleansing. You can cleanse to a certain extent. But you are going to get overwhelmed if the thief keeps stacking them on with dodges and auto-melee attacks.Please elaborate how Thief dishes "non-stop" confusion.

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"Please elaborate how Thief dishes "non-stop" confusion."It was part of the description of all the condi it can dish out. My bad for not clarifying it spacifically.The whole point of that post was stating cleanse doesn't matter. A condi thief will dish out more condi then somebody can handle. it doesn't matter how much cc you have.

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@"rowdy.5107" said:"Please elaborate how Thief dishes "non-stop" confusion."It was part of the description of all the condi it can dish out. My bad for not clarifying it spacifically.The whole point of that post was stating cleanse doesn't matter. A condi thief will dish out more condi then somebody can handle. it doesn't matter how much cc you have.

Simply not true. A Thief can trait to handle all the Conditions a condition thief can dish out.

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Spent last night dueling with a Warrior Guildie. It took a while for me to learn how to fight him effectively, but I did finally figure it out, and started giving him a real fight.What I learned was to front load annoying conditions and get his cleanses off. Interrupt anything that looks important, and finally push for a burst at the end.

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@Kallist.5917 said:Spent last night dueling with a Warrior Guildie. It took a while for me to learn how to fight him effectively, but I did finally figure it out, and started giving him a real fight.What I learned was to front load annoying conditions and get his cleanses off. Interrupt anything that looks important, and finally push for a burst at the end.

Most warriors trait Healing signet as the heal and are unwilling to use it actively. They then rely on adrenal for added heals. Keeping poison on in particular can neutralize the heals on these builds. If in Daredevil you can also maintain high weakness uptime so their signature attacks not as reliable.

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@babazhook.6805 said:

@"Kallist.5917" said:Spent last night dueling with a Warrior Guildie. It took a while for me to learn how to fight him effectively, but I did finally figure it out, and started giving him a real fight.What I learned was to front load annoying conditions and get his cleanses off. Interrupt anything that looks important, and finally push for a burst at the end.

Most warriors trait Healing signet as the heal and are unwilling to use it actively. They then rely on adrenal for added heals. Keeping poison on in particular can neutralize the heals on these builds. If in Daredevil you can also maintain high weakness uptime so their signature attacks not as reliable.

Ive been hearing weakness can really cripple opponents, so Ive been doing more to upkeep it lately. Honestly, he tried every heal he had available, and was doing everything he could to drop conditions. trick ended up being to keep that constant pressure on him, and drain his resources. In a war of attrition, bow Daredevil seems to bring quite a bit to the table.Since that night, ive sparred a few other guildies. a Mesmer, another warrior, Dragon hunter, Firebrand, and Necro. Havent had any trouble with any of them, and all five are either PVP or WvW players. Granted we were under the effect of pve balance in the guild hall, so idk how it well it would translate in to other modes, but for now, for the first time in years, im not dreading my next gift of battle farm.

If anyone is curious here, here's the build, just remember, its a slow but steady build.http://gw2skills.net/editor/?Pa0AUpjlRwYYKsN2JO2StNPA-zxQYroGzDrUKIESpAqJCyMBMfWm0BD-e

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