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Ascended Food for free?

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@Konrad Curze.5130 said:The only way to be sure that noone will ever leech your food is if you quit the game

Bye bye good riddance

well they can use it in their own home instance so no need to quit.are you really sure nobody is in your home when you're not there?

anyways, same as banners. if OP clicks on others banners and never drops any, i've got nothing nice left to say.

everyone better be clicking my food when i drop it. waste of my golds otherwise. grumble

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@Zaklex.6308 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:Feasts last for 5 minutes I believe, so that's how it's going to go.

If you watched the Guild Chat they said the Ascended feasts would be good for up to 2 hours(though I'm pretty sure it's only 1, I thought I read that somewhere and not in the blog post). Anyways, unless you put then down in the Guild Hall they're available to anyone and anyone that eats from one gets the same buff as everyone else. It'll be the same as the current feasts, anyone can eat from it and most likely will.

They (the Devs) also said that the Feasts would remain where placed for 5 minutes. And, the News Blog posts says this:"The benefits last for an hour, and every ascended meal is a feast so all your friends can grab a helping!"

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@Tic Tac Toe.1482 said:Are 3 heat stones needed per character, or per account?

That's actually a good question. By now, I only use one character as my cook - but if you want to level several, I wonder if you have to build the cooking station on each of them...

The cooking station is in your home instance and will be unlocked like anything else there for example bandit chest, christmas treee etc.Its not like you have to buy a krait node, xmas tree etc for each character right?

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@Inculpatus cedo.9234 said:

@"Blocki.4931" said:Feasts last for 5 minutes I believe, so that's how it's going to go.

If you watched the Guild Chat they said the Ascended feasts would be good for up to 2 hours(though I'm pretty sure it's only 1, I thought I read that somewhere and not in the blog post). Anyways, unless you put then down in the Guild Hall they're available to anyone and anyone that eats from one gets the same buff as everyone else. It'll be the same as the current feasts, anyone can eat from it and most likely will.

They (the Devs) also said that the Feasts would remain where placed for 5 minutes. And, the News Blog posts says this:
"The benefits last for an hour, and every ascended meal is a feast so all your friends can grab a helping!

Yeah, the quote I was referring to was sort of ambiguous as to whether or not the 5 minutes was about how long it stayed our or how long the affect was for, at least I remembered about the 1 hour part(Ruby said 2 but I knew that didn't sound right).

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@Metasynaptic.1093 said:Problem I see with ascended food is swapping characters for different raid bosses, eg: going from power to Condi and vice versa. I sense the need to drop all feast options, quickly spam-logging all my toons and then entering the raid.

I never even considered the applications of character swapping as fast as possible so all my characters get the buff. Now I'm actually considering Ascended food being worth it, albeit in the tiniest capacity.

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@Linken.6345 said:The cooking station is in your home instance and will be unlocked like anything else there for example bandit chest, christmas treee etc.Its not like you have to buy a krait node, xmas tree etc for each character right?

That's not the same thing. For instance, there are certain side story NPCs in your home instance, and not all of your characters have them showing up or being at the same level of progress.

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@Eloc Freidon.5692 said:

@Metasynaptic.1093 said:Problem I see with ascended food is swapping characters for different raid bosses, eg: going from power to Condi and vice versa. I sense the need to drop all feast options, quickly spam-logging all my toons and then entering the raid.

I never even considered the applications of character swapping as fast as possible so all my characters get the buff. Now I'm actually considering Ascended food being worth it, albeit in the tiniest capacity.

Yeah I'm thinking the same. Make ascended food when I need it, use it on the character who needs it first, but then swap through as many others as possible to give them the buff before the feast disappears.

The problem for me will be remembering that character has a limited time buff active and therefore I need to log into them and get going instead of logging into them and then getting distracted sorting my bank out, chatting to people or whatever else I usually end up doing. But since it's the same cost to make the ascended food either way I guess it doesn't matter too much if I waste the buff, as long as I don't waste it on the one I was actually making the food for.

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I am assuming here, but I believe if they produced nothing but high cost recipes that no one uses, they will adjust them. Part of this release will be a material sync to help balance demand and supply as well as to give players new goals to work towards. Time will tell though and we aren't that far off so....

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I think I may have been leech shamed. I'm a gigantic leech. I take pretty much anything anyone offers for free in this game (and to an extent, anywhere). I see no reason not to, and if dumping a food item on the ground lets me (I also feed the leeches) and those I made it for get it, I don't care if every leech in the game (I am of their kind, after all) takes some, too. In fact, the more people that benefit, the less the effort goes to waste. Win / win. Please think of the leeches! They're people, too (sorta)!

Leeches for Life!

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@TheGrimm.5624 said:I am assuming here, but I believe if they produced nothing but high cost recipes that no one uses, they will adjust them. Part of this release will be a material sync to help balance demand and supply as well as to give players new goals to work towards. Time will tell though and we aren't that far off so....

Well, they made the utility buff stations (e.g. Sharpening Stone Station) years ago, which are very expensive and no one ever uses (seriously, I've never seen one dropped even when they first came out and organized WvW was WAY bigger than now). For that matter, they made the Thesis items too, which are cheaper but still a bit expensive, and I never see those dropped either. This is a whole tier of crafting so maybe they care a little more, but honestly I can't see many people using these, especially outside of WvW, and even then people will still probably stick to dropping saffron bread because it's cheap and relatively useful to all zerglings.

Open world events don't require buffs, really. Power creep has made everything doable with mild organization of bodies alone. Fractal groups seem too small to use something like this. Raids (and even fractals, maybe) the classes each need their own specific food. Dungeons... sorry, I can't even say that with a straight face. So the only time a large group of people could conceivably benefit from a generic high-quality food buff is WvW.

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@Blackfish.7349 said:Right now best foods are account bound and require quite expensive mats to craft. With ascended food being feasts, everybody will benefit from them. Does this mean that I will just need to wait in WvW respawn area till someone pops ans ascended food and I just grab it for free? I dont have a problem being generous with my guildmates but I dont want to be a free ascended food provider.So much selfish talk. Why are you playing a MMO anyway? If you don’t like to help others (even by accident), this game isn’t probably the right genre for you.

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