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(Suggestion) Rename "Qadim's Lamp" to "Qadim's Mighty Teapot"

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@"Illconceived Was Na.9781" said:In their games, ArenaNet has honored a number of fans in the past, generously in GW1 and sparingly in GW2. I think this weekend's special event shows it's time for one more contributor to be recognized. As Deroir (

) was honored with the NPC who sells Fractal Augmentations, I think it's fitting that Mighty Teapot joins those ranks, as publisher of guides of his own, as well as this week's phenomenally popular
(17k peak viewership).

Given Teapot's interest in raids, I think it makes sense to name (or rename) something raid-related. And, given the end of this weekend's contest, what would make more sense thanQadim's Lamp(which figures heavily in the Mythright Gambit raid wing)

Let's keep the thread focused on the suggestion. There are already plenty of threads that discuss the pros|cons of raids, ANet's marketing (or lack thereof), and so on.

No, thanks, a better idea can be a new easter egg

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@Jura.2170 said:

@xenon.3264 said:If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase

How many active players are there in the game?

Suppose It is 1700 000 players? For an mmo means the game is dead so it's the same. Anyway we'll see on 30 what they will do with raid

But anyway those 17000 are not all gw2 players maybe some are just curious .

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@"xenon.3264" said:Again ... Who? He has 200 400 viewer at most . He is no oneRelax no one care . The super event granted only 10k viewers and only cause you spammed . It's less than 1% of the playerbase.

Dulfy was dulfy. He is noneANet does honor people who haven't directly or even indirectly affected more than a minority of players. Let's try to keep the focus on the merits of this choice; there's no need to misconstrue the suggestion or the facts.

I've said many times that I don't think that the presence or absence of any particular streamer is meaningful in the context of the game's history or future. The point is that this particular ANet partner has generated enthusiasm for a game mode, has offered assistance to people hoping to get into raiding, and has added to the popularity of GW2 generally. In particular, as the OP, I did not contribute to any of the hype about the event. (If anything, I downplayed it.)

Mighty Teapot's contributions go well beyond this event. Long before he was known for streaming, he posted "instructional" videos: for example:

(yes, they were mostly tongue-in-cheek, although based on actual science)

Other people have been honored in the game, who have made even smaller impact, unless you happen to know the origin of these names: Borlis Pass, Ameranth, Hiralyn, Plingg. Even Dulfy was added in part as an apology for a mistake ANet made (although one hopes that they would have done so in any case) And of course, as I mentioned in the opener, Deroir: he's not hosted an event bringing in over 17k viewers and the game has an NPC named after him.

tl;dr Teapot's contributions are noteworthy. Let's keep the debate to whether that notoriety is deserving of an in-game honor.

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@"Vavume.8065" said:So to be clear, you want to name an artifact after a guy that is leaving to play WoW classic... seems legit...

He's not "leaving" he's still going to play GW2 just more casually but he's also going to play WoW.

No one has to play GW2 exclusively after all. No one owes the game their time.

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@xenon.3264 said:

@xenon.3264 said:If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase

How many active players are there in the game?

If 17k is more than 1% the game is already dead and on 30 rhey will announce the shutdown

Yeah... because just under 2 million might as well be zero. Because that's how math works./sarcasm

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@Trise.2865 said:Yeah... because just under 2 million might as well be zero. Because that's how math works./sarcasmto be a % which makes sense it must be much lesser than 1 million players. to be a minority which could have voice in the decision making it must be which % ? 10 % ? 20 %? more ? less? 17k is a nonexistent number in an mmo . if it has it measn it's a niche game

that's the meaning of what i said... let's say it's the 1% ok ? they mean nothing even better they mean the money and time spent for raid were wasted since they werei nteresting for the 1%

actually i do not think we are less than 2 millions that's why 7k it's a nonexistent %.

anyway. the main point is we do not know how many players we currently have. 11 millions like anet said in china is out of this world. so how many ? is 17k a good% of the game ? no

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@xenon.3264 said:

@Pifil.5193 said:He was the greatest GW2 streamer we have and has done more for raids in the game than any other, so I'd say yeah, it's a good idea to give him some nod in a future raid release.

For anyone who doesn't know who he was or what he did or whatever, please remember that it's fine to not know or care but
knowing something isn't really all that noteworthy and is nothing to celebrate.

We know now who he was. How could you avoid all the noise you did? But still we do not care. If this was the best raiding community can do then it is time for gw2 to stop with raids and move on.

If 17k is all the raiding community then it is less than 1% of the playerbase so we all hope they will stop with raid redesign them as dungeon 5 players and we can move on.

U are so loud here and in lfg and on Reddit but you are a minority of the playerbase . A small me minority and game was better before raid much less toxic

But the pof announcement had around 80 to 90k ppl :/ 17k is 1% to 90k?

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@Vavume.8065 said:So to be clear, you want to name an artifact after a guy that is leaving to play WoW classic... seems legit...

No they want to name an artifact after a guy who did ALOT for the raiding scene including tourneys, guides etc and tbh hes supported and gave voices through his podcast to ppl from other parts of the game as well.

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@xenon.3264 said:

@"Trise.2865" said:Yeah... because just under 2 million might as well be zero. Because that's how math works./sarcasmto be a % which makes sense it must be much lesser than 1 million players. to be a minority which could have voice in the decision making it must be which % ? 10 % ? 20 %? more ? less? 17k is a nonexistent number in an mmo . if it has it measn it's a niche game

that's the meaning of what i said... let's say it's the 1% ok ? they mean nothing even better they mean the money and time spent for raid were wasted since they werei nteresting for the 1%

actually i do not think we are less than 2 millions that's why 7k it's a nonexistent %.

anyway. the main point is we do not know how many players we currently have. 11 millions like anet said in china is out of this world. so how many ? is 17k a good% of the game ? no

Percent. Per cent. Per 100. If 17,000 = 1%, then 100% = 100 x 17,000 = 1,700,000.

Now for some fun stuff: Percents don't stop at 1%.If 100% > 1.7mil, then 17k < 1%.If 100% = 3mil, then 17k=~0.57%If 100% = 11mil, then 17k = ~0.15%These very much do "exist" and are real percentages. In fact, they may look familiar if one is calculating Drop Rates.Relative scaling! :)

Similarly, just because something is <1%, doesn't make it mathematically insignificant, especially when it comes to relative earnings potential. In fact, these population numbers are basically meaningless, because earned revenue per player is itself variable and wildly inconsistent. The two important statistics here are: Total Projected Revenues from the affected accounts, and Total Projected Revenues from the unaffected accounts. If this fairly large, but not that large audience never spent a dime, then their loss is just as negligible. If these accounts were the top, let's say, 1% in total spending, their loss could be devastating.However: Even with a few whales, or presenters whaling for features and prizes to give away, there is no evidence this audience is disproportionate to the spending tendencies across the game. Therefore, their distribution heavily weighs toward the bottom-end of that spectrum, along with their Projected Revenues. It is a loss, to be sure, but hardly crippling, given the data.

None of which has any relevance to the assertion of "GW2 is dead ". There is a critically important statistic missing from this equation and discussion: the Minimum Sustainable Threshold. In other words, the fewest number of paying customers required to keep running Guild Wars 2 at a profit vs overhead costs. We don't know what that is or have any way to guess at it, unless ANet and all of their employees want to release their private financial data to the public (which is utterly ridiculous, highly illegal, and will never happen. So don't bother asking). We do know, from day 1 and forward sales, that the number is far less than 2 million; possibly less than 500,000.

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To me they could even change gw2 to a single player game with bots to run fractals and PvP and wvw and I'll be ok with it. I play it as a huge single player game with good bots ai ( sometimes) .

So let's say they are 500k players . 17k , even if now all of those were actual player, is what? 3%? Anyway like u said the point is how much real gold theyspendLet's ignore the whales which are exceptionWill a casual spend more real money since he has less time to play and farm gold ? Will a casual buy more shiny stuff cause he has no time to farm?

I do not know. I just think that even with just 500k players 17k is not that great number to take into account for decision making .

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@xenon.3264 said:So let's say they are 500k players . 17k , even if now all of those were actual player, is what? 3%? Anyway like u said the point is how much real gold theyspendLet's ignore the whales which are exceptionWill a casual spend more real money since he has less time to play and farm gold ? Will a casual buy more shiny stuff cause he has no time to farm?

I do not know. I just think that even with just 500k players 17k is not that great number to take into account for decision making .

Its 3.4% which honestly isnt even bad.It sure is a number you need to take into account. You want a more hardcore oriented community as much as you want a casual one. The more hardcore oriented people are the ones making guides and giving the game exposure. Honestly, these 17k people are as much part of the community as the other 483k.

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@"xenon.3264" said:U do not decide your country politic on 1% needs... Well wrong example ...

Seriously if it is only 3% who raids ( I bet less) then it's money not well spent.

Gw2 worked cause it was the anti hardcore game

Its a bad example. Even if your party doesnt win in votes, it gets seats in the opposition. So even lower percentages are represented.

It is, because its not 3% vs 97%. Its more like (totally made up numbers btw.) 3% Raid, 6% WvW, 4% PVP, 15% Fractals vs Open World which can also be broken up into smaller percentages.I really hate myself for saying that content "competes" with each other. It shouldnt. The content simply shouldnt compete with each other. Anet advertised WvW and PvP at the beginning of Guild wars 2. Anet advertised Raids with HoT and PoF. If they arent willing to support these modes thats on them. Believe it or not, WvW, PvP and Raids had a really healthy population. Anet just dropped the ball on all 3 modes.

Why do you think that 3% of total players raid? It might very well be more. There are a lot of guilds only raiding on the weekend doing W1-4. Sure, its not their main drive in the game, but these people do raid. Do you really believe thats only 3%?

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@"xenon.3264" said:So let's say they are 500k players .

500k players online at the same time? We know that the best the game did was 400k on release day (confirmed by NCsoft) so I highly doubt it can reach 500k now. 17k was a number of concurrent players, not players that logged in over an entire day. 17k concurrent players is 4.25% of what the game got on its release day on August 2012. That's a massive number of people to be online at the same time.

Let's ignore the whales which are exception

Whales in mmorpgs are the more invested players. Higher investment in the game, increases the likelihood of someone being a "whale".

Will a casual spend more real money since he has less time to play and farm gold ?

Casual vs hardcore is no indication of wealth. "Hardcore" players can be really poor. Hardcore players, either fractal or raid runners have to spend gold when they buy their food for multiple runs, or training runs. Meanwhile, a "casual" player can press 1 on their keyboard till their finger bleed and earn way more gold by running the current best brainless farm in the game.

Will a casual buy more shiny stuff cause he has no time to farm?

See above. Also, heavily invested players tend to buy more items than players who log in once a month.

I do not know. I just think that even with just 500k players 17k is not that great number to take into account for decision making .

Reminder that 17k is concurrent users and the game got 400k concurrent users on its launch day, never reached the same level again.

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@"maddoctor.2738" said:

500k players online at the same time? We know that the best the game did was 400k on release day (confirmed by NCsoft) so I highly doubt it can reach 500k now. 17k was a number of concurrent players, not players that logged in over an entire day. 17k concurrent players is 4.25% of what the game got on its release day on August 2012. That's a massive number of people to be online at the same time.

no m8 as total game population

Let's ignore the whales which are exception

Whales in mmorpgs are the more invested players. Higher investment in the game, increases the likelihood of someone being a "whale".

let's ignore cause they can be raiders or not with the same %

Will a casual spend more real money since he has less time to play and farm gold ?

Casual vs hardcore is no indication of wealth. "Hardcore" players can be really poor. Hardcore players, either fractal or raid runners have to spend gold when they buy their food for multiple runs, or training runs. Meanwhile, a "casual" player can press 1 on their keyboard till their finger bleed and earn way more gold by running the current best brainless farm in the game.

Will a casual buy more shiny stuff cause he has no time to farm?

See above. Also, heavily invested players tend to buy more items than players who log in once a month.

those who long once a month maybe spend more real money cause they have no time to farm. a raider will gentgold to gem

I do not know. I just think that even with just 500k players 17k is not that great number to take into account for decision making .

Reminder that 17k is concurrent users and the game got 400k concurrent users on its launch day, never reached the same level again.

no. 17k is concurrent viewer . not sure they are gw2 players at all.

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@xenon.3264 said:no m8 as total game population

You can't compare total population with the amount of players that were online at the same time watching a stream.

those who long once a month maybe spend more real money cause they have no time to farm. a raider will gentgold to gem

Those who log once a month won't buy gem store items at all. Why would they buy new skins anyway if they don't even play the game.

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