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What incentive would you like to play wvw more?


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incentives bring some people from pve, they play a week or two get farmed all around and then go back to pve, or come here to cry for nerfs, that won't help at all, plus all of this elitist pveers hate to dip their toes in wvw for the "obligation" of farmins some stupid virtual shit

the real wvw players are already in elder scrolls online or wow classic, maybe waiting for camelot unchained, or archeage unleashed, they left this game for good and it was a good call, wvw and pvp have been neglected for the past year and a half, and anet only gives us silent treatment and stupid balance changes that won't change a thing, or huge disasters as the chrono "rework" they don't even hotfix or aknowledge

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@Sovereign.1093 said:

@DemonSeed.3528 said:I understand, but everytime many have asked it's always been ignored or shot down. I do want some incentives but this is the great wall of anet we speak to when it comes to these things unfortunately. I truly do like playing WvW, I play mainly to improve my skill on every single class, build, weaponset possible and other niche/gimmick forms of playing but I would certainly not mind other incentives as this is my primary mode and thus is hard for me to keep myself geared and rewarded at the same time, but also some edgy competitiveness for having the upper hand would be nice (but this is also the part I am afraid of for the game mode in general, being rewarded for that). Improvements in reward tracks would be a start though.

staying silent confirms the status quo, so we must continue to make noise =).

what change in rewards would you prefer?

I would actually like to see a portion of the forums act as a wvw match-up thread totally dedicated to matches. It could have newspaper-like heading covering the battles each week with the ability to discuss the match-up. I find it kind of foolish to have an entire realm of people trying to kill each other while banning forum threads that discuss the carnage. What is the lesser of two evils here?

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EXP/Reward boost for people who are in a party/group with other people on the same map. So people would be encouraged to roam together and also not feeling forced to join a big squad to get benefits.


People who fight enemies but cannot manage to kill anyone get participation. There is nothing more frustrating than fighting for 15 minutes or longer, dying plenty of times due to the lack of allies AND watching your participation drop to 0.

Shrines and Monuments give 1/2 of participation of Sentries, + 2 minutes participation timer, stack up to 10 minutes. Those tasks are part of the dailies anyway.

The more actions you do, the more PIPs you get at a tick. Add a stackable buff which grants +1 for taking a sentry, +2 for taking a camp, +3 for taking a tower, + 4 for a keep and +5 for garrison. Cap is 10, every stack grants +1 PIP. Stack duration 5 minutes (= 1 tick).

Note: My personal weekly goal for WvW was Platinum level II, which is about 150 tickets. As a non-WvW-veteran I had an average PIP gain of 5 per tick (during active hours). For Platinum II I need 685 PIPs. That are ~ 137 ticks = 685 minutes ~11,4 hours. Again this is less than half of the weekly cap. Currently I can play 30 min - 1 hour per day during the week and 4-6 hours at the weekends, depending on my schedule.

Most of the time grinding for PIPs is watching the 5:00 timer going to 0, which is boring as kitten. Doing that for almost 10 hours? Nope. At the moment you have this very annoying PIP reward system that supports long-term-veterans, commanders and playing on an outnumbered map. Even if I would commit most of my freetime to WvW, reaching rank 620 would take ages, let alone 10,000.

Tickets on the other hand are quite rewarding, you can acquire ascended and even legendary gear with them. I understand that this is supposed to take a while, you can keep your weekly ticket cap. But I do not think the current way of participating, going afk, participating, going afk, ... is healthy for this game-mode. When I tried to reach my weekly goal for real, I often spent my weekends on empty dead maps with other players from my server and the other servers, all of us sharing the same fate. Taking camps and sentries by turn, for HOURS. And cursing every time, someone joined the map and ruined that precious Outnumbered buff. Even SW grinding is more entertaining.

Permanent core-swap event. But change the selection of skills every week.

A daliy that grants 1 MC instead of potions. Or a vendor which exchanges 4 potions for 1 MC.

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you want to know whats the real deal behind curtains?anet is suffering financiallythey started a lot of secret projects right after pof release and all failed misserably thats why they had to lay off a huge porcentage of devsmost players focus on pvepve players don't care about balance, quality, combat or nothing of that, they only care about new content and lag issuespve players are the ones who spend more money and ask for less work (balance, interesting content, etc)anet saw that so they are now focused on pve only, BUT they won't let us know, we have to figure it out, because that keeps wvw and pvp players hooked, waiting for things to get better, or waiting for a freaking miracle at this pointso they started to add things in this game mode to push pof sales (warclaw best example) adding some sort of p2w aspect into gw2, plus giving them the posibility to sell skins and stupid shit most pvpers won't buy anyway because all we want is fair and fun fights yet they are getting some money thoso right now, the best call is to either play what you enjoy without spending a single dollar on this fail of a product, or if like me you don't enjoy anymore what anet is offering, just leave to another game.

the incentive was to get better in a balanced mmo, where you could use tons of builds and weapons and still be helpful and enjoythe incentive was to win wars for your server just to prove yours is the bestthe incentive was to create a clan and battle against other clans to prove your superiority

now with warclaws wvw players escape every single fight they asume they can't win, roaming is beyond dead, most players are so scared to die they only play around their towers/keeps or hide behind huge zergsclass balance is a disaster, it's such a joke it made tons and tons of players quit the game, the meta mentality didn't help either, now you run in an organized clan a wvw zerg and you can use only 5 classes, with only 1 viable spec, so from the 27 specs we got only 5 are usefull, the rest are completely outshined. and this useful specs have a meta build already created at metabattle which you have to follow in order to help , plus the combat mechanics change so much to worst now it's a joke, ask anyone if they are enjoying the pirateship meta more than the melee train meta, and you will see why every pvp focused player left the game...

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@Acheron.4731 said:

@DemonSeed.3528 said:I understand, but everytime many have asked it's always been ignored or shot down. I do want some incentives but this is the great wall of anet we speak to when it comes to these things unfortunately. I truly do like playing WvW, I play mainly to improve my skill on every single class, build, weaponset possible and other niche/gimmick forms of playing but I would certainly not mind other incentives as this is my primary mode and thus is hard for me to keep myself geared and rewarded at the same time, but also some edgy competitiveness for having the upper hand would be nice (but this is also the part I am afraid of for the game mode in general, being rewarded for that). Improvements in reward tracks would be a start though.

staying silent confirms the status quo, so we must continue to make noise =).

what change in rewards would you prefer?

I would actually like to see a portion of the forums act as a wvw match-up thread totally dedicated to matches. It could have newspaper-like heading covering the battles each week with the ability to discuss the match-up. I find it kind of foolish to have an entire realm of people trying to kill each other while banning forum threads that discuss the carnage. What is the lesser of two evils here?

yes. thats probably where things ought to start. match threads are important. taking it away was something that killled wvw in part.

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@kraai.7265 said:you want to know whats the real deal behind curtains?anet is suffering financiallythey started a lot of secret projects right after pof release and all failed misserably thats why they had to lay off a huge porcentage of devsmost players focus on pvepve players don't care about balance, quality, combat or nothing of that, they only care about new content and lag issuespve players are the ones who spend more money and ask for less work (balance, interesting content, etc)anet saw that so they are now focused on pve only, BUT they won't let us know, we have to figure it out, because that keeps wvw and pvp players hooked, waiting for things to get better, or waiting for a freaking miracle at this pointso they started to add things in this game mode to push pof sales (warclaw best example) adding some sort of p2w aspect into gw2, plus giving them the posibility to sell skins and stupid kitten most pvpers won't buy anyway because all we want is fair and fun fights yet they are getting some money thoso right now, the best call is to either play what you enjoy without spending a single dollar on this fail of a product, or if like me you don't enjoy anymore what anet is offering, just leave to another game.

the incentive was to get better in a balanced mmo, where you could use tons of builds and weapons and still be helpful and enjoythe incentive was to win wars for your server just to prove yours is the bestthe incentive was to create a clan and battle against other clans to prove your superiority

now with warclaws wvw players escape every single fight they asume they can't win, roaming is beyond dead, most players are so scared to die they only play around their towers/keeps or hide behind huge zergsclass balance is a disaster, it's such a joke it made tons and tons of players quit the game, the meta mentality didn't help either, now you run in an organized clan a wvw zerg and you can use only 5 classes, with only 1 viable spec, so from the 27 specs we got only 5 are usefull, the rest are completely outshined. and this useful specs have a meta build already created at metabattle which you have to follow in order to help , plus the combat mechanics change so much to worst now it's a joke, ask anyone if they are enjoying the pirateship meta more than the melee train meta, and you will see why every pvp focused player left the game...

whether thats true, is nothing we can do until they make wvw good. i mean for me thats the only checklist that i require before i use real money again.

and thats why i made this thread so they can read our thoughts.

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Give a better reward for rankup not kitten tome, rn it doesnt feel like achievement. Also better rewards for winning matchup. Stop with the currency collection simulator. Give rewards directly on win. Kitten it just give bunch of random exotics or gold based on participation. This is end game, rewards should also reflect that.

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Also remove bags in bags in bags in bags bs. Remove all the junk loot from npc's and give valuable resources(even if it is cheap). Add more runes and sigils to provisioner. Add more exotic armor and weapons stats options on vendor. Its about time. And last but not the least, consider a visual upgrade on assets on map and siege..

Edit: almost forgot, add better food and oil options to that portable provisioner thingy.

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@Swamurabi.7890 said:All legendaries need something only found in WvWAll dungeons, raids, fractals and sPvP portals are in WvW.All crafting stations are only accessible by portal in WvW.All banks, trading post, mystic toilet are only accessible by portal in WvW.All map to map travel goes through WvW.

mm they should make it so that gift if battle is required in all legendary items. is it? i dont know. but woild be nice if it was

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I think their onto something with scaling rewards , however I would extend that into pips as well.

The general idea is, that instead of investing the mandatory 16 hours to get your diamond chest doing whatever gives xp, your pip-gain would now be decided by what you do and have fewer free points given out.

F.ex commanding would no longer yield added pips (you doing more stuff with backing of other players already result in more pips), outnumbered would yield +1 pip and placement would add 1-3 on a 15 minute basis and rank would still impact the rate you get.

Add to that a guaranteed bag for kill credit, more unid gear and hard gold for karmatraining, then we're pretty set reward wise.

Lastly, but equally important, repeatable achievements. These can range from 1000 players killed, 10 keeps captured, holding SM for 2 hours or reviving 25 players. These achievements would reset every friday, and contrary to regular achievements these would function as festival achievements only not giving out much AP, but rather yield boosts, banners, feasts and pips related to the game mode (similar to dailies).

This would mean simply holding t6 participation would not do anymore if you want to finish your pips - you'd need to actually win some 15 minute ticks, capture and hold structures, kill enemy players or complete achievements to progress. No more repping walls for participation only. We'd see more unid gear, more bags from kills, faster reward track progression and hard gold from capturing structures. These changes would definitely make playing WvW more attractive to alot of players who play for the rewards, and it would incentivize them to actually play the mode in order to get them.

The goal is to feel you're constantly working towards something, rather than the feeling of being stuck at a boring job for 8 hours trying to do as little as possible in order to get paid. More done should equal more wealth, and in the chase for the diamond chest would lie the determination to actually win the skirmishes, while grouping up would be to everyones advantage.

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@XECOR.2814 said:Give a better reward for rankup not kitten tome, rn it doesnt feel like achievement. Also better rewards for winning matchup. Stop with the currency collection simulator. Give rewards directly on win. Kitten it just give bunch of random exotics or gold based on participation. This is end game, rewards should also reflect that.

that won't work, in tier 1 blackgate would get every single reward, so every server against them will either not play or even quit the game entirely

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@Ysmir.4986 said:Actually make a ladder for servers? What reason is there for a guild / server to try hard to t1? Nobody cares, there’s no prestige rewards, no seasons, no anything. People in t1 don’t get anything different from people in t5.

The only reason to care about any of this stuff is if you want to fight a particular server or a group. But then again you don’t do this for rewards, but for ANY challenging / interesting content.

LolYou know the servers in T1 are Just as open and accessable as the servers in T5?

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To win and to get something for it so people know it. Even multiple options. I don't want leaderboards by any means because they are always abused and aren't worth the developer time. Capes that show who the top guilds are would be nice though. Highest PPT gets this cape, highest KDR minimum X amount of people get that cape. That sort of thing. If they could truly get population somehow balanced, do it by server and whoever wins each week gets a bunch of goods (gold, karma, heavy loot bags, special cape, finisher, and whatever else).

Even on the smaller scale, I'd like to feel like I'm actually progressing or accomplished something in some way. Everything in WvW feels meaningless when you've killed the same people over and over for weeks/months/years. I have nothing but two titles (UD and Diamond rank) and a backpiece to show for my dedication to WvW.

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@Sovereign.1093 said:To attack, defend?

what do you want implemented?

Better balance for sure. Warclaw demount skill. Lower hp on warclaw and fewer evades. I would also make cd formounting up after combat, maby 5-10s. Rewarding players for actully doing something. For example 5 players taking a tower should be rewarded higher then if 20 players did. Rewarding active gameplay that is. Fixing the servers. Prehaps some unique rewards such as warclaw skins/backpacks. More events such as the no downstate one, 1 every month or so.

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@kraai.7265 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:Give a better reward for rankup not kitten tome, rn it doesnt feel like achievement. Also better rewards for winning matchup. Stop with the currency collection simulator. Give rewards directly on win. Kitten it just give bunch of random exotics or gold based on participation. This is end game, rewards should also reflect that.

that won't work, in tier 1 blackgate would get every single reward, so every server against them will either not play or even quit the game entirely

which is dif fer ent.....how?

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@kraai.7265 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:Give a better reward for rankup not kitten tome, rn it doesnt feel like achievement. Also better rewards for winning matchup. Stop with the currency collection simulator. Give rewards directly on win. Kitten it just give bunch of random exotics or gold based on participation. This is end game, rewards should also reflect that.

that won't work, in tier 1 blackgate would get every single reward, so every server against them will either not play or even quit the game entirely

1server cannot hold the amount of players with ambition to win the matchup. Even if it could, it always leads to divide because of internal dispute and politics. Even if that doesnt happen there can always be an allied front against them. It always happens, history is proof. And even if all that doesnt happen, wvw will still be fun and atleast have some server pride and a goal to achieve like beating a server or smthng. Also i didnt say only the top1 will get the rewards.

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@XECOR.2814 said:

@XECOR.2814 said:Give a better reward for rankup not kitten tome, rn it doesnt feel like achievement. Also better rewards for winning matchup. Stop with the currency collection simulator. Give rewards directly on win. Kitten it just give bunch of random exotics or gold based on participation. This is end game, rewards should also reflect that.

that won't work, in tier 1 blackgate would get every single reward, so every server against them will either not play or even quit the game entirely

1server cannot hold the amount of players with ambition to win the matchup. Even if it could, it always leads to divide because of internal dispute and politics. Even if that doesnt happen there can always be an allied front against them. It always happens, history is proof. And even if all that doesnt happen, wvw will still be fun and atleast have some server pride and a goal to achieve like beating a server or smthng. Also i didnt say only the top1 will get the rewards.

since mega servers. factions maybe the thing left. guild rankimgs and factions

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