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anet's vision of the game


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anets vision of the game:

“i think a class that can dodge/block/invul forever while doing tons of condis should be fun... we can even add 2 special condis where you need to stand still and don’t cast anything to take less damage. that should be a great interaction” seems like a bunch of geniuses to me :)

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@"Zawn.9647" said:anets vision of the game:

“i think a class that can dodge/block/invul forever while doing tons of condis should be fun... we can even add 2 special condis where you need to stand still and don’t cast anything to take less damage. that should be a great interaction” seems like a bunch of geniuses to me :)

i laughed so hard at this one, we should start a trend"i think a class that can sustain as a full bunker, become invulnerable or invisble, and still hit like a truck, landing insane amount of damage in quick combinatios should be fun... we can add enough cc chains and some unblockable high burst skill so he can kill you with no chance of defending. that should be a great interaction"

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@kraai.7265 said:

@"Zawn.9647" said:anets vision of the game:

“i think a class that can dodge/block/invul forever while doing tons of condis should be fun... we can even add 2 special condis where you need to stand still and don’t cast anything to take less damage. that should be a great interaction” seems like a bunch of geniuses to me :)

i laughed so hard at this one, we should start a trend"i think a class that can sustain as a full bunker, become invulnerable or invisble, and still hit like a truck, landing insane amount of damage in quick combinatios should be fun... we can add enough cc chains and some unblockable high burst skill so he can kill you with no chance of defending. that should be a great interaction"

lol :P i agree on this one as well. sadly :/

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@kraai.7265 said:

@"Zawn.9647" said:anets vision of the game:

“i think a class that can dodge/block/invul forever while doing tons of condis should be fun... we can even add 2 special condis where you need to stand still and don’t cast anything to take less damage. that should be a great interaction” seems like a bunch of geniuses to me :)

i laughed so hard at this one, we should start a trend"i think a class that can sustain as a full bunker, become invulnerable or invisble, and still hit like a truck, landing insane amount of damage in quick combinatios should be fun... we can add enough cc chains and some unblockable high burst skill so he can kill you with no chance of defending. that should be a great interaction"Next warrior elite is stealth focused.

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@Dawdler.8521 said:

@"kraai.7265" said:most of wvwers who actually like the game mode for the fights and not ppt, hate that mount, because now finding good fights it's almost impossible

Most of the WvWers that like fights is a fabricated myth to feel superior to others and finding the players that actually dare to take fights they most likely will loose is almost impossible to find, so it balances out.

"Most of the WvWers" is an introductory phrase used by individuals in an attempt to give their opinion more weight without ever having inquired the opinion of most or even many WvWers beyond themselves, their cat, and their mother.

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@Len.1879 said:

@"kraai.7265" said:most of wvwers who actually like the game mode for the fights and not ppt, hate that mount, because now finding good fights it's almost impossible

Most of the WvWers that like fights is a fabricated myth to feel superior to others and finding the players that actually dare to take fights they most likely will loose is almost impossible to find, so it balances out.

"Most of the WvWers" is an introductory phrase used by individuals in an attempt to give their opinion more weight without ever having inquired the opinion of most or even many WvWers beyond themselves, their cat, and their mother.

without ever having inquired the opinion of most? you just have to read the forums, wvw subsection, how many threads complaining about warclaws and the way they were introduced? hundreds, also just look at statistics, there is a post around that has the count of world populations, wvw was already dying, but since warclaw it's even worst, more people are leaving day by day than before, it's right there, not my word but factsif you don't belive in stats, just use your eyes, you can't deny wvw feels really empty right now compared to a year ago, and i know you will say something like "mounts weren't the problem, people leave for many more reasons than only warclaw" yes ofc, but warclaw is also a huge problem, because it didn't help at all, actually it hurted more the game mode

and i not only base my opinion over all the stuff i read here and in reddit, also my guild mates and my own server, i've seen tons and tons of players complaining about warclaws in map chat and team chat, my guild almost disbanded, we had like 50 to 60 players active now we are 5, most of them quitted actually because of the warclaw exclusively, because our guild is.. well, was* wvw focused

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,

Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

Roamers are not a small minority. Just because while serving you encounter a handful at a time, I've been in guilds with over a hundred members made up of roamers. We are still a part of wvw, bobbing isn't all there is to WvW as much as you'd like to think so.

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@Strider.7849 said:

@"kraai.7265" said:

warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,

Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

Roamers are not a small minority. Just because while serving you encounter a handful at a time, I've been in guilds with over a hundred members made up of roamers. We are still a part of wvw, bobbing isn't all there is to WvW as much as you'd like to think so.

lol, don't even waste your time, he es either trolling or don't even play wvw much, players who just zerg tend to feel they are the ones who have the biggest population, because they ignore that zergs play a few hours a week, meanwhile roamers play non stop every day every hour, plus roamers join tags, meanwhile zergers after tag disbands, just dc

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.also i think he is trolling because of this part, no one sane would belive that, wvw was on decline, true, but mounts actually made it worst, now more people are leaving every day than before, it's funny, anet implemented the dismount skill to prevent that yet they took so long now they are losing the new players who were used to have a free pass all around a "pvp zone" and escape every fight they didn't want

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without ever having inquired the opinion of most? you just have to read the forums, wvw subsection, how many threads complaining about warclaws and the way they were introduced? hundreds, [...]

Hundreds of threads? Make that thousands and thanks for proving my point. I can find 122 threads in the WvW-subforum created about mounts, several being suggestions to actually introduce mounts to WvW or just mentioning it in general. Obviously only counting dedicated threads, not every single post slipped in any thread.1xxCRS0.png

also just look at statistics, there is a post around that has the count of world populations, wvw was already dying, but since warclaw it's even worst, more people are leaving day by day than before, it's right there, not my word but facts

Since you didn't bother to actually include the post you were referring to (fits your style), I will just assume you are referring to https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1067991/#Comment_1067991While it is hard to actually read much from those graphs, since they don't give us absolute numbers and ANet has admitted to adjust the thresholds (https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/19921/wvw-frequently-asked-questions#latest), I do acknowledge that the population is most likely declining on many servers. But that was never the point to begin with. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I can not see any clear correlation of Warclaw and decline in those graphs, given the time frame they cover (Warclaw was released in March 2019 https://wiki.guildwars2.com/wiki/Warclaw#Trivia which is conveniently the start of the recordings). Kindly point them out, if you disagree.

i know you will say something like "mounts weren't the problem, people leave for many more reasons than only warclaw" yes ofc, but warclaw is also a huge problem, because it didn't help at all, actually it hurted more the game mode

First of all: I also do acknowledge that some people are unhappy with the mount in WvW. But at the same time people actually like it. I am one of the latter. Even if your anecdotal evidence of your guild mates leaving sucks for you, you will surely agree that those 55 players are not "most people", which is what I was objecting to in the first place.

i've seen tons and tons of players complaining about warclaws in map chat and team chatSo do I. And it's always the same five people. Also known as "vocal minority". Happy players are just far less inclined to jump on the forums and express their happiness, while unhappy players will go out of their way of voicing their discontent in every related or unrelated thread.

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@"Len.1879" said:

without ever having inquired the opinion of most? you just have to read the forums, wvw subsection, how many threads complaining about warclaws and the way they were introduced? hundreds, [...]

Hundreds of threads? Make that thousands and thanks for proving my point. I can find 122 threads in the WvW-subforum created about mounts, several being suggestions to actually introduce mounts to WvW or just mentioning it in general. Obviously only counting dedicated threads, not every single post slipped in any thread.
yet you give me no proof to contrast my, plus you looked it up by "mounts" not "warclaws" or other terms, also you don't know how many are complaining and how many asking for mounts, you just casually post the two you saw asking for mounts, yet im sure most are complains, specially about the lack of dismount skill on release

also just look at statistics, there is a post around that has the count of world populations, wvw was already dying, but since warclaw it's even worst, more people are leaving day by day than before, it's right there, not my word but facts

Since you didn't bother to actually include the post you were referring to (fits your style), I will just assume you are referring to
While it is hard to actually read much from those graphs, since they don't give us absolute numbers and ANet has admitted to adjust the thresholds (
), I do acknowledge that the population is most likely declining on many servers. But that was never the point to begin with. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I can not see any clear correlation of Warclaw and decline in those graphs, given the time frame they cover (Warclaw was released in March 2019
which is conveniently the start of the recordings). Kindly point them out, if you disagree.

well i saw with my own eyes the amount of players who left, as i'm telling you my clan disbanded because of the mount, and several other guilds went to other games too, yet you got me on this one, those charts don't show much of it

i know you will say something like "mounts weren't the problem, people leave for many more reasons than only warclaw" yes ofc, but warclaw is also a huge problem, because it didn't help at all, actually it hurted more the game mode

First of all: I also do acknowledge that some people are unhappy with the mount in WvW. But at the same time people actually like it. I am one of the latter. Even if your anecdotal evidence of your guild mates leaving sucks for you, you will surely agree that those 55 players are not "most people", which is what I was objecting to in the first place.no, my guild isn't a representation of all the population but anyone who denies warclaws reduced population in wvw can't be telling the truth, you can say, it was not only mounts which is fair, but you can't say mounts helped

i've seen tons and tons of players complaining about warclaws in map chat and team chatSo do I. And it's always the same five people. Also known as "vocal minority". Happy players are just far less inclined to jump on the forums and express their happiness, while unhappy players will go out of their way of voicing their discontent in every related or unrelated thread.

well actually unhappy players already left the game, and they were tons of them, happy players as you say keep playing, and this vocal minority are the ones who are unhappy but still think the game can change to the better

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Just be grateful that WvW is still around...even though it's not focused on using its unique appeal of being able to have Large scale WxWxW that used to be supported by & powered by Long-Term Communities that allowed niche playing styles to exist in a ecosystem that survived despite inattention...much like those closed shrimp & algae eco-globe systems.

Battle Royale game mode is already taken by Fortnite.

If you had to compare WvW vs Fortnite in regards to the Battle Royale mode...then it would be like this:

Fortnite = iPhone - Big company with a product that is the 1st choice by most consumersWvW = Microsoft Windows Fone - Big company working to change consumer's choice

It would be impossi...WHAT!

Is 'Fortnite' gone? The popular game disappeared into a black hole

Hopefully you guessed it...FAKE NEWS ironically reported by Fox News...or is IT?

Opinions & Analysis aside...Fox News reported it right at the end. You agreed with them. ?

Yours truly,Diku

Credibility requires critical insight & time.

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@oOStaticOo.9467 said:The Developers don't owe you any kind of explanation for what they are doing or when they will be doing it. It is their game and they will do with it as they please and see fit in the timely manner they deem.

Well that being said, most of us purchased the game and expacs, thus are paying customers. (im sure you can see where this is headed).

While we can't necessarily demand, we do have the right as consumers (some who spend monies for gems) to know certain information. I don't agree with anyone in particular, and I don't disagree with anyone. Its more of an impartial fact.

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@kraai.7265 said:

warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,

Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

Roamers are not a small minority. Just because while serving you encounter a handful at a time, I've been in guilds with over a hundred members made up of roamers. We are still a part of wvw, bobbing isn't all there is to WvW as much as you'd like to think so.

lol, don't even waste your time, he es either trolling or don't even play wvw much, players who just zerg tend to feel they are the ones who have the biggest population, because they ignore that zergs play a few hours a week, meanwhile roamers play non stop every day every hour, plus roamers join tags, meanwhile zergers after tag disbands, just dc

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.also i think he is trolling because of this part, no one sane would belive that, wvw was on decline, true, but mounts actually made it worst, now more people are leaving every day than before, it's funny, anet implemented the dismount skill to prevent that yet they took so long now they are losing the new players who were used to have a free pass all around a "pvp zone" and escape every fight they didn't want

another point to consider is time zones... not everyone plays NA prime when those zergs are out.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

warclaws in wvw without thinking how it would affect community-after years of wvwers asking please not to add mounts in game you did anyways, killing roaming in this game,

Stop just stop. Roamers are a small minority of WvW players and many people were asking for Mounts in WvW.

WvW was dead prior to Mounts getting added. Mounts actually made WvW more popular.

Well if not roamers who will bother to go around map caping enemy camps to make them defend them or recap or sentrys that will show even if briefly where the enemy/zerg is going for ?

Roamers exist and are usefull and for that reasoning balance should be done from smallscale upwards because it would only benefit everyone and have very litle to no impact on zerg fights.

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@kraai.7265 said:

@Len.1879 said:

without ever having inquired the opinion of most? you just have to read the forums, wvw subsection, how many threads complaining about warclaws and the way they were introduced? hundreds, [...]

Hundreds of threads? Make that thousands and thanks for proving my point. I can find 122 threads in the WvW-subforum created about mounts, several being suggestions to actually introduce mounts to WvW or just mentioning it in general. Obviously only counting dedicated threads, not every single post slipped in any thread.
yet you give me no proof to contrast my, plus you looked it up by "mounts" not "warclaws" or other terms, also you don't know how many are complaining and how many asking for mounts, you just casually post the two you saw asking for mounts, yet im sure most are complains, specially about the lack of dismount skill on release

also just look at statistics, there is a post around that has the count of world populations, wvw was already dying, but since warclaw it's even worst, more people are leaving day by day than before, it's right there, not my word but facts

Since you didn't bother to actually include the post you were referring to (fits your style), I will just assume you are referring to
While it is hard to actually read much from those graphs, since they don't give us absolute numbers and ANet has admitted to adjust the thresholds (
), I do acknowledge that the population is most likely declining on many servers. But that was never the point to begin with. ¯_(ツ)_/¯ I can not see any clear correlation of Warclaw and decline in those graphs, given the time frame they cover (Warclaw was released in March 2019
which is conveniently the start of the recordings). Kindly point them out, if you disagree.

well i saw with my own eyes the amount of players who left, as i'm telling you my clan disbanded because of the mount, and several other guilds went to other games too, yet you got me on this one, those charts don't show much of it

i know you will say something like "mounts weren't the problem, people leave for many more reasons than only warclaw" yes ofc, but warclaw is also a huge problem, because it didn't help at all, actually it hurted more the game mode

First of all: I also do acknowledge that some people are unhappy with the mount in WvW. But at the same time people actually like it. I am one of the latter. Even if your anecdotal evidence of your guild mates leaving sucks for you, you will surely agree that those 55 players are not "most people", which is what I was objecting to in the first place.no, my guild isn't a representation of all the population but anyone who denies warclaws reduced population in wvw can't be telling the truth, you can say, it was not only mounts which is fair, but you can't say mounts helped

i've seen tons and tons of players complaining about warclaws in map chat and team chatSo do I. And it's always the same five people. Also known as "vocal minority". Happy players are just far less inclined to jump on the forums and express their happiness, while unhappy players will go out of their way of voicing their discontent in every related or unrelated thread.

well actually unhappy players already left the game, and they were tons of them, happy players as you say keep playing, and this vocal minority are the ones who are unhappy but still think the game can change to the better

just take that L....@Len.1879 was spot on right. Many of us wanted Mounts prior to them being added and many of us love WvW mounts. Makes it easier to get back to the Team and to get around in general.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@oOStaticOo.9467 said:The Developers don't owe you any kind of explanation for what they are doing or when they will be doing it. It is their game and they will do with it as they please and see fit in the timely manner they deem.

Well that being said, most of us purchased the game and expacs, thus are paying customers. (im sure you can see where this is headed).

While we can't necessarily demand, we do have the right as consumers (some who spend monies for gems) to know certain information. I don't agree with anyone in particular, and I don't disagree with anyone. Its more of an impartial fact.

No you don't ... That makes no sense. What information you do think you have the rights to? Buying gems does NOT give you rights to anything except gems.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@oOStaticOo.9467 said:The Developers don't owe you any kind of explanation for what they are doing or when they will be doing it. It is their game and they will do with it as they please and see fit in the timely manner they deem.

Well that being said, most of us purchased the game and expacs, thus are paying customers. (im sure you can see where this is headed).

While we can't necessarily demand, we do have the right as consumers (some who spend monies for gems) to know certain information. I don't agree with anyone in particular, and I don't disagree with anyone. Its more of an impartial fact.

No you don't ... That makes no sense. What information you do think you have the rights to? Buying gems does NOT give you rights to anything except gems.

As a small business owner myself, yes, my customers have the right to know about planned changes to services I do down the road as it may impact them. They may not get the full details, however they are entitled to certain information about services, promotions...etc.

Maybe things are diff here in Canada.

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@Bigpapasmurf.5623 said:

@oOStaticOo.9467 said:The Developers don't owe you any kind of explanation for what they are doing or when they will be doing it. It is their game and they will do with it as they please and see fit in the timely manner they deem.

Well that being said, most of us purchased the game and expacs, thus are paying customers. (im sure you can see where this is headed).

While we can't necessarily demand, we do have the right as consumers (some who spend monies for gems) to know certain information. I don't agree with anyone in particular, and I don't disagree with anyone. Its more of an impartial fact.

No you don't ... That makes no sense. What information you do think you have the rights to? Buying gems does NOT give you rights to anything except gems.

As a small business owner myself, yes, my customers have the right to know about planned changes to services I do down the road as it may impact them. They may not get the full details, however they are entitled to certain information about services, promotions...etc.

Maybe things are diff here in Canada.

I can tell you right now, you aren't entitled to anything but the services you purchased. You don't have a 'right' to information you feel you want access to unless it affects the service you purchased.

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@Obtena.7952 said:

@"oOStaticOo.9467" said:The Developers don't owe you any kind of explanation for what they are doing or when they will be doing it. It is their game and they will do with it as they please and see fit in the timely manner they deem.

Well that being said, most of us purchased the game and expacs, thus are paying customers. (im sure you can see where this is headed).

While we can't necessarily demand, we do have the right as consumers (some who spend monies for gems) to know certain information. I don't agree with anyone in particular, and I don't disagree with anyone. Its more of an impartial fact.

No you don't ... That makes no sense. What information you do think you have the rights to? Buying gems does NOT give you rights to anything except gems.

As a small business owner myself, yes, my customers have the right to know about planned changes to services I do down the road as it may impact them. They may not get the full details, however they are entitled to certain information about services, promotions...etc.

Maybe things are diff here in Canada.

I can tell you right now, you aren't entitled to anything but the services you purchased. You don't have a 'right' to information you feel you want access to unless it affects the service you purchased.

"unless it affects the service you purchased. " ............is this a joke? you are so aeger to defend this company you are starting to contradict yourself, lets face it, meanwhile we discuss here beeing completely ignored by them, they are thinking what bullkitten they will throw at us next to makes us spend money on their game, meanwhile the quality of the product keeps getting worst every update, more bugs, erros, unbalance, silent treatment, etc...you know why i would have loved a proper road map? because if i knew anet would focus solely on pve and cash shop, destroy almost every hot spec, buff pof specs to push sales making the game unfair, and neglect wvw and pvp the two modes i play, i would have started ESO 2 years ago instead of buying pof, and spending all this time waiting for a mayor update that would fix everything like they did with hotbut lets face it, they don't even care, sad that people like this one still defend them, while all they do is keep the game in maintenance mode, and scamming players for all they can cash out before closing doors.im gone

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