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Storyline Disconnects - [Merged]

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It happens without fail, I have tried every conceivable solution I can think off: skipping the cutscene (dosnt seem to be skippable at all), pressing buttons while the cutscene is active, closing all background apps and programs etc,  running the game at the lowest graphics settings, changing to a lower resolution, changing from windowed fullscreen to dedicated full screen, repairing the launcher, reinstalling the game, restarting the entire chapter from the beginning, updating my graphics drivers and checking the health of my PC, all of that and yet nothing. It crashes, EVERY, SINGLE, TIME. And I have done it several times, with it disconnecting at the exact same point each time, right after the cutscene where Kralkatorrik blasts you and aurene with his breath and it cuts to black.

This is beyond infuriating, this is beyond ridiculous. I just want to play the game and actually progress in the story, so what the hell is the solution here? I have tried googling it, yet nothing, people have discussed this being an issue but not once has anyone suggested a working (in my case) solution.

Edited by De Dominator.9834
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I played through EoD fine with my main char. Now I'm trying to get a new toon through and I've had about 7 disconnects in the last 3 days. All during cutscenes after the boss fight. Come on ANet! I'm a big fan of GW2 and this expansion has been great. But  now I'm beginning to get fed up. I've cleared cache, repaired game, now I will try reinstalling. I don't know what else to do.

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I have had this issue in multiple parts of the story; one part is unfinished, but just now with the first EoD mission. I got disconnected three times in a row during the final cut-scene. Frustrated, I used a teleport-to-friend to get myself to Cantha, then out of curiosity tried the story line again, and it actually ended up working and advancing the story. So, this is a possible way to bypass a very specific issue. Hope that helps someone.

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I frequently get this, always near the end of stories. It is infuriating, and if anything makes me leave the game it will be this, easily. I wanted to buy some more living stories and EoD but yeah, no, I'm not buying them if I disconnect 50% of the time right after the extremely long winded boss fight.


 There's no mid-way checkpoints even? This is horrible I've had like 8 hours wasted now in total easily just to stupid disconnects. This is game breaking as far as I am concerned.


 How do I fix this so the game is worth actually playing? Having to do every mission at least twice is not acceptable.

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Infuriating that nothing has been done about this. Has Anet even addressed this problem? Nothing sends me into rage mode faster than slogging through a quest to have to do the SAME THING over again. And I swear it's happening more frequently, and more often on long quests, and ALWAYS at the end. How has this been an issue for years with no fix?!

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Doing the replay for the leggy amulet.. maaaaan...  first off, i have gone through all the stories several times to complete achievements, all the way up to end of dragons. I did 8 story instances and had 10 client disconnects.. THIS IS UTTER MOOCRAP!!! I took a break right before champions and came back for EoD. I had to see how this all ended.. but at this point it is so frustrating. I have people in guild that refuse to do story for this exact reason. FIX YOUR ISSUES!!! I know people say you can go in and delete this or rewrite that but last time i checked, I dont get a paycheck from ANET. NOT MY JOB!!! RANTING OVER

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March 2022 and this exists? I was doing "The Departing".. This is a long story and I tried 5 times before I gave up. First time I got Disconnected was at the end. The rest of the times were at beginning. I deleted Cache folder twice and still does it. This stuff has been going on like this when I started playing when the game first came out.. Long time ago....

Edited by tRIPt.6230
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Title says it all!!! I'm trying to complete the returned event and every single story instance I've had to redo over and over, I've finally snapped after finishing the sniper fight only to disconnect when the mission should have completed.


The only reason I've gone back to the returned in the first place is because EoD requires you to redo do all the story on your alts but guess what same thing happens there, I cant even start the Cantha story on any of my characters because disconnected...disconnected.....disconnected.......I've tried every single thing on these forums for work arounds but nothing works, I should not have to redo long story quests multiple times it saps the life out of me and makes me want to quit!


I can run around for 13hrs straight in game doing meta events etc and not have a single problem but the moment I want to finish a story quest nope disconnect.


This is seriously making me rage and made my hairline recede even further,


and if I have to redo the death of Blish multiple times,

just no you cant do this to me!!!!!!     

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I do understand the frustrations when after a long story, you get disconnected and have to restart. This is a common complain and it does baffle the mind why there are not more checkpoints in every single storylines, especially if it involves long fights.

What I would suggest is look at GW2's troubleshooting page. Also, search wiki for solutions such as this. Searching there is usually more productive.  Hope these will help and good luck.

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I've literally tried everything some have let me do a few story quests one after the other and I'm like thank God its finally over and then bam disconnect.


I think at least if you kill the final boss in an instance it should checkpoint there, so you can just keep spamming it until it works but having to do boss fights over and over, that just kills any sort of enjoyment and fun factor out of it. Its like watching a film on a scratched DVD and it keeps skipping back all the time, who the hell would want to watch that.  

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16 hours ago, Silent.6137 said:

I do understand the frustrations when after a long story, you get disconnected and have to restart. This is a common complain and it does baffle the mind why there are not more checkpoints in every single storylines, especially if it involves long fights.

What I would suggest is look at GW2's troubleshooting page. Also, search wiki for solutions such as this. Searching there is usually more productive.  Hope these will help and good luck.

This information fixed the problem for me! 

A bit of background.   I was sometimes having the storyline 'disconnect' events at the end of the mission.  Then, I had one with 100% failure rate.  Just left my character there for the last year or two and just tested it every few months. 

Based on the two sets of above instructions, I deleted the Local.dat file and the “gw2cache...“ file.  Then, a fresh install.  I changed nothing with the default setups other than to lower the dialog sound a bit (but not totally off).

Scenario successfully finished!  Don't know if it was a 'random' success.  Or if it was something that ArenaNet did in the code.  Or if deleting the cache and dat files did the trick.  I am going with the file deletion and fresh install, but will post back if it fails again.

Thanks for the information and some hope!  🙂

Edited by Innocente.4271
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It's ridiculous that this is still issue, just spent 45 minutes on a story mission and surprise a DC right at the end.  Either put checkpoints in the long missions or fix this, it really sucks the fun out of the game when your time is not appreciated.

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...Especially when the instance switches locations (i.e. Balthazar on top of the pillar in PoF, end of EoD opening mission). This has been an issue I have hit consistently since Path of Fire and it continues to happen.  While not a major issue, it's frustrating. I very, very rarely encounter disconnections during Open World events, but during story missions it happens about once in every three instances, usually at the very end. Is there any work being done to stabilize these? 

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As the title states.... Please give us the ability to turn off cut scenes.  Maybe this will solve a 10 year old problem?  Wake up Anet, this issue has persisted since day 1.  The issue is "not" on my end, its on your end.  I'm a paying customer, this is unacceptable.


Rant over, 



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Just had this again on 'Can't trust a pirate' in Cantha.


First: all these 'fixes' should not be needed, it's clearly too common and too varied in what fixies it, to be something on our side.

Second: most disconnects are after a big fight, not DURING that fight. Are you really telling me a simple dialogue is suddenly demanding so much my system or set up can't handle it? But the fight itself it can? Or WvW it can? Or meta's?

Third: there are plenty of dialogues etc in game where everything is fine, so how come all the things on my side pose no issues than? Only after a long and winded fight, or at the end of some other terribly long chapter.

Fourth: it's not even the same across my own characters! My main got into Cantha, next day my alt couldn't finish the initial story and suddenly he can't even enter the continent.

Sixth: I had this on previous stories, did several of the fixes, and got to finish on some of the dc points indeed. And than suddenly, without changing anything at all in this 'fixed' set up, it dc's again at another story...? So whatever fix worked, seems not to be permanent at all.
Am I supposed to delete files, fresh install, adjust settings, and all of that each time I want to do any chapter of  any story?

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Absolutely insane this is still an issue.

Had this exact problem back when the game -launched- and I'm blown away that this still exists to this day. Tried every single fix in this thread dating back to when it was first created, which is odd that they don't have any posts before 2017 despite this issue existing when the game launched and reported as far back as that. Coming back 9 years later and having the same weird disconnect issue that you did on launch despite being in a totally different location in the world, using a different computer, using different software, using a different router, ISP and... Pretty much everything you can think of yet the only explanation is "It's not us, it's you", is jarring. 

I think it's made worse by the fact the only real insightful posts from ArenaNet, on this thread, with numerous reports of the issue dating back years, is a dev that hasn't been part of the company in years. Even if there isn't a "One size fits all" solution, the issue is nearly universal among all those reporting it. The same places, the same missions and it's almost always after an unskippable cutscene. This is actually so easy to reproduce all I have to do is roll a human and kill the golem without -clientport 443 in the target field of the shortcut, and without pressing buttons during the cutscene to trigger it. 

And I wish I could say the workaround actually fixes the issue, but it merely makes it more sporadic and unpredictable.  Still triggers on the same missions reported after the same unskippable cutscenes, just not every time you run it, as opposed to running it through the standard port, which triggers every time at the same spot. 

Whether it's port forwarding, minimizing, spamming buttons during cutscenes(Only works on the ones that aren't unskippable), running a VPN, changing the settings on your graphics, changing the streaming options, changing the client port, deleting appdata/misc files, running a live stream in the background, etc... the only thing that seems to occur is the issue not happening 100% of the time. 

You just leave the cutscene and your character is stick viewing a cutscene until the instance server disconnects you and no, there is no packetloss... I wish there was, as then it at least pointed to SOMETHING, I could try to complain about to my ISP or find a new routing through a VPN.

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Update on the story line instance disconnect issue.  As I posted a few above, I deleted the .dat and Cache files as recommended in the advice quoted in my post (from a few posts above mine).   That fixed the 100% failure point that I had been trying every few months for two years to see if it was ever fixed by the developers.


I now believe I know why it was never 'fixed' and they could not replicate the failure.  When you uninstall GW2, it does NOT delete that .dat file nor does it delete the Cache file!  In my case, I had returned to the game after over a year away.  I believe that the code had made several updates and conversions to one or both of those files, but the code was NOT able to successfully update from my old version to the current.  Thus, there was an incompatibility left that crashed the story instances.  Uninstalling did no good, as those files were left in place to fail on any future installs.


I have since started a new character and have been doing all the personal story instances as I progressed.  I have now completed the level 10, 20, 30 and 40 story instance chains without a single failure.  I know that a negative result does not 'prove' anything definite.  But is a very clear indication that it just might be one or both of those files, which the game never deletes, that may be the source of these problems.


I would certainly like to recommend to the developers that they modify the uninstall code to delete these files during the uninstall process.


I will update this thread when I either finish the level 80 story line, or I have a disconnect failure.  Until then, I would recommend anyone having story line instance disconnects to follow the instructions in the previous post and delete the .dat file and the Cache file.


Good Luck!

Edited by Innocente.4271
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i lost all progress 4 times oin the quest "the march" when baltazhar kill you and send you as a spirit, is very logn fight and 4 times at the end make me quit forever on that line of quest, 4 times get disconecction, you forced  me to quit :S

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my game client always disconnects in the aformentioned quest. It always happens at the same place, near the end (I assume) when you have the third boss fight versus the two queens in the main chamber. Right before the fight would start it disconnects me. 

Error Code: 7:11:3:202:101 (Game client lost connection to the server).

I did close all background programms, restarted my router, restarted the client, tweaked other settings in the hope it would do something but nothing helps. I did it six times now and it's getting really frustratingImo it should be nothing on my end ... any help? Since it's a mandatory mission I'm a bit screwed until I can finally get this over with ...



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34 pages and in a 5 year old thread about a problem that's existed since launch and still plagues players? 
First happened during various cutscenes on my way through the story, thought it was my end, reset router, changed some setting the whole shebang. Just happened 4 times in a row against the fight with kralkatorik, the kicker is I was no longer eligible for the achievements when I went back into the instance which means when I finally do get through this fight I'll have to roll the dice again as to whether or not I'll be able to get those achievements against this disconnect bug. 

It doesn't happen during fights or ingame scenes, only at what I presume is the end of the fight after the final cutscene. This is getting beyond annoying.

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