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ranked is plagued with symbal FB


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For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has

  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.

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@"ZDragon.3046" said:For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has

  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Firebrand_-_Symbolbrand

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@ZDragon.3046 said:For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has

  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.

no matter the name, mender is symbal, sage is mantra, but they play almost the same.

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Ive been playing this in plat2+ ranked since before it was good. Ive gotten bored of it now so idc if they nerf it. It is not OP at all. It is not hard to play but it requires quite some effort because its very squishy. The build is very strong in optimal circumstances ie. never. With this build you cant oneshot or burst anyone down, but dont pay attention for 2 seconds and that is what will happen to you if you play this. Maybe you should try playing it yourself. The only reason why this build does well is because most players have no clue how to counter it. 3/4 of ranked players jump the fb thinking they gonna ezcleave a healer and facetank whatever the fb throws at them.

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Funny joke.

This build is solid, but not op. As someone said before it is horribly squishy and will not burst anything. You can overwhelm it very easily by high damage spikes from Spellbreaker and Holo. And then reaper corrupts whatever boons it builds up while eating its burns to use as health.

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@Lighter.5631 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has
  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.

no matter the name, mender is symbal, sage is mantra, but they play almost the same.

They are not remotely close. Sage FB is a condi build. This is a support build.

I wont say this build is bad, but it does not deal enough damage to be a bruiser build or enough sustain to be a support build. Why play this at all? It is a complete downgrade from support build.

And generally, any symbol build that does not have radiance, does.. close to no power damage. I do not care what line combo you use.

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@otto.5684 said:

@ZDragon.3046 said:For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has
  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.

no matter the name, mender is symbal, sage is mantra, but they play almost the same.

They are not remotely close. Sage FB is a condi build. This is a support build.

I wont say this build is bad, but it does not deal enough damage to be a bruiser build or enough sustain to be a support build. Why play this at all? It is a complete downgrade from support build.

And generally, any symbol build that does not have radiance, does.. close to no power damage. I do not care what line combo you use.

The highest rated guardian on EU for the last 2 years has been playing the menders amulet version. He ran zeal before the buffs even. Nr 1 on NA also plays it occassionally. You have no clue about any of this tbh.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@"Falan.1839" said:I don't think that build is op, it's an okay sidenoder but not really meta.

You're missing the point; this is the weekly "divert attention to anything other than holo" thread. Stick to the party line!

We saw the exact same last year from mirage mains.

But holo is not an issue right now i would consider this more of an issue than any holo build tbh.

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@Happy Yes.1453 said:

@"ZDragon.3046" said:For the record this is not called symbol firebrandIts sage mantra firebrandThe symbols are not the biggest danger its the fact that it has
  • tons of boon splatter application
  • sustain via boons/blocks/etc and healing
  • great cc
  • good power damage and condi damage
  • and decent lockdown via immobilize and blinds

Its just really really really good overall. Its one of the strongest builds around right now I would say.

no matter the name, mender is symbal, sage is mantra, but they play almost the same.

They are not remotely close. Sage FB is a condi build. This is a support build.

I wont say this build is bad, but it does not deal enough damage to be a bruiser build or enough sustain to be a support build. Why play this at all? It is a complete downgrade from support build.

And generally, any symbol build that does not have radiance, does.. close to no power damage. I do not care what line combo you use.

The highest rated guardian on EU for the last 2 years has been playing the menders amulet version. He ran zeal before the buffs even. Nr 1 on NA also plays it occassionally. You have no clue about any of this tbh.

Well, there is much here that is no correct.

First, which should be obvious, even if one player can take a build to high rank, unless you can indicate a large number of players that can do that, it is a statistical anomaly. It cannot be used as basis for anything. Example of something that is not, is warrior SB. It is well presented at all levels. Large enough population to draw conclusions on the build performance.

Second, the build that you are talking about.. is not this build, and key word "2 years." The build used radiance/honor/FB. It used GS/sword. Sounds familiar? It is a variant of core build. It also mainly used harrier not menders. The idea is it combined some of the power from core with support from FB. That build died with radiance nerf earlier this year. And using axe anyway is a new thing, that just came around with the buffs to it, earlier this year. But it is not that viable for power build.

What this build is is trying to take pieces of Sage FB, support FB and old symbol and smash them together. But the result is.. less than the sum of the parts. It is a "c" rated build.

If you want to play a competitive guardian dps build just stick to Sage FB. It has some major weakness, but it is the only viable guardian dps build.

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