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Hero Points

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What is the best - most expedient way to obtain the needed hero points to unlock the elite specs?

Currently my first level 80 just finished the intro to the POF story and obtained the Raptor - have never been in HoT. Unsure if I should attempt the soloable POF hero challenges or WvW (never played it) or some other unknown to me approach.

Is there an updated guide for your suggested approach including which mounts, if any, are needed should tackle the soloable Pof challenges be the suggestion.

Thanks in advance.

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I prefer HoT hero points - a lot of them are channels, and the hero points are a lot closer together. Plus, I think the maguuma is easier to navigate since a lot of the navigation is done by virtacle pathing, so it doesn't take long for players with access to mounts to help.

But, yeah. None of the PoF hero points should give you any trouble (besides the branded djin/hydra in the elon riverlands).

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The fastest way to get them is to find one of these guys and trade them a bunch of Testimony of Heroics in exchange for completed Hero Points in the region of your choosing.

I always recommend playing the content at least once the normal way, but if you're gearing up multiple characters, this is how you can zip straight to the specializations.

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Generally I'll run new alts through the HoT maps to get their first specialization and if I want them to get the second one too, I'll use a WvW Heroics Notary like @AgentMoore.9453 mentioned. A suggestion for doing hero points - if there is one that is giving you problems, hang around near the hp during busy times of day, like afternoons and early evenings. Someone else will generally swing by to get the hp within a reasonable amount of time and you can jump in with them. Oh, if you haven't tried WvW yet, you might check it out. You can not only earn access to easy hero points but also get a variety of rewards including exotic, ascended, and legendary armor. It takes time but if you enjoy that game mode, it's a good way to go.

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@Providence.7185 said:What is the best - most expedient way to obtain the needed hero points to unlock the elite specs?

Currently my first level 80 just finished the intro to the POF story and obtained the Raptor - have never been in HoT. Unsure if I should attempt the soloable POF hero challenges or WvW (never played it) or some other unknown to me approach.Honestly, if this is your first character, my advice would be not to shortcut the experience but simply play the maps/story and pick up the points as you go.

If you've played to level 80 you already should have a good amount of spare hero points you picked up in the core maps that should get you started on the path to the elite spec of your choice. It will take a while to get used to everything your class can/can't do, including getting a feel for how to make builds out of the core traits and utilities (which are in themselves good for many viable builds).

Elite specs aren't mandatory. In fact most of them change the class mechanics and/or playstyle fundamentally, to give a totally different spin on how to play a character of that class. This game relies on a player's experience with and understanding of the weapon types (or rather weapon skills), traits and utilities they use and how to make good use of the synergies, as well as understanding combat and encounter mechanics, positioning and how to utilize their active defenses. Following a build and rotation somebody else put up on the internet won't help you much if you don't understand what makes this build work and have the experience to utilize that understanding.

Long story short: on your first character, don't worry about short-cutting content to get your elite spec filled. You will be much better off exploring the world and its story to learn all about your character as well as the intricacies of this game, and will find that hero points will come naturally as part of this.

For later characters this changes a lot, and many people will shortcut those via the methods mentioned above, but by then you will know how to shortcut the process to suit you and your preferred playstyle and mode(s) of play.

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Get the bunny!

Do some PoF story, get a couple of extra Mastery Inight points. Do it to the part where you are suppose to get bunny anyway. Bump Raptor to rank 3 (super long jump). Must do that for the bunny anyway.

With better raptor and bunny, its much easier to get anything else.

Oh, and while I was getting PoF points I also grabed skimmer (the one that can glide). At the same time I also bumped bunny to rank 3(super high jump). Well, running around gets you XP.

For some PoF hero points you'll need better mount then basic raptor. HoT hero point are much, much easier with mounts(that are better then basic raptor), because map doesn't expect you have mounts. You can skip annoying parts.

My point is: while I was getting better mount, I also got all hero points I needed kinda as a bonus.

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