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Anyone feel like dialogue in Living Story is not personal? In FFXIV you very often during the story get face-to-face cutscenes with dialogue, including capturing things happening.

I'd love if:a) a lot of dialogue was built this wayb) these cutscenes were skippable to aid in Achievement hunting

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Anet is making use of cutscenes in The Icebrood Saga, but generally Anet has in the past opted out of LS cutscenes for, IIRC, two reasons: 1. Cost effectiveness: It's cheaper and quicker to not make cutscenes. and 2. Opting to not make cutscenes means players can still get story fill without loosing agency (ability to control character, environment or otherwise affect the game. ) which is generally seen as a better choice to preserve "game flow".

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@"LolLookAtMyAP.8394" said:Anyone feel like dialogue in Living Story is not personal? In FFXIV you very often during the story get face-to-face cutscenes with dialogue, including capturing things happening.

I'd love if:a) a lot of dialogue was built this wayb) these cutscenes were skippable to aid in Achievement hunting

they dont have the resources for that. I personally wouldnt want them to increase resources in that since most PvE players skip story anyway. Remind me of the same mistake SWTOR made.

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i wish more things were skippable, but the "cutscenes" we have in personal and dungeon story are so prone to bugs and lag.

the one we see in IBS- i mean icebrood saga is however very good for so many reasons, perhaps partly in nostalgia from it's design, and i'm definitely in support of more provided they are used effectively.

gw2 is a very active game - the choice to use very few cutscenes reflects this. though i think there's conversations that could've happened effectively with cutscenes that do not have them (especially in HoT and ls3), in later content there is a few amusing things to see and places to position yourself during dialogue that i'm not tremendously bothered by it. like iberu's forces gathering in the grand sahil before you have to fight them. too many hurts the flow of the game as someone else said-

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I would rather have all cutscenes be skippable as I am not even interested in watching them the first time through. I just want to play when I play, not watch a movie. I honestly could not tell you anything about any step of the story in this game as I usually do something else whenever I hit a cutscene.

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Initially I didn't skip the cut scenes and enjoyed them to be honest.However, where possible I skip them now, due to the fact that I have had too many cases where I crashed out or got logged out on the last cutscene of a chapter.Biggest example was the finale of Path of Fire, where I grinded it for 4 hours and still crashed out at the last cutscene (not skippable) and still no credit (resolved by now fyi)

I therefor agree that ALL cutscenes should be skippable... NO exceptions. Because grinding through a Finale multiple times just to see it fail every - single - time... that is bad, very bad for the game.

Just why did Anet not change them yet? Why is credit rewarded after the last cutscene knowing very well that so many crash out on those?

Nowadays... cutscene on finale: Keep fingers crossed... and if not... recorder and bug report ready... I refuse to redo storyline due to THEIR fault.And a recorder gives me the proof I need to show them I finished the storyline and therefor demand credit...

4 hours on Path of Fire Finale... 4 hours!!! Won't EVER repeat that.

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@coso.9173 said:Beats me when people don't pay attention to the story or skip cutscenes, it's one of the main reasons I play, because I enjoy watching the story develop.

Most people eat the whole pizza slice. But some people only eat the crusts. Some only eat the pepperonis off the top. And some just lick the inside of the box. What kin yah do?

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@"DietPepsi.4371" said:Anet is making use of cutscenes in The Icebrood Saga, but generally Anet has in the past opted out of LS cutscenes for, IIRC, two reasons: 1. Cost effectiveness: It's cheaper and quicker to not make cutscenes. and 2. Opting to not make cutscenes means players can still get story fill without loosing agency (ability to control character, environment or otherwise affect the game. ) which is generally seen as a better choice to preserve "game flow".

This is not technically correct. ArenaNet has avoided in-game cutscenes, but they have made a ton of LS video content that was never included in the game. They even made an epic trailer for IceBrood Saga which is not included in the game. Why they do this I don't know.

But they do make videos and they're often rather detailed even for Living Story.

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