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So how you all like the Templates after actually trying them out?

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I dislike the fact that they took away the automatic WvW and PvP builds so basically since I do all game modes on my warrior, the only difference is that I now have to remember to change the build if I'm popping in WvW to do dailies or something.

If they change the system back how it used to be and give one extra slot for PvP and WvW alongside the 3 PvE slots then I'll be a little more positive, since it would actually give me room to store extra PvE builds too. But for now I'm disappointed.

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Monetization, monetization, monetization ... we are paying to play for our elite specs all over again. Paying to play more than one type of build/game mode or aspect of the game.

  • Equipment template - 2 equipment tabs, are you kidding? core build weapons, 2 elite spec weapons, and 3 game modes, minimum of 3/4 types of gear dps(beserker)(condi/Viper), tanksih(anything with toughness) and healer type gear, not to mention open-world/dung. fractals/ raids etc...FYI, 37 equipment stat prefix combinations in-game use right now, but you have to pay to play more than 2?

  • The current Build template is just a load out template with no save button.

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  1. First of all, it's a very confusing system. I believe that the more complex something is, the less people will try to understand it and use it. The Equipment tab has officially become a clusterkitten, it reminded me of old games with lots of info on every window that is related to the character.

  2. The fact that the templates are "character bound" has the same issue as the bag slots that are sold on the gemstore: if you ever wanted to delete that character to make a new one, well.. say goodbye to the slots you bought or just stick with that character forever (... EVER ...EVER). That's the main reason why I didn't buy bag slots, they are not an account upgrade, they can be deleted at any time. Anet realized that issue back then with the dyes that were character bound, but I guess they forgot about that.

  3. The whole idea is sold as a commodity (less clicks), but it surely doesn't feel like it. The changes you make on your weapons, traits or skills changes the template in real time, so it can be quite annoying to change the setups every day and it may contribute to a well known issue from the game: people not changing their traits or skills to adapt to situations. Maybe they should allow the occasional changes without messing up the real template. That could have been solved if there was a separated tab for templates alone, so players could make changes like before on equipment, traits and skills and still be able to load the original templates at any time.

  4. Monetizing was expected but upgrading the slots on a single character will be more expensive than buying the game alone (standard edition) - another reason why they should have been account upgrades and not character upgrades.

  5. People that share ascended / legendary armor, weapons and trinkets in between characters just got kittened with capital "K". Remember that a long time ago, ascended items were all bound to characters, and that made people not want to get ascended items due to the fact that they are expensive to make to have it on a single character only. Anet made a good decision by making these items account bound so players could share these in between their characters. It felt like a huge step back when you look at how the the gear templates were designed.

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@"leila.7962" said:

  1. First of all, it's a very confusing system. I believe that the more complex something is, the less people will try to understand it and use it. The Equipment tab has officially become a clusterkitten, it reminded me of old games with lots of info on every window that is related to the character.

How is it confusing? Its exactly the same as it was before with Tabs at the top of the character screen that function exactly like the Vanilla system. Click a slot, and choose an available gear piece in your inventory to go there. Works just as it did before just with 6 Template tabs at the top. I dont understand whats confusing you about it. Same information is there as before.

  1. The fact that the templates are "character bound" has the same issue as the bag slots that are sold on the gemstore: if you ever wanted to delete that character to make a new one, well.. say goodbye to the slots you bought or just stick with that character forever (... EVER ...EVER). That's the main reason why I didn't buy bag slots, they are not an account upgrade, they can be deleted at any time. Anet realized that issue back then with the dyes that were character bound, but I guess they forgot about that.

I agree this could be an issue for many since like bags it cost per character. Hopefully they add some account bound template upgrades down the road. But for now, the Build Storage kind of does that. Also you can right click build templates and click copy build template and save it outside the game as well to get a quick code for quickly loading up a Build that you like or was shared.

  1. The whole idea is sold as a commodity (less clicks), but it surely doesn't feel like it. The changes you make on your weapons, traits or skills changes the template in real time, so it can be quite annoying to change the setups every day and it may contribute to a well known issue from the game: people not changing their traits or skills to adapt to situations. Maybe they should allow the occasional changes without messing up the real template. That could have been solved if there was a separated tab for templates alone, so players could make changes like before on equipment, traits and skills and still be able to load the original templates at any time.

I dont understand the issue here. If you want the same exact build on multiple tabs but with slight changes, all you have to do is Right Click the Build and Copy the code and paste the code and save the build to a different tab and make your small changes. Also its very much less clicks, since now for people that dont use add ons, we dont have to manually equip each and every single piece of equipment for each slot of the armor. We dont have to manually switch out each Specialization and click each and every trait we want every time we want to change a build. On my Revenant I can easily just pick my Healing Gear Template, and pick my Healing Build Template in WvW and I am good to go in seconds.

  1. Monetizing was expected but upgrading the slots on a single character will be more expensive than buying the game alone (standard edition) - another reason why they should have been account upgrades and not character upgrades.

The company need to make money since its a F2P game, and we get 3 Templates free for Builds which pretty much takes away nothing from the players since we had that before the templates were added, but now we can swap freely between each of them unlike before. Yeah I would like a more account wide upgrade down the road, but for now Bundles could work here if done at the right cost.

  1. People that share ascended / legendary armor, weapons and trinkets in between characters just got kittened with capital "K". Remember that a long time ago, ascended items were all bound to characters, and that made people not want to get ascended items due to the fact that they are expensive to make to have it on a single character only. Anet made a good decision by making these items account bound so players could share these in between their characters. It felt like a huge step back when you look at how the the gear templates were designed.

And actually nothing has changed there. again not all of us used Third Party software in the game. So for many of us we had to manually send Account Bound gear from one character to another, usually in the bank or in Shared slots if you have that. So really nothing changed about that with gear templates. You want to send gear to another character put it in the bank or shared slot, log on and equip it just like before the patch. Down the road maybe Anet will add a shared gear storage item to store account bound stuff. But until then you have to do it like the rest of us non third party software players had to do it.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@Khayoss.7621 said:How about adding this choice:Who's sick and tired of seeing @Knighthonor.4061 posting kitten questions/polls every day or every other day?ME! And don't care if I'm the only one.


I'm Not!!

what i am sick and tired of seeing is them taking our money and not seeing what they are doing with it

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I don't get why they removed the 2 free auto templates spvp and wvw gave... now I have 1 less template then before. If I want a fractal and 1 open world build then I have to manually change every time I pvp. Am I missing something here? The 3rd tab requires gems, so before I had 3 templates and now I have 2.

Someone please explain if my assessment is wrong because at the moment if you're playing all game modes I can only see this as a step backwards.

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@Despond.2174 said:I don't get why they removed the 2 free auto templates spvp and wvw gave... now I have 1 less template then before. If I want a fractal and 1 open world build then I have to manually change every time I pvp. Am I missing something here? The 3rd tab requires gems, so before I had 3 templates and now I have 2.

You have 3 build templates, named by default after the old pve, wvw, and pvp builds and 2 armor templates. So you are probably looking at the armor ones.

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@Ameepa.6793 said:

@Despond.2174 said:I don't get why they removed the 2 free auto templates spvp and wvw gave... now I have 1 less template then before. If I want a fractal and 1 open world build then I have to manually change every time I pvp. Am I missing something here? The 3rd tab requires gems, so before I had 3 templates and now I have 2.

You have 3 build templates, named by default after the old pve, wvw, and pvp builds and 2 armor templates. So you are probably looking at the armor ones.

True. So that brings it back up to par with what we had before - given you don't purchase more. I guess there is a net result of having free storage of different armor on the same character.

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For what they are, I like them. I never saw the point in excessively micromanaging builds for every conceivable situation where the difference may be as little as a single trait or equipped utility. I also have characters for specific builds so I have even less reason for additional slots beyond what we’re given. If I need more builds for a class, i’ll Just get another character.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"leila.7962" said:
  1. First of all, it's a very confusing system. I believe that the more complex something is, the less people will try to understand it and use it. The Equipment tab has officially become a clusterkitten, it reminded me of old games with lots of info on every window that is related to the character.

How is it confusing? Its exactly the same as it was before with Tabs at the top of the character screen that function exactly like the Vanilla system. Click a slot, and choose an available gear piece in your inventory to go there. Works just as it did before just with 6 Template tabs at the top. I dont understand whats confusing you about it. Same information is there as before.

About the confusing system: https://en-forum.guildwars2.com/discussion/comment/1084863#Comment_1084863 , check the answers after the dev explanation, you will know what I mean regarding it being a confusing system.

@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"leila.7962" said:
  1. The whole idea is sold as a commodity (less clicks), but it surely doesn't feel like it. The changes you make on your weapons, traits or skills changes the template in real time, so it can be quite annoying to change the setups every day and it may contribute to a well known issue from the game: people not changing their traits or skills to adapt to situations. Maybe they should allow the occasional changes without messing up the real template. That could have been solved if there was a separated tab for templates alone, so players could make changes like before on equipment, traits and skills and still be able to load the original templates at any time.

I dont understand the issue here. If you want the same exact build on multiple tabs but with slight changes, all you have to do is Right Click the Build and Copy the code and paste the code and save the build to a different tab and make your small changes. Also its very much less clicks, since now for people that dont use add ons, we dont have to manually equip each and every single piece of equipment for each slot of the armor. We dont have to manually switch out each Specialization and click each and every trait we want every time we want to change a build. On my Revenant I can easily just pick my Healing Gear Template, and pick my Healing Build Template in WvW and I am good to go in seconds.

I'll give ya an example where this can have more clicks than it should: playing support firebrand role on T4 fractals. You will change a lot of traits and utilities just to do the dailies depending on the present instabilities. But at the end of the dailies, if you want to load your template build (the one that you use more often for regular pve), it will be modified and you'll have to set it up all over again, every day. It doesn't work as a template. Some classes don't require a lot of changes on their builds but some do.

@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"leila.7962" said:
  1. Monetizing was expected but upgrading the slots on a single character will be more expensive than buying the game alone (standard edition) - another reason why they should have been account upgrades and not character upgrades.

The company need to make money since its a F2P game, and we get 3 Templates free for Builds which pretty much takes away nothing from the players since we had that before the templates were added, but now we can swap freely between each of them unlike before. Yeah I would like a more account wide upgrade down the road, but for now Bundles could work here if done at the right cost.

Well, arcdps helped the community to optimize their gameplay, specially for those that enjoy all 3 game modes. It was a free 3rd party tool that enhanced the gameplay. There's nothing wrong with trying to offer their own tool, but the point should be "let's offer something at least as good as that tool or better". The fact that an upgrade can be bought and deleted after is just a bad and poor design. I play this game since the betas, and I met a lot of people meanwhile. In all these years, I met very people that bought the bag slot upgrades, mainly because it is character bound. It's a flaw that was repeated on the template slots, in my opinion. Upgrades for a single character shouldn't be more expensive than the game itself.

@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@"leila.7962" said:
  1. People that share ascended / legendary armor, weapons and trinkets in between characters just got kittened with capital "K". Remember that a long time ago, ascended items were all bound to characters, and that made people not want to get ascended items due to the fact that they are expensive to make to have it on a single character only. Anet made a good decision by making these items account bound so players could share these in between their characters. It felt like a huge step back when you look at how the the gear templates were designed.

And actually nothing has changed there. again not all of us used Third Party software in the game. So for many of us we had to manually send Account Bound gear from one character to another, usually in the bank or in Shared slots if you have that. So really nothing changed about that with gear templates. You want to send gear to another character put it in the bank or shared slot, log on and equip it just like before the patch. Down the road maybe Anet will add a shared gear storage item to store account bound stuff. But until then you have to do it like the rest of us non third party software players had to do it.

It did change with the templates, if you wanna share an ascended / legendary item, it will ruin the template since you have to unequip every item from all templates. You will end up having to click even more if you wanna lend it to another character (which was the whole point of these items becoming account bound back then). The advertisement was "less clicking".

Before patch it was: drag the items in your bag and drop in your bank. If it was 6 trinkets that you wanted to move, it was 6 clicks to get them out of the characterAfter patch it is : right click on every item you wanna move, click on "unequip from all templates" on every item, then drag from your bag and drop in your bank. If it was 6 trinkets that you wanted to switch between characters, it became at least 18 clicks just to get them out of that character.

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None of the answers are suitable for me atm.

I'll decide further down the line when I have more reason to take advantage of them.

For 7 years i've made new characters for new builds so atm I have no reason to have more than 1 build or equipment set per character.Until I have new builds in mind I won't get much use out of the templates.

That said!I'll be far more inclined to use them when there is an update that allows us to swap both build and equipment templates with a single key press.Atm you need to change them individually but in the livestream it was mentioned that this is something down the road they'd like to implement and this ability to "build swap" is actually something I've thought about in the past as a potential feature for a future expansion.The only difference being my original concept was usable in combat where as the current swapping ability is not and that's close enough for me :)

Being able to break combat, swap build/armour/weapons and dive back in with more or less the same ease as the current weapon swapping mechanic is gonna be an absolutely awesome feature to have in this game.So when that becomes possible i'll definitely be on the side of "I strongly like them" :)

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Going to need an "other" option for this.

They're fine. Being able to clear some inventory space is a nice bonus I suppose, but I'm not exactly running out of that lately. It doesn't look like they'll make much difference to my gameplay apart from that.

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I like the first game's Build Templates a lot.

This poll is obviously about Guild Wars 2's Build Templates, so I gotta give it a hard dislike as I think it demonstrates what happens when you have something good and decide to throw it all in the trash.

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Has freed up gear space and can change between builds with 2 hot key strokes. For most players having 3 build trmplates and 2 gear templates is probably enough but it would have been nice if we started with 3 gear templates as well considering there are 3 games modes.I never used arc, always did it manually, now my bags are empty and can be filled up with more junk.

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@Knighthonor.4061 said:

@ArchonWing.9480 said:Build Templates are ok. It's a bit confusing at first and I would prefer a better save.

I have legendary armor so gear templates are pretty useless and it's way overpriced to buy more. Might as well just buy another character slot.

I disagree. the Legendary gear can change stats on a single click

that's exactly the problem... why use legendary when u can use 2 sets of ascended? it removes all the value legendary armor has. you craft it so you will no linger have to deal with any more sets, and yet you need to pay to actually enjoy this feature. its pointless.

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I got the full six/six equipment template tabs and five/six build template tabs on my main. My main is an engineer, and the equipment template tabs are full because engineer/elementalist have half the weapon space of other character types. Unfair! Before templates hit, I requested engineer/elementalist get out-of-combat weapon swaps... they didn't get and it rather ruins equipment templates for me. gear with rifle... same gear with hammer... same gear with pistol/pistol. that's half my equipment tabs gone right there.

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Much of this this wouldn't be an issue if they allowed an 'opt out' toggle in the game settings. People who opt out go back to using set traits for the respective game modes. Those who still want to use the build templates are free to buy them and everyone's happy. If Anet wants to insist on taking basic functionality away that I have enjoyed for years just to hard sell this skip fire of an addition then that's well and good too. Plenty of games in my back log to get to and this one currently offers nothing more than the same stale content, the same profession imbalance, and the same disparity between time and money invested across the modes it has for years -but now with the added frustration of maintenance mode as the cherry on top.

So yeah. Whatever... Keep on doing what you do.

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