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Daredevil DPS improvement


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If people are complaining even still after last nerf than just do everyone a solid and completely rework staff skills. Thief players spam vault and bound cuz its effective but also cuz rest of staff skills are bad either suffering from slow cast times, to high ini cost for the return or the skill is unreliable like WC and to easy punishable.It's boring just useing 2 skills so rework it so everyone is hapoy(not possible).

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:If people are complaining even still after last nerf than just do everyone a solid and completely rework staff skills. Thief players spam vault and bound cuz its effective but also cuz rest of staff skills are bad either suffering from slow cast times, to high ini cost for the return or the skill is unreliable like WC and to easy punishable.It's boring just useing 2 skills so rework it so everyone is hapoy(not possible).

And why exactly would you give up 4 skills for a no-overpowered skill?

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@L A T I O N.8923 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:If people are complaining even still after last nerf than just do everyone a solid and completely rework staff skills. Thief players spam vault and bound cuz its effective but also cuz rest of staff skills are bad either suffering from slow cast times, to high ini cost for the return or the skill is unreliable like WC and to easy punishable.It's boring just useing 2 skills so rework it so everyone is hapoy(not possible).

And why exactly would you give up 4 skills for a no-overpowered skill?

Umm? It's not that the ones overpowered so much as the others are garbage so u spam the non garbage skill. Seems simple enough but I'll explain for u.Dust strike cast time is garbageWeakening strike is a skill only useful against npc's or bad players because a good player will interrupt it easily and on thief can be devastating.Debilitating arc a roll back that literally uses 1/3 of ur global resource or half if not using trickery and for what? LolVault hits hard, worth the resources and looks good, only downside is has punishable frame on landing that case be easy exploited by players that learn to fight not cry hence why its effective cuz u think players are gonna learn instead of cry haha c'mon.That's why its spammed.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:If people are complaining even still after last nerf than just do everyone a solid and completely rework staff skills. Thief players spam vault and bound cuz its effective but also cuz rest of staff skills are bad either suffering from slow cast times, to high ini cost for the return or the skill is unreliable like WC and to easy punishable.It's boring just useing 2 skills so rework it so everyone is hapoy(not possible).

And why exactly would you give up 4 skills for a no-overpowered skill?

Umm? It's not that the ones overpowered so much as the others are garbage so u spam the non garbage skill. Seems simple enough but I'll explain for u.Dust strike cast time is garbageWeakening strike is a skill only useful against npc's or bad players because a good player will interrupt it easily and on thief can be devastating.Debilitating arc a roll back that literally uses 1/3 of ur global resource or half if not using trickery and for what? LolVault hits hard, worth the resources and looks good, only downside is has punishable frame on landing that case be easy exploited by players that learn to fight not cry hence why its effective cuz u think players are gonna learn instead of cry haha c'mon.That's why its spammed.

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:If people are complaining even still after last nerf than just do everyone a solid and completely rework staff skills. Thief players spam vault and bound cuz its effective but also cuz rest of staff skills are bad either suffering from slow cast times, to high ini cost for the return or the skill is unreliable like WC and to easy punishable.It's boring just useing 2 skills so rework it so everyone is hapoy(not possible).

And why exactly would you give up 4 skills for a no-overpowered skill?

Umm? It's not that the ones overpowered so much as the others are garbage so u spam the non garbage skill. Seems simple enough but I'll explain for u.Dust strike cast time is garbageWeakening strike is a skill only useful against npc's or bad players because a good player will interrupt it easily and on thief can be devastating.Debilitating arc a roll back that literally uses 1/3 of ur global resource or half if not using trickery and for what? LolVault hits hard, worth the resources and looks good, only downside is has punishable frame on landing that case be easy exploited by players that learn to fight not cry hence why its effective cuz u think players are gonna learn instead of cry haha c'mon.That's why its spammed.

Awesome! We did step oneTime for step 2

Why do people still take a staff, even though 4/5 staff skills are 'shit'

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Cuz it hits hard, some people find flopping around like a fish fun and lastly if u like thief due to evade uptime and burst it's the only real build a average thief could be decent in 1v1 as others are weak. Players watch streamers like sind and noody eyck that use other builds like d/p and see them laughing at the nerfed weak bursts so choose staff for 1v1 or s/d to +1 decap?Alot of reasons really lol

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@Jugglemonkey.8741 said:It's amazing how many people don't understand the difference between DPS and burst.

A high dps is burst so... damage per second can mean burst or if its really low slow sustained damage. If ur dps is really high than that can be considered a burst as ur doing a large amount of dps in that sec or two. The more telling would be the amount of seconds the damage was spread over. There is a difference between the two but all a player will take in is was the damage high and in short time or was it over bits of damage over a longer time.

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What I think of staff.

AA is pretty strong, it hits pretty fast and 3rd part reflects so you can actually stow weapon if you are expecting rapid fire or something.

Weakening charge isn't garbage, it can land all 3 hits if you aim it right, it can be interrupted but of everything on thief, why that skill lol. It's best used with steel opener.

Deliberating arc. Dunno what to say too. It's nice to remove immob, and it can move you out some skills (more useful vs warriors I think) but no where near as good as flanking strike.

Dust strike is nice for stomping or making them waste #2, useful to blind enemies while you and friends are kiting away.

Vault? Good for stealth bombs or cluster fk engagements but can easily put your self in a vulnerable spot to get stunned, not very great in 1v1s neither.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What I think of staff.

AA is pretty strong, it hits pretty fast and 3rd part reflects so you can actually stow weapon if you are expecting rapid fire or something.

Weakening charge isn't garbage, it can land all 3 hits if you aim it right, it can be interrupted but of everything on thief, why that skill lol. It's best used with steel opener.

Deliberating arc. Dunno what to say too. It's nice to remove immob, and it can move you out some skills (more useful vs warriors I think) but no where near as good as flanking strike.

Dust strike is nice for stomping or making them waste #2, useful to blind enemies while you and friends are kiting away.

Vault? Good for stealth bombs or cluster kitten engagements but can easily put your self in a vulnerable spot to get stunned, not very great in 1v1s neither.

Sounds good and of all vault seems the least appealing of all but in practice and from watching other staff users vault is used the most, staff 3 cuz jump bug and bound are the ones used and barely see others. I think the other skills would be used more if they weren't so ini heavy. I think when the costs were implemented the fact that it's a global resource didnt factor in enough vs the possibility of spamming. If a skill WC for ex is best used after steal due to the soh daze cuz other times leaves u to open that makes me question the skill. The blind is good for stomps but in a fight the cast time usually leads to being hit and ini cost is high. Reminds me of d5 great for stomps but barely used otherwise especially for its ini cost.

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@Psycoprophet.8107 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What I think of staff.

AA is pretty strong, it hits pretty fast and 3rd part reflects so you can actually stow weapon if you are expecting rapid fire or something.

Weakening charge isn't garbage, it can land all 3 hits if you aim it right, it can be interrupted but of everything on thief, why that skill lol. It's best used with steel opener.

Deliberating arc. Dunno what to say too. It's nice to remove immob, and it can move you out some skills (more useful vs warriors I think) but no where near as good as flanking strike.

Dust strike is nice for stomping or making them waste #2, useful to blind enemies while you and friends are kiting away.

Vault? Good for stealth bombs or cluster kitten engagements but can easily put your self in a vulnerable spot to get stunned, not very great in 1v1s neither.

Sounds good and of all vault seems the least appealing of all but in practice and from watching other staff users vault is used the most, staff 3 cuz jump bug and bound are the ones used and barely see others. I think the other skills would be used more if they weren't so ini heavy. I think when the costs were implemented the fact that it's a global resource didnt factor in enough vs the possibility of spamming.

Nah, arc and jump doesn't work anymore, apparently anet fixed it.

Also vault and shadow stepping works again for some reason.

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:What I think of staff.

AA is pretty strong, it hits pretty fast and 3rd part reflects so you can actually stow weapon if you are expecting rapid fire or something.

Weakening charge isn't garbage, it can land all 3 hits if you aim it right, it can be interrupted but of everything on thief, why that skill lol. It's best used with steel opener.

Deliberating arc. Dunno what to say too. It's nice to remove immob, and it can move you out some skills (more useful vs warriors I think) but no where near as good as flanking strike.

Dust strike is nice for stomping or making them waste #2, useful to blind enemies while you and friends are kiting away.

Vault? Good for stealth bombs or cluster kitten engagements but can easily put your self in a vulnerable spot to get stunned, not very great in 1v1s neither.

Sounds good and of all vault seems the least appealing of all but in practice and from watching other staff users vault is used the most, staff 3 cuz jump bug and bound are the ones used and barely see others. I think the other skills would be used more if they weren't so ini heavy. I think when the costs were implemented the fact that it's a global resource didnt factor in enough vs the possibility of spamming.

Nah, arc and jump doesn't work anymore, apparently anet fixed it.

Also vault and shadow stepping works again for some reason.

Yeah I kno they fixed it was just throwing out the skills players spammed most often.

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