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Is it worth returning in 2019 after years?


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@ZDragon.3046 said:

@DutchRiders.2871 said:Denial in its finest. Thank you for highlighting that pvp/wvw suffer massive balance issues to this date. About the raid thingie, these are the release dates after w3:

My initial post did say pvp and wvw had not changed much but you missed this by trying to discredit my opinions in a fruitless argument.

Im also not going to sit here and argue with you my post was for the OP. There is no reason and no sense in trying to argue, i gave my honest opinion about how i see things and thats fine if you don't agree then thats on you but don sit here and argue with me you all ready gave him your thoughts and input you wont change my mind as I will continue to play daily. Dont try to discredit my opinions on how i see the game just because you see it differently.

If you want to give him more of your own personal opinions then do that in your own post.Have a good day.

If you do not like to debate, maybe forums are not the right place? Similar to the advice you gave me about gw and challenge. Anyways I think we both agree to some extent, if you enjoy story/ LS maps, the new updates and old content will definitely be value. However for a complete picture I think it is in the OPs best interest if I highlight the situation outside of story/maps and hence I mention the gemstore/pvp/wvw/instanced content. These aspects of the game typically do not get mentioned by alot of players.

This is not a topic for debating.Other subject matters sure but when its a OP asking for an opinion like this not so much you leave your opinion and thats it.ITs up to the OP to read all of the individual post and then choose he will read both the good and the bad there is no reason for you to go over the top to discredit another persons opinions.

There is a reason, you were incorrect in trying to correct me.

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Well, debates do bring out information. And negative opinions matter too, not everyone will be happy with the game. So, every opinion helps. Negative ones do help in pointing out the flaws. But I certainly will try out the new expansion pack, will probably buy it next week, once I am a little more familiar. But will not spend anything after that.

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One of the best things about GW2 is that you can start/quit/start/quit/start/etc without having to grind gear to catch up. I suggest, regardless of the opinions in this forum, that you give it a try again and if it doesn't suit your fancy then you're not losing anything. If it does, then you can best decide how much time/effort/money you want to invest at that point.

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It depends. Yes, in my opinion the content that was introduced in those years you missed is worth the price tag. Past content, that is, because the future of this game at this moment doesn't look that good. So, if you intend to play through the story, and casually do stuff you missed, definitely go for it. If you look for a game you will continue to play in the future however, i wouldn't be so sure.

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Yes, I missed the new content period. but now that I am catching up, the game looks really good. I would like to play, even if just to catch up with the old content. I have only one character now, a lvl 80 guardian. But I started with a Mesmer too. I want to see what a Mesmer can do since I heard a lot of good things. But I will definitely buy the expansions and try out the new story and content with my primary character. BTW, I had some transmutation stones and crystals in the bank. I just found out and got my character to the old armor skin again. I have a few screenshots with two armors. For now, I am going with the Flame Legion one, it has condition damage as against ferocity.

I started the Mesmer one because I was researching Guardians today and a lot of people are not really convinced if they are the best solo PVE class. And even if some point out their flexibilities, others just find other classes better.

Do let me know what you think. This post has given me some valuable insights. Thank you, everyone.


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I was thinking the same thing today. I've played ESO the last couple of years on xbox, but even the GW2 I remember from back at release had better and more balanced combat. Also a bit sad they never got it to console, it would have blown away every other mmo completely. It still would to be honest.

Last I played I used a condition build and it was very unbalanced ?

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@Abhi.9051 said:Well, debates do bring out information. And negative opinions matter too, not everyone will be happy with the game. So, every opinion helps. Negative ones do help in pointing out the flaws. But I certainly will try out the new expansion pack, will probably buy it next week, once I am a little more familiar. But will not spend anything after that.

Yup but you dont need a debate to get those you will get both as you can see in other peoples post though this is no a reason to try and discourage another persons post ive read through comments here and see both of good and bad sides without people trying to prove one another wrong. There really is no reason for it imo.

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The pvp matches (with the balanced pvp gems) is some of the most balanced and fun I have tried in terms of pvp combat in a mmo. I am not talking class balance so much, but core gameplay balance in terms of pacing, damage vs healing and offense vs defense.

WvW as I remember it however was a mess. Unbalanced because of gear, character-ball of doom. It just didn't work.

But man I loved playing, they way they had set up the weapons and utility skills plus the limited healing/dodge. The game felt designed for pvp, although WvW felt very broken.

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It is probably worth coming back, but there is so much content added in the years that you did not play that it can be quite overwhelming to come back. Also, if you want tho hunt for high-end goals like getting to the higest level of available achievement points (AP), you will have a hard time because1.) There are so many achievements that you still have to complete.2.) Some achievements are no longer available and festival-related achievements require many years to iterate.

But AP are just that. Points. They are not required for anything in the game. Just come back and enjoy all content that you missed out.Veteran players may complain about the lack of content (expansion packs) of the last year, but as returning player this will be irrelevant. And while there are no expansions on the horizon, new content is still being made via the (smaller) living world releases.

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Thanks. I bought the expansion packs (HoT came free with PoF and the 2nd season of Living World). Just enjoying playing S2 of the LW for now with my earlier guardian build (I had created only 1 character). Only downside is, it is so addictive that after starting to play the new ones, I am playing a couple of hours, going to sleep late and as a result, reaching office late. Have to correct this. I had forgotten how addictive it was. Hours pass by in minutes. :lol:

My goal is to level up my new Mesmer char too to see how the gameplay is with that class. So, will be busy with the current content for a long time, I think.

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@Abhi.9051 said:Thanks. I bought the expansion packs (HoT came free with PoF and the 2nd season of Living World). Just enjoying playing S2 of the LW for now with my earlier guardian build (I had created only 1 character). Only downside is, it is so addictive that after starting to play the new ones, I am playing a couple of hours, going to sleep late and as a result, reaching office late. Have to correct this. I had forgotten how addictive it was. Hours pass by in minutes. :lol:

My goal is to level up my new Mesmer char too to see how the gameplay is with that class. So, will be busy with the current content for a long time, I think.

Have you get the raptor mount from POF first story? it can saved lots of running time :)

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I wouldn't get too invested at this point.You may be better off with another game atm. The current team is not likely to produce anything close to expansion-like content for the foreseeable future.Right now is just a delay, milking mode, with nothing exciting on the horizon. Don't fall for the 'we are working on' or 'not off the table' comments they use to string people along. Game is indeed dying (yup, i said it...flame away)

p.s. if you do play for while...hold off on buying expansions. You will have less buyers remorse and not-much-to-lose at that point.

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@Ashantara.8731 said:

@"DutchRiders.2871" said:This game is at the end of its life cycle.

That's utter nonsense.

I wouldn't say that it's nonsense it does indeed seem like its at the end of its life cycle, people keep leaving. Content is coming at a snails pace (Fractals, WvW, PvP, Raids, heck living world even as now we are getting half a map every three months or so. ) Point is the game is not in the best of places and its value is dependent on if you're a vet who has been playing or a new player. A new player will have SO MUCH CONTENT that they will have years of investment and years of things to do, where as the rest of us kind of are sitting here waiting for a major movment. To put into perspective a good chunk of the people who made the announcement on the 30th of august have left, including

This guy was the lead living world guy, and the guy also previously on raids and fractals and he JUST LEFT. This is a huge blow to the company unless they are planning to purge the majority and bring in new people with fresh eyes and ideas. But everything is pointing toward the game heading to maintenance mode, the living world as much as I like it even feels ALOT like guild wars beyond. Im not sure how to feel but regardless of if it is or isn't on its last legs, one thing is certain im sure living world and strikes are all we will receive going forward. (Unless they do something to rekindle faith that story/strikes is not all we are getting.)

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I had the same question as OP. I played through the base game content when it came out and dropped off before the first expansion. That represented the most sustained time I had ever put into an MMO, after trying to get into WoW and others for years. I always felt bad about not sticking with it, but I just didn't feel I had the time to do so. Well, I finally do now and I'm looking for an MMO to play...and my go-to choice would be GW2, but everyone's saying it's at the end of its lifespan.

I see the concerns, especially with the layoffs, but my question is what people mean when they say the game is "dying". If there's a danger it's actually going to shut down like next year sometime then I'd be very leery of putting time into it, but if it's a case where they'll just stop putting out major updates then I'd feel okay about buying the expansions and playing through them.

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It all depends on you. And your expectations.

First of all you have to ask yourself what exactly Guild Wars 2 is. And deal with it. Like it or don't and then play it or move somewhere else because there's no point in supporthing games which you don't approve. It makes whole industry worse.

A lot of people makes mistake that they play the game but they focus mainly on things like: "What Guild Wars 2 could be?" And they ignore the fact what Guild Wars 2 actually is.

And what's GW2?

  • The only MMORPG which let you to play PvP similar to MOBA games. I mean. You can login, play some matches and logoff. Just like that. You don't have to grind etc, etc. All what matters is yours personal skill. But what's important to admit. Guild Wars 2 is not popular and good as some top MOBA games. So it's good for people which want to play something like MOBA but in MMO. PvP is far away from perfet here. It still needs a lot of work. And ArenaNet made a lot of mistakes. But after all it's really hard to find another MMORPG which offers this kind of PvP.

  • WvW (Mass-PvP) which don't give you simple goal or something like that. You have to find goal on your own there otherwise playing it will be pointless for you. You can run with zergs, roam with friends or search for duels there. It's all on you.

  • Story which appears usually once per 2/3/4 months. So you can treat it as single player RPG.

  • And pve which is very casual here. If you want to search for real challenges in pve here, then you have to find them on your own (and you won't get rewards for it - just ur own satsfaction). You can do everything with pugs. So you can have fun while playing solo but with people around you. Or group up with people and socialize + play pve meantime. Without stress. Game don't force you to group up. In pve there's activities like: dungeons, fractals, strike missions, raids and a lot of open world stuff.

  • Social or Role Play aspect. So all what's fully created by community.

Don't expect anything more. If you will like smt from things listed above then GW2 will be fine for you.

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@DutchRiders.2871 said:

  • W3= June 14, 2016 W4= February 8, 2017 (9 months)

Wrong , from 14th June 2016 to 8th Feb 2017 = 239 days = 7 months , 3 weeks, 4 days

@"Xar.6279" said:

  • The only MMORPG which let you to play PvP similar to MOBA games.

Actually FF14 literally has a moba pvp mode with towers and minions. It's not very popular, but hey neither is stronghold.

And there's a huge info dump on the reddits side bar for new players that answers everything you think new players are asking(if you dont find your answer here), including an FAQ, over there ->Useful information for new players: https://www.reddit.com/r/guildwars2/wiki/newplayers

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@JUN YANG.4328 said:

@Abhi.9051 said:Thanks. I bought the expansion packs (HoT came free with PoF and the 2nd season of Living World). Just enjoying playing S2 of the LW for now with my earlier guardian build (I had created only 1 character). Only downside is, it is so addictive that after starting to play the new ones, I am playing a couple of hours, going to sleep late and as a result, reaching office late. Have to correct this. I had forgotten how addictive it was. Hours pass by in minutes. :lol:

My goal is to level up my new Mesmer char too to see how the gameplay is with that class. So, will be busy with the current content for a long time, I think.

Have you get the raptor mount from POF first story? it can saved lots of running time :)

I have not, yet. Just got the 4k gems and bought some black lion chest keys. I would say that was a total waste. Bought a bank account expansion and two extra bag slots for my main character. After the binge buying, I have 1700 gems left that I plan to store. The Shilverpeaks Hunter Glider pack looks amazing, but I am just holding it off for now. Let me play some more and get a better idea.

I started with Living World Season 2; haven't been into POF yet. Want to finish this first.

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@Acheron.4731 said:I wouldn't get too invested at this point.You may be better off with another game atm. The current team is not likely to produce anything close to expansion-like content for the foreseeable future.Right now is just a delay, milking mode, with nothing exciting on the horizon. Don't fall for the 'we are working on' or 'not off the table' comments they use to string people along. Game is indeed dying (yup, i said it...flame away)

p.s. if you do play for while...hold off on buying expansions. You will have less buyers remorse and not-much-to-lose at that point.

While that may be true, I have a lot to catch up in regards to the content that is new. At the moment, I am playing a little bit every day, and I must say I am enjoying it. Let me play for a few weeks and I will get a better idea.

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@"RonanWills.3485" said:I had the same question as OP. I played through the base game content when it came out and dropped off before the first expansion. That represented the most sustained time I had ever put into an MMO, after trying to get into WoW and others for years. I always felt bad about not sticking with it, but I just didn't feel I had the time to do so. Well, I finally do now and I'm looking for an MMO to play...and my go-to choice would be GW2, but everyone's saying it's at the end of its lifespan.

I see the concerns, especially with the layoffs, but my question is what people mean when they say the game is "dying". If there's a danger it's actually going to shut down like next year sometime then I'd be very leery of putting time into it, but if it's a case where they'll just stop putting out major updates then I'd feel okay about buying the expansions and playing through them.

My personal opinion (and this comes mostly from researching on whether to continue) is that play with the new content. See how it suits you. There is so much content now, and more so if you want to build new characters, that it is going to pay off for a while (ONLY IN PVE) even if you are playing casually. When I started, I got a guardian and got it to lvl 80. Then I was farming for gold or dungeons or other stuff. Now, there is so much content, I started playing with my main character and created three more (ele, revenant, mesmer). I want to play around with them. And with the lvl 80 insta boost that I got from buying the expansions, I can try to see what my revenant can really do, without waiting for him to lvl up.

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@"Xar.6279" said:It all depends on you. And your expectations.

First of all you have to ask yourself what exactly Guild Wars 2 is. And deal with it. Like it or don't and then play it or move somewhere else because there's no point in supporthing games which you don't approve. It makes whole industry worse.

A lot of people makes mistake that they play the game but they focus mainly on things like: "What Guild Wars 2 could be?" And they ignore the fact what Guild Wars 2 actually is.

And what's GW2?

  • The only MMORPG which let you to play PvP similar to MOBA games. I mean. You can login, play some matches and logoff. Just like that. You don't have to grind etc, etc. All what matters is yours personal skill. But what's important to admit. Guild Wars 2 is not popular and good as some top MOBA games. So it's good for people which want to play something like MOBA but in MMO. PvP is far away from perfet here. It still needs a lot of work. And ArenaNet made a lot of mistakes. But after all it's really hard to find another MMORPG which offers this kind of PvP.

  • WvW (Mass-PvP) which don't give you simple goal or something like that. You have to find goal on your own there otherwise playing it will be pointless for you. You can run with zergs, roam with friends or search for duels there. It's all on you.

  • Story which appears usually once per 2/3/4 months. So you can treat it as single player RPG.

  • And pve which is very casual here. If you want to search for real challenges in pve here, then you have to find them on your own (and you won't get rewards for it - just ur own satsfaction). You can do everything with pugs. So you can have fun while playing solo but with people around you. Or group up with people and socialize + play pve meantime. Without stress. Game don't force you to group up. In pve there's activities like: dungeons, fractals, strike missions, raids and a lot of open world stuff.

  • Social or Role Play aspect. So all what's fully created by community.

Don't expect anything more. If you will like smt from things listed above then GW2 will be fine for you.

I think, GW2 was more preferential towards PVE from the beginning. They wanted to tell a story. That is what got me interested in it to start with. PVE and WVW have always been flawed in the game. It is the PVE content that has always been superior to any other games around. But I hear you. WIth PVE updates being few and far between, regular players will get frustrated. Personally, I am happy to return after such a long break. Whether I will be happy is something that only time can tell.

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