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Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...




And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

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@Swagger.1459 said:@"SeikeNz.3526"

Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...




And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

yeah because i dont have one and i don't know what im talking about


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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...

And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

yeah because i dont have one and i don't know what im talking about


Ouch... That makes it even worse for you. You actually have a Ranger, but have zero clue about their capabilities and functions...

I have some sincere advice for you... Don’t jump on the forums automatically and call for nerfs next time you run into situations like these. Spend more time reading the wiki and learning about profession instead.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...

And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

yeah because i dont have one and i don't know what im talking about


Ouch... That makes it even worse for you. You actually have a Ranger, but have zero clue about their capabilities and functions...

I have some sincere advice for you... Don’t jump on the forums automatically and call for nerfs next time you run into situations like these. Spend more time reading the wiki and learning about profession instead.

lmao i love people that like to play with broken things, that's why this game pvp is like this, people love playing broken things and if you say something about it they try to burn you like a witch

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Sounds to me Ranger is runing decent healing power to boost the heal factor.Also using Signet of Stone to make themselves invunerable to damage for 3/8 of those seconds.Likewise taking advantage of Regen of which Ranger has tons of access too (I once had a PvE build that could sustain 100% regen and swiftness uptime) and traits like Live Vicariously which gives more healing to Troll Unguent every pulse if their pet is alive.Were they also running Druid? cause Natural Mender can also play into that as well adding 2% more healing per pulse of Troll Unguent for 6 seconds effectively making each pulse stronger until capped capping out at 12% bonus healing for the last 2 pulses.Couple that with tankier stats over DPS, other healing as well etc and yea I can see the posibility of a Ranger being able to tank a fair bit of damage.Specially if they're using multiple skills/traits for protection to diminish incoming damage which can also be traited to give healing per second when protection is active.And regen too, aside from being another source of healing Rangers can trait to gain access to it when afflicted with bleed, poison and burning and while regen is active they take 5% less damageDon't underestimate the Wilderness Survival line.. there's a lot of good traits in there, I use many myself in PvE to add a significant amount of survivability to my full Zerker Ranger.

This is what Poison exists to counter though.. low damage condition but it's main use is to remove a static 33% of incoming healing on your enemy.Sure Poison can give them regen and 5% damage reduction I mentioned but that -33% healing is going to hurt a lot more so it's worth it.Just keep in mind Rangers have good access to condi cleanse though.. full traited survival skill set gives them 10 condi cleanse alone though it's unlikely anyone will be running full survival skills in PvP, one, two or three though sure (For the record Troll Unguent is a Survival skill and when traited they also grant Fury as well as condi cleanse)

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...

And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

yeah because i dont have one and i don't know what im talking about


Ouch... That makes it even worse for you. You actually have a Ranger, but have zero clue about their capabilities and functions...

I have some sincere advice for you... Don’t jump on the forums automatically and call for nerfs next time you run into situations like these. Spend more time reading the wiki and learning about profession instead.

lmao i love people that like to play with broken things, that's why this game pvp is like this, people love playing broken things and if you say something about it they try to burn you like a witch

Stop trying to deflect from the fact that you don’t know what you are talking about. If you actually thought TU was bugged, then this thread would be in the bug section, but it’s not. You are here asking for nerfs when you don’t have a full grasp of the skills and traits, of a class you actually have no less... You’re not fooling anyone, nor the devs who may read this.

You can also get banned for making enough false bug claims, because it wastes precious developer time and resources. So think about that next time you decide to make up stories.

Seriously, use the wiki next time, and actually read.

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@Swagger.1459 said:

Do some research before you cry for nerfs next time...

And If you actually thought TU was bugged, you’d report it as such in the bug section, but you’re really here acting as if posters. and the devs who read these, are naive.

You lost or failed to kill a player using Ranger. Learn from it and move on. Maybe next time take the time to read the wiki, and educate yourself about profession capabilities, before you decide to make fake news threads.

yeah because i dont have one and i don't know what im talking about


Ouch... That makes it even worse for you. You actually have a Ranger, but have zero clue about their capabilities and functions...

I have some sincere advice for you... Don’t jump on the forums automatically and call for nerfs next time you run into situations like these. Spend more time reading the wiki and learning about profession instead.

lmao i love people that like to play with broken things, that's why this game pvp is like this, people love playing broken things and if you say something about it they try to burn you like a witch

Stop trying to deflect from the fact that you don’t know what you are talking about. If you actually thought TU was bugged, then this thread would be in the bug section, but it’s not. You are here asking for nerfs when you don’t have a full grasp of the skills and traits, of a class you actually have no less... You’re not fooling anyone, nor the devs who may read this.

You can also get banned for making enough false bug claims, because it wastes precious developer time and resources. So think about that next time you decide to make up stories.

Seriously, use the wiki next time, and actually read.

i never said this is bugged you are the one doing false claims, i said it's needed a nerf and it's true, maybe you don't know how this skill is working right now but alot rangers are using it to be almost imortal, maybe you are one of them that's why you getting so mad

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Pay attention to what you wrote...

@SeikeNz.3526 said:for some reason they turn invunerable for the whole 8s even if you burst them they are healing more than on the description

That’s you making up stuff without doing research. And after being told the potential skills that provide damage immunity, you ignore it and still make false claims about TU.

Read the wiki more.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:lmao i love people that like to play with broken things, that's why this game pvp is like this, people love playing broken things and if you say something about it they try to burn you like a witch

Don't you think that if it was actually broken, some other people besides yourself would agree? Maybe it's just your perspective that's wrong.

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The heal is fine the real main issues with ranger are

  • none elite builds being able to use elite map pets (one of which provides way too much in terms of both damage and utility which is why its used in almost every competitive build)
  • gs block duration is far too long for the short cd it has its basically stronger than warrior shield block with a counter attack option not sure this should be a thing something needs to change here either the duration of the block or the cd of the block.
  • rangers have some pretty busted boon generation

The ranger heals are actually fine and well balanced imoTroll Unguant takes basically 9 seconds to complete its full healing potential if you include the half second cast time if the ranger is low enough Troll Unguant is one of the worst heals they can take because you dont get a burst of healing on cast. The reason Troll Unguant looks strong is because when used at half or high health percentages ranger has hella tools to ensure they can avoid, block, or just disengage all together.

I would literally argue that if only druids could take smoke scale because its a pet that came with HoT then Ranger would be tone down hella hard with just that change alone.

Ranger the combo of warrior meets thief with lesser draw backs of both of those professions in one.

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@ZDragon.3046 said:The heal is fine the real main issues with ranger are

  • none elite builds being able to use elite map pets (one of which provides way too much in terms of both damage and utility which is why its used in almost every competitive build)
  • gs block duration is far too long for the short cd it has its basically stronger than warrior shield block with a counter attack option not sure this should be a thing something needs to change here either the duration of the block or the cd of the block.
  • rangers have some pretty busted boon generation

The ranger heals are actually fine and well balanced imoTroll Unguant takes basically 9 seconds to complete its full healing potential if you include the half second cast time if the ranger is low enough Troll Unguant is one of the worst heals they can take because you dont get a burst of healing on cast. The reason Troll Unguant looks strong is because when used at half or high health percentages ranger has hella tools to ensure they can avoid, block, or just disengage all together.

I would literally argue that if only druids could take smoke scale because its a pet that came with HoT then Ranger would be tone down hella hard with just that change alone.

Ranger the combo of warrior meets thief with lesser draw backs of both of those professions in one.

I dont know much about range man, but when I look at their boon and see 3min swiftness and 1min of fury i cringe inside, something is wrong there.Also fix the fucking gazele that teleports on top of people and 1shot them, fix the pets tracking in stealth.Whats the point of using short stealth to reposition, if dumbo pet takes 3s to realize you stealthed, they continue running at you, knock you down, then bite you and they OOOH WHERE HE AT.Fix the pets that dont get retargetet by axe3 and other mesmer stuff. ( tho this one kinda makes sense per say, lets say they have a good nose. and smell the cheese ).

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@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.


As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

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@Trevor Boyer.6524 said:

@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

@"SeikeNz.3526" said:

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.

As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.

As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

Ur kinda making it seem like u can go ham as ranger once TU is activated and fight while basically out healing ur opponents damage basically making u invulnerable as well as having full health at skills duration end. I've used TU on many occassions preemptively before a fight and unless I'm playing defensively try to avoid being hit during the fight the opponents damage accumulated to a degree u may as well not used the heal or have gone with a insta heal instead. I don't mean to offend but its like ur talking about a bunch of skikks/traits synergizing together and not TU alone. Even when considering that what ur claiming to be happening still seems odd so maybe ur confused or third party program was being utilized?

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@ZDragon.3046 said:

  • none elite builds being able to use elite map pets (one of which provides way too much in terms of both damage and utility which is why its used in almost every competitive build)

Seen this argument made before and strongly disagree, if you limited pets like that then you'd effectively kill Rangers competitive build diversity and force everyone to start playing the same generic Soulbeast builds.Nobody is going to run a Druid.. a healing spec for the Smokescale and Core Ranger will more or less be pushed out of the game mode entirely.If you forbid non specs to used expansion pets then you'd also have to restrict the core pets elite specs could use too otherwise they would be blatantly superior to core class and that's something i'm pretty sure the Devs have said in the past they absolutely don't want elite specs to be.

  • gs block duration is far too long for the short cd it has its basically stronger than warrior shield block with a counter attack option not sure this should be a thing something needs to change here either the duration of the block or the cd of the block.

It is a pretty strong block, I guess that's the tradeoff for the removal of evade though.I do like that the counter attack is player input based now rather than auto/cancelling the block.. but I miss the ability to throw the greatsword at a fleeing enemy to cripple them, I used that quite a bit when I ran GS.

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@Teratus.2859 said:

  • none elite builds being able to use elite map pets (one of which provides way too much in terms of both damage and utility which is why its used in almost every competitive build)

Seen this argument made before and strongly disagree, if you limited pets like that then you'd effectively kill Rangers competitive build diversity and force everyone to start playing the same generic Soulbeast builds.Nobody is going to run a Druid.. a healing spec for the Smokescale and Core Ranger will more or less be pushed out of the game mode entirely.If you forbid non specs to used expansion pets then you'd also have to restrict the core pets elite specs could use too otherwise they would be blatantly superior to core class and that's something i'm pretty sure the Devs have said in the past they absolutely don't want elite specs to be.Well no one is going to resitrct core pets being combined with elites thats just silly but the other way around is possibly fair game.

To reverse ideals of killing ranger build diversity this it means effectively that the ranger is potentially back peddling on 1 or 2 pets which is also not good. If you say ranger is dead without smoke scale than smoke scale is equally part problem as to why some people see it as over performing. Build diveristy already looks pretty slim with ranger because all i see is smokescale, pig, and deer, and rarely someone uses a bear for immunity with soul-beast. As far as pets go people dont bother with much diversity as it is and i cant help but wonder if its that all pets are bad or maybe just a few of them are over performing (a conversation for another day)

There are other HoT pets and other PoF pets that see almost no use 1 because smoke scale immediately takes one slot in 9/10 builds.

  • gs block duration is far too long for the short cd it has its basically stronger than warrior shield block with a counter attack option not sure this should be a thing something needs to change here either the duration of the block or the cd of the block.

It is a pretty strong block, I guess that's the tradeoff for the removal of evade though.I thought the evade on auto was fine.What was not fine is intentionally triggering the 3rd part of the auto chain 3 times in a row for a very long extended evade duration. All they really needed to do was force the chain to reset to the first hit instead of allowing the 3rd hit to repeat 2-3 times.I do like that the counter attack is player input based now rather than auto/cancelling the block.. but I miss the ability to throw the greatsword at a fleeing enemy to cripple them, I used that quite a bit when I ran GS.

This part is fine no one will argue that counter attack was bad before if someone hit you at ranged but it did kind of make the gs predictable and could force the block to be ended early i just think as it is right now gs block should not be outperforming warrior shield block but thats just me. Minor number adjustment really only need to be made there.

Going back to the smoke scale though this thing is a problem and while im not saying it should be treated as for what i said previously it certainly needs to be looked into with just how much it provides to all builds of ranger which is why its so over used. Its a very strong well rounded pet in terms of damage and utility especially when combined with soul-beast. Nerf it? No.... not yet but do keep an eye on it while looking at other areas of ranger. Maybe start comparing how ranger performs in competitive modes across different builds with it vs without it even when using other HoT and PoF pets which generally all of which are better than Core game pets having a fairly smarter AI and superior attacks compared to core game pets.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.

As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

There are many points in that video where he takes damage while TU is active.

At this point, you have to be trolling.

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@Ragnar.4257 said:

@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.

As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

There are many points in that video where he takes damage while TU is active.

At this point, you have to be trolling.

he takes the dmg and out heal it then go to full life, it's stronger than infuse light, at least infuse light you can stop attacking

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@bluri.2653 said:this guy cries about every single class and plays mesmer himself feelsgoodman

Actually, he complains about everything except the things that people are actually concerned about, lol.

you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

You've confused yourself somewhere.

I'm a Ranger main of many years who commonly runs a Harrier/Altruism spec with essentially maximum heal output. These builds you're complaining about have like 1/3rd or less the heal factor of my Druid. The build I run not only heals double the heal factor with Troll/Rugged/Regen, but it also has Celestial Avatar access. And even with all of that additional heal factor, you still definitely take damage, and can be blown up instantly by builds with moderate to high DPS factor.

Why don't you take a good look at the reality of this from the Ranger's perspective, instead of believing that "Ranger's becoming Invulnerable with Troll Unguent."

Scroll to 14:00 exactly to skip to where the 1v1 footage starts.

As a side note, I'd also like to point out that the 2nd 1v1 in the video is against Dwayna's Incarnate, which is testimony to how much freaking damage a Firebrand can pump out in 1v1s while still being a support build. Pretty crazy.

you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

There are many points in that video where he takes damage while TU is active.

At this point, you have to be trolling.

he takes the dmg and out heal it then go to full life, it's stronger than infuse light, at least infuse light you can stop attacking

You said "you take dmg only when troll unguent is off".

The video shows him taking damage when troll unguent is on.

You are lying.

Now you change what you say to "oh, he takes the damage, but he heals it back".

Why are you changing what you're saying?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"ZDragon.3046" said:The heal is fine the real main issues with ranger are
  • none elite builds being able to use elite map pets (one of which provides way too much in terms of both damage and utility which is why its used in almost every competitive build)
  • gs block duration is far too long for the short cd it has its basically stronger than warrior shield block with a counter attack option not sure this should be a thing something needs to change here either the duration of the block or the cd of the block.
  • rangers have some pretty busted boon generation

The ranger heals are actually fine and well balanced imoTroll Unguant takes basically 9 seconds to complete its full healing potential if you include the half second cast time if the ranger is low enough Troll Unguant is one of the worst heals they can take because you dont get a burst of healing on cast. The reason Troll Unguant looks strong is because when used at half or high health percentages ranger has hella tools to ensure they can avoid, block, or just disengage all together.

I would literally argue that if only druids could take smoke scale because its a pet that came with HoT then Ranger would be tone down hella hard with just that change alone.

Ranger the combo of warrior meets thief with lesser draw backs of both of those professions in one.

I dont know much about range man, but when I look at their boon and see 3min swiftness and 1min of fury i cringe inside, something is wrong there.Also fix the kitten gazele that teleports on top of people and 1shot them, fix the pets tracking in stealth.Whats the point of using short stealth to reposition, if dumbo pet takes 3s to realize you stealthed, they continue running at you, knock you down, then bite you and they OOOH WHERE HE AT.Fix the pets that dont get retargetet by axe3 and other mesmer stuff. ( tho this one kinda makes sense per say, lets say they have a good nose. and smell the cheese ).

  1. You guys need to realize that pets, unlike the kits of every other core class, have not been buffed at all. In fact, they have only ever received nerfing. The Core Ranger's class kit IS pets. While other Core Classes such as Necromancer, or Engineer, have received great buffing to their Core Class F skill kits over the years, Core Ranger pets have received nothing but nerfs. The compensation for this, are the pets from expansions. This is not an issue with the moral principle of "Should expansion content be allowed to be used on a Core Class" but rather a requirement for the Core Ranger's kit to be able to keep up with all of the buffing that other Core Class kits have received. I'm not so sure you guys quite realize how much the core pets suck. In no way do core pets even begin to equal the raw power & utility provided by something like a Reaper kit, or Scourge kit, or Photon Forge "along with all of the tool belt skills provided in the kit", or Mesmer Shatter skills.
  2. Speaking of Mesmers. What about Mesmer/Mirage clone play? These things deal WAY more damage with random auto attack spam than a Ranger pet could ever hope to do, even while landing a top tier combo with it. The clones can also evade attacks and be combined with several other Mesmer functions that grant the Mesmer more utility with those clones than the pets on a Ranger. The Clones also can be constantly perpetually cycled, ever present, and never on a nearly 1 minute death cool down. So why all of the special hate for Ranger pets? Well it's real simple, there is a special annoyance people get when an AI follows them in melee range. It gives this "feeling" of being 2v1d. I notice that people complain about Bambi & the Smokescale, but never complain about my Bristleback, even though the Bristleback is actually landing a lot more consistent damage on the player than the melee pets because his projectile graphics are nearly invisible on autos and it's hard to see the F2 burst coming when he's sitting 500+ range off node and not following you. But see that's exactly it, that "Feeling" of being 2v1'd isn't there when it isn't a Bambi or Smokescale following them around. This is the same reason why people somehow don't make the connection that Mesmer clones are just stronger pets in every way than Ranger pets, because the large majority of them are ranged like Bristleback. So there is a lack of "feeling" that special getting 1vX'd feeling.
  3. Also, stop embellishing this "I got 1shot by Bambi stuff." Man, I'm a Ranger main of 8 years, I've been playing every season since seasons began and even before. I've been playing all this season as well, in the current patching we are discussing. I have never once myself landed even a meme build version of a maximized Bambi strike, for a little more than a standard Maul would hit, and that's if you really really go out of your way to design a build around such nonsense. Designing a build around landing meme Bambi strikes renders such a useless shitty build that isn't even worth running. With a build like that, you're waiting for the stars to align so you can land a meme 10k strike from Bambi, as you're getting shrekt by some Holosmith or Spellbreaker. It isn't worth it at all. Realistically on more standardized builds, you're looking at maybe 4k to 6k strikes from Bambi, which is hardly a 1 shot, and definitely far less damage than the kit provided by a Reaper or Holosmith. It's just that you don't feel 2v1'd when other classes get on you. And if you are seriously getting hit by friggin "headbutt", my dudes... learn to dodge roll, or simply... walk away from the pet when he stops & stands still and obviously visually puts his head down for the wind up animation into Headbutt. It's like almost as obvious as Earth Shaker man. Come on, l2p.

Anyway, the truth to this garbage complaining about Ranger pets is just that people find it annoying that something with vitality is following them around dealing damage at all. Furthermore I'd like to point out that you shouldn't greatly embellish claims like "3 minutes of swiftness - 1 minute of fury" come on now boys. Ranger has just as much access to boons as every other class right now. In fact, there are quite a few classes that greatly outshine the Ranger in terms of boon pumping, AKA: Firebrand, Heralds, Weavers. Or look at these:

  • "Ranger the combo of warrior meets thief with lesser draw backs of both of those professions in one." Yeah yeah, that's why Warrior & Thief sees a ton of representation in competitive play but Ranger sees zero. Makes sense.
  • "Also fix the kitten gazele that teleports on top of people and 1shot them, fix the pets tracking in stealth." It doesn't 1 shot anything and it doesn't teleport. If anything, what you're experiencing is desynch error, which happens with everything in the game from time to time.

Just try to understand the difference between when something is actually overpowered, and when something is just an annoying mechanic to you.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:for some reason they turn invunerable for the whole 8s even if you burst them they are healing more than on the description

@SeikeNz.3526 said:this skill is not supposed to ignore damage and it's

@SeikeNz.3526 said:funny because thats how it's working right now, if your skill deal 10k dmg it ignore all the dmg and heal the ranger

@SeikeNz.3526 said:it's not the first time, also they aren't, they just ignore dmg while on troll unguent, they do alot of dmg, it's not really ignoring dmg because if you focus them with 3 they die but they are healing way more than it's supposed to heal

@SeikeNz.3526 said:you keep with logical things but false statements, you just described how it's supposed to work but they are ignoring like 10k-15k burst while they are healing for 1k/s , if i hit for 10k and they heal 1k/s they are supposed to lose 9k hp but now their life never goes down unless you have 3 people focusing it, now if they are healing 3-4k/s something is wrong here and need a serious nerf

@SeikeNz.3526 said:you take dmg only when troll unguent is off and when you use it your life goes to full very fast, your own video show that, sure with druid you can heal even more and heal when it's off, but there's variants of your build with soulbeasts and rangers so they can dmg alot and be immune for the whole 8s

You still want to claim you never said they don't take damage?

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