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Changes We Need In GW2 for 2020 From Vallun

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@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

Fire Weaver is almost universally considered the strongest 1v1 spec by top players. It's not a bunker, it's a duelest. It wins the 1v1 on the side node and has favorable match ups against everything that's relevant. And sure its mobility is low but it also sustains better 2v1 because when you look at their cumulative block/evade/invulnerability frames, fire Weaver very noticeably outpaces all other side noders reaching a potential of 37 seconds of either evade or invulnerability frames across the first minute of combat, handily beating meta Condi mirage, Spellbreakers, even SP Daredevil in sheer evade uptime on top of excellent self healing to boot.

When it comes to MATS it has multiple wins under it's belt. When it comes to ranked the most successful way to play ranked is to duo queue with a dedicated side noders like a fire Weaver, paired with something that can bring team fight winning damage and +1 the side noders like a Rev or a Ranger. And that exact combo is a common pick.

When it comes to SPvP, fire Weaver is unambiguously a top 3 build right now.

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Instead of open world vanquishing, don't we have dungeons that we could do that with. Just unlock all the doors, put in all the bosses, and remove infinite respawning mobs. I would treat it like raids, give it a currency used for some legendary item, but you can only get 1 per week per dungeon. This will prevent farming the same dungeon over and over again, and to maximize reward you have to vanquish all 8 dungeons every week.And just like raids if you enter a dungeon you already vanquished for the week, you get an empty instance to explore. Maybe add some lore items to collect as well.

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@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

This is wrong in almost every way. @mortrialus.3062 covered it. For the mobility, it is better than necro and guardian, and about the same level as engi. I would not call that bad. Also, for a duelist build, it is decent in team fights. Better than similar builds (SB and condi mirage).

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@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

No I said the fact that non bunker builds have bunker LIKE sustain if the ele is skillfull at playing the class that is the problem.

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@otto.5684 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

This is wrong in almost every way. @mortrialus.3062 covered it. For the mobility, it is better than necro and guardian, and about the same level as engi. I would not call that bad. Also, for a duelist build, it is decent in team fights. Better than similar builds (SB and condi mirage).

You are an extremely biased guardian main....but as somebody who plays guardian himself I know that sword weaver is the only thing that hold a candle to guardian, from core to Firebrand and it's the aspect that annoys such biased playerbase.

I could play a honor/valor/dh scepter build and simply walk all over any ele build that it's not a sword weaver....with only 800 hrs on guardian, I was able to easily kill a top weaver ele while he was using FA, the guy could not past through all my blocks while I could easily keep up with him using teleports...despite him abusing superspeed air as much as he could.

You are as biased as @mortrialus.3062 ..you are not somebody who can give objective balance analysis, in the post you replied to, @MoriMoriMori.5349 was talking about ele in general in his post, he did not specify sword weaver and any unbiased player knows that ele class in general is trash tier without sword weaver and trash tier is ofc where people like you want to see other classes stay indefinitely.

@mortrialus.3062 playing a class with access to builds like condi mirage which carries even the worst players thx to a trait (Infinite horizon) that plays the game for them , a condi mirage simply equip staff....then proceeds to run around/hiding behind a wall/stealthing/teleporting away...all the while the clones do all the dmg.......or we have one shot PU core mesmer, another example of unskilled gameplay...stealth and run, keep trying with bursts from stealth till you don't succeed

YOU!...Playing a class with access to builds like : symbolbrand, burn DH, LB dh and one shot core guard...and 800 hrs was all it was needed to learn all of them...I don't need to explain them to you do I?

Generally speaking GW2 is not a game where I would expect to find balance talk, given how is a PvE MMO..but here we are...I seriously can't understand you and @mortrialus.3062 ....do you seriously think that what you play requires more skill or intellect to play than an ele?

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PvE: Need Hard Mode? OK. The open world should certainly be harder, and they should just consider making that baseline. Currently, there is nearly zero threat in most open world zones. Don't like idea of no down state for "hard mode" raids: this would further pigeon-hole borderline support/classes (ex: core necro/scourge) builds to pure DPS only. Besides, some people enjoy playing support, but their playstyle would be gutted under this fix. Also, some classes, (necro particularly) are balanced around the idea of playing around with the downstate. An unintended consequence of the fix would also be to make raids even more toxic/elitist, since there would be no downstate carry, and "hard-mode" players would likely lord it over everyone else. No comment on the rest.

WvW: No comment on pips. I don't play for rewards, I play for combat. Balance clearly SUCKS at both small and large scale. The stealth mechanic is terrible for WvW when stacked with big damage, should have been fixed years ago, and is a travesty. I also think that stealth as a whole is not healthy AT ALL, thus strongly disagree with Vallun on a basic level. Playing against a stealth character SUCKS, regardless of the length of the stealths. The warclaw should be a movement tool that introduces some small utility (some amount of cc mitigation), but nothing else. As is, the warclaw adds another health bar, more dodges, stomps, etc.

Necro: Core necro shroud fear needs nerfed? WOW! Too strong! It is literally the only set up skill for core shroud. You gotta be kidding me! Also, reaper isn't that strong. It has okay-ish burst, but I find that the burst is not that strong compared to most other classes (any type of thief, any type of memser, any type of rev, holo), and has NO sustain. Reaper lacks set up and movement tools, so most players can easily counter your burst, as it is super easy to see coming.

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@zealex.9410 said:

@"HnRkLnXqZ.1870" said:Giving content-creators a little more attention is on my new-year's resolution for 2020. So I watched the parts which I am interested in: PvE & Engineer.

Make content harder. Hardmode. Repeatable challenges with worthy rewards (instead of just AP). CMs with daily rewards. New dungeon in the style of TA Aetherpath.
Warrior & Engineer:
Both are in a good state. More combo finishers. Nerf Bull's Charge and Particle Accelerator.

I have recently watched that teapod video of him reading and commenting a written article. A huge time-waste if you say so, but it was at least entertaining. Listening to this video was a chore. And I only watched barely 15 minutes of it.

: He is not even scratching on the surface. It is pretty much the perspective of a raider. Using TA Aetherpath as an example for a good dungeon just gives me shivers.

: NOPE. Just the recent problem with the UG/Detection Pulse change is controversial enough to fill several threads and videos, even if you ignore PvE completely. They moved an Elite skill of an Elite Specialication (Scrapper) into a basic utility-skill, which can be accessed by every build. He did not mention the broken state of core or the questionable tank situation of Scrapper in PvE. What about turrets? What about gadgets? Some of our utility-skills have not seen a real change (other than cosmetics) since 2012.

Honestly I do not like this kind of threads. Just posting the link to a video of someone else. Barely giving any information about the content and just finishing with "Let the opinion wars begin." is just bad. Like that video will change anything? Like ANet will listen to this single content-creator and do everything RIGHT from now on? They once did that with a suggestion video of WP and the result was not really good. To add insult to injury, those who advertised the video and asked ANet to listen belonged to the group who criticized the the following patch the most.

If you want to say something, just say it. The forums exist to discuss different opinions and ideas. It is not a show-room for videos. Agreement or disagreement to the points he listed leads to nothing but an increase of viewers. He wins and we waste our time, discussing with someone who will never respond at all.

Theres no agenda here i dont agree or disagree with the suggestions made i simply find the subject of "changes i want to see in x year" to be an interesting one and i feel like it could be a good starting point for bitesize feedback on multiple aspects.

Its not about trying to tell any one of us players or content creators whats the correct opinion or not but to moreso create a picture for the developers on what players would like to see happen in 2020. And no the picture isnt the opinions shared in this video, its the opinions shared in this video and the commends of players.

Then you would have posted on one of the six other "what GW2 NEEDS for the New Year" threads on the front page. No, this was a deliberate action to create another YouTube Comments section thread.

Posting a video with no comment is making a statement, and that statement is "I agree with this video in its entirety".

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Im mostly only going to comment on his thoughts on necro as thats what i have the most personal exp with although i do play other professions.Well.....Gets feared from a skill for 3s that has no animation to it...Its core but ok....That skill does not have base 3s fear duration but ok....

Gonna need some massive dives across the board on everyone else before i can even really think of how changing Doom would really be any kind of fair considering its core necros main offensive cc and defensive tool. Core has nothing else to make you say "let me breath" giving some one a raw chance to know they can just avoid that 1 thing is going to be problematic in itself. This comes down to the bring everyone down to exactly the same level as that or dont bother doing it at all.

Reaper auto wins after 50% hp cause spinal shiver.... people run this still?For a second i thought this video was about 2 years old.... spinal does not generate might that would be Siphoned Power which has no effect until a foe falls under 50%

I might agree with reapers damage being a bit to high only if once again everyone else gets brought down to that level. If you think the power of fresh air weaver is ok and it just needs more counterplay i would say the same for reaper except reaper already does have tons ways people actively use to counterplay it. Even the self buff might on reaper generally is not that good it only happens with the spite line and only when in shroud or hitting someone under 50% hp there is no instant ramp to 15-20 stacks like warrior. IT actually takes it time to ramp up to high levels of might. That said i would be ok with might loss in exchange fro opening up its boon table a bit more. Generally the more self might a profession has the smaller its boon table should be and the bigger its boon table the less self might it should have imo. Which makes me ask why guardians and some ele's can self buff so much might considering their much wider boon table.

In terms with quickness removal i would be ok with that too so long as the base speed of the skills go up a bit. Slowing the skills down is ok. Slowing them down to 2014 base speeds in 2020 will make it ride on line of unviability. Base reaper attacking speeds are just a deal breaker especially if we are talking about cutting back the might, ferocity, and mobility options like speed rune etc. In the time it takes reaper to get to its target it wont be able to attack it.

Some how he has the idea that reaper is too oppressive in a 1v1 which is usually where necro in general is the weakest. IF he mains ele i can see why he would say that as necro in general actually takes the edge over ele due to chill its one of the few match ups that necro just out right has the advantage over

Im shocked that he actually wanted to put scourge back in the right direction even if thats a short term fix till anet can find a better long term solution. Im shocked!!!

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@MoriMoriMori.5349 said:I went straight to Ele part, heard him saying "Elementalist is probably the strongest proffession right now" - and stopped listening at that point. That guy clearly knows very little about the game.

I donno seems u kno very little cuz weaver is indeed one of if not thee strongest specs right now as it has bunker level sustain due to healing and evades plus very potent condi bursts so....

A bunker is very very niche build which is useless for anything else in this setup - and still there are other professions which can do same thing and still can be more useful. Overall, Eles are quite mediocre in all gaming modes. You always can point out to something that is much more sustainable and have better or comparable DPS at the same time, and more useful to the team.

This is wrong in almost every way. @mortrialus.3062 covered it. For the mobility, it is better than necro and guardian, and about the same level as engi. I would not call that bad. Also, for a duelist build, it is decent in team fights. Better than similar builds (SB and condi mirage).

You are an extremely biased guardian main....but as somebody who plays guardian himself I know that sword weaver is the only thing that hold a candle to guardian, from core to Firebrand and it's the aspect that annoys such biased playerbase.

I could play a honor/valor/dh scepter build and simply walk all over any ele build that it's not a sword weaver....with only 800 hrs on guardian, I was able to easily kill a top weaver ele
while he was using FA
, the guy could not past through all my blocks while I could easily keep up with him using teleports...despite him abusing superspeed air as much as he could.

You are as biased as @mortrialus.3062 ..you are not somebody who can give objective balance analysis, in the post you replied to, @MoriMoriMori.5349 was talking about ele in general in his post, he did not specify sword weaver and any
player knows that ele class in general is trash tier without sword weaver and trash tier is ofc where people like you want to see other classes stay indefinitely.

@mortrialus.3062 playing a class with access to builds like
condi mirage which carries even the worst players thx to a trait (Infinite horizon) that plays the game for them
, a condi mirage simply equip staff....then proceeds to run around/hiding behind a wall/stealthing/teleporting away...all the while the clones do all the dmg.......or we have
one shot PU core mesmer
, another example of unskilled gameplay...stealth and run, keep trying with bursts from stealth till you don't succeed

YOU!...Playing a class with access to builds like : symbolbrand, burn DH, LB dh and one shot core guard...and 800 hrs was all it was needed to learn all of them...I don't need to explain them to you do I?

Generally speaking GW2 is not a game where I would expect to find balance talk, given how is a PvE MMO..but here we are...I seriously can't understand you and @mortrialus.3062 ....do you seriously think that what you play requires more skill or intellect to play than an ele?

I could go into detail of how and where you are wrong regarding guardian. I will just use: "I could play a honor/valor/dh scepter build and simply walk all over any ele build that it's not a sword weaver." This is not even a guardian build (it does not remotely work).

Not that this has anything to do with ele balance, but you know, FB is over performing too... (or mirage balance)

Also, ele is trash tier without sword weaver in PvP means nothing. Most classes have only 1-2 viable PvP builds anyway. And even if every class has 10 viable builds PvP, and ele does not, it does not justify sword weaver out performing.

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  • replayability through character bound achievements
    • no, I disagree, how many of us went through and replayed your entire story journals on every character?
  • replayability through vanquishing
    • cannot exist in a real MMO experience, because mobs have to keep on respawn for other players, GW1 did not have a true open world experience, the open worlds zones are just instanced dungeons that mobs do not respawn.
  • Hard Mode
    • I have to agree in some respect. On one side, GW2 have gotten way too easy thanks mostly to all the power creep, they need to dial things back, and revisit core Tyria and upscale its difficulties to PoF level, it can be a bit difficult if you have not much of a clue of gear setup, class knowledge, etc; but it would be too hard to break open world into normal mode and hard mode.
    • On the other side, there's a need for punishing mechnic for carelessness; GW1's death penalty for good for its design, but it will not work in GW2. Since monetary rewards are what majority of the PvErs are chasing after, maybe some sort of stackable debuff to lower the rewards they get?
  • raid is easy
    • true to the experience, but for the 90%+ are still difficult
    • tune up for power creep, have to disagree, need to tune down the power creep instead
  • in general, there is a big discrepancy of experiences and expectations of people who spend all day playing games vs those just spending few hours; I think WoodenPotatoes' statement in his latest account tour best sums it up


  • too rewarding?
    • really? one of the reason why WvW doesnt attract much newcomers because it have comparatively less rewards of all game modes.
  • balance
    • "1 shot" combo mechanic should not exist
    • bring more pvp balance into WvW, yeap, SHOULD
    • agree with his points on the behaviours of roamers, Anet should have never added lance to Warclaw
    • totally agree with the stealth mechanics and warclaw


  • agree on majority of the feedbacks except warrior's rampage
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