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Pvp Balance Suggestions (skip to 20 mins in)


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@apharma.3741 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Isnt ranger GS 4 the absolute best defensive cooldown in the game hands down? I just cant even find anything that comes remotly close to how overtuned that skill is.

on Daredevil is a 16s cd (traited) stunbreak, endurance regen, Pulmonary Impact proc on interrupt, 1.5s block, and the knockdown has both a lower cast time and lasts longer than the CC on GS4's Counterattack Kick.Not even close. One is a weapon skill and another utility slot, rofl. Ranger GS is literally busted and has everything -> evades,mobility, long block, CC's, spammable AOE damage (melee but still literally spams it)3s block channeling, 15s cd, EVADE->CC like fullcounter. Closest what I'd compare would be shield stance on warrior. There is literally no excuse to give anyone such busted skill and weapon to have everything at once

"Ranger GS is literally busted" LOL it can't trade with anything outside of GS4. Coming from someone who plays a class that can evade while CC'd that's rich.

I already said to nerf the block duration to 2 seconds, honestly 1.5 would still be fine. Just don't touch the cooldown and dumb down the game even more. There are so many classes with the ability to deal with blocks. Increasing the cooldown to 25 seconds is just ridiculous on a skill that can be baited out as easily as Full Counter and has even more ways to counterplay it.Like this exploit on gs autos was fixed and you were spamming threads how ranger is dead? :???Getting rid of obvious powercrept skill/exploits = DUMBING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!1111p.s im not playing even ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Ranger GS is a melee weapon that trades very poorly with almost everything. The only 2 reasons we were able to stand on node in a team fight or 1v1s on side nodes were due to the evades on the auto attacks and GS4's block. If GS4's cooldown gets doubled, ranger GS would be practically useless considering most other meta specs can pump out as much damage as a Maul crit every second or two.

Now, obviously you have trouble reading because you can't seem to comprehend the fact that I have listed several ranger nerfs that actually reduce the strength of the skills MORE than what Vallun proposed.

But yeah, if we're getting rid of obvious powercrept skills/exploits, let's remove Mirage's ability to dodge while CC'd, nerf Distortion/Desert Distortion and shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for free are way more unhealthy than a 12s cooldown block tied to a 3/4s animation knockback.

Plus, if we increase cooldowns enough, then we won't have anything better to do than spam 1 which is what happened to Druid. Doesn't that sound like fun?

p.s. I'm not playing either ¯\
/¯Ye, everyone do 5k+ autoattacks and average ttk is roughly 5 seconds by auto attacks only /sObsly I didnt read because didnt ask you for your "nerf suggestions". Changing topic onto another class to distract your own, how smart, no one ever done that ! (random nonsense complaints that arent even connected in any way ?).shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for freeSo, basically, lets delete ranger pets, they get them for free ! They do high damage that other people have to avoid and spam CC's at their own will and have TWO of them with autoheal on swap ! The most busted thing is that they can use it even being dowend ! NO ONE CAN USE THEIR "features" being dead but ranger... cuz reasons.... ! The same goes for adrenaline/shroud/etc, they are all comes for "free" and therefore must be deleted wink-wink

Maul has 1.5k base damage traited on meta demo. 189% crit damage = 2.8k damage crits on Maul. Generally with some buffs here and there, GS Mauls will hit for 3.4k every 3.25 seconds if the enemy doesn't dodge the gigantic, audibly roaring spirit bear.

In other words, if someone does more than 1k damage per second, they will probably end up out-trading ranger greatsword's Mauls. The autos are slow and weaker than other autos so we lose in that regard as well.

I have a screenshot of 0 might soulbeast landing 20,5k maul on 0 vulnerability, demo amulet mesmer.Pretending that mault doesnt boom people for 10k+ with ease is just plain wrong.

That scenario is some "stars & planets aligning" stuff.

He'd have to be running Berserker with Scholar, Marksmanship for MoC and Remorseless, Pop Sic Em, and have Eternal Coliseum Sword Buff, otherwise with no might he's going to top out around 10k-12k max on a light target with no tough or prot. This means that the Ranger who hit with this Maul, would explode like a Thief running Berserker with no defense traits or utilities if you attacked it at all. And you wouldn't need to hit it with a Power Shatter, like a single Full Counter would chop it in half. Then a follow up Warrior GS#3 would down it.

You'd have run such a gimmicky build to pull that off, I'm talking unrealistically gimmicky, that the person who gets hit with that strike deserves to be 1HKO, especially if it was a Mesmer. How do you get hit by that elongated primed gimmick as a Mesmer? If you were complaining about some ranged attack that can hit you from 1500 range for 6k-7k I'd understand, but Maul? Come on man, the Mesmer has a plethora of stealth's & teleports to get away from that. Getting hit by a marks gimmick Maul is just lazy if you're playing Mesmer.

Oh and might I add that priming a Maul Gimmick like that is no more or less powerful or difficult to do, than a stealthed Power Shatter gank, with no more or less of a CD to be able to use. Well actually, the 28s CD on Sic Em is much more limiting than Power Shatter play right now.

that soulbeast in question ran signet of stone, alot of stealth. missed attack from stealth followed by spaming anything, when he lands any hit you insta die to 15k+ dmg from anything.People srsl need to open their eyes, when someone deals 20,5k dmg with 1 ability with 4s cooldown, while having 0 might and target with 0 vulnerability. then something IS wrong.

Why is a mesmer main trying to lecture others about balance in a game? Where are these example of balanced gameplay in the mesmer class?...From condi mirage to one shot PU mantra of pain core BS....
where is the balanced gameplay you talk about here?

I see people jumping from their main to condi mirage or deadeyes to "win" duels..but here you are trying to lecture people about true balance....give me a break

you are big salty lol My man.1v1 dont matter, I never win them and yet I climb how about that.I simply corrected the guy, ranger has insane damage, denying that is plain wrong

You didn't correct anything.

You are greatly embellishing your claims. You may be fooling some of these people in here and getting them all hyped up for the bandwagon, but you aren't fooling the Ranger mains who well know what it takes to land that kind of damage. Nor are you fooling any other decent player who understands how to identify where balance lies within GW2.

It's one thing to claim that "The Ranger has too much damage for the sustain it has, or it has too much sustain for the damage it has", those are opinions and I don't argue against people's opinions. You'll notice that in other threads where people state things like this ^ I never respond. But when people start posting propaganda to fuel a bandwagon where they begin to blatantly embellish and fabricate numbers & scenarios that are simply not true, I feel like I should respond, for the sake of keeping things real, before a class receives ridiculously unfair nerfing. An no, it isn't bias. I regularly stand up and debunk embellishment like this on a rather frequent basis for all classes. A great example is how I find myself defending Spellbreaker often lately. I don't even play that class, and it is one of the counters to a DPS Soulbeast nonetheless. So rather than advocate nerfing for something that counters my main class, I actually defend it. I was also a heavy advocate for Sic Em and Soulbeast Unblockable nerfing. Just keep that in mind when reading my feedback in this forum.

You'll notice that the difference between posts that I make, and general complaint posts, is that I usually always write a text wall essay full of a ridiculous amount of detailed information to well explain and support my statements with facts. Actually, this "20k Maul with no might no vuln vs demolisher, he slapped around 15ks with everything that he did" is such a misinformed & embellished claim, that I may take some time today to make a video and post it up, so people can view the truth behind this claim firsthand.

reread what I posted, people clain that 2-3k maul is the norm. its not. Maybe against protection guard with toughtness amulet.Nerf to rangers? All I ever really wanted is stupid pet fixed, and longbow fixed. its all I really wanted.Peeps go out of their way to say ranger hits like wet noodle while super mobile soulbeast with over 10s of dodges/invulns and hit for 20k+ with 0 might.If you dodge maul? swoop will hit you for 14k, if you evade it? kick for 18k? dodge it? basic attack for 9k. I was bored and crunched some numbers.Soulbeast I spoke about would have landed 9,1k dmg basic attack. I dont care if rangers damage gets nerfed. I like the game having more damage, becouse it becomes fastpaced and not boring snoozefest FB weaver scrapper kitten game. get out with that.but there is no reason for LB to shoot over 1500 range, other skills do that too and they should be fixed as well. Its glaring on ranger the most becouse arrows ALSO curve around the walls AND ranger can boom people for 10-15k from that bugged range.Pets teleporting, walking throught walls, tracking in stealth, ignoring clones. all SHOULD be fixed, I dont think it ever will but hey one can dream.

"If you dodge maul? swoop will hit you for 14k, if you evade it? kick for 18k? dodge it? basic attack for 9k. I was bored and crunched some numbers."


this people must use some sort of black magic then lol.Have you considered actually trying to hurt the golems? is this how you test damage?following your "testing" warriors arcings hit for 2-3k and not 10k. gs3 hits for 600/tick and not 3kwho needs to actually buff thenselfs before doing damage rofl

The first person in that screenshot just runs full zerker, glass cannon builds in unranked including Sic Em onetrick ranger.

The rest of the people you linked are also running full glass cannon.

What the hell are you talking about lmao?? Arcing Slices usually crit for like 4-6k. They'll only hit for like 7.6k-ish if they're fully buffed with might and other damage modifiers.

I'm not arguing with someone who thinks every classes autos do 10k damage except mesmer which is super weak! Right? Waste of my time and everyone else's. Maybe you should practice your 1v1 matchups a bit more and learn the game instead of complaining about how every class does 100-0s on demo amulet with no counterplay.

Like it's honestly kind of hilarious how high you think every classes' damage is. :joy: All of a sudden you see videos that show the builds and realistic damage output and you can't wrap your head around the fact that THAT'S how much damage these builds actually do. :joy: :joy:

im not the one creating whiny post about classes I dont like and whiny post the moment my main gets nerfed.you posted video of 3k mauls, I posted screenshot of 20,5k mault from ranger without might. this is almost 9 times more damage, if you think going "glass cannon" gives you 8 times more damage then bruiser then I dont know what you are taking but I want some too

edit, none of those screens are from unranked. all of it is from rank 1550+. not the highest rank but hey thats where you got stuck with opop mesmer right ?

I'm not the one who can't read.

I've suggested SEVERAL nerfs to ranger in this thread alone. My only point of contention is when someone like you thinks every single ranger attack can consistently do 10-20k damage.

Like what game are you even playing?

1550 lol. No. I hit 1685 on EU within a week of solo quing on a glass cannon mesmer build I just started using beginning at 1500 rating on my alt account.

Yes and you ended at 1593 rating if I remember correctly after writing at length how it was the hardest carry next to holosmith.

"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning." - Dominic Toretto

I lost a bunch of games in a row a day or two before season ended. Welcome to solo que in a game where you need at least 2 capped nodes and non-AFK teammates to win. ¯\(ツ)

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@apharma.3741 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:Isnt ranger GS 4 the absolute best defensive cooldown in the game hands down? I just cant even find anything that comes remotly close to how overtuned that skill is.

on Daredevil is a 16s cd (traited) stunbreak, endurance regen, Pulmonary Impact proc on interrupt, 1.5s block, and the knockdown has both a lower cast time and lasts longer than the CC on GS4's Counterattack Kick.Not even close. One is a weapon skill and another utility slot, rofl. Ranger GS is literally busted and has everything -> evades,mobility, long block, CC's, spammable AOE damage (melee but still literally spams it)3s block channeling, 15s cd, EVADE->CC like fullcounter. Closest what I'd compare would be shield stance on warrior. There is literally no excuse to give anyone such busted skill and weapon to have everything at once

"Ranger GS is literally busted" LOL it can't trade with anything outside of GS4. Coming from someone who plays a class that can evade while CC'd that's rich.

I already said to nerf the block duration to 2 seconds, honestly 1.5 would still be fine. Just don't touch the cooldown and dumb down the game even more. There are so many classes with the ability to deal with blocks. Increasing the cooldown to 25 seconds is just ridiculous on a skill that can be baited out as easily as Full Counter and has even more ways to counterplay it.Like this exploit on gs autos was fixed and you were spamming threads how ranger is dead? :???Getting rid of obvious powercrept skill/exploits = DUMBING DOOOOOOOOOOOOOWN THE GAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAME!1111p.s im not playing even ¯_(ツ)_/¯

Ranger GS is a melee weapon that trades very poorly with almost everything. The only 2 reasons we were able to stand on node in a team fight or 1v1s on side nodes were due to the evades on the auto attacks and GS4's block. If GS4's cooldown gets doubled, ranger GS would be practically useless considering most other meta specs can pump out as much damage as a Maul crit every second or two.

Now, obviously you have trouble reading because you can't seem to comprehend the fact that I have listed several ranger nerfs that actually reduce the strength of the skills MORE than what Vallun proposed.

But yeah, if we're getting rid of obvious powercrept skills/exploits, let's remove Mirage's ability to dodge while CC'd, nerf Distortion/Desert Distortion and shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for free are way more unhealthy than a 12s cooldown block tied to a 3/4s animation knockback.

Plus, if we increase cooldowns enough, then we won't have anything better to do than spam 1 which is what happened to Druid. Doesn't that sound like fun?

p.s. I'm not playing either ¯\
/¯Ye, everyone do 5k+ autoattacks and average ttk is roughly 5 seconds by auto attacks only /sObsly I didnt read because didnt ask you for your "nerf suggestions". Changing topic onto another class to distract your own, how smart, no one ever done that ! (random nonsense complaints that arent even connected in any way ?).shatters because I'd say instant cast, high damage/hard CC abilities that mesmer receives for freeSo, basically, lets delete ranger pets, they get them for free ! They do high damage that other people have to avoid and spam CC's at their own will and have TWO of them with autoheal on swap ! The most busted thing is that they can use it even being dowend ! NO ONE CAN USE THEIR "features" being dead but ranger... cuz reasons.... ! The same goes for adrenaline/shroud/etc, they are all comes for "free" and therefore must be deleted wink-wink

Maul has 1.5k base damage traited on meta demo. 189% crit damage = 2.8k damage crits on Maul. Generally with some buffs here and there, GS Mauls will hit for 3.4k every 3.25 seconds if the enemy doesn't dodge the gigantic, audibly roaring spirit bear.

In other words, if someone does more than 1k damage per second, they will probably end up out-trading ranger greatsword's Mauls. The autos are slow and weaker than other autos so we lose in that regard as well.

I have a screenshot of 0 might soulbeast landing 20,5k maul on 0 vulnerability, demo amulet mesmer.Pretending that mault doesnt boom people for 10k+ with ease is just plain wrong.

That scenario is some "stars & planets aligning" stuff.

He'd have to be running Berserker with Scholar, Marksmanship for MoC and Remorseless, Pop Sic Em, and have Eternal Coliseum Sword Buff, otherwise with no might he's going to top out around 10k-12k max on a light target with no tough or prot. This means that the Ranger who hit with this Maul, would explode like a Thief running Berserker with no defense traits or utilities if you attacked it at all. And you wouldn't need to hit it with a Power Shatter, like a single Full Counter would chop it in half. Then a follow up Warrior GS#3 would down it.

You'd have run such a gimmicky build to pull that off, I'm talking unrealistically gimmicky, that the person who gets hit with that strike deserves to be 1HKO, especially if it was a Mesmer. How do you get hit by that elongated primed gimmick as a Mesmer? If you were complaining about some ranged attack that can hit you from 1500 range for 6k-7k I'd understand, but Maul? Come on man, the Mesmer has a plethora of stealth's & teleports to get away from that. Getting hit by a marks gimmick Maul is just lazy if you're playing Mesmer.

Oh and might I add that priming a Maul Gimmick like that is no more or less powerful or difficult to do, than a stealthed Power Shatter gank, with no more or less of a CD to be able to use. Well actually, the 28s CD on Sic Em is much more limiting than Power Shatter play right now.

that soulbeast in question ran signet of stone, alot of stealth. missed attack from stealth followed by spaming anything, when he lands any hit you insta die to 15k+ dmg from anything.People srsl need to open their eyes, when someone deals 20,5k dmg with 1 ability with 4s cooldown, while having 0 might and target with 0 vulnerability. then something IS wrong.

Why is a mesmer main trying to lecture others about balance in a game? Where are these example of balanced gameplay in the mesmer class?...From condi mirage to one shot PU mantra of pain core BS....
where is the balanced gameplay you talk about here?

I see people jumping from their main to condi mirage or deadeyes to "win" duels..but here you are trying to lecture people about true balance....give me a break

you are big salty lol My man.1v1 dont matter, I never win them and yet I climb how about that.I simply corrected the guy, ranger has insane damage, denying that is plain wrong

You didn't correct anything.

You are greatly embellishing your claims. You may be fooling some of these people in here and getting them all hyped up for the bandwagon, but you aren't fooling the Ranger mains who well know what it takes to land that kind of damage. Nor are you fooling any other decent player who understands how to identify where balance lies within GW2.

It's one thing to claim that "The Ranger has too much damage for the sustain it has, or it has too much sustain for the damage it has", those are opinions and I don't argue against people's opinions. You'll notice that in other threads where people state things like this ^ I never respond. But when people start posting propaganda to fuel a bandwagon where they begin to blatantly embellish and fabricate numbers & scenarios that are simply not true, I feel like I should respond, for the sake of keeping things real, before a class receives ridiculously unfair nerfing. An no, it isn't bias. I regularly stand up and debunk embellishment like this on a rather frequent basis for all classes. A great example is how I find myself defending Spellbreaker often lately. I don't even play that class, and it is one of the counters to a DPS Soulbeast nonetheless. So rather than advocate nerfing for something that counters my main class, I actually defend it. I was also a heavy advocate for Sic Em and Soulbeast Unblockable nerfing. Just keep that in mind when reading my feedback in this forum.

You'll notice that the difference between posts that I make, and general complaint posts, is that I usually always write a text wall essay full of a ridiculous amount of detailed information to well explain and support my statements with facts. Actually, this "20k Maul with no might no vuln vs demolisher, he slapped around 15ks with everything that he did" is such a misinformed & embellished claim, that I may take some time today to make a video and post it up, so people can view the truth behind this claim firsthand.

reread what I posted, people clain that 2-3k maul is the norm. its not. Maybe against protection guard with toughtness amulet.Nerf to rangers? All I ever really wanted is stupid pet fixed, and longbow fixed. its all I really wanted.Peeps go out of their way to say ranger hits like wet noodle while super mobile soulbeast with over 10s of dodges/invulns and hit for 20k+ with 0 might.If you dodge maul? swoop will hit you for 14k, if you evade it? kick for 18k? dodge it? basic attack for 9k. I was bored and crunched some numbers.Soulbeast I spoke about would have landed 9,1k dmg basic attack. I dont care if rangers damage gets nerfed. I like the game having more damage, becouse it becomes fastpaced and not boring snoozefest FB weaver scrapper kitten game. get out with that.but there is no reason for LB to shoot over 1500 range, other skills do that too and they should be fixed as well. Its glaring on ranger the most becouse arrows ALSO curve around the walls AND ranger can boom people for 10-15k from that bugged range.Pets teleporting, walking throught walls, tracking in stealth, ignoring clones. all SHOULD be fixed, I dont think it ever will but hey one can dream.

"If you dodge maul? swoop will hit you for 14k, if you evade it? kick for 18k? dodge it? basic attack for 9k. I was bored and crunched some numbers."


this people must use some sort of black magic then lol.Have you considered actually trying to hurt the golems? is this how you test damage?following your "testing" warriors arcings hit for 2-3k and not 10k. gs3 hits for 600/tick and not 3kwho needs to actually buff thenselfs before doing damage rofl

The first person in that screenshot just runs full zerker, glass cannon builds in unranked including Sic Em onetrick ranger.

The rest of the people you linked are also running full glass cannon.

What the hell are you talking about lmao?? Arcing Slices usually crit for like 4-6k. They'll only hit for like 7.6k-ish if they're fully buffed with might and other damage modifiers.

I'm not arguing with someone who thinks every classes autos do 10k damage except mesmer which is super weak! Right? Waste of my time and everyone else's. Maybe you should practice your 1v1 matchups a bit more and learn the game instead of complaining about how every class does 100-0s on demo amulet with no counterplay.

Like it's honestly kind of hilarious how high you think every classes' damage is. :joy: All of a sudden you see videos that show the builds and realistic damage output and you can't wrap your head around the fact that THAT'S how much damage these builds actually do. :joy: :joy:

im not the one creating whiny post about classes I dont like and whiny post the moment my main gets nerfed.you posted video of 3k mauls, I posted screenshot of 20,5k mault from ranger without might. this is almost 9 times more damage, if you think going "glass cannon" gives you 8 times more damage then bruiser then I dont know what you are taking but I want some too

edit, none of those screens are from unranked. all of it is from rank 1550+. not the highest rank but hey thats where you got stuck with opop mesmer right ?

I'm not the one who can't read.

I've suggested SEVERAL nerfs to ranger in this thread alone. My only point of contention is when someone like you thinks every single ranger attack can consistently do 10-20k damage.

Like what game are you even playing?

1550 lol. No. I hit 1685 on EU within a week of solo quing on a glass cannon mesmer build I just started using beginning at 1500 rating on my alt account.

Yes and you ended at 1593 rating if I remember correctly after writing at length how it was the hardest carry next to holosmith.

"It doesn't matter if you win by an inch or a mile, winning's winning." - Dominic Toretto

Dont think I ever wrote ranger is the hardest carry, feel free to quote me.I ended at 1620 or something, rank bugged and i got +0 every time so I stopped playing, if it matters at all.

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@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:@"shadowpass.4236"yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said, "1v1 dont matter, I never win them." :joy:

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channeled skill, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

stop pinging me with this nonsense shadowsomething

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

stop pinging me with this nonsense shadowsomething

Then how about you stop claiming that survivable soulbeasts are oneshotting everyone?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

stop pinging me with this nonsense shadowsomething

Then how about you stop claiming that survivable soulbeasts are oneshotting everyone?

"soulbeast is more survivable" learn to read and interpret whats written before you comment.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

stop pinging me with this nonsense shadowsomething

Then how about you stop claiming that survivable soulbeasts are oneshotting everyone?

"soulbeast is more survivable" learn to read and interpret whats written before you comment.

So do Sic Em Soulbeasts die easily or not?

If you double nothing, you get nothing. So if Mantra Mesmer is as squishy as you claim, and you're saying Sic Em Soulbeast is "more survivable" than Mantra Mes, that's not saying much, is it?

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@shadowpass.4236 said:

@Leonidrex.5649 said:@shadowpass.4236yet here you are, assuming things when i told you. You are not good at it, stop.Did I ever say im constantly dying to sic em clowns? no? how about that.Nothing is more annoying then people trying to put words in your mouth when they run out of logical things to say.All I said is that ranger has good damage and ranger mains came with the salt to defend lol.

I'm not assuming anything. You're the one who said,

So now you're backpedaling! If you came across a "Sic Em Clown" in a 1v1, would you lose or would you win? Because, you've said you never win your 1v1s, but just implied you don't lose against Sic Em Rangers!

Hmm. Think about that one for a bit and get back to me.

this is what your arguments come down to, pathetic lol.by 1v1 I ment legit 1v1 in private servers, not fighting random soulbeasts that colapses after his 20k rapidfire doesnt kill somebody.And even If I would lose, you dont win games by winning 1v1, one would think you would learn that after your 1shot core mes fiasco

What's the difference between 1v1ing someone in a dueling server vs. in a match?

Ever heard of side noding? In fact, mesmer is primarily a side noder. Most of it's builds are designed to win 1v1s and survive/escape/troll outnumbered.

So, if you don't have an issue with Soulbeasts that "collapse after his 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" over the course of a 2.5 second channel, then why isn't mantra mesmer an issue when it kills instantly from stealth, more frequently/consistently than Sic Em gimmick Soulbeasts can, without needing to burn all of it's cooldowns to achieve that level of damage?

soulbeast is more survivable, on top of other things like unblockablein a dueling you cant use teammates to your advantage, you dont see how long you have to stay on the node becouse clowns duel off points.fights always start with 100% cooldowns, dummies switch build to counter, something that doesnt happen during the match, and propably many many other things.

edit, I dont care all that much about soulbeast 1shoting, just dont whine that soulbeast doesnt have much damage and lie that maul hits for 3k lol

But I thought you said they "collapse after their 20k rapid fire doesn't kill someone" ...

So now they are survivable too?

stop pinging me with this nonsense shadowsomething

Then how about you stop claiming that survivable soulbeasts are oneshotting everyone?

"soulbeast is more survivable" learn to read and interpret whats written before you comment.

So do Sic Em Soulbeasts die easily or not?

If you double nothing, you get nothing. So if Mantra Mesmer is as squishy as you claim, and you're saying Sic Em Soulbeast is "more survivable" than Mantra Mes, that's not saying much, is it?

It would not be saying much if it was the ONLY thing I said, there are things that are better for soulbeast and things that are worst for soulbeast.off the top of my head.more evades/invulnerabilities -> bonusif you miss/hit gets dodged you dont get revealed -> bonus ( mesmer combo follows several hits and often you only land small part of it, end up getting revealed without burst being land )unblockable -> big bonus, expecially against mes scepter, warriors block or guards aegis.damage comes from 1 hit -> thief passive doesnt save it( BIG difference ), mes passive doesnt save it ( it doesnt save against mesmer most of the times but some small chance to live is better then none )This conversation is getting tiresome, if you wanna continue it ill replay tomorrow, had enough for today.

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Maybe people could stop arguing over semantics and word choice when they both really think the same thing but just keep slamming their head against a brick wall for...reasons.

Can we just acknowledge that soulbeast burns a ton of cooldowns to output beefy damage but suffers a pretty suitable amount of downtime and vulnerability for doing so, and has more modifiers scattered about so people see 'wtf there's no boons to justify this'? Yadda yadda could use some shaves, could use some changes to adjust the '1-shot' builds that aren't actually 1-shots but for the love of god don't nitpick.

TLDR the things ranger has to do to 'boom' people for 10k mauls is exploitable. Please go test for yourself how much it takes to reach a 10k maul. Really, I'm fine with the way maul is atm, mostly (why does it give attack of opportunity when it misses and out of combat?)

@shadowpass.4236 I think it was you who made that vid w/the Diviner soulbeast setup? Pretty fun - wish there was a condi amulet that has conc xD

Edit: I'm still trying to reproduce that maul.I'm barely reaching 14k with beast mastery, marksmanship, oppressive superiority from slb, a CC beforehand, fury, and attk of opportunity procced. Zerk amulet and scholar.

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@Curennos.9307 said:Maybe people could stop arguing over semantics and word choice when they both really think the same thing but just keep slamming their head against a brick wall for...reasons.

Can we just acknowledge that soulbeast burns a ton of cooldowns to output beefy damage but suffers a pretty suitable amount of downtime and vulnerability for doing so, and has more modifiers scattered about so people see 'kitten there's no boons to justify this'? Yadda yadda could use some shaves, could use some changes to adjust the '1-shot' builds that aren't actually 1-shots but for the love of god don't nitpick.

TLDR the things ranger has to do to 'boom' people for 10k mauls is exploitable. Please go test for yourself how much it takes to reach a 10k maul. Really, I'm fine with the way maul is atm, mostly (why does it give attack of opportunity when it misses and out of combat?)

@shadowpass.4236 I think it was you who made that vid w/the Diviner soulbeast setup? Pretty fun - wish there was a condi amulet that has conc xD

Edit: I'm still trying to reproduce that maul.I'm barely reaching 14k with beast mastery, marksmanship, oppressive superiority from slb, a CC beforehand, fury, and attk of opportunity procced. Zerk amulet and scholar.

why rangers players think that is ok to hit more than 5k with any skill?also 14k for a 4s cd skill is over the top

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@Curennos.9307 said:Maybe people could stop arguing over semantics and word choice when they both really think the same thing but just keep slamming their head against a brick wall for...reasons.

Can we just acknowledge that soulbeast burns a ton of cooldowns to output beefy damage but suffers a pretty suitable amount of downtime and vulnerability for doing so, and has more modifiers scattered about so people see 'kitten there's no boons to justify this'? Yadda yadda could use some shaves,
could use some changes to adjust the '1-shot' builds that aren't actually 1-shots but for the love of god don't nitpick.

TLDR the things ranger has to do to 'boom' people for 10k mauls is exploitable. Please go test for yourself how much it takes to reach a 10k maul. Really, I'm fine with the way maul is atm, mostly (why does it give attack of opportunity when it misses and out of combat?)

@shadowpass.4236 I think it was you who made that vid w/the Diviner soulbeast setup? Pretty fun - wish there was a condi amulet that has conc xD

Edit: I'm still trying to reproduce that maul.I'm barely reaching 14k with beast mastery, marksmanship, oppressive superiority from slb, a CC beforehand, fury, and attk of opportunity procced. Zerk amulet and scholar.

why rangers players think that is ok to hit more than 5k with any skill?also 14k for a 4s cd skill is over the top

why people think this is a ranger specific thing. Would you like a screenshot of the damage output from just auto attacking if I did this on a reaper? or literally any class with designated damage skills?

I've bolded the part of my post you seem to have missed.

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@SeikeNz.3526 said:

@Curennos.9307 said:Maybe people could stop arguing over semantics and word choice when they both really think the same thing but just keep slamming their head against a brick wall for...reasons.

Can we just acknowledge that soulbeast burns a ton of cooldowns to output beefy damage but suffers a pretty suitable amount of downtime and vulnerability for doing so, and has more modifiers scattered about so people see 'kitten there's no boons to justify this'? Yadda yadda could use some shaves, could use some changes to adjust the '1-shot' builds that aren't actually 1-shots but for the love of god don't nitpick.

TLDR the things ranger has to do to 'boom' people for 10k mauls is exploitable. Please go test for yourself how much it takes to reach a 10k maul. Really, I'm fine with the way maul is atm, mostly (why does it give attack of opportunity when it misses and out of combat?)

@shadowpass.4236 I think it was you who made that vid w/the Diviner soulbeast setup? Pretty fun - wish there was a condi amulet that has conc xD

Edit: I'm still trying to reproduce that maul.I'm barely reaching 14k with beast mastery, marksmanship, oppressive superiority from slb, a CC beforehand, fury, and attk of opportunity procced. Zerk amulet and scholar.

why rangers players think that is ok to hit more than 5k with any skill?also 14k for a 4s cd skill is over the top

Yes because rangers are the only class that can hit more than 5k. /s

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This went from a global balance topic to a ranger topic.

Let's face it boys, every build somehow competitive have something OP in them.Does it require nerf/change ? Well, if that promotes spammy gameplay (aka not needing to think about what your opponent is doing) to activate them, clearly.Can you differentiate when a good player from a bad one on how appropriate he uses a ranger GS#4, a revenant riposting shadows, a guard JI+agility sigil without LoS burst, a war damaging dodge roll, etc. ? Then it needs modifications.

Let skilled players farm less experienced players. If you cannot make the distinction between a decent and a bad player because how spamming a skill/trait/sigil is efficient regarding the situation, then it needs modifications/rework.

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@Arheundel.6451 said:

@"TheGreatEdgelord.7048" said:I can't really understand your point on "dodgerolling grants vigor" though. The 2 sources of vigor on the default Fire Weaver build comes from Elemental Contincengy (3s when struck while on water, 10s ICD); and Invigorating Strikes (3s when using a dual attack). Mantaining your supposed "big" vigor uptime would require a weaver to force itself on defensive stances, as the only 2 dual attacks that matter on sword weavers are Lava Skin and Pyro Vortex; and attuning to water for anything other than riptide - which is practically your healing skill - is usually bad. If somehow the vigor uptime on weavers is huge, just add an ICD for Invigorating Strikes on its vigor application (similar to Woven Stride). And for a light armor class, I really would prefer for it to rely on dodges for its defensive capabilities other than passive damage reductions/vitality or anything of that sort; as dodges requires you to have previous knowledge of your enemy's combos for its effective use.

Maybe the exhaustion effect could be applied as a (additional) way to halt the many on-demand evade frames a weaver has, but, imho, the main problem with Fire Weavers is its braindead damage application of simply proc Lava Skin, Primordial Stance and Glyph an stress your target with passive and huge amounts of burning. I'd be glad if this lazy design could be reworked into something more skill-based and less (if at all) passive.

Just give us an example of
skill based
dmg application of any class in GW2.....
, go on and give me an example of complex dmg rotation in gw2 that requires super-human cordination and concentration.

What will you pick ? : spin to win reaper ? ; spint -teleport guardian ? ; shiro teleport herald ? ; stealth burst clown fiesta? ; bull's rush CC lock? ; pewpew gazelle hero? mantra/symbol spam champion? 1-2-3-4-5 holo?

C'mon give me an example of skillful dmg application
which you obviously play

ha as cherry on the cake : You talk about light armor class lore as they should rely on dodges to survive but
you conveniently forget that light armor should also do 3x more dmg than the rest..hence the light armor
does any of that make sense to you?...if not I don't know why you have mentioned light armor or simply you never played another MMO before GW2

"Just give us an example of skill based dmg application of any class in GW2...I DARE YOU" . Oh...who knows? Maybe every one that doesn't rely entirely on a single utility skill that pulses damage for you in such a way that there's almost no way of doing significant damage without it? I don't really know from where you deduced that I consider any of these aforementioned builds as "complex dmg rotation in gw2 that requires super-human cordination and concentration". And in spite of the great majority of them having indeed more complex damage rotations than the Fire Weaver build (and sometimes a steeper learning curve) - and that comes from my own personal experience, I wouldn't refer to them as requiring "super-human cordination and concentration", because this aspect of GW2's PvP died entirely between HoT and 2016: to the point of teamfighting having almost no strategical value besides damage concentration/zerging. "skill-based" should be taken quite literally here, because a profession with more than 20 non-autoattack/non-elite skills shouldn't be viscerally dependant of a single ability for any form of damage application.

"you conveniently forget that light armor should also do 3x more dmg" - I'll remind you, because you seem to have forgotten, that GW2's playerbase was highly skeptical of a light armor profession ever going melee would be, anyhow, viable, when the Weaver speacialization was firstly announced. The subsequent PvP seasons after PoF proved them right: sword damage was pathetic, sustain was inferior to most builds, mobility was low. The 2 only possible ways of playing weaver on pvp would be either a fresh air glass cannon or a subpar bunker - the latter being namely this: [https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Cello_Sword] . The Riptide nerf on the Febuary 2018 patch started a funerary choir about the possiblity of a weaver build ever being viable within structured PvP, even thought sword skills were receiving constant buffs. Eventually, the Condi Weaver we know surfaced, but dependent on the Water traitline for cleansing and survivability: [https://metabattle.com/wiki/Build:Weaver_-_Sage%27s_Sword] .

The August 2018 Patch, which introduced Transmute abilities and Smoothering Auras, created survivability options within the Fire traitline; and gradually these "Sage Weavers" became Fire Weavers. The rework on the Elementalist's core specializations by the July 2019 Patch, which moved weapon skills CD reduction modifiers to minor traits, made all core traitlines a bit more offensive and versatile - even the Water traitline; greatly enhancing the offensive and sustaining capabilities of Elementalists in general. The subsequent nerf on Mirages' and Holosmiths' most popular metabuilds on the October 2019 patch made Fire Weavers the uncontested best sidenoder on GW2's PvP. Overall, the Weaver Specialization traitline didn't recieve many impactful changes on the last patches since PoF; and what allowed weavers to ascend to the metagame were, mainly, changes on the core specs other than an supposed inherent overpowerness of the Weaver specialization.

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@bravan.3876 said:

What? The unblockable part legitimately never matters, because it would be stupid to waste it on a blocking enemy (Which is the only time it ever matters).

Your sentence i read like: Unblockable never matters except when the target blocks, then it is the only time it matters... that sounds like pretty funny nonsense.

What? The unblockable part legitimately never matters, because it would be stupid to waste it on a blocking enemy (Which is the only time it ever matters).

Please what?

Whats so confusing about it? Your Swipe is a key interrupt cooldown. Especially in S/P builds where your interrupts are otherwise inefficient (headshot) or slow to use (Pistol Whip). You want to use it to stop their big hits, or healing skills, or whatever. You really dont want to waste it on a block, because they cant hit you back, and theyre just delaying you. Well, unless theyre already close to death, but at that point you might as well just wait a couple seconds.

Also ofc it is a big advantage that you can steal into blocks, do you have any clue how hard you can kitten up defensive rotations with it? Maybe we just play different (/s) but if i see someone block with me having Swipe not on cd its my most loved moment to use it (also what @mortrialus.3062 said) . In my view an instant range skill should never be unblockable. Just give it more range as compensation for removing the unblockable and the skill will be more balanced and less clunky in one step.

But seems like Anet is on the way to destroy each elite spec with this nonsense trade off kitten and make them unfun, clunky and killing gameplay flow without even adding any skill ceiling or floor during that (in case of Swipe even quite the opposite). Hopefully that is happening because of a planned xpac to sell the new not clunky, not unfun and then only playable elite specs and not just out of incompetence...

Blocking, as in active, channeled block. There is Aegis, which it would actually be great for. That is, if you didnt boonrip Aegis prior to applying the Daze anyway. But you do, so it isnt. And as for active channeled block, yeah its just a complete waste on it. Congratulations, you interrupted their block. Now they use their heal skill and youre looking dumb without your interrupting steal. Kind of awkward, isnt it?

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56:25 "so basically another issue here, just like lightning strike, is core necros have a instant cast fear!"

... kept watching and the only reason for nerf suggestion was just because it's instant? Then by that logic nerf thief steal to have a visual cast time rather than being instant lol.

The reaper build i use for 5v5s are very unfavorable for 1v1s and reaper is one of the easiest classes to 2v1 which is why it's generally bad to take 1v1s on reaper. It's ability to gank hard high risk high reward is part of it's identity as a team main damage role which takes part in stopping bunker metas from emerging. People generally don't cry for reaper nerfs because it is the class with the obvious weakness of no access to complete damage nullification other than their base 2 dodges hence making them being targets the more consistent to not lose value from.

The class balance suggestions from the video seems to be taken for more of a 1v1 type balance which the game isn't meant for. I couldn't find any explanations on how any of these suggestions would effect other classes as a whole. I think the concept of conquest, the impact to the meta, and the weakness of all classes should be considered and explained to make these suggestions a little more convincing. A true balance to 1v1 is literally making every class the same and I think people would rather have the classes all have their own identity.

The title should be Changes "i want" rather than putting "WE" because there was not any mention of anyone else's opinions on their classes and others.

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@"Cheeseball C.8395" said:56:25 "so basically another issue here, just like lightning strike, is core necros have a instant cast fear!"

... kept watching and the only reason for nerf suggestion was just because it's instant? Then by that logic nerf thief steal to have a visual cast time rather than being instant lol.

The reaper build i use for 5v5s are very unfavorable for 1v1s and reaper is one of the easiest classes to 2v1 which is why it's generally bad to take 1v1s on reaper. It's ability to gank hard high risk high reward is part of it's identity as a team main damage role which takes part in stopping bunker metas from emerging. People generally don't cry for reaper nerfs because it is the class with the obvious weakness of no access to complete damage nullification other than their base 2 dodges hence making them being targets the more consistent to not lose value from.

The class balance suggestions from the video seems to be taken for more of a 1v1 type balance which the game isn't meant for. I couldn't find any explanations on how any of these suggestions would effect other classes as a whole. I think the concept of conquest, the impact to the meta, and the weakness of all classes should be considered and explained to make these suggestions a little more convincing. A true balance to 1v1 is literally making every class the same and I think people would rather have the classes all have their own identity.

The title should be Changes "i want" rather than putting "WE" because there was not any mention of anyone else's opinions on their classes and others.

except the difference is that steal does nothing until 6 traits are devoted to it and it is the main class mechanic of thief, meanwhile necros have an instant cast 3 sec cc that ticks damage, thieves dont even take deadly arts anymore, thats how irrelevant steal is and it does no damage now and only a boon steal and 1 sec daze. Your arguments seem to be changes only you want to prevent because youre a biased necro main. Meanwhile I play your class better than you and still want my main to be nerfed more. Good attempt at a discussion, but just skipping to the necro part and assuming i dont nerf anything else (btw i nerf thief harder in my suggestions than i do necro since you didnt watch) isn't really proving much.

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