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Why are thief complaints way after the changes


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@Azure The Heartless.3261 said:

@Zexanima.7851 said:Can't we just agree that
every profession had some broken kitten that needs to be fixed instead of wagging our fingers at each other like "Nuh uh, my professions fine, yours is the broken one!"


Jokes aside: I'm totally fine with a nerf to the -stun- portion of the thief skill, just not the evade. But in this instance in particular, you're going to have to drag that evade away from my thief's cold dead fingers/claws/charr-grabbers.

Honestly the stun is the only thing I have a problem with. Being able to spam something that removes agency from the player just isn't fun.

Then we're on the same page. As I mentioned in the other thread, I use it defensively. The stun is just frosting.

I can get behind that. However, the stun is currently what lets the skill do any sort of damage - without it, people will literally walk towards you 100% of the time and you'll do AA levels of damage or worse. Infil strike is long enough to let you get through the cast without your target moving, but after that you'd never hit anyone without something to keep your target in place for at least a little while.

On that note, though, I wonder what classes suffer most from the stun - imo, it's mostly necros, who anet has neglected in so many ways. Most classes I fight either have enough stunbreaks or stability to force me to play around it. Necro is really the only one I can just sit there and go, "Eeeeeeh oka you, you there, you're not moving the next couple of seconds without using Wurm".

The issue in the first part of my post really becomes glaring when you bump into most kinds of rangers. Dolyak Stance and Str of the Pack pack on (heh) massive amounts of stab.

Currently, the skill is good. I think it's well balanced, but can def see changing it for agency purposes (and/or until necros get some love, because let's be honest, they probably never will). But how to do that without, well...breaking the skill?

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making shit up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the fuck did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make shit up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

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@Stand The Wall.6987 said:sindrener happened. where is that culprit?

anyway people want easy wins, especially with reward heavy online games. also mmorpg type games with metas that have fewer choices (when much more are possible) will always fail over time. if we compare gw1 with gw2 (brace yourself), the results are staggering. in competitive modes, gw1 had a meta build for every elementalist element, total of four. not even counting hybrid builds like e/mo and e/rt and possibly a few others. gw2 has one for ele. yes yes you can play staff, dagger, or scepter, but can you on the top level? no. that's the point so stop arguing, no one cares about your meme build. continuing on, this is because if the lack of each professions total weapon/ utility skill pool. naturally if there are fewer meta choices, there are more people playing each professions meta (assume 1 meta for each profession which is generally true unfortunately), so the more people are effected by strong builds in other professions. if there is a more diverse meta, many builds per profession, then the more counters there are and the less total people effected by op builds in other professions. all of this stems from conquest. the mode dictates the build. conquest imo is a total failure as soon as they took away team queue. right now you have a bunch of randoms competing for a single place on the ladder in a team orientated environment. its a cluster kitten. oh and the only way to communicate to each other is to type. in combat and need help? too bad!

I would say one of the reasons for that is GW1 was a team based game whereas gw2 is a single player game in a team. That's why in GW1 depending on the team you could use a good variety of (in your example) ele builds.

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@TorQ.7041 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

Only useful thing swipe has done as make thing like shield bash and rev blocks interuptable. Pretty sure anyone would trade unblock 600 range for the 1200 range back, that's the real nerf

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

Only useful thing swipe has done as make thing like shield bash and rev blocks interuptable. Pretty sure anyone would trade unblock 600 range for the 1200 range back, that's the real nerf

I dont care if swipe or steal is better, its meaningless towards the argument.P/W dd thief is better then it was before becouse swipe got buffed, stolen skills cant be interrupt removed anymore and other classes got nerfed.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

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Stolen abilities are irrelevant as most are out dated garbage exept for a few and stolen skills see no change from steal to swipe.What's relevant is that the unblockable was the trade for the range reduction of 1200 to 600 and I think the existence of bountiful theft decreases the unblockable value in swipe to the point that most thief players who run trickery see swipe as a nerf in most cases or scenarios then a buff.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Yes but the stowing/interrupting has nothing to do if you stole or swiped.

I assume you mean you can swipe more often

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@bluri.2653 said:

@Psycoprophet.8107 said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Yes but the stowing/interrupting has nothing to do if you stole or swiped.

I assume you mean you can swipe more often

just in general this build is stronger then it used to beand since you can swipe more often you get the stolen skills more often.and the unblockable daze on swipe is REALLY good against warrior/ranger/mesmer. I bet most people would prever steal but lower cd and unblockable plays big part in p/w build.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

Ok, have I missed something here? How does swipe differ from steal to make them "buffed" stolen skills? The cd is nice but that's it

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

Ok, have I missed something here? How does swipe differ from steal to make them "buffed" stolen skills? The cd is nice but that's it

If you have lower CD on swipe then on steal. IT means you can use it more often. IT means you get stolen skills more often. It means the buff is stronger for swipe then steal.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

Ok, have I missed something here? How does swipe differ from steal to make them "buffed" stolen skills? The cd is nice but that's it

If you have lower CD on swipe then on steal. IT means you can use it more often. IT means you get stolen skills more often. It means the buff is stronger for swipe then steal.

How you worded it, you was saying swipe gives a buff to stolen abilitys them selves

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@Fat Disgrace.4275 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

Ok, have I missed something here? How does swipe differ from steal to make them "buffed" stolen skills? The cd is nice but that's it

If you have lower CD on swipe then on steal. IT means you can use it more often. IT means you get stolen skills more often. It means the buff is stronger for swipe then steal.

How you worded it, you was saying swipe gives a buff to stolen abilitys them selves

can you quote the phrase that makes it sound so? cant really find it

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Technically I can see what Leo means as the steal skills themselves arnt buffed but he means access to them is as u can steal more often to acquire the skills which is a buff as far as aquiring them but not to them. With that said with the steal reduction from trickery and lead attacks already reducing steal CD is the lower cd of steal/access to stolen skills a buff or nerf to a slightly higher steal CD but u can steal and acquire those stolen skills at 1200 vs 600 putting u in range of a lot more potential pressure from opponent. That would be subjective I'd guess.

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@Leonidrex.5649 said:

@"Psycoprophet.8107" said:Um how do u repeatedly spam infiltrator arrow 5 times in a row? Lmao that's 30 ini of 12 base or 15 max, oh wait u gonna follow ur hyperbole nonsense by spouting theirs roll for ini etc as if thieves build to produce more available ini at all cost? Maybe throw in trickery trait for ini on weapon swap to cuz u kno most thieves roll that vs slight of hand. Even then I'd love to see even four infiltrator arrows spammed on a biuld not specifically built to do just that, dont even know of 5 is possible if fully built for.U guys gotta stop embarrassing ourselves constantly going on that thief has effectively infinite ini and evades to spam as it's getting old.And u are wrong about thieves skills buffed far more than others, look at head shot daze is 1/4 sec compared to the 3/4-1 sec + other classes have, yes cuz of ini resource. What's shield bash do dps and daze wise? Anyway their skills are far from buffed more than other classes.

entire InI design means that it doesnt matter how bad some of the skills are, they just dont get used then.build is weighted by the strongest ability.thats why PW is spammed, thats why flanking is spammed thats why vault is spammed thats why SB 5 is spammed.Thats why thief will always be kitten to balanced.In theory every single thief ability should be kitten, but they should cover specific cases, meaning you can exploit specific things out of enemies, but in reality there is nothing that can exploit evade/invuln spam so there are build that just spam 1 ability and call it a day.

As to why thief builds are used now more then before?Swipe buff.Stolen skills buff.Mesmer nerfs.Warrior nerf.Holo nerfs.Rev nerf.
  • thief depends on meta, since its the most mobile class of all.

Stop making kitten up. Swipe is not a buff it's a nerf. 1200 range is far more valuable than unblockanle because we already have boon removal for ageis. Steal was what made dp so good for backstab. That's why sindrender is now doing core dp because the tiny steal range makes it hard to backstab, amongst other dumb needs like blinding powder.

Stolen skills were not buffed. Where the kitten did you find that? Ecto was nerfed that was the only change to stolen skills.

No comment on other stuff. But your blind hate on thief really makes you make kitten up.

It's obvious you played zero thief the. Complain about it.

Swipe buff :October 01, 2019

Fixed a bug that could cause the shadowstep to fail in rare situations. Reduced recharge from 30 seconds to 25 seconds.

Stolen skills :No longer dissapear when you get interrupted -> 0 counterplay to plasma for example.

Now that this is out of the way im awaiting apology.

The stolen abilities has nothing to do with swipe

Landing swipe gives you stolen ability, I might not be the sharpest tool in the shed but I see correlation there.

Steal, steals the same as swipe, where is the buff?

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.even more so becouse swipe encourages close range playstyle

Ok, have I missed something here? How does swipe differ from steal to make them "buffed" stolen skills? The cd is nice but that's it

If you have lower CD on swipe then on steal. IT means you can use it more often. IT means you get stolen skills more often. It means the buff is stronger for swipe then steal.

How you worded it, you was saying swipe gives a buff to stolen abilitys them selves

can you quote the phrase that makes it sound so? cant really find it

lower cd = you steal more often = you have stolen skills more often = buffed stolen skills provide more benefit to swipe over steal.

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